Sur l' équation
de Boltzmann homogène et sa relation avec l'équation de
Landau-Fokker-Planck : influence des collisions rasantes ,
CRAS, 324, 265-270, 1997.
Existence of
solutions of transport equations with non linear boundary conditions ,
European J. Mech. B/Fluids, 16, 557-574, 1997.
invariant sets for the Boltzmann equation ,
Math. Mod. Meth.
Appl. Math., 7, 457-476, 1997.
Boltzmann equations and Fokker-Planck asymptotics : influence of grazing
collisions ,
J. Stat. Phys., 89, 151-176, 1997.
Maxwell boundary conditions for transport equations,
On a
Fokker-Planck equation arising in population dynamics
with M.
SAAD (MAB, Universite Bordeaux 1),
Revista Matematica Compl., 11, 2, 353-372, 1998.
Zero-electron-mass limits in hydrodynamic models for plasmas ,
with A. JUNGEL (TU Berlin)
and Y. J. PENG (Univ. Clermont-Ferrand), Applied Math. Letters, 12, 75-79,
pressure in gas dynamic equations ,
with S. JUNCA (Labo. Dieudonné et IUFM, Nice),
ZAMP, Vol. 51/1 143-148, 2000.
Approximation by
homogeneization and diffusion of kinetic equations ,
F. POUPAUD (Labo. Dieudonné, Nice), Comm. PDE., 26, 537-569, 2001.
equations: the model with encounters ,
with J.-F. COLLET
(Labo. Dieudonné, Nice), TTSP, 28, n. 6, 545-573, 1999.
equations involving 0th and 1st order terms with L1 data ,
M. SAAD (MAB, Université Bordeaux 1),
Revista Matematica Iberoamericana,
17, 433-470, 2001.
On solutions of the
Lifshitz-Slyozov model,
with J.F. COLLET (Labo. Dieudonné,
Nice), Nonlinearity, 13, 1239-1262, 2000.
Solutions d'équilibre
pour l'opérateur de Pauli,
CRAS, 330, 1035-1038,
Diffusion limit for non
homogeneous and non microreversible processes ,
with F. POUPAUD (Labo. Dieudonn é, Nice) and P. DEGOND (Toulouse),
Indiana Univ. Math. J., 49, 1175-1198, 2000.
Fourier-based metrics and
Berry-Esseen like inequalities ,
with G. TOSCANI (Univ. Pavia)
and S. JUNCA (Labo. Dieudonné, Nice),
Monatshefte f\"ur Mathematik, 135,
115-136 (2002).
Asymptotic problems
for a kinetic model of two-phase flow,,
Proc. Royal Soc. Edimburgh., 131, 1371-1384, 2001.
approximation in heterogeneous media,,
with A. MELLET
Asymptotic Analysis, 28, 331-358, 2001.
The Becker-Doring system and its Lifshitz-Slyozov limit,,
J.F. COLLET, F. POUPAUD and A. VASSEUR (Labo. J. A. Dieudonné,
SIAM J. Appl. Math., 62, 1488-1500, 2002.
Some mathematical results on the kinetic theory of phase transitions,
with J.F. COLLET, S. HARIZ, F. POUPAUD and A. VASSEUR (Labo. J. A.
Dieudonné, Nice),
Transport in Transition Regimes, IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications,
Edited by N. Ben Abdallah, A. Arnold, P. Degond,
I. Gamba, R. Glassey, D. Levermore, and C. Ringhofer,
pp. 103--120.
Some remarks on
large-time asymptotics of the Lifshitz-Slyozov equations,
with J.F. COLLET and A. VASSEUR (Labo. J. A. Dieudonné, Nice)
J. Stat. Phys., 108, 341-359, 2002.
investigation of the behaviour of solutions of the Lifshitz-Slyozov
, with J.A. CARRILLO (Univ.
Rapport de recherche INRIA, RR-4287, 2001;
J. Sci. Comp., 20, 1,69-113, 2004.
Discrete version of
the SHE asymptotics: multigroup neutron equations,
with A.
MELLET (Toulouse),
Rapport de recherche INRIA, RR-4302, 2001;
J. Math. Phys., 43, 6, 3232-3260, 2002.
Analysis of a
semi-discrete version of the Wigner equation,
SIAM J. Num. Anal., 40, 6, 2007-2025, 2002.
