Publications of Xavier Pennec
Nicolas Guigui,
Nina Miolane,
and Xavier Pennec.
Introduction to Riemannian Geometry and Geometric Statistics: from basic theory to implementation with Geomstats,
volume 16 of Foundations and Trends® in Machine Learning.
Know Publishers,
February 2023.
Keyword(s): Riemannian Geometry,
Geometric Statistics,
Python Library.
Xavier Pennec,
Stephan Sommer,
and Tom Fletcher.
Riemannian Geometric Statistics in Medical Image Analysis.
Academic Press,
Dajiang Zhu,
Jingwen Yan,
Heng Huang,
Li Shen,
Paul M. Thompson,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Xavier Pennec,
Sarang Joshi,
Mads Nielsen,
Tom Fletcher,
Stanley Durrleman,
and Stefan Sommer.
Multimodal Brain Image Analysis and Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy,
volume 11846 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
October 2019.
Keyword(s): Approximation methods,
Artificial intelligence,
Biomedical imaging,
Statistical models,
Principal component analysis,
Neural networks,
Machine learning,
Imaging genetics,
Image segmentation,
Image registration,
Image reconstruction,
Image processing,
Image fusion,
Statistics of surfaces,
Computational anatomy.
Math in the Black Forest: Workshop on New Directions in Shape Analysis,
November 2018.
Published by the authors.
Note: 27 pages, 4 figures.
Jorge M. Cardoso,
Tal Arbel,
Enzo Ferrante,
Xavier Pennec,
Dalca Adrian V.,
Sarah Parisot,
Sarang Joshi,
Nematollah K. Batmanghelich,
Aristeidis Sotiras,
Mads Nielsen,
Mert Sabuncu,
Fletcher Tom,
Li Shen,
Stanley Durrleman,
and Stefan Sommer.
Graphs in Biomedical Image Analysis, Computational Anatomy and Imaging Genetics,
volume 10551 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
September 2017.
Keyword(s): Data mining,
Face recognition,
Feature selection,
Image analysis,
Image processing,
Image reconstruction,
Learning systems,
Medical images,
Medical imaging,
Neural networks,
Pattern recognition,
Signal processing,
Computer vision,
Cluster analysis,
Clustering algorithms,
Artificial intelligence,
Bayesian networks,
Stanley Durrleman,
Thomas P. Fletcher,
Guido Gerig,
Marc Niethammer,
and Xavier Pennec, editors.
Spatio-temporal Image Analysis for Longitudinal and Time-Series Image Data,
volume 8682 of Lecture notes in computer science,
Cambridge, United States,
January 2015.
Springer International Publishing.
Thomas P.,
and Stefan, editors.
Proceedings of the fifth international workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy (MFCA 2015),
Munich, Germany,
August 2015.
Xavier Pennec,
Sarang Joshi,
Mads Nielsen,
Thomas P. Fletcher,
Stanley Durrleman,
and Stefan Sommer.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy - Geometrical and Statistical Methods for Biological Shape Variability Modeling (MFCA 2013), Nagoya, Japan.
August 2013.
Xavier Pennec,
Sarang Joshi,
and Mads Nielsen, editors.
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy - Geometrical and Statistical Methods for Modelling Biological Shape Variability,
Toronto, Canada,
September 2011.
Xavier Pennec and Sarang Joshi, editors.
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy - Geometrical and Statistical Methods for Modelling Biological Shape Variability,
New York, USA,
September 2008.
Xavier Pennec and Sarang Joshi, editors.
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy - Geometrical and Statistical Methods for Modelling Biological Shape Variability,
Copenhagen, Denmark,
October 2006.
Xavier Pennec.
Statistical Computing on Manifolds for Computational Anatomy.
Habilitation à diriger des recherches,
Université Nice Sophia-Antipolis,
December 2006.
Keyword(s): Tensors,
Riemannian geometry,
Xavier Pennec.
L'incertitude dans les problèmes de reconnaissance et de recalage -- Applications en imagerie médicale et biologie moléculaire.
Thèse de sciences (PhD thesis),
Ecole Polytechnique,
Palaiseau (France),
December 1996.
Keyword(s): registration,
Riemannian geometry,
medical images,
protein structure.
Articles in journal, book chapters |
Olivier Bisson and Xavier Pennec.
Differential of the Stretch Tensor for Any Dimension with Applications to Quotient Geodesics.
Comptes Rendus. Mathématique,
November 2024.
Keyword(s): Polar Decomposition,
Stretch Tensor,
Quotient Geodesics.
Anna Calissano,
Théodore Papadopoulo,
Xavier Pennec,
and Samuel Deslauriers-Gauthier.
Graph Alignment Exploiting the Spatial Organization Improves the Similarity of Brain Networks.
Human Brain Mapping,
January 2024.
Philipp Harms,
Peter W. Michor,
Xavier Pennec,
and Stefan Sommer.
Geometry of Sample Spaces.
Differential Geometry and its Applications,
October 2023.
Note: 29 pages, 1 figure.
Yann Thanwerdas and Xavier Pennec.
Bures-Wasserstein minimizing geodesics between covariance matrices of different ranks.
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications,
September 2023.
Keyword(s): Covariance matrices,
PSD matrices,
Orbit space,
Injection domain,
Yann Thanwerdas and Xavier Pennec.
O(n)-invariant Riemannian metrics on SPD matrices.
Linear Algebra and its Applications,
March 2023.
Keyword(s): 53B20,
Symmetric Positive Definite matrices,
Riemannian geometry,
Invariance under orthogonal transformations,
Families of metrics,
Log-Euclidean metric,
Affine-invariant metric,
Bures-Wasserstein metric,
Kernel metrics.
Nicolas Guigui and Xavier Pennec.
Numerical Accuracy of Ladder Schemes for Parallel Transport on Manifolds.
Foundations of Computational Mathematics,
June 2022.
Yann Thanwerdas and Xavier Pennec.
The geometry of mixed-Euclidean metrics on symmetric positive definite matrices.
Differential Geometry and its Applications,
April 2022.
Keyword(s): Symmetric Positive Definite matrices,
Riemannian geometry,
information geometry,
families of metrics,
kernel metrics,
Yann Thanwerdas and Xavier Pennec.
Theoretically and computationally convenient geometries on full-rank correlation matrices.
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications,
December 2022.
Keyword(s): SPD matrices,
Correlation matrices,
Lie group,
Lie group actions,
Quotient-affine metric,
Lie-Cholesky metrics,
Poly-hyperbolic-Cholesky metrics,
Euclidean-Cholesky metrics,
Log-Euclidean-Cholesky metrics.
Nicolas Guigui and Xavier Pennec.
Parallel transport, a central tool in geometric statistics for computational anatomy: Application to cardiac motion modeling.
In Frank Nielsen,
Arni S.R. Srinivasa Rao,
and C.R. Rao, editors, Geometry and Statistics,
volume 46 of Handbook of Statistics,
pages 285-326.
May 2022.
Keyword(s): Parallel transport,
longitudinal studies,
mean trajectory,
cardiac motion analysis,
Schild's ladder,
pole ladder,
Riemannian manifolds.
Shuman Jia,
Hubert Nivet,
Josquin Harrison,
Xavier Pennec,
Claudia Camaioni,
Pierre Jaïs,
Hubert Cochet,
and Maxime Sermesant.
Left atrial shape is independent predictor of arrhythmia recurrence after catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation: A shape statistics study.
Heart Rhythm O2,
December 2021.
Keyword(s): Atrial fibrillation,
Catheter ablation,
Left atrial shape,
Statistical shape modeling.
Talia M Nir,
Jean-Paul Fouche,
Jintanat Ananworanich,
Beau M Ances,
Jasmina Boban,
Bruce J Brew,
Joga R Chaganti,
Linda Chang,
Christopher R K Ching,
Lucette A Cysique,
Thomas Ernst,
Joshua Faskowitz,
Vikash Gupta,
Jaroslaw Harezlak,
Jodi M Heaps-Woodruff,
Charles H Hinkin,
Jacqueline Hoare,
John A Joska,
Kalpana J Kallianpur,
Taylor Kuhn,
Hei y Lam,
Meng Law,
Christine Lebrun-Frénay,
Andrew J Levine,
Lydiane Mondot,
Beau K Nakamoto,
Bradford A Navia,
Xavier Pennec,
Eric C Porges,
Lauren E Salminen,
Cecilia M Shikuma,
Wesley Surento,
April D Thames,
Victor Valcour,
Matteo Vassallo,
Adam J Woods,
Paul M Thompson,
Ronald A Cohen,
Robert Paul,
Dan J Stein,
and Neda Jahanshad.
Association of Immunosuppression and Viral Load With Subcortical Brain Volume in an International Sample of People Living With HIV.
JAMA Network Open,
January 2021.
Xavier Pennec.
Statistical analysis of organs' shapes and deformations: the Riemannian and the affine settings in computational anatomy.
In Jean-François Uhl,
Joaquim Jorge,
Daniel Simoes Lopes,
and Pedro F Campos, editors, Digital Anatomy - Applications of Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality,
Human--Computer Interaction Series.
Springer Nature,
May 2021.
Nina Miolane,
Nicolas Guigui,
Alice Le Brigant,
Johan Mathe,
Benjamin Hou,
Yann Thanwerdas,
Stefan Heyder,
Olivier Peltre,
Niklas Koep,
Hadi Zaatiti,
Hatem Hajri,
Yann Cabanes,
Thomas Gerald,
Paul Chauchat,
Christian Shewmake,
Daniel Brooks,
Bernhard Kainz,
Claire Donnat,
Susan Holmes,
and Xavier Pennec.
Geomstats: A Python Package for Riemannian Geometry in Machine Learning.
Journal of Machine Learning Research,
December 2020.
Keyword(s): differential geometry,
Riemannian geometry,
machine learning,
Raphaël Sivera,
Nicolas Capet,
Valeria Manera,
Roxane Fabre,
Marco Lorenzi,
Hervé Delingette,
Xavier Pennec,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Philippe Robert.
Voxel-based assessments of treatment effects on longitudinal brain changes in the Multidomain Alzheimer Preventive Trial cohort.
Neurobiology of Aging,
October 2020.
Keyword(s): Multidomain intervention,
Clinical trial,
Subjective memory complaint,
Deformation-based morphometry.
Nina Miolane,
Loïc Devilliers,
and Xavier Pennec.
Bias on estimation in quotient space and correction methods: Applications to statistics on organ shapes.
In Riemannian Geometric Statistics in Medical Image Analysis,
number Chap. 9,
pages 343-376.
Xavier Pennec.
Advances in Geometric Statistics for Manifold Dimension Reduction.
In Handbook of Variational Methods for Nonlinear Geometric Data,
pages 339-359.
Springer International Publishing,
April 2020.
Xavier Pennec.
Manifold-valued image processing with SPD matrices.
In Riemannian Geometric Statistics in Medical Image Analysis,
number Chap. 3,
pages 75-134.
Xavier Pennec and Marco Lorenzi.
Beyond Riemannian geometry: The affine connection setting for transformation groups.
In Riemannian Geometric Statistics in Medical Image Analysis,
number Chap. 5,
pages 169-229.
Stefan Sommer,
Tom Fletcher,
and Xavier Pennec.
Introduction to differential and Riemannian geometry.
In Riemannian Geometric Statistics in Medical Image Analysis,
number Chap. 1,
pages 3-37.
Roch Molléro,
Xavier Pennec,
Hervé Delingette,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Maxime Sermesant.
Population-based priors in cardiac model personalisation for consistent parameter estimation in heterogeneous databases.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering,
February 2019.
Keyword(s): Cardiac Electromechanical Modeling,
Parameter Estimation,
Personalised modeling,
Parameter Selection.
Raphaël Sivera,
Hervé Delingette,
Marco Lorenzi,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
A model of brain morphological changes related to aging and Alzheimer's disease from cross-sectional assessments.
September 2019.
Keyword(s): Imaging biomarkers,
Spatio-temporal model,
Brain morphology,
Alzheimer's disease.
Olivier Bernard,
Alain Lalande,
Clement Zotti,
Frederic Cervenansky,
Xin Yang,
Pheng-Ann Heng,
Irem Cetin,
Karim Lekadir,
Oscar Camara,
Miguel Angel Gonzalez Ballester,
Gerard Sanroma,
Sandy Napel,
Steffen Petersen,
Georgios Tziritas,
Elias Grinias,
Mahendra Khened,
Varghese Alex Kollerathu,
Ganapathy Krishnamurthi,
Marc-Michel Rohé,
Xavier Pennec,
Maxime Sermesant,
Fabian Isensee,
Paul Jager,
Klaus H Maier-Hein,
Peter M. Full,
Ivo Wolf,
Sandy Engelhardt,
Chrisitan Baumgartner,
Lisa Koch,
Jelmer Wolterink,
Ivana Isgum,
Yeonggul Jang,
Yoonmi Hong,
Jay Patravali,
Shubham Jain,
Olivier Humbert,
and Pierre-Marc Jodoin.
Deep Learning Techniques for Automatic MRI Cardiac Multi-structures Segmentation and Diagnosis: Is the Problem Solved?.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
May 2018.
Keyword(s): MRI,
Lleft and right ventricles,
Cardiac segmentation and diagnosis,
Deep learning.
Kristin Mcleod,
Kristin Tondel,
Lilian Calvet,
M Sermesant,
and Xavier Pennec.
Cardiac Motion Evolution Model for Analysis of Functional Changes Using Tensor Decomposition and Cross-Sectional Data.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,
65(12):2769 - 2780,
December 2018.
Keyword(s): tensor decomposition,
evolution modelling,
Cardiac motion tracking,
non-rigid image registration,
spatio-temporal alignment,
N-way PLS,
population statistics,
Tetralogy of Fallot.
Nina Miolane,
Susan Holmes,
and Xavier Pennec.
Topologically constrained template estimation via Morse-Smale complexes controls its statistical consistency.
SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry,
Xavier Pennec.
Barycentric Subspace Analysis on Manifolds.
Annals of Statistics,
July 2018.
Keyword(s): Manifold,
Flag of subspaces,
Frechet mean,
Pricipal Component Analysis.
Marc-Michel Rohé,
Maxime Sermesant,
and Xavier Pennec.
Low-Dimensional Representation of Cardiac Motion Using Barycentric Subspaces: a New Group-Wise Paradigm for Estimation, Analysis, and Reconstruction.
Medical Image Analysis,
April 2018.
Keyword(s): Cardiac motion,
Low-dimensional analysis,
Image synthesis.
Avan A Suinesiaputra,
Pierre A Ablin,
Xènia A Albà,
Martino Alessandrini,
Jack A Allen,
Wenjia Bai,
Serkan Cimen,
Peter Claes,
Brett R Cowan,
Jan d'Hooge,
Nicolas Duchateau,
Jan Ehrhardt,
Alejandro F. Frangi,
Ali A Gooya,
Vicente Grau,
Karim Lekadir,
Allen A Lu,
Anirban A Mukhopadhyay,
Ilkay Oksuz,
Nripesh Parajuli,
Xavier Pennec,
Marco Pereañez,
Catarina Pinto,
Paolo Piras,
Marc-Michel Rohé,
Daniel R Rueckert,
Dennis Säring,
Maxime Sermesant,
Kaleem Siddiqi,
Mahdi Tabassian,
Luciano Teresi,
Sotirios A Tsaftaris,
Matthias Wilms,
Alistair A Young,
Xingyu Zhang,
and Pau Medrano-Gracia.
Statistical shape modeling of the left ventricle: myocardial infarct classification challenge.
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,
March 2018.
Keyword(s): statistical shape analysis,
myocardial infarct,
Cardiac modeling.
Jan L. Bruse,
Elena Cervi,
Kristin Mcleod,
Giovanni Biglino,
Maxime Sermesant,
Xavier Pennec,
Andrew Taylor,
Silvia Schievano,
and Tain-Yen Hsia.
Looks Do Matter! Aortic Arch Shape After Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Palliation Correlates With Cavopulmonary Outcomes.
Annals of Thoracic Surgery,
103(2):645 - 654,
February 2017.
Jan L. Bruse,
Abbas Khushnood,
Kristin Mcleod,
Giovanni Biglino,
Maxime Sermesant,
Xavier Pennec,
Andrew M. Taylor,
Tain-Yen Hsia,
and Silvia Schievano.
How successful is successful? Aortic arch shape after successful aortic coarctation repair correlates with left ventricular function.
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery,
153(2):418 - 427,
February 2017.
Jan L. Bruse,
Maria A. Zuluaga,
Abbas Khushnood,
Kristin Mcleod,
Hopewell N. Ntsinjana,
Tain-Yen Hsia,
Maxime Sermesant,
Xavier Pennec,
Andrew M. Taylor,
and Silvia Schievano.
Detecting clinically meaningful shape clusters in medical image data: metrics analysis for hierarchical clustering applied to healthy and pathological aortic arches.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,
pp 1 - 13,
February 2017.
Loïc Devilliers,
Stéphanie Allassonnière,
Alain Trouvé,
and Xavier Pennec.
Inconsistency of template estimation by minimizing of the variance/pre-variance in the quotient space.
19(6):article 288,
June 2017.
Keyword(s): quotient space,
Fréchet mean,
Hilbert space,
deformable model,
template estimation,
Loïc Devilliers,
Stéphanie Allassonnière,
Alain Trouvé,
and Xavier Pennec.
Template estimation in computational anatomy: Fréchet means in top and quotient spaces are not consistent.
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences,
August 2017.
Keyword(s): Fréchet mean,
Hilbert space,
quotient space,
empirical Fréchet mean,
group action,
consistency bias.
Bishesh Khanal,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Xavier Pennec.