Equilibration rate for
the linear inhomogeneous relaxation-time Boltzmann equation for charged
Comm. PDE., 28, 969-989, 2003.
On fluid limit for the
semiconductors Boltzmann equation ,
with A. MELLET
J. Diff. Eq., 189, 17-45, 2003.
Homogenization and
diffusion asymptotics for the linear Boltzmann equation,
with A.
MELLET (Toulouse),
ESAIM-COCV, 9, 371-398, 2003.
Homogenization of
transport equations: weak mean field approximation,
with F.
SIAM J. on Mathematical Analysis, 36, 3, 856 - 881, 2004.
Low-field limit for a
nonlinear discrete drift-diffusion model arising in semiconductor
superlattices theory,
with L. BONILLA (Madrid), O. SANCHEZ, J. SOLER (Granada),
SIAM J. Appl. Math., 64, 1526 - 1549, 2004.
Hydrodynamic limits
for the Vlasov-Navier-Stokes equations. Part I: Light particles regime ,
Indiana University Math. J., 53, 1495--1516, 2004.
Hydrodynamic limits
for the Vlasov-Navier-Stokes equations. Part II: Fine particles regime
with P.-E. JABIN (ENS), A. VASSEUR (Nice),
Indiana University Math. J., 53, 1517-1536, 2004.
Multidimensional high field limit of the electrostatic
Vlasov-Poisson-Fokker-Planck system
with J. J. NIETO (Granada), F. POUPAUD (Nice), J. SOLER (Granada)
J. Differential Eq., 213, no. 2, 418--442, 2005.
On the modeling of the
transport of particles in turbulent flows
with F. POUPAUD (Nice),
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (M2AN), 38, 673--690, 2004.
Homogenization of transport equations: A simple PDE approach to the Kubo
with F. POUPAUD (Nice)
Bulletin Sci. Math., 131, 72--88, 2007.
Hydrodynamic Limit for the Vlasov-Poisson-Fokker-Planck System:
Analysis of
the Two-Dimensional Case
Math. Mod. Meth. Appl. Sci. (M3AS), 15, no. 5, 737--752, 2005.
The strong relaxation limit of the multidimensional
isothermal Euler equations,
with J.-F. COULOMBEL (Lille), Trans. AMS, 359, 637-648, 2007.
A coupled model for radiative transfer: Doppler effects, equilibrium and non
equilibrium diffusion asymptotics,
with P. LAFITTE (Lille), SIAM MMS, 4(4), 1245 - 1279, 2006.
And a link to further numerical simulations.
Diffusion approximation and entropy-based moment
closure for kinetic equations,
with J.-F. COULOMBEL (Lille) and F. GOLSE (Paris 7), Asymptotic Analysis 45 (1-2), 1-39, 2005.
Stability and Asymptotic Analysis of a Fluid-Particle
Interaction Model,
with J.-A. CARRILLO (Barcelona), Comm. PDE., 31, 1349--1379, 2006.
Diffusion dynamics of classical systems driven by an oscillatory force,
with F. CASTELLA (Rennes) and P. DEGOND (Toulouse), J. Stat. Phys., 124, 913--950, 2006.
High-electric-field limit for the Vlasov-Maxwell-Fokker-Planck system
with M. BOSTAN (Besancon), Ann. IHP, An. Non Lineaire, 25, 1221--1251, 2008.
Low field regime for the relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell-Fokker-Planck system; the one and one half dimensional case
with M. BOSTAN (Besancon), AIMS-- Kinetic and Related Models, 1 (1), 139--170, 2008.
Entropy-based moment closure for kinetic equations:
Riemann problem and invariant regions
with J.-F. COULOMBEL (Lille), J. Hyperbolic Diff. Eq., 3 (4), 649--672, 2006.
Shock Profiles for Non Equilibrium Radiating Gases
with J.-F. COULOMBEL, Ch. LIN (Lille), Physica D, 218, 83--94, 2006.
Asymptotic stability of shock profiles in radiative hydrodynamics,
with J.-F. COULOMBEL, Ch. LIN (Lille),
CRAS, 345(11), 625--628, 2007.
Asymptotic problems for wave-particle interactions;
quantum and classical models
with F. CASTELLA (Rennes), P. DEGOND (Toulouse), Nonlinearity 20, 1677--2720, 2007.
Large time dynamics of a classical system subject to a fast varying
with F. CASTELLA (Rennes), P. DEGOND (Toulouse),
Comm. Math. Phys., 276, 23--49, 2007.
Numerical schemes of diffusion asymptotics and moment closure for kinetic equations
with J. A. CARRILLO (ICREA, UABarcelona), P. LAFITTE (Lille), F. VECIL (UABarcelona),
in J. Sci. Comp. 35, 113--149, 2008.
On the Shockey-Read-Hall model: generation and recombination in semiconductors,
with V. MILJANOVIC, Ch. SCHMEISER (Univ. Wien),
SIAM J. Appl. Math., 67, 1183--1201, 2007.
Regularity analysis for systems of reaction-diffusion equations,
with A. VASSEUR (Austin),
Annales de l 'ENS, 43 (1), 117--141, 2010.
An Hybrid Finite Volume-Finite Element Method for Variable Density Incompressible Flows
with C. CALGARO (Lille) and E. CREUSE (Valenciennes), J. Comput. Phys., 227, 4671--4696, 2008.
Simulation of Fluid & Particles Flows:
Asymptotic Preserving Schemes for Bubbling and
Flowing Regimes
with J. A. CARRILLO (Barcelona) and P. LAFITTE (Lille), J. Comput. Phys., 227, 7929--7951, 2008.
A model describing the growth and the
size distribution of multiple metastatic
with A. DEVYS and P. LAFITTE (Lille), DCDS-B, 12, 4, 731--767, 2009.
Boundary value problems
for the linear Boltzmann equation involving a variable force field,
M. BOSTAN (Besancon), I. M. GAMBA and A. VASSEUR (Austin),
Indiana Univ. Math. J., 59(5), 1629--1660, 2010.
Stochastic acceleration in an inhomogenous time random force field,
with M. ROUSSET (Lille),
Applied Mathematics Research eXpress, 2009:1--46, 2009.
On hydrodynamic models for LEO
spacecraft charging,
with C. BESSE, S. BORGHOL, I. VIOLET (Lille)
and J.-P. DUDON (Thales),
in Some Problems on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations and Applications,
The French-Chinese Summer Institute on Applied Mathematics held at Fudan University,
Shanghai, September 1-21, 2008. Edited by Ta-Tsien Li, Yue-Jun Peng, Bopeng Rao.
Series in Contemporary Applied Mathematics, CAM15,
World Scientific, 2010
Modeling and simulation of fluid-particles
with P. LAFITTE, M. ROUSSET (Lille), in Some Problems on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations and Applications'
The French-Chinese Summer Institute on Applied Mathematics held at Fudan University,
Shanghai, September 1-21, 2008. Edited by Ta-Tsien Li, Yue-Jun Peng, Bopeng Rao.
Series in Contemporary Applied Mathematics, CAM15,
World Scientific, 2010
Comparison of Vlasov solvers for spacecraft charging simulation,
with C. BESSE, N. VAUCHELET (Lille)
J.-P. DUDON (ThalesAleniaSpace),
Math. Modelling and Numerical Analysis (M2AN), 44, 109--131, 2010.
The Navier-Stokes-Vlasov-Fokker-Planck system near equilibrium,
with A. MOUSSA (ENS Cachan), L. HE, P. ZHANG (Beijing),
SIAM J. Math. Anal., 42 (5) 2177--2202, 2010
L infinity stability of vertex-based MUSCL finite volume schemes
on unstructured grids;
simulation of
incompressible flows with high density ratios,
J. Comput. Phys., 229 (17), 6027--6046, 2010.
On a generalized Boltzmann equation for non-classical particle transport,
with M. FRANK (Kaiserslautern), AIMS--Kinetic and Related Models, 3(3), 395--408, 2010.
Scaling limit of a discrete prion dynamics model,
with M. DOUMIC, T. LEPOUTRE (INRIA Rocquencourt), Comm. Math. Sci. 7(4), 839--865, 2009.
The linear Boltzmann equation with space periodic electric field
with M. BOSTAN (Besancon), I. GAMBA (U. Texas Austin)
"Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
and Related Topics'', Dedicated to Nina N. Uraltseva, edited by A. Arkhipova and A. Nazarov, AMS Transl. Series 2, vol. 229, 51-66, 2010.