Simulating Longitudinal Brain MRIs with known Volume Changes and Realistic Variations in Image Intensity.
Frontiers in Neuroscience,
11(Article 132):18,
February 2017.
Keyword(s): simulated database,
biomechanical simulation,
biophysical modelling,
synthetic images,
Nina Miolane,
Susan Holmes,
and Xavier Pennec.
Template Shape Estimation: Correcting an Asymptotic Bias.
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences,
10(2):808 - 844,
Keyword(s): geometry,
quotient space,
Roch Molléro,
Xavier Pennec,
Hervé Delingette,
Alan Garny,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Maxime Sermesant.
Multifidelity-CMA: a multifidelity approach for efficient personalisation of 3D cardiac electromechanical models.
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology,
pp 1-16,
September 2017.
Keyword(s): Finite Element Mechanical modeling,
Parameter Estimation,
Reduced Model,
Cardiac Electromechanical Modeling,
Multi-fidelity Modeling.
Naiara Rodriguez-Florez,
Jan L. Bruse,
Alessandro Borghi,
Herman Vercruysse,
Juling Ong,
Greg James,
Xavier Pennec,
David J. Dunaway,
Owase Jeelani,
and Silvia Schievano.
Statistical shape modelling to aid surgical planning: associations between surgical parameters and head shapes following spring-assisted cranioplasty.
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery,
pp 1-11,
May 2017.
Jan L. Bruse,
Kristin Mcleod,
Giovanni Biglino,
Hopewell N. Ntsinjana,
Claudio Capelli,
Tain-Yen Hsia,
Maxime Sermesant,
Xavier Pennec,
Andrew M. Taylor,
and Silvia Schievano.
A statistical shape modelling framework to extract 3D shape biomarkers from medical imaging data: assessing arch morphology of repaired coarctation of the aorta.
BMC Medical Imaging,
May 2016.
Jan Bruse,
Hopewell Ntsinjana,
Claudio Capelli,
Giovanni Biglino,
Kristin Mcleod,
Maxime Sermesant,
Xavier Pennec,
Tain-Yen Hsia,
Silvia Schievano,
and Andrew Taylor.
CMR-based 3D statistical shape modelling reveals left ventricular morphological differences between healthy controls and arterial switch operation survivors.
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance,
December 2016.
Mehdi Hadj-Hamou,
Marco Lorenzi,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Xavier Pennec.
Longitudinal Analysis of Image Time Series with Diffeomorphic Deformations: A Computational Framework Based on Stationary Velocity Fields.
Frontiers in Neuroscience,
June 2016.
Keyword(s): non-linear registration,
deformation-based morphometry,
longitudinal study,
diffeomorphism parametrized by stationary velocity fields,
statistical analysis,
reproducible research.
Bishesh Khanal,
Marco Lorenzi,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Xavier Pennec.
A biophysical model of brain deformation to simulate and analyze longitudinal MRIs of patients with Alzheimer's disease.
July 2016.
Keyword(s): longitudinal modeling,
simulation of atrophy,
longitudinal MRIs simulation,
biophysical model,
Alzheimer's disease.
David M. Cash,
Chris Frost,
Leonardo O. Iheme,
Devrim Ünay,
Melek Kandemir,
Jurgen Fripp,
Olivier Salvado,
Pierrick Bourgeat,
Martin Reuter,
Bruce Fischl,
Marco Lorenzi,
Giovanni B. Frisoni,
Xavier Pennec,
Ronald K. Pierson,
Jeffrey L. Gunter,
Matthew L. Senjem,
Clifford R. Jack,
Nicolas Guizard,
Vladimir S. Fonov,
D. Louis Collins,
Marc Modat,
Jorge M. Cardoso,
Kelvin K. Leung,
Hongzhi Wang,
Sandhitsu R. Das,
Paul A. Yushkevich,
Ian B. Malone,
Nick C. Fox,
Jonathan M. Schott,
and Sebastien Ourselin.
Assessing atrophy measurement techniques in dementia: Results from the MIRIAD atrophy challenge.
December 2015.
Marco Lorenzi,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Xavier Pennec.
Regional flux analysis for discovering and quantifying anatomical changes: An application to the brain morphometry in Alzheimer's disease.
July 2015.
Marco Lorenzi,
Xavier Pennec,
Giovanni B. Frisoni,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Disentangling normal aging from Alzheimer's disease in structural magnetic resonance images.
Neurobiology of Aging,
January 2015.
Kristin Mcleod,
Maxime Sermesant,
Philipp Beerbaum,
and Xavier Pennec.
Spatio-Temporal Tensor Decomposition of a Polyaffine Motion Model for a Better Analysis of Pathological Left Ventricular Dynamics.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
July 2015.
Keyword(s): cardiac modelling,
non-rigid image registration,
motion tracking,
population statistics,
tensor decomposition,
spatio-temporal alignment,
Tetralogy of Fallot.
Nina Miolane and Xavier Pennec.
Computing Bi-Invariant Pseudo-Metrics on Lie Groups for Consistent Statistics.
April 2015.
Xavier Pennec and Pierre Fillard.
Statistical Computing on Non-Linear Spaces for Computational Anatomy.
In Paragios,
and Nicholas, editors, Handbook of Biomedical Imaging: Methodologies and Clinical Research,
pages 147-168.
Romain Guibert,
Kristin Mcleod,
Alfonso Caiazzo,
Tommaso Mansi,
Miguel Angel Fernández,
Maxime Sermesant,
Xavier Pennec,
Irene Vignon-Clementel,
Younes Boudjemline,
and Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau.
Group-wise Construction of Reduced Models for Understanding and Characterization of Pulmonary Blood Flows from Medical Images.
Medical Image Analysis,
Keyword(s): Computational fluid dynamics,
Pulmonary artery,
Tetralogy of Fallot,
Atlas construction,
Proper orthogonal decomposition.
Herve Lombaert,
Leo Grady,
Xavier Pennec,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Farida Cheriet.
Spectral Log-Demons: Diffeomorphic Image Registration with Very Large Deformations.
International Journal of Computer Vision,
May 2014.
Marco Lorenzi and Xavier Pennec.
Discrete Ladders for Parallel Transport in Transformation Groups with an Affine Connection Structure.
In Frank Nielsen, editor, Geometric Theory of Information,
Signals and Communication Technology,
pages 243-271.
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
José Braga,
Guido Gerig,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Toward a Comprehensive Framework for the Spatiotemporal Statistical Analysis of Longitudinal Shape Data.
International Journal of Computer Vision,
May 2013.
Benedetta Leonardi,
Andrew Taylor,
Tommaso Mansi,
Ingmar Voigt,
Maxime Sermesant,
Xavier Pennec,
Nicholas Ayache,
Younes Boudjemline,
and Giacomo Pongiglione.
Computational modelling of the right ventricle in repaired tetralogy of Fallot: can it provide insight into patient treatment?.
European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging,
April 2013.
Marco Lorenzi,
Nicholas Ayache,
Giovanni B. Frisoni,
and Xavier Pennec.
LCC-Demons: a robust and accurate symmetric diffeomorphic registration algorithm.
Marco Lorenzi and Xavier Pennec.
Efficient Parallel Transport of Deformations in Time Series of Images: from Schild's to Pole Ladder.
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision,
October 2013.
Marco Lorenzi and Xavier Pennec.
Geodesics, Parallel Transport & One-parameter Subgroups for Diffeomorphic Image Registration.
International Journal of Computer Vision,
November 2013.
Xavier Pennec,
Sarang Joshi,
and Mads Nielsen.
Mathematical Methods for Medical Imaging.
International Journal of Computer Vision,
August 2013.
Stefan Sommer,
François Lauze,
Mads Nielsen,
and Xavier Pennec.
Sparse Multi-Scale Diffeomorphic Registration: the Kernel Bundle Framework.
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision,
Stefan Sommer,
Mads Nielsen,
Sune Darkner,
and Xavier Pennec.
Higher-order momentum distributions and locally affine LDDMM registration.
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences,
February 2013.
Catalina Tobon-Gomez,
Mathieu de Craene,
Kristin Mcleod,
Lennart Tautz,
Wenzhe Shi,
Anja Hennemuth,
Adityo Prakosa,
Hengui Wang,
Gerald Carr-White,
Sergio Kapetanakis,
Albert Lutz,
Vernon Rasche,
Tobias Schaeffter,
Constantin Butakoff,
Oskar Friman,
Tommaso Mansi,
Maxime Sermesant,
Xiahai Zhuang,
Sébastien Ourselin,
Hans Otto Peitgen,
Xavier Pennec,
Reza Razavi,
Daniel Rueckert,
Alejandro F. Frangi,
and Kawal Rhode.
Benchmarking framework for myocardial tracking and deformation algorithms: an open access database.
Medical Image Analysis,
Irina Vidal-Migallón,
Olivier Commowick,
Xavier Pennec,
Julien Dauguet,
and Tom Vercauteren.
GPU & CPU implementation of Young - Van Vliet's Recursive Gaussian Smoothing Filter.
Insight Journal,
pp 16,
July 2013.
Note: Open peer-review journal. Open code / open data.
Keyword(s): GPU,
Recursive Gaussian Smoothing.
Kristin Mcleod,
Tommaso Mansi,
Maxime Sermesant,
Giacomo Pongiglione,
and Xavier Pennec.
Statistical Shape Analysis of Surfaces in Medical Images Applied to the Tetralogy of Fallot Heart.
In Frederic Cazals and Pierre Kornprobst, editors, Modeling in Computational Biology and Biomedicine,
Lectures Notes in Mathematical and Computational Biology,
pages 165-191.
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
Nicholas Ayache,
and José Braga.
Comparison of the endocranial ontogenies between chimpanzees and bonobos via temporal regression and spatiotemporal registration.
Journal of Human Evolution,
62(1):74 - 88,
ISSN: 0047-2484.
Keyword(s): Endocranium.
Christof Seiler,
Xavier Pennec,
and Mauricio Reyes.
Capturing the Multiscale Anatomical Shape Variability with Polyaffine Transformation Trees.
Medical Image Analysis (MedIA),
Xavier Pennec and Vincent Arsigny.
Exponential Barycenters of the Canonical Cartan Connection and Invariant Means on Lie Groups.
In Frederic Barbaresco,
Amit Mishra,
and Frank Nielsen, editors, Matrix Information Geometry,
pages 123-166.
May 2012.
ISBN: 978-3-642-30231-2.
HAL ID: hal-00699361.
Nicholas Ayache,
Olivier Clatz,
Hervé Delingette,
Grégoire Malandain,
Xavier Pennec,
and Maxime Sermesant.
Vers un patient numérique personnalisé pour le diagnostic et la thérapie guidés par l'image.
Médecine / Sciences,
March 2011.
Caroline Brun,
Natasha Leporé,
Xavier Pennec,
Yi-Yu Chou,
Agatha Lee,
Greig De Zubicaray,
Katie Mcmahon,
Margaret Wright,
James C. Gee,
and Paul Thompson.
A nonconservative Lagrangian framework for statistical fluid registration-SAFIRA..
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
February 2011.
Note: PMID: 20813636.
Stanley Durrleman,
Pierre Fillard,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Registration, Atlas Estimation and Variability Analysis of White Matter Fiber Bundles Modeled as Currents.
ISSN: 1053-8119.
Keyword(s): Computational Anatomy.
Tommaso Mansi,
Xavier Pennec,
Maxime Sermesant,
Hervé Delingette,
and Nicholas Ayache.
iLogDemons: A Demons-Based Registration Algorithm for Tracking Incompressible Elastic Biological Tissues.
International Journal of Computer Vision,
Tommaso Mansi,
Ingmar Voigt,
Benedetta Leonardi,
Xavier Pennec,
Stanley Durrleman,
Maxime Sermesant,
Hervé Delingette,
Andrew M. Taylor,
Younes Boudjemline,
Giacomo Pongiglione,
and Nicholas Ayache.
A Statistical Model for Quantification and Prediction of Cardiac Remodelling: Application to Tetralogy of Fallot.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
September 2011.
Vincent Arsigny,
Olivier Commowick,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Xavier Pennec.
A Fast and Log-Euclidean Polyaffine Framework for Locally Linear Registration.
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision,
Caroline Brun,
Natasha Leporé,
Xavier Pennec,
Agatha D Lee,
Marina Barysheva,
Sarah K Madsen,
Christina Avedissian,
Yi-Yu Chou,
Greig I. de Zubicaray,
Katie McMahon,
Margaret Wright,
Arthur W. Toga,
and Paul M. Thompson.
Mapping the Regional Influence of Genetics on Brain Structure Variability - A Tensor-Based Morphometry Study.
October 2009.
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Statistical Models on Sets of Curves and Surfaces based on Currents.
Medical Image Analysis,
October 2009.
Heike Hufnagel,
Jan Ehrhardt,
Xavier Pennec,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Heinz Handels.
Computation of a Probabilistic Statistical Shape Model in a Maximum-a-posteriori Framework.
Methods of Information in Medicine,
S. Nicolau,
Xavier Pennec,
Luc Soler,
X. Buy,
A. Gangi,
Nicholas Ayache,
and J. Marescaux.
An Augmented Reality System for Liver Thermal Ablation: Design and Evaluation on Clinical Cases.
Medical Image Analysis,
June 2009.
Tom Vercauteren,
Xavier Pennec,
Aymeric Perchant,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Diffeomorphic Demons: Efficient Non-parametric Image Registration.
45(1, Supp.1):S61-S72,
March 2009.
Boon Thye Thomas Yeo,
Tom Vercauteren,
Pierre Fillard,
Jean-Marc Peyrat,
Xavier Pennec,
Polina Golland,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Olivier Clatz.
DT-REFinD: Diffusion Tensor Registration with Exact Finite-Strain Differential.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
December 2009.
Note: PMID:19556193.
Nicholas Ayache,
Olivier Clatz,
Hervé Delingette,
Grégoire Malandain,
Xavier Pennec,
and Maxime Sermesant.
Asclepios: a Research Project-Team at INRIA for the Analysis and Simulation of Biomedical Images.
In Y. Bertot,
G. Huet,
J.-J. Lévy,
and G. Plotkin, editors, From semantics to computer science: essays in honor of Gilles Kahn,
pages 415-436.
Cambridge University Press,
C. Germain-Renaud,
V. Breton,
P. Clarysse,
B. Delhay,
Y. Gaudeau,
T. Glatard,
E. Jannot,
Y. Legré,
Johan Montagnat,
J.-M. Moureau,
A. Osorio,
Xavier Pennec,
J. Schaerer,
and R. Texier.
Grid Analysis of Radiological Data.
In Mario Cannataro, editor, Handbook of Research on Computational Grid Technologies for Life Sciences, Biomedicine, and Healthcare,
pages 363-391.
IGI Global,
Note: IGI-Global Medical Information Science Discoveries Research Award 2009.
Jonathan Boisvert,
Farida Cheriet,
Xavier Pennec,
Hubert Labelle,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Articulated Spine Models for 3D Reconstruction from Partial Radiographic Data.
IEEE Transactions on Bio-Medical Engineering,
November 2008.
Jonathan Boisvert,
Farida Cheriet,
Xavier Pennec,
Hubert Labelle,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Geometric Variability of the Scoliotic Spine using Statistics on Articulated Shape Models.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
Jonathan Boisvert,
Farida Cheriet,
Xavier Pennec,
Hubert Labelle,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Principal Deformations Modes of Articulated Models for the Analysis of 3D Spine Deformities.
Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis,
December 2008.
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
Paul Thompson,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Inferring brain variability from diffeomorphic deformations of currents: an integrative approach.
Medical Image Analysis,
Tristan Glatard,
Johan Montagnat,
Diane Lingrand,
and Xavier Pennec.
Flexible and efficient workflow deployment of data-intensive applications on GRIDS with MOTEUR.
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications,
August 2008.
Note: Special issue on Workflow Systems in Grid Environments.
H. Hufnagel,
X. Pennec,
J. Ehrhardt,
N. Ayache,
and H. Handels.
Generation of a Statistical Shape Model with Probabilistic Point Correspondences and EM-ICP.
International Journal for Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery,
March 2008.
Johan Montagnat,
Tristan Glatard,
Isabel Campos Plasencia,
Francisco Castejon,
Xavier Pennec,
Giuliano Taffoni,
Vladimir Voznesensky,
and Claudio Vuerli.
Workflow-based data parallel applications on the EGEE production grid infrastructure.
Journal of Grid Computing,
December 2008.
Ender Konukoglu,
Xavier Pennec,
Olivier Clatz,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Tumor Growth Modeling in Oncological Image Analysis.
In I. Bankman, editor, Handbook of Medical Image Processing and Analysis - New edition,
chapter 18,
pages 297-307.
Academic Press,
December 2008.
ISBN: 13: 978-0-12-373904-9.
X. Pennec.
Statistical computing on manifolds: from Riemannian geometry to computational anatomy.
In Frank Nielsen, editor, Emerging Trends in Visual Computing,
volume 5416 of LNCS,
pages 347-386.
ISBN: 978-3-642-00825-2.
Xavier Pennec,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Jean-Philippe Thirion.
Landmark-based registration using features identified through differential geometry.
In I. Bankman, editor, Handbook of Medical Image Processing and Analysis - New edition,
chapter 34,
pages 565-578.
Academic Press,
December 2008.
ISBN: 13: 978-0-12-373904-9.
Keyword(s): registration,
Vincent Arsigny,
Pierre Fillard,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Geometric Means in a Novel Vector Space Structure on Symmetric Positive-Definite Matrices.
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications,
Keyword(s): DT-MRI,
Riemannian geometry,
Lie groups,
Log-Euclidean metrics.
Pierre Fillard,
Vincent Arsigny,
Xavier Pennec,
Kiralee M. Hayashi,
Paul M. Thompson,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Measuring Brain Variability by Extrapolating Sparse Tensor Fields Measured on Sulcal Lines.
January 2007.
Note: Also as INRIA Research Report 5887, April 2006. PMID: 17113311.
Pierre Fillard,
Xavier Pennec,
Vincent Arsigny,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Clinical DT-MRI Estimation, Smoothing and Fiber Tracking with Log-Euclidean Metrics.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
November 2007.
Jean-Marc Peyrat,
Maxime Sermesant,
Xavier Pennec,
Hervé Delingette,
Chenyang Xu,
Eliot R. McVeigh,
and Nicholas Ayache.
A Computational Framework for the Statistical Analysis of Cardiac Diffusion Tensors: Application to a Small Database of Canine Hearts.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
November 2007.
Vincent Arsigny,
Pierre Fillard,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Log-Euclidean Metrics for Fast and Simple Calculus on Diffusion Tensors.
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine,
August 2006.
Keyword(s): DT-MRI,
Riemannian geometry,
Lie groups,
Log-Euclidean metrics.
Hervé Delingette,
Xavier Pennec,
Luc Soler,
Jacques Marescaux,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Computational Models for Image Guided, Robot-Assisted and Simulated Medical Interventions.
Proceedings of the IEEE,
94(9):1678- 1688,
September 2006.
Xavier Pennec.
Intrinsic Statistics on Riemannian Manifolds: Basic Tools for Geometric Measurements.
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision,
July 2006.
Note: A preliminary appeared as INRIA RR-5093, January 2004.
Keyword(s): Fréchet means,
Lie groups,
Riemannian geometry.
Xavier Pennec,
Pierre Fillard,
and Nicholas Ayache.
A Riemannian Framework for Tensor Computing.
International Journal of Computer Vision,
January 2006.
Note: A preliminary version appeared as INRIA Research Report 5255, July 2004.
Keyword(s): Tensors,
Riemannian geometry.
Tom Vercauteren,
Aymeric Perchant,
Grégoire Malandain,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Robust Mosaicing with Correction of Motion Distortions and Tissue Deformation for In Vivo Fibered Microscopy.
Medical Image Analysis,
October 2006.
Note: Annual Medical Image Analysis (MedIA) Best Paper Award 2006. PMID: 16887375.
Vincent Arsigny,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Polyrigid and Polyaffine Transformations: a Novel Geometrical Tool to Deal with Non-Rigid Deformations - Application to the registration of histological slices.
Medical Image Analysis,
December 2005.
Keyword(s): Non-rigid registration,
Histological slices,
Polyaffine transformations,
Ordinary differential equations.
C. Germain,
V. Breton,
P. Clarysse,
Y. Gaudeau,
T. Glatard,
E. Jeannot,
Y. Legré,
C. Loomis,
I. Magnin,
J. Montagnat,
J.-M. Moureau,
A. Osorio,
X. Pennec,
and R. Texier.
Grid-Enabling Medical Image Analysis.
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing,
October 2005.
Stéphane Nicolau,
Alain Garcia,
Xavier Pennec,
Luc Soler,
and Nicholas Ayache.
An augmented reality system to guide radio-frequency tumor ablation.
Computer Animation and Virtual World (previously the Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation),
Xavier Pennec.
Recaler pour mieux soigner.
Pour la science,
December 2005.
Radu Stefanescu,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
A Grid Service for the Interactive Use of a Parallel Non-Rigid Registration Algorithm of Medical Images.
Methods of Information in Medicine,
Keyword(s): grid service,
Xavier Pennec,
Alexis Roche,
Pascal Cathier,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Non-Rigid MR/US Registration for Tracking Brain Deformations.
In R.S. Blum and Zh. Liu, editors, Multi-Sensor Image Fusion and Its Applications,
volume 26 of Signal Processing and Communications,
chapter 4,
pages 107-143.
CRC Press - Taylor and Francis,
July 2005.
Keyword(s): registration,
motion tracking,
magnetic resonance,
correlation ratio,
robust estimation,
Miguel Angel González Ballester,
Xavier Pennec,
Marius George Linguraru,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Generalized Image Models and Their Application as Statistical Models of Images.
Medical Image Analysis,
September 2004.
Luc Soler,
Nicholas Ayache,
Stéphane Nicolau,
Xavier Pennec,
Clément Forest,
Hervé Delingette,
and Jacques Marescaux.
Traitement d'images médicales pour la planification, la simulation et l'aide intra-opératoire des actes chirurgicaux.
La Revue de l'Electricité et de l'Electronique,
pp 64-71,
janvier 2004.
Radu Stefanescu,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Grid Powered Nonlinear Image Registration with Locally Adaptive Regularization.
Medical Image Analysis,
September 2004.
Keyword(s): non-rigid registration,
adaptive regularization,
Radu Stefanescu,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Grid-Enabled Non-Rigid Registration of Medical Images.
Parallel Processing Letters,
Keyword(s): grid,
non-rigid registration,
Luc Soler,
Nicholas Ayache,
Stéphane Nicolau,
Xavier Pennec,
Clément Forest,
Hervé Delingette,
Didier Mutter,
and Jacques Marescaux.
Traitements d'images médicales pour la planification, la simulation et l'aide intra-opératoire des actes chirurgicaux.
In M. Faupel,
P. Smigielski,
and R. Grzymala, editors, Imagerie et Photonique pour les sciences du vivant et la médecine,
pages 19-31.
Edition Fontis Media,
ISBN: 2-88476-005-9.
Pascal Cachier,
Eric Bardinet,
Didier Dormont,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Iconic Feature Based Nonrigid Registration: The PASHA Algorithm.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding,
Feb.-march 2003.
Note: Special Issue on Nonrigid Registration.
Keyword(s): registration,
similarity measures,
Xavier Pennec,
Pascal Cachier,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Tracking Brain Deformations in Time-Sequences of 3D US Images.
Pattern Recognition Letters,
February 2003.
Note: Special Issue on Ultrasonic Image Processing and Analysis.
Keyword(s): registration,
motion tracking,
Maxime Sermesant,
Clément Forest,
Xavier Pennec,
Hervé Delingette,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Deformable biomechanical models: Application to 4D cardiac image analysis.
Medical Image Analysis,
December 2003.
P. Jannin,
J.M. Fitzpatrick,
D.J. Hawkes,
X. Pennec,
R. Shahidi,
and M.W. Vannier.
Validation of Medical Image Processing in Image-guided Therapy.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
December 2002.
Sébastien Ourselin,
Alexis Roche,
Gérard Subsol,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Reconstructing a 3D Structure from Serial Histological Sections.
Image and Vision Computing,
January 2001.
Keyword(s): registration,
Alexis Roche,
Xavier Pennec,
Grégoire Malandain,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Rigid Registration of 3D Ultrasound with MR Images: a New Approach Combining Intensity and Gradient Information.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
October 2001.
Keyword(s): registration,
magnetic resonance,
correlation ratio,
robust estimation,
Xavier Pennec,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Jean-Philippe Thirion.
Landmark-based registration using features identified through differential geometry.
In I. Bankman, editor, Handbook of Medical Imaging,
chapter 31,
pages 499-513.
Academic Press,
September 2000.
Keyword(s): registration,
Xavier Pennec.
Toward a generic framework for recognition based on uncertain geometric features.
Videre: Journal of Computer Vision Research,
Keyword(s): registration,
Xavier Pennec and Nicholas Ayache.
A geometric algorithm to find small but highly similar 3D substructures in proteins.
Keyword(s): registration,
protein structure.
Xavier Pennec and Nicholas Ayache.
Uniform distribution, distance and expectation problems for geometric features processing.
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision,
July 1998.
Note: A preliminary version appeared as INRIA Research Report 2820, March 1996.
Keyword(s): statistics,
Riemannian geometry.
André Guéziec,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Medical Image Registration using Geometric Hashing.
IEEE Computational Science and Engineering,
Oct-Dec 1997.
Note: Special issue on Geometric Hashing.
Keyword(s): registration,
Xavier Pennec and Jean-Philippe Thirion.
A Framework for Uncertainty and Validation of 3D Registration Methods based on Points and Frames.
International Journal of Computer Vision,
December 1997.
Keyword(s): registration,
J. West,
J. M. Fitzpatrick,
M. Y. Wang,
B. M. Dawant,
C. R. Maurer, Jr.,
R. M. Kessler,
R. J. Maciunas,
C. Barillot,
D. Lemoine,
A. Collignon,
F. Maes,
P. Suetens,
D. Vandermeulen,
P. A. van den Elsen,
S. Napel,
T. S. Sumanaweera,
B. Harkness,
P. F. Hemler,
D. L. G. Hill,
D. J. Hawkes,
C. Studholme,
J. B. A. Maintz,
M. A. Viergever,
G. Malandain,
X. Pennec,
M. E. Noz,
G. Q. Maguire, Jr.,
M. Pollack,
C. A. Pelizzari,
R. A. Robb,
D. Hanson,
and R. P. Woods.
Comparison and evaluation of retrospective intermodality brain image registration techniques.
Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography,
Keyword(s): registration,
Morten Akhoj,
Xavier Pennec,
and Stefan Sommer.
Tangent phylogenetic PCA.
In Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
volume 13886 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Levi Ski Resort (Lapland), Finland,
pages 77-90,
April 2023.
Springer Nature Switzerland.
Anna Calissano,
Elodie Maignant,
and Xavier Pennec.
Towards Quotient Barycentric Subspaces.
In Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
volume 14071 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Saint-Malo (France), France,
pages 366-374,
August 2023.
Springer Nature Switzerland.
Keyword(s): Discrete Group,
Quotient Space,
Barycentric Subspace Analysis,
Graph Space,
Object Oriented Data Analysis.
Elodie Maignant,
Alain Trouvé,
and Xavier Pennec.
Riemannian Locally Linear Embedding with Application to Kendall Shape Spaces.
In Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
volume 14071 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Saint-Malo, (France), France,
pages 12-20,
August 2023.
Springer Nature Switzerland.
Keyword(s): Locally Linear Embedding,
Optimisation on Quotient Manifolds,
Shape Spaces.
Tom Szwagier and Xavier Pennec.
Rethinking the Riemannian Logarithm on Flag Manifolds as an Orthogonal Alignment Problem.
In Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
volume 14071 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Saint-Malo, (France), France,
pages 375-383,
August 2023.
Springer Nature Switzerland.
Keyword(s): Flag manifolds,
Riemannian logarithm,
Orthogonal alignment,
Procrustes analysis,
Flag manifolds Riemannian logarithm Orthogonal alignment Procrustes analysis.
Yann Thanwerdas and Xavier Pennec.
Characterization of Invariant Inner Products.
In Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
volume LNCS-14071 of Geometric Science of Information: 6th International Conference, GSI 2023, St. Malo, France, August 30 -- September 1, 2023, Proceedings, Part I,
Saint Malo, France, France,
pages 384-391,
August 2023.
Springer Nature Switzerland.
Keyword(s): Invariant inner product Invariant Riemannian metric Group action Representation theory,
Invariant inner product,
Invariant Riemannian metric,
Group action,
Representation theory.
Nicolas Guigui,
Elodie Maignant,
Alain Trouvé,
and Xavier Pennec.
Parallel Transport on Kendall Shape Spaces.
In Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
volume 12829 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Paris, France,
pages 103-110,
July 2021.
Nicolas Guigui,
Pamela Moceri,
Maxime Sermesant,
and Xavier Pennec.
Cardiac Motion Modeling with Parallel Transport and Shape Splines.
In IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2021,
IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2021,
Nice, France,
pages pp. 1394-1397,
April 2021.
Keyword(s): LDDMM,
Cardiac Modelling,
Shape Analysis.
Nicolas Guigui and Xavier Pennec.
A reduced parallel transport equation on Lie Groups with a left-invariant metric.
In Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
volume 12829 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Paris, France,
pages 119-126,
July 2021.
Springer, Cham.
Florent Jousse,
Xavier Pennec,
Hervé Delingette,
and Matilde Gonzalez.
Geodesic squared exponential kernel for non-rigid shape registration.
In FG 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition,
December 2021.
Yann Thanwerdas and Xavier Pennec.
Geodesics and Curvature of the Quotient-Affine Metrics on Full-Rank Correlation Matrices.
In Proceedings of Geometric Science of Information,
volume 12829 of Proceedings of Geometric Science of Information,
Paris, France,
pages 93-102,
July 2021.
Springer, Cham.
Keyword(s): Correlation matrices,
SPD matrices,
Quotient manifold,
Quotient-affine metric,
Riemannian geometry.
Nina Miolane,
Nicolas Guigui,
Hadi Zaatiti,
Christian Shewmake,
Hatem Hajri,
Daniel Brooks,
Alice Le Brigant,
Johan Mathe,
Benjamin Hou,
Yann Thanwerdas,
Stefan Heyder,
Olivier Peltre,
Niklas Koep,
Yann Cabanes,
Thomas Gerald,
Paul Chauchat,
Bernhard Kainz,
Claire Donnat,
Susan Holmes,
and Xavier Pennec.
Introduction to Geometric Learning in Python with Geomstats.
In Meghann Agarwal,
Chris Calloway,
Dillon Niederhut,
and David Shupe, editors,
SciPy 2020 - 19th Python in Science Conference,
Austin, Texas, United States,
pages 48-57,
July 2020.
Keyword(s): Index Terms-differential geometry,
machine learning.
Nicolas Guigui,
Shuman Jia,
Maxime Sermesant,
and Xavier Pennec.
Symmetric Algorithmic Components for Shape Analysis with Diffeomorphisms.
In GSI 2019 - 4th conference on Geometric Science of Information,
volume Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11712 of Proceedings of Geometric Science of Information,
Toulouse, France,
pages 759-768,
August 2019.
F. Nielsen and F. Barbaresco,
Keyword(s): Symmetric Spaces,
Parallel Transport,
Shape Registration.
Yann Thanwerdas and Xavier Pennec.
Exploration of Balanced Metrics on Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices.
In GSI 2019 - 4th conference on Geometric Science of Information,
volume Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11712 of Proceedings of Geometric Science of Information,
Toulouse, France,
pages 484-493,
August 2019.
Keyword(s): Dually flat connections,
SPD matrices,
Information geometry.
Yann Thanwerdas and Xavier Pennec.
Is affine invariance well defined on SPD matrices? A principled continuum of metrics.
In GSI 2019 - 4th conference on Geometric Science of Information,
volume Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11712 of Proceedings of Geometric Science of Information,
Toulouse, France,
pages 502-510,
August 2019.
Keyword(s): SPD matrices,
Riemannian symmetric spaces.
Shuman Jia,
Antoine Despinasse,
Zihao Wang,
Hervé Delingette,
Xavier Pennec,
Pierre Jaïs,
Hubert Cochet,
and Maxime Sermesant.
Automatically Segmenting the Left Atrium from Cardiac Images Using Successive 3D U-Nets and a Contour Loss.
In STACOM: Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart. Atrial Segmentation and LV Quantification Challenges,
volume 11395 of LNCS,
Granada, Spain,
pages 221-229,
September 2018.
Keyword(s): distance map,
ensemble prediction,
loss function,
contour loss,
left atrium,
deep learning,
3D U-Net.
Shuman Jia,
Nicolas Duchateau,
Pamela Moceri,
Maxime Sermesant,
and Xavier Pennec.
Parallel Transport of Surface Deformations from Pole Ladder to Symmetrical Extension.
In Shape in Medical Imaging. ShapeMI 2018.,
volume 11167 of LNCS,
Granada, Spain,
pages 116-124,
September 2018.
Loïc Devilliers,
Xavier Pennec,
and Stéphanie Allassonnière.
Inconsistency of Template Estimation with the Fréchet mean in Quotient Space.
In Information Processing in Medical Imaging. IPMI 2017.,
volume 10265 of LNCS,
Boone, United States,
pages 16-27,
June 2017.
Martin Styner and Marc Niethammer and Dinggang Shen and Stephen Aylward and Ipek Oguz and Hongtu Zhu.
Shuman Jia,
Claudia Camaioni,
Marc-Michel Rohé,
Pierre Jaïs,
Xavier Pennec,
Hubert Cochet,
and Maxime Sermesant.
Prediction of Post-Ablation Outcome in Atrial Fibrillation Using Shape Parameterization and Partial Least Squares Regression.
In FIMH 2017 - International Conference on Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart,
volume 10263 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Toronto, Canada,
pages 314 - 321,
June 2017.
Keyword(s): atrial fibrillation,
catheter ablation,
post-ablation outcome,
left atrial remodeling,
statistical shape analysis,
partial least squares,
Kristin Mcleod,
Maxime Sermesant,
and Xavier Pennec.
Improving Understanding of Long-Term Cardiac Functional Remodelling via Cross-Sectional Analysis of Polyaffine Motion Parameters.
In FIMH 2017 - 9th International Conference on Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart,
volume 10263 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Toronto, Canada,
pages 51 - 59,
June 2017.
Roch Molléro,
Hervé Delingette,
Manasi Datar,
Tobias Heimann,
Jakob Hauser,
Dilveer Panesar,
Alexander Jones,
Andrew Taylor,
Marcus Kelm,
Titus Kuehne,
Marcello Chinali,
Gabriele Rinelli,
Nicholas Ayache,
Xavier Pennec,
and Maxime Sermesant.
Longitudinal Analysis using Personalised 3D Cardiac Models with Population-Based Priors: Application to Paediatric Cardiomyopathies.
In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI),
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention -- MICCAI 2017,
Québec City, Canada,
pages 350-358,
September 2017.
Springer International Publishing.