Fluid-particles flows: A thin spray model with energy
with L. BOUDIN (P6), B. BOUTIN (P6), B. FORNET (Onera), P. LAFITTE (Lille), F. LAGOUTIERE (P7), B. MERLET (P13)
ESAIM: Proc., 28, 195--210, 2009.
High field regimes and non standard shock relations in semiconductor superlattices
with J. J. NIETO, O. SANCHEZ and J. SOLER (Granada), to appear in SIAM J. Appl. Math.
Derivation of a non-local model for diffusion asymptotics;
Application to radiative transfer problems,
with C. BESSE (Lille), Comm. in Comput. Physics, 8, 1139--1182, 2010.
Signal propagation of the MAPK cascade in Xenopus oocytes : role of bistability and ultrasensitivity for a mixed problem,
with J.-F. BODART, R. BLOSSEY, A. DEVYS, P. LAFITTE (Lille), J. Math. Biol. (published on-line Feb. 2011).
On the Spitzer-Harm regime and non local approximations: modeling, analysis and numerical simulations,
with M. PARISOT (Lille), SIAM MMS, 9, 568--600, 2011.
Hydrodynamic regimes, Knudsen layer,
numerical schemes: Definition of boundary fluxes
J.-P. DUDON (Thales-Cannes) Adv. Appl. Math. Mech. (AAMM),
3(5), 519--561, 2011.
Global existence to the equilibrium diffusion model in
radiative hydrodynamics,
with C. LIN (Hohai Univ., Nanjing), Chinese Annals of Math. Series B, 32(4), 549--568, 2011.
The Lifschitz-Slyozov equation with space-diffusion of monomers,
with F. LAGOUTIERE (Paris-Sud) and L. M. TINE (Lille & St Louis Senegal),
AIMS--Kinetic and Related Models, 5(2), 325--355, 2012.
Numerical approximation of Knudsen layer for Euler-Poisson system,
with F. CHARLES, N, VAUCHELET (P6), C. BESSE, I. VIOLET (Lille), J.-P. DUDON (Thales) and L. NAVORET (Toulouse),
ESAIM: Proc. CEMRACS'10 research achievements: Numerical modeling of fusion, 32, 177--194, 2011.
Simulation of fluid--particles flows: heavy particles, flowing regime and asymptotic--preserving schemes,
with S. JIN and B. YAN (UW--Madison), Comm. Math. Sci., 10(1), 355--385, 2012.
Asymptotic-Preserving schemes for kinetic-fluid modeling of
disperse two-phase flows,
with S. JIN and B. YAN (UW--Madison) and J.-G. LIU (Duke), J. Comput. Phys. 246, 145-164, 2013
Asymptotic-Preserving schemes for kinetic-fluid modeling of disperse two-phase flows with variable fluid density,
with S. JIN and B. YAN (UW--Madison) and J.-G. LIU (Duke).
Simulations of the Lifshitz-Slyozov equations: the role of coagulation
terms in the asymptotic behavior,
with F. LAGOUTIERE (Paris-Sud) and L. M. TINE (Lille & St Louis S\'en\'egal)
M3AS, 23, 7, 1177-1215, 2013.
Non-local macroscopic models based on Gaussian closures for the Spitzer-Harm regime
with M. PARISOT (Lille),
AIMS--Kinetic and Related Models, 4(3), 735--766, 2011.
Finite Volume Schemes on Unstructured Grids for
Non-Local Models: Application to the Simulation of Heat
Transport in Plasmas
with M. PARISOT (Lille),
J. Comput. Phys. 231, 8188-8208, 2012.
Analysis of large amplitude shock profiles for non-equilibrium radiative hydrodynamics: formation of Zeldovich spikes
with J.-F. COULOMBEL (Nantes), P. LAFITTE (Paris), C. LIN (Hohai Univ., Nanjing),
Shock Waves, 22(3), 2012.
Positivity-preserving schemes for Euler equations:
sharp and practical CFL conditions
with C. CALGARO, E. CREUSE (Lille), Y. PENEL(P6), J. of Comput. Phys., 234, 417-438, 2013.
Numerical homogenization of nonlinearly coupled elliptic--parabolic system, reduced basis method, and application to nuclear waste storage
with A. GLORIA (Lille) and S. KRELL (Nice), M3AS, 2013.