Roch Molléro,
Jakob Hauser,
Xavier Pennec,
Manasi Datar,
Hervé Delingette,
Alexander Jones,
Nicholas Ayache,
Tobias Heimann,
and Maxime Sermesant.
Longitudinal Parameter Estimation in 3D Electromechanical Models: Application to Cardiovascular Changes in Digestion.
In FIMH 2017 - 9th international conference on Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart,
Functional Imaging and Modelling of the Heart,
Toronto, Canada,
pages 432-440,
June 2017.
Springer International Publishing.
Xavier Pennec.
Sample-limited L p Barycentric Subspace Analysis on Constant Curvature Spaces.
In Geometric Sciences of Information (GSI 2017),
Geometric Science of Information,
Paris, France,
pages 20-28,
November 2017.
Springer International Publishing.
Marc-Michel Rohé,
Manasi Datar,
Tobias Heimann,
Maxime Sermesant,
and Xavier Pennec.
SVF-Net: Learning Deformable Image Registration Using Shape Matching.
In MICCAI 2017 - the 20th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention,
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention -- MICCAI 2017,
Québec, Canada,
pages 266-274,
September 2017.
Springer International Publishing.
Keyword(s): Deep Learning,
Cardiac Imaging,
Marc-Michel Rohé,
Maxime Sermesant,
and Xavier Pennec.
Automatic Multi-Atlas Segmentation of Myocardium with SVF-Net.
In STACOM: Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart. ACDC and MMWHS Challenges,
volume 10663 of LNCS,
Québec, Canada,
pages 170-177,
September 2017.
Jan L. Bruse,
Kristin Mcleod,
Elena Cervi,
Giovanni Biglino,
T.-y Hsia,
Maxime Sermesant,
Xavier Pennec,
Andrew Taylor,
and Silvia Schievano.
Discovering clusters in pathologic cardiac morphology: MR-based hierarchical 3D shape clustering of surgically repaired aortic arches.
In Computer Assisted Radiology, 30th International Congress and Exhibition,
Heidelberg, Germany,
June 2016.
Roch Molléro,
Xavier Pennec,
Hervé Delingette,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Maxime Sermesant.
A Multiscale Cardiac Model for Fast Personalisation and Exploitation.
In MICCAI 2016 - Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention,
volume 9902 of MICCAI 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Athens, Greece,
pages 174-182,
October 2016.
Marc-Michel Rohé,
Roch Molléro,
Maxime Sermesant,
and Xavier Pennec.
Highly Reduced Model of the Cardiac Function for Fast Simulation.
In Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Workshop (IVMSP), 2016 IEEE 12th,
Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Workshop (IVMSP), 2016 IEEE 12th,
Bordeaux, France,
pages 5,
July 2016.
Keyword(s): Reduction Order Model,
Biomechanical Model,
Simulation 3D.
Marc-Michel Rohé,
Maxime Sermesant,
and Xavier Pennec.
Barycentric Subspace Analysis: a new Symmetric Group-wise Paradigm for Cardiac Motion Tracking.
In MICCAI 2016 - Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention,
volume 9902 of MICCAI 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Athens, Greece,
pages 300-307,
October 2016.
Keyword(s): Medical Image Analysis,
Atlas Framework,
Manifold atlas.
Stéphanie Allassonnière,
Loïc Devilliers,
and Xavier Pennec.
Estimating the Template in the Total Space with the Fréchet Mean on Quotient Spaces may have a Bias: a Case Study on Vector Spaces Quotiented by the Group of Translations.
In Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy (MFCA'15),
Proceedings of the fifth international workshop on Mathematical Foundation sof Computational Anatomy (MFCA'15),
Munich, Germany,
pages 131-142,
October 2015.
Jan L. Bruse,
Kristin Mcleod,
Giovanni Biglino,
Hopewell N. Ntsinjana,
Claudio Capelli,
Tain-Yen Hsia,
Maxime Sermesant,
Xavier Pennec,
Andrew Taylor,
and Silvia Schievano.
A Non-parametric Statistical Shape Model for Assessment of the Surgically Repaired Aortic Arch in Coarctation of the Aorta: How Normal is Abnormal?.
In Statistical Atlases and Computational Modeling of the Heart (STACOM 2015),
volume 9534 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Munich, Germany,
October 2015.
Vikash Gupta,
Grégoire Malandain,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Xavier Pennec.
A framework for creating population specific multimodal brain atlas using clinical T1 and diffusion tensor images.
In MICCAI 2015 Workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI (CDMRI'15),
Computational Diffusion MRI,
Munich, Germany,
pages 99-108,
October 2015.
Keyword(s): Multimodal brain atlas,
Probabilistic white matter parcel-lation map,
DTI-T1 brain template.
Bishesh Khanal,
Marco Lorenzi,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Xavier Pennec.
Simulating Patient Specific Multiple Time-point MRIs From a Biophysical Model of Brain Deformation in Alzheimer's Disease.
In Computational Biomechanics for Medicine: Imaging, Modeling and Computing,
Computational Biomechanics for Medicine: Imaging, Modeling and Computing,
Munich, France,
pages 167-176,
October 2015.
Springer International Publishing.
Keyword(s): biophysical modeling,
Alzheimer's disease,
biomechanical simulation,
longitudinal MRI.
Kristin Mcleod,
Maxime Sermesant,
Philipp Beerbaum,
and Xavier Pennec.
Descriptive and Intuitive Population-Based Cardiac Motion Analysis via Sparsity Constrained Tensor Decomposition.
In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2015),
volume 9351 of Lecture notes in computer science (LNCS),
Munich, Germany,
pages 419-426,
October 2015.
Nina Miolane and Xavier Pennec.
A survey of mathematical structures for extending 2D neurogeometry to 3D image processing.
In MICCAI Workshop on Medical Computer Vision: Algorithms for Big Data. MCV 2015.,
volume 9601 of LNCS,
Munich, Germany,
pages 155-167,
October 2015.
Keyword(s): sub-Riemannian geometry,
Image processing,
Nina Miolane and Xavier Pennec.
Biased estimators on Quotient spaces.
In Geometric Science of Information. Second International Conference, GSI 2015.,
volume 9389 of Lecture notes in computer science (LNCS),
Palaiseau, France,
pages 130-139,
October 2015.
Roch Molléro,
Dominik Neumann,
Marc-Michel Rohé,
Manasi Datar,
Herve Lombaert,
Nicholas Ayache,
Dorin Comaniciu,
Olivier Ecabert,
Marcello Chinali,
Gabriele Rinelli,
Xavier Pennec,
Maxime Sermesant,
and Tommaso Mansi.
Propagation of Myocardial Fibre Architecture Uncertainty on Electromechanical Model Parameter Estimation: A Case Study.
In Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart, LNCS.,
8th International Conference, FIMH 2015, Maastricht, The Netherlands, June 25-27, 2015. Proceedings,
Maastricht, Netherlands,
pages 448-456,
June 2015.
Xavier Pennec.
Barycentric Subspaces Analysis on Spheres.
In Mathematical Foundation sof Computational Anatomy (MFCA'15),
Proceedings of the fifth international workshop on Mathematical Foundation sof Computational Anatomy (MFCA'15),
Munich, Germany,
pages 71-82,
October 2015.
Xavier Pennec.
Barycentric Subspaces and Affine Spans in Manifolds.
In Geometric Science of Information GSI'2015, Second International Conference,
volume 9389 of Lecture Notes in Compuer Science,
Palaiseau, France,
pages 12-21,
October 2015.
Marc-Michel Rohé,
Nicolas Duchateau,
Maxime Sermesant,
and Xavier Pennec.
Combination of Polyaffine Transformations and Supervised Learning for the Automatic Diagnosis of LV Infarct.
volume 9534 of LNCS,
Munich, Germany,
pages 190-198,
Keyword(s): Medical Imaging,
Cardiac Motion,
Machine Learning.
Hugo Darmanté,
Benoit Bugnas,
Regis Bernard De Dompsure,
Laurent Barresi,
Nina Miolane,
Xavier Pennec,
Fernand de Peretti,
and Nicolas Bronsard.
Analyse biométrique de l'anneau pelvien en 3 dimensions - à propos de 100 scanners.
In 89e Réunion annuelle de la SOFCOT,
volume 100 of Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique,
Paris, France,
November 2014.
Bishesh Khanal,
Marco Lorenzi,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Xavier Pennec.
A Biophysical Model of Shape Changes due to Atrophy in the Brain with Alzheimer's Disease.
and R. HOWE, editors,
LNCS - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer,
volume 8674 of LNCS - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer,
Boston, United States,
pages 41-48,
September 2014.
Keyword(s): Alzheimer's disease,
Biophysical model,
Atrophy model,
Atrophy simulation,
Longitudinal modeling.
Marco Lorenzi,
Xavier Pennec,
Nicholas Ayache,
and (adni) For The Alzheimer'S Disease Neuroimaging Initiative.
Regional flux analysis of longitudinal atrophy in Alzheimer's disease.
In Alzheimer's Association International Conference,
Copenhagen, Denmark,
July 2014.
Note: Oral podium presentation.
Nina Miolane and Xavier Pennec.
Statistics on Lie groups : a need to go beyond the pseudo-Riemannian framework.
In Bayesian inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering (MaxEnt 2014),
volume 1641 of AIP Conference Proceedings,
Amboise, France,
pages 59-66,
September 2014.
AIP Proceedings.
Keyword(s): manifold,
exponential barycenter,
Lie group,
computational anatomy,
Vikash Gupta,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Xavier Pennec.
Improving DTI Resolution from a Single Clinical Acquisition: A Statistical Approach using Spatial Prior.
In Kensaku Mori,
Ichiro Sakuma,
Yoshinobu Sato,
Christian Barillot,
and Nassir Navab, editors,
Proceedings of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 2013 (MICCAI),
volume 8151 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS,
Nagoya, Japan,
pages 477-484,
September 2013.
Keyword(s): DTI,
Partial volume effect,
Diffusion Tensor Imaging,
Clinical Medical Imaging.
Marco Lorenzi,
Martina Bochetta,
Nicholas Ayache,
Xavier Pennec,
and Giovanni B. Frisoni.
Conversion to MCI in healthy individuals with abnormal CSF Ab42 levels is associated with specific longitudinal morphological changes.
In Alzheimer's Association International Conference 2013,
volume 9, issue 4 (supplement) of Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association,
Boston, United States,
pages P596,
July 2013.
Marco Lorenzi,
Bjoern H. Menze,
Marc Niethammer,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Xavier Pennec.
Sparse Scale-Space Decomposition of Volume Changes in Deformations Fields.
In Kensaku Mori,
Ichiro Sakuma,
Yoshinobu Sato,
Christian Barillot,
and Nassir Navab, editors,
Medical Image Computing and Computer Aided Intervention (MICCAI),
volume 8150 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS,
Nagoya, Japan,
pages 328-335,
September 2013.
Keyword(s): Scale-space decomposition,
non-rigid registration,
longitudinal analysis,
stationary velocity fields.
Marco Lorenzi and Xavier Pennec.
Parallel Transport with Pole Ladder: Application to Deformations of time Series of Images.
In Nielsen,
and F., editors,
GSI2013 - Geometric Science of Information,
volume 8085 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS,
Paris, France,
pages 68-75,
August 2013.
Kristin Mcleod,
Christof Seiler,
Maxime Sermesant,
and Xavier Pennec.
Spatio-Temporal Dimension Reduction of Cardiac Motion for Group-Wise Analysis and Statistical Testing.
In Kensaku Mori,
Ichiro Sakuma,
Yoshinobu Sato,
Christian Barillot,
and Nassir Navab, editors,
MICCAI - Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - 2013,
volume 8150 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Nagoya, Japan,
pages 501-508,
Springer, Heidelberg.
Kristin Mcleod,
Christof Seiler,
Nicolas Toussaint,
Maxime Sermesant,
and Xavier Pennec.
Regional Analysis of Left Ventricle Function using a Cardiac-Specific Polyaffine Motion Model.
In Sébastien Ourselin,
Daniel Rueckert,
and Nicolas Smith, editors,
Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart 2013 (FIMH),
volume 7945 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
London, United Kingdom,
pages 483-490,
June 2013.
Xavier Pennec.
Bi-invariant means on Lie groups with Cartan-Schouten connections.
In Nielsen,
and F., editors,
Geometric Science of Information (GSI 2013),
volume 8085 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS,
Paris, France,
pages 59-67,
August 2013.
Christof Seiler,
Xavier Pennec,
and Susan Holmes.
Random Spatial Structure of Geometric Deformations and Bayesian Nonparametrics.
In GSI - Geometric Science of Information - 2013,
volume 8085 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS,
Paris, France,
pages 120-127,
August 2013.
Birkan Tunç,
Alex Smith,
Demian Wasserman,
Xavier Pennec,
William M. Wells,
Ragini Verma,
and Kilian M. Pohl.
Multinomial Probabilistic Fiber Representation for Connectivity Driven Clustering.
In Gee,
J. C.,
Kilian M.,
William M.,
and L., editors,
IPMI 2013 - Information Processing in Medical Imaging,
volume 7917 of LNCS,
Asilomar, United States,
pages 730-741,
June 2013.
Nicolas Duchateau,
Mathieu De Craene,
Xavier Pennec,
Beatriz Merino,
Marta Sitges,
and Bart Bijnens.
Which Reorientation Framework for the Atlas-Based Comparison of Motion from Cardiac Image Sequences?.
In Proc. of STIA 2012 (Spatio-=Temporal Image Analysis for Longitudinal and Time-Series Image Data,
volume 7570 of LNCS,
pages 25-37,
October 2012.
Springer, Heidelberg.
Hervé Lombaert,
Leo Grady,
Xavier Pennec,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Farida Cheriet.
Spectral Demons - Image Registration via Global Spectral Correspondence.
In Proc. of ECCV (2),
number 7573 of LNCS,
pages 30-44,
Hervé Lombaert,
Leo Grady,
Xavier Pennec,
Jean-Marc Peyrat,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Farida Cheriet.
Groupwise Spectral Log-Demons Framework for Atlas Construction.
In Medical Computer Vision (MCV'12) MICCAI workshop,
Note: Best paper award.
Marco Lorenzi,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Xavier Pennec.
Disentangling the normal aging from the pathological Alzheimer's disease progression on cross-sectional structural MR images.
In MICCAI workshop on Novel Imaging Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders (NIBAD'12),
pages 145-154,
October 2012.
ISBN: 9781479261994.
Marco Lorenzi,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Xavier Pennec.
Regional flux analysis of longitudinal atrophy in Alzheimer's disease.
In Proceedings of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 2012 (MICCAI),
volume 7510 of LNCS,
pages 739-746,
October 2012.
Springer, Heidelberg.
ISBN: 978-3-642-33414-6.
Marco Lorenzi,
Giovanni B. Frisoni,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Xavier Pennec.
Probabilistic Flux Analysis of Cerebral Longitudinal Atrophy.
In MICCAI workshop on Novel Imaging Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders (NIBAD'12),
pages 256-265,
October 2012.
ISBN: 9781479261994.
Kristin McLeod,
Adityo Prakosa,
Tommaso Mansi,
Maxime Sermesant,
and Xavier Pennec.
An Incompressible Log-Domain Demons Algorithm for Tracking Heart Tissue.
In Proc. MICCAI Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart: Mapping Structure and Function (STACOM11),
number 7085 of LNCS,
pages 55-67,
September 2012.
Kristin McLeod,
Christof Seiler,
Maxime Sermesant,
and Xavier Pennec.
A Near-Incompressible Poly-Affine Motion Model for Cardiac Function Analysis.
In Proc. MICCAI Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart: Mapping Structure and Function + a Cardiac Electrophysiological Simulation Challenge (STACOM+CESC'12),
October 2012.
Adityo Prakosa,
Kristin McLeod,
Maxime Sermesant,
and Xavier Pennec.
Evaluation of iLogDemons Algorithm for Cardiac Motion Tracking in Synthetic Ultrasound Sequence.
In Proc. MICCAI Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart: Imaging and Modelling Challenge (STACOM12),
October 2012.
Christof Seiler,
Xavier Pennec,
and Mauricio Reyes.
Simultaneous Multiscale Polyaffine Registration by Incorporating Deformation Statistics.
In Proceedings of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 2012 (MICCAI),
volume 7511 of LNCS,
pages 130-137,
October 2012.
Springer, Heidelberg.
ISBN: 978-3-642-33417-7.
Stefan Sommer,
Mads Nielsen,
and Xavier Pennec.
Sparsity and Scale: Compact Representations of Deformation for Diffeomorphic Registration.
In IEEE Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (MMBIA 2012),
Breckenridge, Colorado, USA,
January 2012.
B. Gibaud,
F. Ahmad,
C. Barillot,
F. Michel,
B. Wali,
B. Batrancourt,
M. Dojat,
P. Girard,
A. Gaignard,
D. Lingrand,
J. Montagnat,
J. Rojas Balderrama,
G. Malandain,
X. Pennec,
D. Godard,
G. Kassel,
and M. Pélégrini-Issac.
A federated system for sharing and reuse of images and image processing tools in neuroimaging.
In Proc. of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2011 (CARS 2011),
June 2011.
Marco Lorenzi,
Nicholas Ayache,
Giovanni B. Frisoni,
and Xavier Pennec.
Mapping the effects of A$\beta_{1-42}$ levels on the longitudinal changes in healthy aging: hierarchical modeling based on stationary velocity fields.
In Proceedings of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI),
volume 6892 of LNCS,
pages 663-670,
Marco Lorenzi,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Xavier Pennec.
Schilds Ladder for the parallel transport of deformations in time series of images.
In G. Szekely and H. Hahn, editors,
Proceedings of Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI'11),
volume 6801 of LNCS,
pages 463-474,
Note: Honorable Mention (runner-up) for the Erbsmann Award.
Marco Lorenzi and Xavier Pennec.
Geodesics, parallel transport & one-parameter subgroups.
In 3rd MICCAI workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy Workshop,
September 2011.
Marco Lorenzi,
Xavier Pennec,
and Giovanni B. Frisoni.
Monitoring the brain's longitudinal changes in clinical trials for Alzheimers disease: a robust and reliable non-rigid registration framework.
In Alzheimer's Association 2011 International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease (AAICAD),
Xavier Pennec and Marco Lorenzi.
Which parallel transport for the statistical analysis of longitudinal deformations?.
In Colloque GRETSI '11,
September 2011.
Christof Seiler,
Xavier Pennec,
and Mauricio Reyes.
Geometry-Aware Multiscale Image Registration Via OBBTree-Based Polyaffine Log-Demons.
In Proceedings of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 2011 (MICCAI),
volume 6892 of LNCS,
pages 631-638,
September 2011.
Springer, Heidelberg.
Note: Young Scientist Award.
Christof Seiler,
Xavier Pennec,
Lucas Ritacco,
and Mauricio Reyes.
Femur Specific Polyaffine Model to Regularize the Log-Domain Demons Registration.
In Benoit M. Dawant and David R. Haynor, editors,
Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging '11,
volume 7962,
pages Paper 7962-15,
January 2011.
SPIE Publishing.
ISBN: 9780819485045.
Viviana Siless,
Pamela Guevara,
Xavier Pennec,
and Pierre Fillard.
Joint T1 and Brain Fiber Diffeomorphic Registration Using the Demons.
In Tianming Liu,
Dinggang Shen,
Luis Ibanez,
and Xiaodong Tao, editors,
Multimodal Brain Image Analysis (First Int. MICCAI Workshop on),
volume 7012 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 10-18,
ISBN: 978-3-642-24445-2.
Keyword(s): Registration - neural fibers - diffeomorphism - Demons Algorithm - intensity-base registration - tensor-base registration.
Stefan Sommer,
François Lauze,
Mads Nielsen,
and Xavier Pennec.
A Multi-scale Kernel Bundle for LDDMM: Towards Sparse Deformation Description Across Space and Scales.
In Gabor Szekely and Horst Hahn, editors,
Proceedings of Information Processing in Medical Images IPMI'11,
volume 6801 of LNCS,
pages 624-635,
July 2011.
Stefan Sommer,
François Lauze,
Mads Nielsen,
and Xavier Pennec.
Kernel Bundle EPDiff: Evolution Equations for Multi-Scale Diffeomorphic Image Registration.
In A.M. Bruckstein,
B. ter Haar Romeny,
A.M. Bronstein,
and M.M. Bronstein, editors,
Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision,
volume 6667 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Ein-Gedi, Israël,
June 2011.
Caroline Brun,
Natasha Leporé,
Y.-Y. Chou,
Xavier Pennec,
Greig de Zubicaray,
K.L. McMahon,
M.J. Wright,
James C. Gee,
and Paul M. Thompson.
A 3D Statistical Fluid Registration Algorithm.
In Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (MLMI'2010),
September 2010.
Caroline Brun,
Natasha Leporé,
Xavier Pennec,
Y.-Y. Chou,
A.D. Lee,
M. Barysheva,
Greig de Zubicaray,
K.L. McMahon,
M.J. Wright,
and Paul M. Thompson.
Statistically assisted fluid image registration algorithm - SAFIRA.
In Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging 2010 (ISBI'10),
pages 364-367,
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
Nicholas Ayache,
and José Braga.
Comparison of the endocast growth of chimpanzees and bonobos via temporal regression and spatiotemporal registration.
In Miccai Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Image Analysis for Longitudinal and Time-Series Image Data,
Beijing, China,
September 2010.
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
Nicholas Ayache,
and José Braga.
Measuring the inter-species variability of endocast growth using shape regression and spatiotemporal registration.
In Abstracts of the 79-th annual meeting of the American Assoc. of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA), April 2010, Albuquerque,
pages 78-79,
V. Gorbunova,
Stanley Durrleman,
Pechin Lo,
Xavier Pennec,
and M. de Bruijne.
Lung CT registration combining intensity, curves and surfaces.
In Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging 2010 (ISBI'10),
pages 340-343,
Hans Lamecker and Xavier Pennec.
Atlas to Image-with-Tumor Registration based on Demons and Deformation Inpainting.
In Proc. MICCAI Workshop on Computational Imaging Biomarkers for Tumors - From Qualitative to Quantitative (CIBT'2010),
September 2010.
N. Lepore,
AA Joshi,
RM. Leahy,
CC Brun,
YY Chou,
X. Pennec,
AD Lee,
M. Barysheva,
GI de Zubicaray,
MJ. Wright,
KL. McMahon,
and AW Toga.
New Combined Surface and Volume Registration.
In Proc. of SPIE 2010,
volume 7623,
pages 76231E-76231E-9,
Marco Lorenzi,
Nicholas Ayache,
G. Frisoni,
and Xavier Pennec.
4D registration of serial brain MR's images: a robust measure of changes applied to Alzheimer's disease.
In Miccai Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Image Analysis for Longitudinal and Time-Series Image Data,
Beijing, China,
September 2010.
Note: Best Oral Presentation award.
Tommaso Mansi,
Xavier Pennec,
Maxime Sermesant,
Hervé Delingette,
and Nicholas Ayache.
LogDemons Revisited: Consistent Regularisation and Incompressibility Constraint for Soft Tissue Tracking in Medical Images.
In Proc. of Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'10), part II,
volume 6362 of LNCS,
Beijing, China,
pages 652-659,
September 2010.
Tommaso Mansi,
Maxime Sermesant,
Hervé Delingette,
Xavier Pennec,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Younes Boudjemline.
Modèles numériques pour la simulation et la prédiction de la fonction cardiaque.
In Congrès de la Société Francaise de Pédiatrie et de l'Association des Pédiatres de Langue Française (APLF),
Note: Archives de Pédiatrie 17(6):611-2, PMID: 20654804.
Kristin McLeod,
Alfonso Caiazzo,
Miguel A. Fernández,
Tommaso Mansi,
Irene E. Vignon-Clementel,
Maxime Sermesant,
Xavier Pennec,
Younes Boudjemline,
and Jean-Frederic Gerbeau.
Atlas-Based Reduced Models of Blood Flows for Fast Patient-Specific Simulations.
In Proc. MICCAI Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart: Mapping Structure and Function + a Cardiac Electrophysiological Simulation Challenge (STACOM+CESC'10),
volume 6364 of LNCS,
pages 95-104,
September 2010.
Franck Michel,
Alban Gaignard,
Farooq Ahmad,
Christian Barillot,
Benedicte Batrancourt,
Michel Dojat,
Bernard Gibaud,
Pascal Girard,
David Godard,
Gilles Kassel,
Diane Lingrand,
Grégoire Malandain,
Johan Montagnat,
Mélanie Pelegrini-Issac,
Xavier Pennec,
Javier Rojas Balderrama,
and Bacem Wali.
Grid-wide neuroimaging data federation in the context of the NeuroLOG project.
In Proc. of HealthGrid Conference,
volume 159 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics,
pages 112-123,
Christof Seiler,
Xavier Pennec,
and Mauricio Reyes.
Parametric regression of 3D medical images through the exploration of non-parametric regression models.
In Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging 2010 (ISBI'10),
pages 452-455,
Andrew Sweet and Xavier Pennec.
A Log-Euclidean Statistical Analysis of DTI Brain Deformations.
In Proc. of MICCAI Workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI 2010,
Beijing, China,
September 2010.
Keyword(s): diffusion tensor imaging,
computational anatomy,
diffeomorphic registration,
exponential map.
Andrew Sweet and Xavier Pennec.
Log-Domain Diffeomorphic Registration of Diffusion Tensor Images.
In Proc. of Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration 2010,
volume 6204 of LNCS,
Lübeck, Germany,
pages 198-209,
July 2010.
Keyword(s): diffusion tensor imaging,
computational anatomy,
diffeomorphic registration,
exponential map.
C.C. Brun,
N. Leporé,
X. Pennec,
Yi-Yu Chou,
A.D. Lee,
M. Barysheva,
G.I. de Zubicaray,
K.L. McMahon,
M.J. Wright,
A.W. Toga,
and P.M. Thompson.
A Lagrangian formulation for statistical fluid registration.
In Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging 2009 (ISBI'09),
pages 975-978,
Stanley Durrleman,
Pierre Fillard,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
and Nicholas Ayache.
A Statistical Model of White Matter Fiber Bundles based on Currents.
In Jerry L. Prince,
Dzung L. Pham,
and Kyle J. Myers, editors,
Proceedings of Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI'09),
volume 5636 of LNCS,
pages 114-125,
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
Guido Gerig,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Spatiotemporal Atlas Estimation for Developmental Delay Detection in Longitudinal Datasets.
In Guang-Zhong Yang,
David Hawkes,
Daniel Rueckert,
Alison Noble,
and Chris Taylor, editors,
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'09), Part I,
volume 5761 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
London, UK,
pages 297-304,
September 2009.
V. Gorbunova,
Stanley Durrleman,
P. Lo,
Xavier Pennec,
and M. de Bruijne.
Curve- and surface-based registration of lung CT images via currents.
In M. Brown,
M. de Bruijne,
B. van Ginneken,
A. Kiraly,
J.M. Kuhnigk,
C. Lorenz,
J.R. McClelland,
K. Mori,
A.P. Reeves,
and J. Reinhardt, editors,
Proc. of Second International Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis,
London United Kingdom,
pages 15-25,
Heike Hufnagel,
Jan Ehrhardt,
Xavier Pennec,
and Heinz Handels.
Application of a Probabilistic Statistical Shape Model to Automatic Segmentation.
In World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, WC 2009, München,
volume 25/4 of IFMBE Proceedings,
pages 2181-2184,
Heike Hufnagel,
Jan Ehrhardt,
Xavier Pennec,
Alexander Schmidt-Richberg,
and Heinz Handels.
Level Set Segmentation Using a Point-Based Statistical Shape Model Relying on Correspondence Probabilities.
In Proc. of MICCAI Workshop Probabilistic Model for Medical Image Analysis (PMMIA'09),
Tommaso Mansi,
Stanley Durrleman,
Boris Bernhardt,
Maxime Sermesant,
Hervé Delingette,
Ingmar Voigt,
Philipp Lurz,
Andrew M Taylor,
Julie Blanc,
Younes Boudjemline,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
A Statistical Model of Right Ventricle in Tetralogy of Fallot for Prediction of Remodelling and Therapy Planning.
In Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'09),
volume 5761 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
London, UK,
pages 214-221,
September 2009.
Caroline Brun,
Natasha Leporé,
Xavier Pennec,
Yi-Yu Chou,
Agatha D. Lee,
Marina Barysheva,
Greig I. de Zubicaray,
Matthew Meredith,
Katie McMahon,
Margaret J. Wright,
Arthur W. Toga,
and Paul M. Thompson.
A tensor-based morphometry study of genetic influences on brain structure using a new fluid registration method.
In Dimitris Metaxas and Leon Axel, editors,
Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'08),
volume 5242 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
New York, USA,
pages 914-921,
September 2008.
Caroline Brun,
Natasha Leporé,
Xavier Pennec,
Yi-Yu Chou,
Agatha D. Lee,
Greig I. de Zubicaray,
Katie McMahon,
Margaret J. Wright,
Marina Barysheva,
Arthur W. Toga,
and Paul M. Thompson.
A new registration method based on Log-Euclidean Tensor metrics and its application to genetic studies.
In Proc. of the 2008 IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI'08), Paris, France, May 14-17,
pages 1115-1118,
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
and Nicholas Ayache.
A Forward Model to Build Unbiased Atlases from Curves and Surfaces.
In X. Pennec and S. Joshi, editors,
Proc. of the International Workshop on the Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy (MFCA-2008),
September 2008.
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Sparse Approximation of Currents for Statistics on Curves and Surfaces.
In Dimitris Metaxas,
Leon Axel,
Gábor Székely,
and Gabor Fichtinger, editors,
Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Part II,
volume 5242 of LNCS,
New-York, USA,
pages 390-398,
September 2008.
Tristan Glatard,
Johan Montagnat,
and Xavier Pennec.
A Probabilistic Model to Analyse Workflow Performance on Production Grids.
In 8th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGRID'08),
pages 510-517,
May 2008.
Tristan Glatard,
Johan Montagnat,
and Xavier Pennec.
A framework for evaluating the impact of compression on registration algorithms without gold standard.
In International Conference on Image Processing,
pages 2912-2915,
Monica Hernandez,
Salvador Olmos,
and Xavier Pennec.
Comparing algorithms for diffeomorphic registration: Stationary LDDMM and Diffeomorphic Demons.
In X. Pennec and S. Joshi, editors,
Proc. of the International Workshop on the Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy (MFCA-2008),
September 2008.
Heike Hufnagel,
Xavier Pennec,
Jan Ehrhardt,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Heinz Handels.
A Global Criterion for the Computation of Statistical Shape Model Parameters Based on Correspondence Probabilities.
In Springer, editor,
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2008,
volume 14 of Informatik aktuell,
pages 277-282,
H. Hufnagel,
X. Pennec,
J. Ehrhardt,
N. Ayache,
and H. Handels.
Comparison of Statistical Shape Models Built on Correspondence Probabilities and One-to-One Correspondences.
In Proc. SPIE Symposium on Medical Imaging '08,
volume 6914 of SPIE Conference Series,
San Diego, USA,
February 2008.
Natasha Leporé,
Caroline Brun,
Yi-Yu Chou,
Agatha D. Lee,
Marina Barysheva,
Xavier Pennec,
Katie McMahon,
Matthew Meredith,
Greig I. de Zubicaray,
Margaret J. Wright,
Arthur W. Toga,
and Paul M. Thompson.
Best individual template selection from deformation tensor minimization.
In Proc. of the 2008 IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI'08), Paris, France, May 14-17,
pages 460-463,
Erik Pernod,
Jean-Christophe Souplet,
Javier Rojas Balderrama,
Diane Lingrand,
and Xavier Pennec.
Multiple Sclerosis Brain MRI Segmentation Workflow deployment on the EGEE Grid.
In MICCAI-Grid Workshop (MICCAI-Grid),
New York, NY, USA,
pages 55-64,
September 2008.
Jean-Marc Peyrat,
Hervé Delingette,
Maxime Sermesant,
Xavier Pennec,
Chenyang Xu,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Registration of 4D Time-Series of Cardiac Images with Multichannel Diffeomorphic Demons.
In Dimitris Metaxas,
Leon Axel,
Gabor Fichtinger,
and Gábor Székely, editors,
Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'08),
volume 5242 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
New York, USA,
pages 972-979,
September 2008.
Tom Vercauteren,
Xavier Pennec,
Aymeric Perchant,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Symmetric Log-Domain Diffeomorphic Registration: A Demons-based Approach.
In Dimitris Metaxas,
Leon Axel,
Gabor Fichtinger,
and Gábor Székely, editors,
Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'08), Part I,
volume 5241 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
New York, USA,
pages 754-761,
September 2008.
Boon Thye Thomas Yeo,
Tom Vercauteren,
Pierre Fillard,
Xavier Pennec,
Polina Golland,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Olivier Clatz.
DTI Registration with Exact Finite-Strain Differential.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI'08),
Paris, France,
May 2008.
Caroline Brun,
Natasha Leporé,
Xavier Pennec,
Yi-Yu Chou,
Oscar L. Lopez,
Howard J. Aizenstein,
James T. Becker,
Arthur W. Toga,
and Paul M. Thompson.
Comparison of Standard and Riemannian Fluid Registration for Tensor-Based Morphometry in HIV/AIDS.
In Proc. of MICCAI'07 Workshop on Statistical Registration: Pair-wise and Group-wise Alignment and Atlas Formation,
Brisbane, Australia,
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Measuring Brain Variability via Sulcal Lines Registration: a Diffeomorphic Approach.
In Nicholas Ayache,
Sébastien Ourselin,
and Anthony Maeder, editors,
Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI),
volume 4791 of LNCS,
Brisbane, Australia,
pages 675-682,
October 2007.
P. Fillard,
X. Pennec,
P.M. Thompson,
and N. Ayache.
Evaluating Brain Anatomical Correlations via Canonical Correlation Analysis of Sulcal Lines.
In Proc. of MICCAI'07 Workshop on Statistical Registration: Pair-wise and Group-wise Alignment and Atlas Formation,
Brisbane, Australia,
Tristan Glatard,
Johan Montagnat,
and Xavier Pennec.
Optimizing jobs timeouts on clusters and production grids.
In International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid),
Rio de Janeiro,
pages 100-107,
May 2007.
Heike Hufnagel,
Xavier Pennec,
Jan Ehrhardt,
Heinz Handels,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Point-Based Statistical Shape Models with Probabilistic Correspondences and Affine EM-ICP.
In Springer, editor,
Bildverarbeitung fuer die Medizin 2007,
Informatik aktuell,
pages 434-438,
March 2007.
Note: Third prize in category best scientific work.
Keyword(s): statistical shape models,
probabilistic correspondences.
H. Hufnagel,
X. Pennec,
J. Ehrhardt,
H. Handels,
and N. Ayache.
Shape Analysis Using a Point-Based Statistical Shape Model Built on Correspondence Probabilities.
In Nicholas Ayache,
Sébastien Ourselin,
and Anthony Maeder, editors,
Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'07),
volume 4791 of LNCS,
Brisbane, Australia,
pages 959-967,
October 2007.
Natasha Leporé,
Caroline Brun,
Xavier Pennec,
Yi-Yu Chou,
Oscar L. Lopez,
Howard J. Aizenstein,
James T. Becker,
Arthur W. Toga,
and Paul M. Thompson.