A fluid-kinetic model for particulate flows with coagulation and breakup : stationary solutions, stability and hydrodynamic regimes,
with L. M. TINE (Paris 5 & St Louis, Senegal) and M. SY (St Louis, Senegal), SIAM. J. Appl. Math., 73 (1), 401-421, 2013.
Analysis of the M1 model : well-posedness and diffusion asymptotics,
with C. LIN (Hohai Univ., Nanjing & Shanghai Jiatong Univ.)
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 402 , no. 2, 579-593, 2013.
The lovebirds problem: why solve Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations matters in love affairs
with P. LAFITTE (Paris), Acta. Appl. Math.
Modeling and simulation of mixture flows: Application to powder--snow avalanches
with C. CALGARO and E. CREUSE (Lille), Computers and Fluids, 107, pp.100-122, 2015.
Kinetic schemes on staggered grids for barotropic Euler models : entropy- stability analysis,
with F. BERTHELIN and S. MINJEAUD (Nice) Math. of Comp., 84 (295), pp. 2221--2262, 2015.
A Semi-Lagrangian approach for dilute non-collisional fluid-particle flows,
Consistency analysis of a 1D Finite Volume scheme for
barotropic Euler models,
with F. BERTHELIN and S. MINJEAUD (Nice), Proc. FVCA 7, Berlin 2014.
Self-organized populations interacting under pursuit-evasion dynamics,
with B. NKONGA, M. RASCLE, M. RIBOT (Nice), Phys. D, 304--305, pp. 1--22, 2015.
Multifluid flows: a kinetic approach,
with F. BERTHELIN and S. MINJEAUD (Nice), J. Sci. Comput., 66(2) pp 792--824, 2016.
On a Model for Mixture Flows:
Derivation, Dissipation and Stability
with A. VASSEUR (Austin, USA), Archiv. Rat. Mech. Anal., 220(1), pp. 1--35, 2016.
Damping of particles interacting with a vibrating medium
with A. VAVASSEUR (Nice) and R. ALONSO (PUC, Rio), Ann. IHP Anal. Non Linéaire, 34 (7), pp. 1727-1758, 2017.
From Vlasov-Poisson and Vlasov-Poisson-Fokker-Planck Systems
to Incompressible Euler Equations: the case with finite charge
with J. BARRE, D. CHIRON (Nice) and N.MASMOUDI (CIMS, NYU), J. Ecole Polytechnique, 2, pp. 247-296, 2015.
Efficient numerical calculation of drift and diffusion
coecients in the diffusion approximation of kinetic
with V. BONNAILLIE-NOEL (ENS Paris) and J.A. CARRILLO, G. A. PAVLIOTIS (Imperial College at London), IMA J. Numerical Analysis, 2016.
Analysis of a chemotaxis system modeling ant
with P. AMORIM (U. Federal Rio) and R. ALONSO (PUC Rio), Math. Models Methods Appl. Sc., 26(9), pp. 1785--1824, 2016.
Analysis of kinetic and macroscopic models of pursuit–evasion dynamics,
with L. URRUTIA (Granada, Spain),
Comm. Math. Sci., 14 (8), pp. 2253--2286, 2016
Mean field limit for particles interacting with a vibrating
with A. Vavasseur (Nice),
Annali Univ. Ferrara, 62 (2) pp. 231-273, 2016
Simulations of non homogeneous viscous
flows with
incompressibility constraints,
C. Calgaro, E. Creuse (Lille) and S. Krell (Nice),
Math. and Computers in Simulation, 137, pp. 201--225, 2017.
Particles interacting with a vibrating medium: existence of solutions and convergence to the Vlasov--Poisson system,
with S. De Bievre (Lille) and A. Vavasseur (Nice),
SIAM J. Math. Anal., 48 (6), pp. 3984-4020, 2016.
A mixture model for the dynamic of the gut mucus layer,
with T. El Bouti (USVQ), S. Labarthe, B. Laroche (INRA Jouy-en-Josas),
B. Polizzi, M. Ribot (Nice), A. Rachah (Toulouse) and R. Tesson (Aix–Marseille), ESAIM-ProcS, 55, pp. 111–130, 2016.
Unsteady motion of a slightly rarefied gas caused by a plate oscillating in its normal direction,
with Aoki (Taipei, Taiwan), S. Kosuge, T. Fujiwara (Kyoto, Japan), Physical Review Fluids, 2, #013402, 2017.