Mean Template for Tensor-Based Morphometry using Deformation Tensors.
In Nicholas Ayache,
Sébastien Ourselin,
and Anthony Maeder, editors,
Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'07),
volume 4792 of LNCS,
Brisbane, Australia,
pages 826-833,
October 2007.
Stephane Nicolau,
Xavier Pennec,
Luc Soler,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Clinical Evaluation of a Respiratory Gated Guidance System for Liver Punctures.
In Nicholas Ayache,
Sébastien Ourselin,
and Anthony J. Maeder, editors,
Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'07),
volume 4792 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Brisbane, Australia,
pages 77-85,
October 2007.
Jean-Marc Peyrat,
Maxime Sermesant,
Hervé Delingette,
Xavier Pennec,
Chenyang Xu,
Elliot McVeigh,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Statistical Comparison of Cardiac Fibre Architectures.
In Proceedings of Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart 2007 (FIMH'07),
volume 4466 of LNCS,
pages 413-423,
7-9 June 2007.
Tom Vercauteren,
Xavier Pennec,
Ezio Malis,
Aymeric Perchant,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Insight Into Efficient Image Registration Techniques and the Demons Algorithm.
In Proc. Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI'07),
volume 4584 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Kerkrade, The Netherlands,
pages 495-506,
July 2007.
Tom Vercauteren,
Xavier Pennec,
Aymeric Perchant,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Diffeomorphic Demons Using ITK's Finite Difference Solver Hierarchy.
In Insight Journal -- ISC/NA-MIC Workshop on Open Science at MICCAI 2007,
October 2007.
Note: Source code available at rl
Tom Vercauteren,
Xavier Pennec,
Aymeric Perchant,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Non-parametric Diffeomorphic Image Registration with the Demons Algorithm.
In Nicholas Ayache,
Sébastien Ourselin,
and Anthony J. Maeder, editors,
Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'07),
volume 4792 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Brisbane, Australia,
pages 319-326,
October 2007.
Vincent Arsigny,
Olivier Commowick,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
A Log-Euclidean Framework for Statistics on Diffeomorphisms.
In Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'06), Part I,
number 4190 of LNCS,
pages 924-931,
2-4 October 2006.
Keyword(s): Non-rigid registration,
Lie groups,
Log-Euclidean metrics,
Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Vincent Arsigny,
Olivier Commowick,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
A Log-Euclidean Polyaffine Framework for Locally Rigid or Affine Registration.
In J.P.W. Pluim,
B. Likar,
and F.A. Gerritsen, editors,
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration (WBIR'06),
volume 4057 of LNCS,
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
pages 120-127,
9 - 11 July 2006.
Keyword(s): Polyaffine transformations,
Non-rigid registration,
Multi-affine registration,
Lie groups,
Log-Euclidean metrics,
Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Vincent Arsigny,
Olivier Commowick,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Statistics on Diffeomorphisms in A Log-Euclidean Framework.
In X. Pennec and S. Joshi, editors,
Proc. of the International Workshop on the Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy (MFCA-2006),
pages 16-17,
1st of October 2006.
Keyword(s): Non-rigid registration,
Lie groups,
Log-Euclidean metrics,
Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Antoine Azar,
Chenyang Xu,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
An interactive Intensity- and Feature-Based Non-Rigid Registration Framework for 3D Medical Images.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2006),
Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, Virginia, USA,
pages 824-827,
April 2006.
Keyword(s): Spine,
variability model,
Riemannian geometry.
Jonathan Boisvert,
Farida Cheriet,
Xavier Pennec,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Hubert Labelle.
A Novel Framework for the 3D Analysis of Spine Deformation Modes.
In Research into Spinal Deformities,
volume 123 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics,
pages 176-182,
Jonathan Boisvert,
Farida Cheriet,
Xavier Pennec,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Hubert Labelle.
Assessment of Brace Local Action on Vertebrae Relative Poses.
In Research into Spinal Deformities,
volume 123 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics,
pages 372-378,
Jonathan Boisvert,
Xavier Pennec,
Nicholas Ayache,
Hubert Labelle,
and Farida Cheriet.
3D Anatomic Variability Assesment of the Scoliotic Spine Using Statistics on Lie Groups.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2006),
Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, Virginia, USA,
pages 750-753,
April 2006.
Keyword(s): Spine,
variability model,
Riemannian geometry.
Jonathan Boisvert,
Xavier Pennec,
Hubert Labelle,
Farida Cheriet,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Principal Spine Shape Deformation Modes Using Riemannian Geometry and Articulated Models.
In Proc of the IV Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, Andratx, Mallorca, Spain, 11-14 July,
volume 4069 of LNCS,
pages 346-355,
Note: AMDO best paper award 2006.
Pierre Fillard,
Vincent Arsigny,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Clinical DT-MRI estimation, smoothing and fiber tracking with log-Euclidean metrics.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2006),
Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, Virginia, USA,
pages 786-789,
April 2006.
Keyword(s): DT-MRI,
tensor estimation,
Riemannian geometry,
Log-Euclidean metrics.
J. Freund,
D. Comaniciu,
Y. Ioannis,
P. Liu,
R. McClatchey,
E. Moley-Fletcher,
X. Pennec,
G. Pongiglione,
and X.S. Zhou.
Health-e-Child: An Integrated Biomedical Platform for Grid-Based Pediatrics.
In Proc of Health-Grid 2006,
volume 120 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics,
Valancia, Spain,
pages 259-270,
Tristan Glatard,
Johan Montagnat,
and Xavier Pennec.
An experimental comparison of Grid5000 clusters and the EGEE grid.
In Proc of the Workshop on Experimental Grid testbeds for the assessment of large-scale distributed applications and tools (EXPGRID'06), Paris, France, June 19-23,
Tristan Glatard,
Johan Montagnat,
and Xavier Pennec.
Efficient services composition for grid-enabled data-intensive applications.
In IEEE, editor,
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC'06), Paris, France, June 19,
pages 333-334,
June 2006.
Tristan Glatard,
Johan Montagnat,
and Xavier Pennec.
Medical image registration algorithms assessment: Bronze Standard application enactment on grids using the MOTEUR workflow engine.
In Proc. of the HealthGrid conference (HealthGrid'06), Valencia, Spain, June 7-9,
volume 120 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics,
pages 93-103,
Tristan Glatard,
Johan Montagnat,
and Xavier Pennec.
Probabilistic and dynamic optimization of job partitioning on a grid infrastructure.
In 14th euromicro conference on Parallel, Distributed and network-based Processing (PDP06),
pages 231-238,
February 2006.
Tristan Glatard,
Xavier Pennec,
and Johan Montagnat.
Performance evaluation of grid-enabled registration algorithms using bronze-standards.
In Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'06), Part II,
volume 4191 of LNCS,
pages 152-160,
2-4 October 2006.
Xavier Pennec.
Left-Invariant Riemannian Elasticity: a distance on shape diffeomorphisms ?.
In Xavier Pennec and Sarang Joshi, editors,
1st MICCAI Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy: Geometrical, Statistical and Registration Methods for Modeling Biological Shape Variability,
Copenhagen, Danemark,
pages 1-13,
October 2006.
Jean-Marc Peyrat,
Maxime Sermesant,
Hervé Delingette,
Xavier Pennec,
Chenyang Xu,
Elliot McVeigh,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Towards a Statistical Atlas of Cardiac Fiber Structure.
In Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'06), Part I,
volume 4190 of LNCS,
pages 297-304,
2-4 October 2006.
Keyword(s): DT-MRI,
Diffusion Tensor,
Cardiac Fiber,
Vincent Arsigny,
Pierre Fillard,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Fast and Simple Calculus on Tensors in the Log-Euclidean Framework.
In J. Duncan and G. Gerig, editors,
Proceedings of the 8th Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2005, Part I,
volume 3749 of LNCS,
Palm Springs, CA, USA, October 26-29,
pages 115-122,
Keyword(s): DT-MRI,
Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
Riemannian geometry,
Lie group,
Log-Euclidean metrics.
Olivier Commowick,
Radu Stefanescu,
Pierre Fillard,
Vincent Arsigny,
Nicholas Ayache,
Xavier Pennec,
and Grégoire Malandain.
Incorporating Statistical Measures of Anatomical Variability in Atlas-to-Subject Registration for Conformal Brain Radiotherapy.
In J. Duncan and G. Gerig, editors,
Proceedings of the 8th Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2005, Part II,
volume 3750 of LNCS,
Palm Springs, CA, USA, October 26-29,
pages 927-934,
Keyword(s): registration,
Brain Stem,
[Annotation] [bibtex-entry]
Pierre Fillard,
Vincent Arsigny,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Xavier Pennec.
A Riemannian Framework for the Processing of Tensor-Valued Images.
In Ole Fogh Olsen,
Luc Florak,
and Arjan Kuijper, editors,
Deep Structure, Singularities, and Computer Vision (DSSCV),
pages 112-123,
June 2005.
Keyword(s): Tensors,
Riemannian geometry,
Structure tensors,
Pierre Fillard,
Vincent Arsigny,
Xavier Pennec,
Paul M. Thompson,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Extrapolation of Sparse Tensor Fields: Application to the Modeling of Brain Variability.
In Gary Christensen and Milan Sonka, editors,
Proc. of Information Processing in Medical Imaging 2005 (IPMI'05),
volume 3565 of LNCS,
Glenwood springs, Colorado, USA,
pages 27-38,
July 2005.
Keyword(s): Sucal lines,
Riemannian geometry,
Modeling of anatomical variability,
Cécile Germain,
Vincent Breton,
Patrick Clarysse,
Y. Gaudeau,
Tristan Glatard,
Emmanuel Jeannot,
Yannick Legré,
Charles Loomis,
Johan Montagnat,
Jean-Marie Moureau,
Angel Osorio,
Xavier Pennec,
and Romain Texier.
Grid-enabling medical image analysis.
In proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGRID'05),
volume 1,
Cardiff, UK,
pages 487-495,
May 2005.
Tristan Glatard,
Johan Montagnat,
and Xavier Pennec.
Grid-enabled workflows for data intensive applications.
In Proc. 18th IEEE Symp. on Computer Based Medical Systems (CBMS'05), Dublin, Ireland, June 23-24,
pages 537-542,
Heike Hufnagel,
Xavier Pennec,
Grégoire Malandain,
Hans Handels,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Non-Linear 2D and 3D Registration Using Block-Matching and B-Splines.
In Bildverarbeitung fuer die Medizin 2005,
Informatik aktuell,
Heidelberg, Germany,
pages 325-329,
March 2005.
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum,
Stéphane Nicolau,
Xavier Pennec,
Luc Soler,
and Nicholas Ayache.
A complete Augmented Reality Guidance System for Liver Punctures: First Clinical Evaluation.
In J. Duncan and G. Gerig, editors,
Proceedings of the 8th Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2005, Part I,
volume 3749 of LNCS,
Palm Springs, CA, USA, October 26-29,
pages 539-547,
Xavier Pennec,
Radu Stefanescu,
Vincent Arsigny,
Pierre Fillard,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Riemannian Elasticity: A statistical regularization framework for non-linear registration.
In J. Duncan and G. Gerig, editors,
Proceedings of the 8th Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2005, Part II,
volume 3750 of LNCS,
Palm Springs, CA, USA, October 26-29,
pages 943-950,
Keyword(s): registration,
Riemannian geometry,
Tom Vercauteren,
Aymeric Perchant,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Mosaicing of Confocal Microscopic In Vivo Soft Tissue Video Sequences.
In J. Duncan and G. Gerig, editors,
Proceedings of the 8th Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2005, Part I,
volume 3749 of LNCS,
Palm Springs, CA, USA, October 26-29,
pages 753-760,
October 2005.
Guillaume Flandin,
Xavier Pennec,
Alexis Roche,
Will Penny,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Jean-Baptiste Poline.
Multi-subject anatomo-functional classification for activation studies.
In NeuroImage (HBM'04),
Budapest, Hungary,
Derek Hill,
Xavier Pennec,
Michael Burns,
Michael Parkin,
Jo Hajnal,
Radu Stefanescu,
Daniel Rueckert,
and Johan Montagnat.
Intraoperable Medical Image Registration Grid Service.
In Proc. of HealthGrid 2004,
January 2004.
European Commission, DG Information Society.
Keyword(s): registration,
real time,
Stéphane Nicolau,
Xavier Pennec,
Luc Soler,
and Nicholas Ayache.
An Accuracy Certified Augmented Reality System for Therapy Guidance.
In Proc. of the 8th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 04), Part III,
volume 3023 of LNCS,
pages 79-91,
May 2004.
Keyword(s): Augmented reality,
3D/2D registration,
Stéphane Nicolau,
Xavier Pennec,
Luc Soler,
and Nicholas Ayache.
An Augmented Reality System to Guide Liver Punctures.
In Workshop AMI-ARCS 2004 held in conjunction with MICCAI'04,
pages 77-86,
September 2004.
IRISA Rennes.
Stéphane Nicolau,
Jérôme Schmid,
Xavier Pennec,
Luc Soler,
and Nicholas Ayache.
An Augmented Reality and Virtuality Interface for a Puncture Guidance System: Design and Validation on an Abdominal Phantom.
In Guang-Zhong Yang and Tianzi Jiang, editors,
Proc of the Second Int. Workshop on Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality MIAR 2004,
volume 3150 of LNCS,
Beijing, China,
pages 302-310,
August 2004.
Luc Soler,
Nicholas Ayache,
Stéphane Nicolau,
Xavier Pennec,
Clément Forest,
Hervé Delingette,
Didier Mutter,
and Jacques Marescaux.
Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Robotics in surgical procedures of the liver.
In Th. M. Buzug and T. C. Lueth, editors,
Perspectives in Image-guided Surgery. Proceedings of the Scientific Workshop on Medical Robotics, Navigation and Visualization (MRNV) 2004,
RheinAhrCampus Remagen, Germany,
pages 476-484,
March 11-12 2004.
World Scientific.
Luc Soler,
Stéphane Nicolau,
Jérôme Schmid,
Christophe Koehl,
Jacques Marescaux,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Digestive Surgery.
In Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR'04),
pages 278-279,
November 2004.
Radu Stefanescu,
Olivier Commowick,
Grégoire Malandain,
Pierre-Yves Bondiau,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Xavier Pennec.
Non-Rigid Atlas to Subject Registration with Pathologies for Conformal Brain Radiotherapy.
In C. Barillot,
D.R. Haynor,
and P. Hellier, editors,
Proc. of the 7th Int. Conf on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2004,
volume 3216 of LNCS,
Saint-Malo, France,
pages 704-711,
September 2004.
Keyword(s): registration,
conformal radiotherapy,
Radu Stefanescu,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
A Grid Service for the Interactive Use of a Parallel Non-Rigid Registration Algorithm.
In Proc. of HealthGrid 2004,
January 2004.
European Commission, DG Information Society.
Keyword(s): registration,
real time,
Vincent Arsigny,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Polyrigid and Polyaffine Transformations: A New Class of Diffeomorphisms for Locally Rigid or Affine Registration.
In Randy E. Ellis and Terry M. Peters, editors,
Proc. of MICCAI'03, Part II,
volume 2879 of LNCS,
pages 829-837,
November 2003.
Note: MICCAI 2003 Best Student Award in Image Processing and Visualization. PMID: 15948656.
Guillaume Flandin,
Will Penny,
Xavier Pennec,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Jean-Baptiste Poline.
A multisubject anatomo-functional parcellation of the brain.
In Tomas Paus,
Ed Bullmore,
and Jonathan D. Cohen, editors,
NeuroImage (HBM'03),
New York, USA,
Academic Press.
Keyword(s): fMRI.
Miguel Angel González Ballester,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Generalized Image Models and Their Application as Statistical Models of Images.
In Randy E. Ellis and Terry M. Peters, editors,
Proc. of MICCAI'03,
volume 2879 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Montreal, Canada,
pages 150-157,
November 2003.
Stéphane Nicolau,
Alain Garcia,
Xavier Pennec,
Luc Soler,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Augmented Reality guided radio-frequency tumor ablation.
In Proceedings of Augmented and Virtual Reality Workshop (AVIR03),
pages 34-35,
Keyword(s): 3D/2D registration,
Augmented reality,
Stéphane Nicolau,
Alain Garcia,
Xavier Pennec,
Luc Soler,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Guidage de ponctions percutanées à l'aide d'un système de vision basé sur une méthode de recalage 3D/2D.
In Actes du colloque Imagerie pour les sciences du vivant et de l'ingénieur (IMVIE03),
Keyword(s): 3D/2D registration,
Augmented reality,
Stéphane Nicolau,
Xavier Pennec,
Luc Soler,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Evaluation of a New 3D/2D Registration Criterion for Liver Radio-Frequencies Guided by Augmented Reality.
In N. Ayache and H. Delingette, editors,
International Symposium on Surgery Simulation and Soft Tissue Modeling (IS4TM'03),
volume 2673 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Juan-les-Pins, France,
pages 270-283,
INRIA Sophia Antipolis,
Keyword(s): 3D/2D registration,
Augmented reality,
Stéphane Nicolau,
Xavier Pennec,
Luc Soler,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Vision augmentée de structures anatomiques abdominales recalées par stéréoscopie.
In Actes du quatrième colloque francophone. Méthodes et Techniques Optiques pour l'Industrie,
volume 1,
pages 413-418,
Radu Stefanescu,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Grid Enabled Non-Rigid Registration with a Dense Transformation and A Priori Information.
In Randy E. Ellis and Terry M. Peters, editors,
Proc. of MICCAI'03, Part II,
volume 2879 of LNCS,
pages 804-811,
November 2003.
Radu Stefanescu,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Parallel non-rigid registration on a cluster of workstations.
In Sofie Norager, editor,
Proc. of HealthGrid'03,
January 2003.
European Commission, DG Information Society.
Keyword(s): registration,
real time,
Guillaume Flandin,
Ferath Kherif,
Xavier Pennec,
Grégoire Malandain,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Jean-Baptiste Poline.
Improved Detection Sensitivity in Functional MRI Data using a Brain Parcelling Technique.
In Takeyoshi Dohi and Ron Kikinis, editors,
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'02),
volume 2488 of LNCS,
pages 467-474,
September 2002.
Keyword(s): fMRI.
Guillaume Flandin,
Ferath Kherif,
Xavier Pennec,
Denis Rivière,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Jean-Baptiste Poline.
A new representation of fMRI data using anatomo-functional constraints.
In NeuroImage (HBM'02),
Sendai, Japan,
Keyword(s): fMRI.
Guillaume Flandin,
Ferath Kherif,
Xavier Pennec,
Denis Rivière,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Jean-Baptiste Poline.
Parcellation of brain images with anatomical and functional constraints for fMRI data analysis.
In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging,
Washington, USA,
pages 907-910,
Keyword(s): fMRI.
Sébastien Granger and Xavier Pennec.
Multi-scale EM-ICP: A Fast and Robust Approach for Surface Registration.
In A. Heyden,
G. Sparr,
M. Nielsen,
and P. Johansen, editors,
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2002),
volume 2353 of LNCS,
Copenhagen, Denmark,
pages 418-432,
Keyword(s): surface registration.
P. Jannin,
J.M. Fitzpatrick,
D.J. Hawkes,
X. Pennec,
R. Sahidi,
and M.W. Vannier.
White paper: validation of medical image processing in image-guided therapy.
In H.U. Lemke,
M.W. Vannier,
K. Inamura,
A.G. Farman,
K. Doi,
and J.H.C. Reiber, editors,
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Computer Assisted Radiology (CARS 2002),
pages 299-305,
Sébastien Ourselin,
Radu Stefanescu,
and Xavier Pennec.
Robust registration of multi-modal images: towards real-time clinical applications.
In Takeyoshi Dohi and Ron Kikinis, editors,
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'02),
volume 2489 of LNCS,
pages 140-147,
September 2002.
Note: A preliminary version appeared as INRIA RR-4333.
Keyword(s): parallelism,
robust estimation,
Maxime Sermesant,
Clément Forest,
Xavier Pennec,
Hervé Delingette,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Biomechanical Model Construction from Different Modalities: Application to Cardiac Images.
In Takeyoshi Dohi and Ron Kikinis, editors,
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'02),
volume 2488 of LNCS,
pages 714-721,
September 2002.
Keyword(s): 4D,
medical images,
motion tracking.
Nicholas Ayache,
Xavier Pennec,
and Pascal Cachier.
Fusing 3-D ultrasound and MRI for real-time image-guided neurosurgery.
In Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering Conference,
Note: Invited talk, Physica Medica (European journal of Medical Physics) 17(3).
Keyword(s): registration,
magnetic resonance,
Pascal Cachier,
Jean-François Mangin,
Xavier Pennec,
Denis Rivière,
Dimitri Papadopoulos-Orfanos,
Jean Régis,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Multisubject Non-Rigid Registration of Brain MRI using Intensity and Geometric Features.
In W.J. Niessen and M.A. Viergever, editors,
4th Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'01),
volume 2208 of LNCS,
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
pages 734-742,
October 2001.
Keyword(s): registration,
magnetic resonance,
Sébastien Granger,
Xavier Pennec,
and Alexis Roche.
Rigid Point-Surface Registration Using an EM variant of ICP for Computer Guided Oral Implantology.
In W.J. Niessen and M.A. Viergever, editors,
4th Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'01),
volume 2208 of LNCS,
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
pages 752-761,
October 2001.
Keyword(s): registration,
Xavier Pennec.
Evaluation of the Uncertainty in Various Registration problems.
In K.W. Bowyer,
M.H. Loew,
H. S. Stiehl,
and M. Viergever, editors,
Methodology of Evaluation in Computational Medical Imaging,
pages 15-16,
March 2001.
Schloss Dagsthul, Int. Conf. and Research Center for Computer Science.
Note: Dagstuhl Seminar 01111.
Keyword(s): registration,
Xavier Pennec,
Nicholas Ayache,
Alexis Roche,
and Pascal Cachier.
Non-rigid MR/US registration for tracking brain deformations.
In IEEE Computer Society Press, editor,
Proc of Int. Workshop on Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality (MIAR 2001), 10-12 June 2001, Shatin, Hong Kong,
pages 79-86,
June 2001.
Keyword(s): registration,
motion tracking,
magnetic resonance,
Xavier Pennec,
Pascal Cachier,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Tracking brain deformations in time sequences of 3D US images.
In M.I. Insana and R.M. Leahy, editors,
Proc. of IPMI'01,
volume 2082 of LNCS,
Davis, CA, USA,
pages 169-175,
June 2001.
Keyword(s): registration,
motion tracking,
Pascal Cachier and Xavier Pennec.
3D Non-Rigid Registration by Gradient Descent on a Gaussian-Windowed Similarity Measure using Convolutions.
In Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (MMBIA'00),
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA,
pages 182-189,
June 2000.
IEEE Computer society.
Keyword(s): registration,
magnetic resonance,
D. Etienne,
A. Stankoff,
X. Pennec,
S. Granger,
A. Lacan,
and R. Derycke.
A new approach for dental implant aided surgery. A pilot evaluation.
In H.U. Lemke,
M.W. Vannier,
K. Inamura,
A.G. Farman,
and K. Doi, editors,
Proc. of CARS'2000,
pages 927-931,
Keyword(s): validation,
A. Roche,
X. Pennec,
M. Rudolph,
D. P. Auer,
G. Malandain,
S. Ourselin,
L. M. Auer,
and N. Ayache.
Generalized Correlation Ratio for Rigid Registration of 3D Ultrasound with MR Images.
In A.M. DiGioia and S. Delp, editors,
Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'00),
volume 1935 of LNCS,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanie, USA,
pages 567-577,
October 11-14 2000.
Note: Published in IEEE TMI 20(10), oct. 2001, p. 25-31.
Keyword(s): registration,
magnetic resonance,
correlation ratio.
Sébastien Ourselin,
Alexis Roche,
Gérard Subsol,
and Xavier Pennec.
Automatic Alignment of Histological Sections.
In F. Pernus,
S. Kovacic,
H.S. Stiehl,
and M.A. Viergever, editors,
International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration, WBIR'99,
Bled (Slovénie),
pages 1-13,
August 1999.
Keyword(s): registration,
Xavier Pennec.
Probabilities and Statistics on Riemannian Manifolds: Basic Tools for Geometric Measurements.
In A.E. Cetin,
L. Akarun,
A. Ertuzun,
M.N. Gurcan,
and Y. Yardimci, editors,
Proc. of Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing (NSIP'99),
volume 1,
June 20-23, Antalya, Turkey,
pages 194-198,
Keyword(s): statistics,
Riemannian geometry.
Xavier Pennec,
Pascal Cachier,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Understanding the ``Demon's Algorithm'': 3D Non-Rigid registration by Gradient Descent.
In C. Taylor and A. Colchester, editors,
Proc. of 2nd Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'99),
volume 1679 of LNCS,
Cambridge, UK,
pages 597-605,
September 1999.
Keyword(s): registration,
Xavier Pennec,
Charles R.G. Guttmann,
and Jean-Philippe Thirion.
Feature-based Registration of Medical Images: Estimation and Validation of the Pose Accuracy.
In Proc. of First Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'98),
volume 1496 of LNCS,
Cambridge, USA,
pages 1107-1114,
October 1998.
Keyword(s): registration,
magnetic resonance,
Alexis Roche,
Grégoire Malandain,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
The Correlation Ratio as a New Similarity Measure for Multimodal Image Registration.
In Proc. of First Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'98),
volume 1496 of LNCS,
Cambridge, USA,
pages 1115-1124,
October 1998.
Keyword(s): registration,
correlation ratio.
Xavier Pennec.
Registration of Uncertain Geometric Features: Estimating the Pose and its Accuracy.
In J. Le Moigne, editor,
Proc of the First Image Registration Workshop, November 20-21 1997, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA,
pages 263-272,
November 1997.
Keyword(s): registration,
Xavier Pennec.
Multiple Registration and Mean Rigid Shape - Application to the 3D case.
In K.V. Mardia,
C.A. Gill,
and Dryden I.L., editors,
Image Fusion and Shape Variability Techniques (16th Leeds Annual Statistical Workshop),
pages 178-185,
July 1996.
University of Leeds, UK.
Keyword(s): registration,
multiple registration,
Xavier Pennec and Nicholas Ayache.
Quelques problèmes posés par la gestion des primitives géométriques en vision par ordinateur.
In Journées ORASIS,
pages 111-116,
May 1996.
Keyword(s): geometry,
Riemannian geometry.
Xavier Pennec and Nicholas Ayache.
Randomness and Geometric Features in Computer Vision.
In IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'96),
San Francisco, Cal, USA,
pages 484-491,
June 1996.
Note: Published in J. of Math. Imag. and Vision 9(1), July 1998, p. 49-67.
Keyword(s): geometry,
Riemannian geometry.
J. West,
J.M. Fitzpatrick,
M.Y. Wang,
B.M. Dawant,
C.R. Maurer, Jr.,
R.M. Kessler,
R.J. Maciunas,
C. Barillot,
D. Lemoine,
A. Collignon,
F. Maes,
P. Suetens,
D. Vandermeulen,
P.A. van den Elsen,
P.F. Hemler,
S. Napel,
T.S. Sumanaweera,
B. Harkness,
D.L.G. Hill,
C. Studholme,
G. Malandain,
X. Pennec,
M.E. Noz,
G.Q. Maguire, Jr.,
M. Pollack,
C.A. Pelizzari,
R.A. Robb,
D. Hanson,
and R.P. Woods.
Comparison and evaluation of retrospective intermodality image registration techniques.
In Medical Imaging 1996: Image Processing,
volume 2710 of SPIE proceedings series,
Newport Beach, California, USA,
February 10-15 1996.
Keyword(s): registration,
Xavier Pennec and Jean-Philippe Thirion.
Validation of 3D Registration Methods based on Points and Frames.
In Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf on Comp. Vision (ICCV'95),
Cambridge, Ma,
pages 557-562,
June 1995.
Note: Published in Int. J. of Comp. Vision 25(3), 1997, p. 203-229.
Keyword(s): registration,
Xavier Pennec and Nicholas Ayache.
An ${{\cal O}}(n^2)$ Algorithm for 3D Substructure Matching of Proteins.
In A. Califano,
I. Rigoutsos,
and H.J. Wolson, editors,
Shape and Pattern Matching in Computational Biology -- Proc. First Int. Workshop, Seattle, Wash, June 20, 1994,
pages 25-40,
Plenum Publishing.
Note: Published in Bioinformatics 14(6), 1998, p. 516-522.
Keyword(s): registration,
protein structure.
Frédéric Blanqui,
Anne Canteaut,
Hidde De Jong,
Sébastien Imperiale,
Nathalie Mitton,
Guillaume Pallez,
Xavier Pennec,
Xavier Rival,
and Bertrand Thirion.
Recommendations on ''Grey-Zone Publishers''.
Technical report,
January 2023.
Frédéric Blanqui,
Anne Canteaut,
Hidde de Jong,
Sébastien Imperiale,
Nathalie Mitton,
Guillaume Pallez,
Xavier Pennec,
Xavier Rival,
and Bertrand Thirion.
Recommandations sur les `` éditeurs de la zone grise ''.
Technical report,
January 2023.
Martin Bauer,
Martins Bruveris,
Philipp Harms,
Boris Khesin,
Stephen Marsland,
Peter Michor,
Klas Modin,
Olaf Müller,
Xavier Pennec,
Stefan Sommer,
and François-Xavier Vialard.
Math in the Cabin - Shape Analysis Workshop in Bad Gastein.
Research Report,
Brunel University London ; University of Vienna,
July 2014.
Xavier Pennec,
Curzio Basso,
Younes Boudjemline,
Stanley Durrleman,
Ender Konukoglu,
Tommaso Mansi,
Kristin McLeod,
Giacomo Pongiglione,
Matteo Santoro,
Maxime Sermesant,
Bertrand Stos,
Nicolas Toussaint,
and Gianluca Trocchio.
Third generation disease models: Image analysis tools, pediatric heart diseases, inflammatory diseases and brain tumors.
Deliverables D11.4,
European project Health-e-Child (IST-2004-027749),
April 2010.
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Guido Gerig,
Alain Trouvé,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Spatiotemporal Atlas Estimation for Developmental Delay Detection in Longitudinal Datasets.
Research report RR-6952,
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Sparse Approximation of Currents for Statistics on Curves and Surfaces.
Research report RR-6571,
June 2008.
Pierre Fillard,
Xavier Pennec,
Paul M. Thompson,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Evaluating Brain Anatomical Correlations via Canonical Correlation Analysis of Sulcal Lines.
Research report RR-6241,
07 2007.
Xavier Pennec,
Curzio Basso,
Younes Boudjemline,
Stanley Durrleman,
Ender Konukoglu,
Tommaso Mansi,
Giacomo Pongiglione,
Matteo Santoro,
Maxime Sermesant,
Bertrand Stos,
Nicolas Toussaint,
and Gianluca Trocchio.
First generation disease models: Image analysis tools, pediatric heart diseases, inflammatory diseases and brain tumors.
Deliverables D11.2,
European project Health-e-Child (IST-2004-027749),
June 2007.
Vincent Arsigny,
Olivier Commowick,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
A Fast and Log-Euclidean Polyaffine Framework for Locally Affine Registration.
Research report RR-5865,
INRIA Sophia-Antipolis,
March 2006.
Keyword(s): Polyaffine transformations,
Non-rigid registration,
Multi-affine registration,
Lie groups,
Log-Euclidean metrics,
Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Vincent Arsigny,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Bi-invariant Means in Lie Groups. Application to Left-invariant Polyaffine Transformations.
Research report RR-5885,
INRIA Sophia-Antipolis,
April 2006.
Keyword(s): Bi-invariant means,
Fréchet means,
Lie groups,
Riemannian geometry,
Polyaffine transformations,
Pierre Fillard,
Vincent Arsigny,
Xavier Pennec,
Kiralee M. Hayashi,
Paul M. Thompson,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Measuring Brain Variability by Extrapolating Sparse Tensor Fields Measured on Sulcal Lines.
Research report RR-5887,
April 2006.
Tristan Glatard,
Johan Montagnat,
and Xavier Pennec.
Optimizing jobs timeouts on clusters and production grids.
Technical report I3S/RR-2006-35-FR,
Tristan Glatard,
Johan Montagnat,
Xavier Pennec,
David Emsellem,
and Diane Lingrand.
MOTEUR: a data-intensive service-based workflow manager.
Technical report I3S/RR-2006-07-FR,
I3S RAINBOW team, Univ. Nice-Sophia-Antipolis,
March 2006.
Martin Huber,
Xavier Pennec,
Alessandro Verri,
Harry Dimitropoulos,
Maxime Sermesant,
Cristian Mircean,
Sonja Zilner,
Homer Metaxas,
Michael Lynch,
Ender Konukoglu,
Maria-Luisa Garre,
Anna Charisi,
Curzio Basso,
and Elise Arnaud.
State of the art report on disease models, decision support systems and knwoledge discovery for pediatric oncology, cardiology and rheumatology.
Deliverables 11.1, 12.1, 13.1,
European project Health-e-Child (IST-2004-027749),
June 2006.
Jean-Marc Peyrat,
Maxime Sermesant,
Hervé Delingette,
Xavier Pennec,
Chenyang Xu,
Elliot McVeigh,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Towards a Statistical Atlas of Cardiac Fiber Architecture.
Research report RR-5906,
May 2006.
Keyword(s): DT-MRI,
Diffusion Tensor,
Cardiac Fiber,
Vincent Arsigny,
Pierre Fillard,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Fast and Simple Computations on Tensors with Log-Euclidean Metrics.
Research report RR-5584,
Sophia-Antipolis, France,
May 2005.
Keyword(s): DT-MRI,
Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
Riemannian geometry,
Lie group,
Pierre Fillard,
Vincent Arsigny,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Joint Estimation and Smoothing of Clinical DT-MRI with a Log-Euclidean Metric.
Research report RR-5607,
Sophia-Antipolis, France,
June 2005.
Keyword(s): tensors,
fiber tracking,
Riemannian geometry.
Tristan Glatard,
Johan Montagnat,
and Xavier Pennec.
An optimized workflow enactor for data-intensive grid applications.
Technical report I3S/RR-2005-32,
Nice-Sophia-Antipolis University, I3S Lab, RAINBOW project,
Xavier Pennec.
Probabilities and Statistics on Riemannian Manifolds: A Geometric approach.
Research report RR-5093,
January 2004.
Note: An extended version will appear in the International Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision.
Keyword(s): statistics,
Riemannian geometry.
Xavier Pennec,
Pierre Fillard,
and Nicholas Ayache.
A Riemannian Framework for Tensor Computing.
Research report RR-5255,
July 2004.
Note: Published in International Journal of Computer Vision 65(1), October 2005.
Keyword(s): Tensors,
Riemannian geometry.
Vincent Arsigny,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
A novel family of geometrical transformations: Polyrigid transformations. Application to the registration of histological slices.
Research report RR-4837,
Keyword(s): registration,
Stéphane Nicolau,
Xavier Pennec,
Luc Soler,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Validation of a New 3D/2D Registration Criterion including Error Prediction. Application to Image Guided Radio-Frequency Ablation of the Liver Tumors.