A staggered scheme for the Euler equations,
with J. Llobell, S. Minjeaud (Nice),
in Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, VIII, C. Cancés and P. Omnes
Eds., Springer Proceedings in Math. & Statistics, volume 200, pp. 91-99, 2017.
Regularity of velocity averages for transport equations on random discrete velocity grids,
with N. Ayi (Nice),
Analysis & PDE, 10-5, pp. 1201-1225, 2017 (expose au Seminaire Laurent Schwartz par N. Ayi, 2017).
Asymptotic problems and numerical schemes for traffic flows with unilateral constraints describing the formation of jams,
with F. Berthelin, B. Polizzi, M. Ribot (Nice)
Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 12 (4), pp. 591-617, 2017.
Numerical analysis of the DDFV method for the Stokes problem with mixed Neumann/Dirichlet boundary conditions,
with G. Lissoni, S. Krell (Nice),
in Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, VIII, C. Cancés and P. Omnes Eds., Springer Proceedings in Math. & Statistics, volume 199, pp 361-369, 2017.
Two-dimensional pseudo-gravity model,
with J. Barrée (Orleans) and D. Crisan (Imperial College London),
Trans. AMS, 371(4) 2923-2962, 2019.
Stability analysis of a Vlasov-Wave system describing particles interacting with their environment,
with S. De Bievre (Lille) and A. Vavasseur (Nice), J. Diff. Eq., 264 (12), 7069–7093, 2018.
Solutions of the 4-species quadratic reaction-diffusion system are bounded and C infinity-smooth, in any space dimension,
with A. Vasseur (UT Austin),
Anal. & PDE., 12(7), 1773-1804, 2019.
An ant navigation model based on Weber’s law,
with F. Peruani (Nice) and P. Amorim (Rio),
J. Math. Biol., 78(4), 943-984, 2019.
Statistical stability for transport in random media,
with A. Vasseur (Austin, Texas),
SIAM MMS, 17(1), 507-530, 2019.
DDFV method for Navier-Stokes problem with outflow boundary conditions,
with S. Krell, G. Lissoni (Nice),
Numerische Math., 142(1), 55-102, 2019..
Biogeography of the gut microbiota : investigating key drivers through a mathematical model,
with S. Labarthe, B. Laroche (Inra Paris), B. Polizzi (IMF-Toulouse), T. Phan, M. Ribot (Orléans),
J. Theor. Biol., 462, 552-581, 2019.
Fokker-Planck approach of Ostwald ripening : simulation of a modified Lifschitz-Slyozov-Wagner
system with a diffusive correction,
with L. Monasse (Nice),
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 42, 1, B157-B184, 2020.
An explicit MUSCL scheme on staggered grids with kinetic–like
fluxes for the barotropic and full Euler system,
with, J. Llobell, S. Minjeaud (Nice),
Comm. in Comput. Phys., 27, 672-724, 2020.
An asymptotic preserving scheme on staggered grids for the
barotropic Euler system in low Mach regimes,
with, J. Llobell, S. Minjeaud (Nice),
Num. Methods PDEs, 36 (5) 1098-1128, 2020.
Landau damping in dynamical Lorentz gases,
with L. Vivion (Nice),
Bull. SMF, 149(2), 237-307, 2021.
Numerical investigation of Landau damping in dynamical Lorentz gases,
with L. Vivion (Nice), Phys. D., 403, 132310, 2020.
Modeling and analysis of adipocytes dynamic with a differentiation process,
with J. Gilleron, B. Mauroy (Nice), F. Lagoutiere (Lyon), H. Martin, P. Millet
(Paris), M. Ribot (Orleans), C. Vaghi (Bordeaux),
ESAIM: ProcS, 67, 210--241, 2020.
Diffusion regime with a high and oscillating field,,
Tunisian J. Math., 3-2, 395--445, 2021.