Research report RR-4993,
Keyword(s): Augmented Reality,
3D/2D Registration,
Uncertainty Prediction,
Tumors Liver Radio-frequencies Ablation.
Sébastien Granger and Xavier Pennec.
Statistiques exactes et approchées sur les normales aléatoires.
Research report RR-4533,
Keyword(s): reconstruction,
random normals.
Xavier Pennec,
Radu Stefanescu,
and Eric Bardinet.
Rapport d'étude de l'action CNES ``R&T Mise en correspondance''.
Technical report,
October 2002.
Sébastien Granger,
Xavier Pennec,
and Alexis Roche.
Rigid Point-Surface Registration using Oriented Points and an EM variant of ICP for Computer Guided Oral Implantology.
Research report RR-4169,
Note: Published in MICCAI'01, Utrecht, Netherlands, LNCS 2208, p.752-761.
Keyword(s): registration,
Sébastien Ourselin,
Xavier Pennec,
Radu Stefanescu,
Grégoire Malandain,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Robust Registration of Multi-Modal Medical Images: Towards Real-Time Clinical Applications.
Research report RR-4333,
Keyword(s): registration,
real time,
magnetic resonance.
Xavier Pennec and Pascal Cachier.
NT2: Non-Rigid tracking US/US, second generation (Roboscope MMIT deliverable 26).
Technical report,
European project Roboscope,
May 2000.
Keyword(s): registration,
motion tracking,
Xavier Pennec,
Pascal Cachier,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Tracking Brain Deformations in Time-Sequences of 3D US Images.
Research report RR-4091,
December 2000.
Keyword(s): registration,
motion tracking,
Xavier Pennec and Alexis Roche.
NM2: Non-Rigid matching MR/US second generation (Roboscope MMIT deliverable 25).
Technical report,
European project Roboscope,
April 2000.
Keyword(s): registration,
magnetic resonance,
Alexis Roche,
Xavier Pennec,
Grégoire Malandain,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Sébastien Ourselin.
Generalized Correlation Ratio for Rigid Registration of 3D Ultrasound with MR Images.
Research report RR-3980,
July 2000.
Note: Published in IEEE TMI 20(10), oct. 2001, p. 25-31.
Keyword(s): registration,
magnetic resonance,
correlation ratio.
Pascal Cachier,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Fast Non-Rigid Matching by Gradient Descent: Study and Improvements of the Demons Algorithm.
Research report RR-3706,
June 1999.
Keyword(s): registration,
Xavier Pennec.
AdV: Adapted viewing tools for the user interface (Roboscope MMIT deliverable 13).
Technical report,
European project Roboscope,
September 1999.
Xavier Pennec.
CoR1: Co-registration tools for MR/Robot (Roboscope MMIT deliverable 12).
Technical report,
European project Roboscope,
April 1999.
Xavier Pennec.
RM1: Rigid matching tools for MR images (Roboscope MMIT deliverable 11).
Technical report,
European project Roboscope,
April 1999.
Xavier Pennec and Pascal Cachier.
NT1: Non-Rigid tracking US/US, first generation (Roboscope MMIT deliverable 19).
Technical report,
European project Roboscope,
December 1999.
Alexis Roche and Xavier Pennec.
NM1: Non-Rigid matching MR/US first generation (Roboscope MMIT deliverable 18).
Technical report,
European project Roboscope,
September 1999.
Sébastien Ourselin,
Alexis Roche,
Gérard Subsol,
Xavier Pennec,
and Christophe Sattonnet.
Automatic Alignment of Histological Sections for 3D Reconstruction and Analysis.
Research report RR-3595,
December 1998.
Keyword(s): registration,
Xavier Pennec.
Computing the mean of geometric features - Application to the mean rotation.
Research report RR-3371,
March 1998.
Keyword(s): statistics,
Xavier Pennec.
Registration of Uncertain Geometric Features: Estimating the Pose and its Accuracy.
Technical report AIM-1623,
MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab,
January 1998.
Keyword(s): registration,
Xavier Pennec.
Toward a generic framework for recognition based on uncertain geometric features.
Memo AIM-1622,
MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab,
January 1998.
Note: Published in Videre 1(2), 1998, p.58-87.
Keyword(s): registration,
Alexis Roche,
Grégoire Malandain,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Multimodal Image Registration by Maximization of the Correlation Ratio.
Research report RR-3378,
August 1998.
Note: Published in MICCAI'98, Cambridge, USA, LNCS 1496, p. 1115-1124.
Keyword(s): registration,
correlation ratio.
Xavier Pennec and Nicholas Ayache.
Randomness and Geometric Features in Computer Vision.
Research report RR-2820,
March 1996.
Note: Published in J. of Math. Imag. and Vision 9(1), July 1998, p. 49-67.
Keyword(s): geometry,
Riemannian geometry.
Xavier Pennec and Jean-Philippe Thirion.
Validation of 3D Registration Methods based on Points and Frames.
Research report RR-2470,
January 1995.
Note: Published in Int. J. of Comp. Vision 25(3), 1997, p. 203-229.
Keyword(s): registration,
Xavier Pennec and Nicholas Ayache.
An ${{\cal O}}(n^2)$ Algorithm for 3D Substructure Matching of Proteins.
Research report RR-2274,
May 1994.
Note: Published in Bioinformatics 14(6), 1998, p. 516-522.
Keyword(s): registration,
protein structure.
Xavier Pennec.
Correctness and Robustness of 3D Rigid Matching with Bounded Sensor Error.
Research report RR-2111,
November 1993.
Keyword(s): registration,
Xavier Pennec.
Etude d'améliorations possibles de techniques neuro-mimétiques appliquées à la reconnaissance de caractères manuscrits.
Rapport interne,
Note: Also in Rapport de stage d'option, Ecole Polytechnique.
Natasha Lepore,
Fernando Ypes-Calderon,
Yalin Wang,
Paul M. Thompson,
Xavier Pennec,
Marvin D. Nelson,
Caroline Brun,
and Wayne L. Tang.
Magnetic resonance imaging tool to detect clinical difference in brain anatomy.
WO/2015/017582, International Application PCT/US2014/048973,
United States,
February 2015.
Tom Vercauteren,
Aymeric Perchant,
Nicholas Ayache,
Xavier Pennec,
and Grégoire Malandain.
Robust Mosaicing Method with Correction of Motion Distorsions and Tissue Deformations for In Vivo Fibered Microscopy.
US Patent Application 2009/0041314 (file 02.08.2007, published 12.02.2009),
August 2007.
Vincent Arsigny,
Xavier Pennec,
Pierre Fillard,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Device for processing raw images or tensor images.
US patent US 2008/0170802 (filed 07.04.2006, published 17.07.2008,
July 2006.
Vincent Arsigny,
Xavier Pennec,
Pierre Fillard,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Dispositif perfectionné de traitement ou de production d'images de tenseurs.
French patent filing number 0503483,
April 2005.
Note: International application number PCT/FR2006/000774 published 12.10.2006.
Alexis Roche,
Grégoire Malandain,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Xavier Pennec.
Electronic device for automatic registration of images.
US patent No US 6,539,127 B1, Mars 25, 2003,
March 2003.
Alexis Roche,
Grégoire Malandain,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Xavier Pennec.
Dispositif électronique de recalage automatique d'images.
French patent No FR 98 09649, Bulletin officiel de la propriété intellectuelle no 00/39 du Sept. 09 2000. European extension No 99401881,
September 2000.
Xavier Pennec.
Program of the MICCAI 2012 Workshops, Challenges and Tutorials.
Printed booklet distributed to 967 participants,
October 2012.
Note: 90 pages.
Dimbihery Rabenoro and Xavier Pennec.
A geometric framework for asymptotic inference of principal subspaces in PCA.
Note: Working paper or preprint,
November 2024.
Dimbihery Rabenoro and Xavier Pennec.
Effective formulas for the geometry of normal homogeneous spaces. Application to flag manifolds.
Note: Working paper or preprint,
December 2024.
Tom Szwagier and Xavier Pennec.
The curse of isotropy: from principal components to principal subspaces.
Note: Working paper or preprint,
August 2024.
Keyword(s): Principal Component Analysis,
Parsimonious Models,
Flag Manifolds.
Anna Calissano,
Théodore Papadopoulo,
Xavier Pennec,
and Samuel Deslauriers-Gauthier.
Graph Matching improves the Similarity of Structural Brain Networks.
OHBM 2023 - Organization for Human Brain Mapping,
July 2023.
Note: Poster.
Keyword(s): Brain network,
Network alignment,
diffusion MRI.
Morten Akhoj,
James Benn,
Erlend Grong,
Stefan Sommer,
and Xavier Pennec.
Principal subbundles for dimension reduction.
Note: Working paper or preprint,
July 2023.
Blanche Buet and Xavier Pennec.
Note: Working paper or preprint,
Elodie Maignant,
Xavier Pennec,
and Alain Trouvé.
Looking for invariance in Locally Linear Embedding.
Curves and Surfaces 2022,
June 2022.
Note: Poster.
Keyword(s): Locally linear embedding.
James Benn,
Anna Calissano,
Stephen Marsland,
and Xavier Pennec.
The Currents Space of Graphs.
Note: Working paper or preprint,
December 2022.
Talia Nir,
Jean-Paul Fouche,
Jintanat Ananworanich,
Beau Ances,
Jasmina Boban,
Bruce Brew,
Linda Chang,
Joga Chaganti,
Christopher R.K. Ching,
Lucette Cysique,
Thomas Ernst,
Joshua Faskowitz,
Vikash Gupta,
Jaroslaw Harezlak,
Jodi Heaps-Woodruff,
Charles Hinkin,
Jacqueline Hoare,
John Joska,
Kalpana Kallianpur,
Taylor Kuhn,
Hei Lam,
Meng Law,
Christine Lebrun-Frenay,
Andrew Levine,
Lydiane Mondot,
Beau Nakamoto,
Bradford Navia,
Xavier Pennec,
Eric Porges,
Cecilia Shikuma,
April Thames,
Victor Valcour,
Matteo Vassallo,
Adam Woods,
Paul Thompson,
Ronald Cohen,
Robert Paul,
Dan Stein,
and Neda Jahanshad.
Smaller limbic structures are associated with greater immunosuppression in over 1000 HIV-infected adults across five continents: Findings from the ENIGMA-HIV Working Group.
Note: Working paper or preprint,
January 2021.
Nina Miolane,
Johan Mathe,
Claire Donnat,
Mikael Jorda,
and Xavier Pennec.
geomstats: a Python Package for Riemannian Geometry in Machine Learning.
Note: Preprint NIPS2018,
January 2019.
Xavier Pennec.
Curvature effects on the empirical mean in Riemannian and affine Manifolds: a non-asymptotic high concentration expansion in the small-sample regime.
Note: Working paper or preprint,
June 2019.
Keyword(s): empirical mean,
affine connection manifold,
Fréchet means,
Riemannian manifold,
non-asymptotic estimation.
Xavier Pennec.
Parallel Transport with Pole Ladder: a Third Order Scheme in Affine Connection Spaces which is Exact in Affine Symmetric Spaces.
Note: Working paper or preprint,
May 2018.
Keyword(s): parallel transport,
pole ladder,
symmetric space,
numerical approximation,
affine connection space.
Nina Miolane,
Xavier Pennec,
and Susan Holmes.
Towards a unified bayesian geometric framework for template estimation in Computational Anatomy.
International Society of Bayesian Analysis: World Meeting,
June 2016.
Note: Poster.
Keyword(s): template,
medical imaging.
Jan L. Bruse,
Kristin Mcleod,
Giovanni Biglino,
Tain-Yen Hsia,
Xavier Pennec,
Maxime Sermesant,
Andrew M. Taylor,
and Silvia Schievano.
A Statistical Shape Atlas of the Surgically Reconstructed Aortic Arch in Patients With Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.
7th World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston 2014,
July 2014.
Note: Poster.
Vikash Gupta,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Xavier Pennec.
Towards higher resolution analysis of Clinical Brain Diffusion Images.
1st International Symposium on Deep Brain Connectomics, Clermon-Ferrand, France,
September 2012.
Marco Lorenzi,
Nicholas Ayache,
Xavier Pennec,
Giovanni B. Frisoni,
and for the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI).
Differentiating pathological brain atrophy from normal aging: a promising diagnostic tool for Alzheimer's disease.
2nd Virtual Physiological Human European Conference (VPH2012), London,
September 2012.
Marco Lorenzi,
Nicholas Ayache,
Xavier Pennec,
Giovanni B. Frisoni,
and for the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI).
Disentangling the normal aging from the pathological Alzheimer's disease progression on structural MR images.
5th Clinical Trials in Alzheimer's Disease (CTAD'12), Monte Carlo,
October 2012.
Xavier Pennec and the MICCAI Workshops / Challenges / Tutorials Organizers.
Proceedings of the MICCAI 2012 Workshops, Challenges and Tutorials.
USB key distributed to 967 participants,
October 2012.
Note: 4080 pages.
Michel Dojat,
Mélanie Pélégrini-Issac,
Farooq Ahmad,
Christian Barillot,
Bénédicte Batrancourt,
Alban Gaignard,
Bernard Gibaud,
Pascal Girard,
David Godard,
Gilles Kassel,
Diane Lingrand,
Grégoire Malandain,
Franck Michel,
Johan Montagnat,
Xavier Pennec,
Javier Balderrama,
and Bacem Wali.
NeuroLOG: A framework for the sharing and reuse of distributed tools and data in neuroimaging.
17th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), June 26-30,
I. L. Dryden,
Xavier Pennec,
and Jean-Marc Peyrat.
Power Euclidean metrics for covariance matrices with application to diffusion tensor imaging.
ArXiv e-prints,
September 2010.
Marco Lorenzi,
G. Frisoni,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Xavier Pennec.
Mapping longitudinal changes in the brain affected by Alzheimer's disease.
First VPH Conference (VPH2010), Brussels),
September 2010.
Kristin McLeod,
Tommaso Mansi,
Stanley Durrleman,
Maxime Sermesant,
and Xavier Pennec.
Statistical Analysis of the Anatomy: From Digital Patient to Digital Population.
First VPH Conference (VPH2010), Brussels),
September 2010.
Note: Abstract.
C Brun,
N Leporé,
X Pennec,
YY Chou,
AD Lee,
M Barysheva,
K McMahon,
GI de Zubicaray,
M Wright,
AW Toga,
and PM Thompson.
Volumetric Differences in Brain Structure in Identical and Fraternal Twins Computed using Riemannian Tensor-Based Morphometry.
13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), June 15-19,
Tommaso Mansi,
Maxime Sermesant,
Martin Huber,
Andrew Taylor,
Giacomo Pongiglione,
Xavier Pennec,
and Younes Boudjemline.
Modélisation électromécanique du coeur et analyse d'images.
Archives de Pédiatrie - Congrès des Sociétés Françaises Médico-chirurgicales Pédiatriques,
February 2008.
Note: Archives de Pédiatrie 15(5):1032 -- Special award for best presentation.
Javier Rojas Balderrama,
Diane Lingrand,
Erik Pernod,
Jean-Christophe Souplet,
Xavier Pennec,
and Johan Montagnat.
NeuroLOG: neuroscience application workflows execution on the EGEE grid.
Enabling Grid for E-sciencE (EGEE) conference,
September 2008.
Note: EGEE'08 best paper award.
Xavier Pennec.
From Riemannian Geometry to Computational Anatomy of the Brain.
ERCIM News No.69, p.15-16,
January 2007.
Note: Special issue on the Digital Patient.
Xavier Pennec and Pierre Fillard.
Avons-nous tous le même cerveau?.
In Voir l'invisible, p.112-113, Omniscience,
December 2007.
ISBN: 978-2-916097-13-8.
Xavier Pennec and Pierre Fillard.
Les autoroutes de l'information neuronale.
In Voir l'invisible, p.116-117, Omniscience,
December 2007.
ISBN: 978-2-916097-13-8.
Pierre Fillard,
Nicolas Toussaint,
and Xavier Pennec.
MedINRIA: DT-MRI Processing and Visualization Software,
November 2006.
Note: Guest paper at the Similar Tensor Workshop, Las Palmas, Spain.
Xavier Pennec.
A European paediatric platform.
INédit 56, p.4,
November 2006.
Ignacio Blanquer,
Vincent Hernandez,
Guy Lonsdale,
Kevin Dean,
Sharon Lloyd,
Richard McClatchey,
Johan Montagnat,
Mike Brady,
Xavier Pennec,
Howard Bolofsky,
Chris Jones,
Martin Hofmann,
Tony Solmonides,
Ilidio C. Oliveira,
Juan Pedro Sanchez,
Victoria Lopez,
George De Moor,
Brecht Claerhout,
and Jean A.M. Harveg.
HealthGrid White Paper:
Edited by Cisco System. Also in Studies in Health Technolgy and Informatics volume 112, 2005, p.249-321 (PMID: 15923733),
September 2004.
Keyword(s): HealthGrid.
[Annotation] [bibtex-entry]
Xavier Pennec.
Geodesics for statistics.
INédit 43, p.6,
March 2004.
D. Etienne,
A. Stankoff,
X. Pennec,
S. Granger,
A. Lacan,
and R. Derycke.
A new approach for dental Implant aided surgery.
4th Congresso Panamericano de Periodontologia, 17-19 august 2000, Santiago, Chili,
Keyword(s): registration,
Xavier Pennec.
Traitement de l'erreur dans les méthodes de Hachage géométrique et d'Alignement, une étude théorique.
Rapport de DEA,
DEA Informatique, Mathématique et Applications, École Polytechnique, ENS Ulm,
July 1993.
Keyword(s): registration,
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