A size and space structured model describing interactions of tumor
cells with immune cells reveals cancer persistent equilibrium states in
with K. Atsou, F. Anjuere, V. Braud (Nice),
J. Theor. Biol., 490, 110163, 2020.
Convergence study of a DDFV scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations arising in the domain decomposition setting,
with S. Krell, G. Lissoni (Nice),
Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, IX, Bergen, 2020,
Kl\"ofkorn, R., Keilegavlen, E., Radu, A.F., Fuhrmann, J. Eds., pp. 335-343.
A non-local scalar conservation law describing
navigation processes,,
P. Amorim (Rio) and F. Berthelin (Nice)
J. Hyperb. Diff. Eq., 17(4), pp. 809-841, 2021.
Kinetic and macroscopic models for active particles exploring complex environments with an internal navigation control system,,
with L. Gomez-Nava (Berlin) and F. Peruani (Cergy)
Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 31(8) 1691-1717, 2021.
Transfer of conservative discrete differential operators between staggered grids: construction and duality relations,
with S. Krell, J. Llobell, S. Minjeaud (Nice), IMA J. Numer. Anal., 42 (3), 24592504, 2022.
Non-overlapping Schwarz algorithms for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
with DDFV discretizations,
with S. Krell, G. Lissoni (Nice),
Math. Modelling and Numerical Analysis (M2AN)55(4), pp. 1271–1321, 2021.
On quantum dissipative systems: ground states and orbital stability,
with L. Vivion (Nice), J. Ecole Polytechnique, 10, 447-511, 2023.
A finite volume scheme on staggered grids for the Euler equations: unstructured meshes, stability analysis and energy conservation,
with J. Llobell and S. Minjeaud (Nice), Int. J. Numer. Methods in Fluids, 94, 1, 76-119, 2022.
Numerical investigations of the compressible Navier-Stokes system,
with B. Al-Taki (Peking Univ.), J.-J. Casanova (Pais Dauphine),
F. Lagouti\`ere (Lyon),
P. Lafitte (Centrale Paris), S. Minjeaud and K. Atsou (Nice), ESAIM-ProcS, 70, pp. 1-13, 2021.
Analysis of a model of self-propelled agents interacting through pheromone,
with P. Amorim (Rio), Nonlinearity, 34, 9, 6301-6330, 2021.
Numerical investigation of solitary waves stability for quantum dissipative systems,
with Leo Vivion (Nice), J. Math. Phys., 62, 011509, 2021.
A size and space structured model of tumor growth
describes a key role for protumor immune cells in
breaking equilibrium states in tumorigenesis,
with K. Atsou, F. Anju\`ere, V. Braud (Nice),
PlosOne, 0259291, 2021.
Analysis of the equilibrium phase in immune-controlled tumors
predicts best strategies for cancer treatment,
with K. Atsou, F. Anju\`ere, V. Braud (Nice),
Frontiers in Oncology, Advances in Math. and Comput. Oncology, 12:878827, 2022.
A model of particles interacting with thermal traps,
J. Stat. Phys., 90, #40, 2023.
A MUSCL-Scheme on Staggered Grids for the Euler Equations on Unstructured Meshes},
with C. Ghosn and S. Minjeaud (Nice),
Finite Volumes for Complex Applications X, Vol.~2, Hyperbolic and Related Problems, Strasbourg, 2023,
E. Franck, J. Fuhrmann, V. Michel-Dansac, L. Navoret eds.,
Springer Proc. math. & Stat., pp. 141--149.
Shock profiles for fluid-particles flows,
with P. Lafitte (CentraleSupelec), C. Mascia (Roma),
International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems (HYP22), Malaga, 2022.
Plane wave stability analysis of Hartree and quantum dissipative systems,
with S. Rota Nodari (Nice), to appear in Nonlinearity.
Shock profiles for hydrodynamic models for fluid-particles flows in the flowing regime,
with P. Lafitte (Paris) and C. Mascia (Roma).
An explicit well-balanced scheme on staggered grids for Euler equations,
with S. Minjeaud (Nice).
Numerical schemes for mixture theory models with filling constraint: application to biofilm ecosystems,
with O. Bernard (Sophia), M. Bestard (Strasbourg),
L. Meyer (Orl\'eans), S. Minjeaud (Nice), F. Noisette (Bordeaux) and
B. Polizzi (Besancon).
A mixture-like model for tumor-immune system interactions,
C. Tayou Fotso, S. Girel, F. Anju\`ere, V. M. Braud (Nice)
F. Hubert (Marseille)