Publications of year 2004

Books and proceedings

  1. N. Ayache, editor. Computational Models for the Human Body, Handbook of Numerical Analysis (Ph. Ciarlet series editor). Elsevier, 2004. Note: 670 pages.
    editor = {N. Ayache},
    note = {670 pages},
    publisher = {Elsevier},
    series = {Handbook of Numerical Analysis (Ph. Ciarlet series editor)},
    title = {Computational Models for the Human Body},
    year = {2004} 


  1. Christophe Blondel. Modélisation 3D et 3D+t des artères coronaires à partir de séquences rotationnelles de projections rayons X. Thèse de sciences, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, mars 2004.
    author = {Christophe Blondel},
    hal-identifiant = {tel-00006067},
    month = {mars},
    postscript = {},
    school = {Universit\'e de Nice Sophia Antipolis},
    title = {Mod\'elisation 3D et 3D+t des art\`eres coronaires \`a partir de s\'equences rotationnelles de projections rayons X},
    type = {Th\`ese de sciences},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2004} 

  2. Pierre-Yves Bondiau. Mise en oeuvre et évaluation d'outils de fusion d'image en radiothérapie. Thèse de sciences, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, November 2004.
    author = {Pierre-Yves Bondiau},
    month = {November},
    school = {Universit\'e de Nice-Sophia Antipolis},
    title = {Mise en oeuvre et \'evaluation d'outils de fusion d'image en radioth\'erapie},
    type = {Th\`ese de sciences},
    year = {2004} 

  3. Guillaume Flandin. Utilisation d'informations géométriques pour l'analyse statistique des données d'IRM fonctionnelle. PhD thesis, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, April 2004.
    author = {Guillaume Flandin},
    month = {April},
    school = {Universit\'e de Nice-Sophia Antipolis},
    title = {Utilisation d'informations g\'eom\'etriques pour l'analyse statistique des donn\'ees d'IRM fonctionnelle},
    url = {},
    year = {2004} 

  4. Stéphane Nicolau. Un système de réalité augmentée pour guider les opérations du foie en radiologie interventionnelle. PhD thesis, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, November 2004.
    author = {St\'ephane Nicolau},
    hal-identifiant = {tel-00000006},
    month = {November},
    school = {Universit\'e de Nice-Sophia Antipolis},
    title = {Un syst\`eme de r\'ealit\'e augment\'ee pour guider les op\'erations du foie en radiologie interventionnelle},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2004} 

Articles in journal, book chapters

  1. J. Annese, A. Pitiot, I.D. Dinov, and A.W. Toga. A myelo-architectonic method for the structural classification of cortical areas. NeuroImage, 21(1):15-26, January 2004. Keyword(s): Myelo-architecture, Cerebral cortex, Cortical areas.
    We describe an automatic and reproducible method to analyze the histological design of the cerebral cortex as applied to brain sections stained to reveal myelinated fibers. The technique provides an evaluation of the distribution of myelination across the width of the cortical mantle in accordance with a model of its curvature and its intrinsic geometry. The profile lines along which the density of staining is measured are generated from the solution of a partial differential equation (PDE) that models the intermediate layers of the cortex. Cortical profiles are classified according to significant components that emerge from wavelet analysis. Intensity profiles belonging to each distinct class are normalized and averaged to produce area-specific templates of cortical myelo-architecture.

    abstract = {We describe an automatic and reproducible method to analyze the histological design of the cerebral cortex as applied to brain sections stained to reveal myelinated fibers. The technique provides an evaluation of the distribution of myelination across the width of the cortical mantle in accordance with a model of its curvature and its intrinsic geometry. The profile lines along which the density of staining is measured are generated from the solution of a partial differential equation (PDE) that models the intermediate layers of the cortex. Cortical profiles are classified according to significant components that emerge from wavelet analysis. Intensity profiles belonging to each distinct class are normalized and averaged to produce area-specific templates of cortical myelo-architecture.},
    author = {J. Annese and A. Pitiot and I.D. Dinov and A.W. Toga},
    doi = {10.1016/j.neuroimage.2003.08.024},
    journal = {NeuroImage},
    keywords = {Myelo-architecture, Cerebral cortex, Cortical areas},
    month = {January},
    number = {1},
    pages = {15-26},
    title = {A myelo-architectonic method for the structural classification of cortical areas},
    volume = {21},
    year = {2004} 

  2. Christophe Blondel, Régis Vaillant, Grégoire Malandain, and Nicholas Ayache. 3-D tomographic reconstruction of coronary arteries using a precomputed 4-D motion field. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 49(11):2197-2208, 2004.
    author = {Christophe Blondel and R\'egis Vaillant and Gr\'egoire Malandain and Nicholas Ayache},
    doi = {10.1088/0031-9155/49/11/006},
    journal = {Physics in Medicine and Biology},
    number = {11},
    pages = {2197--2208},
    title = {3-D tomographic reconstruction of coronary arteries using a precomputed 4-D motion field},
    url = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    volume = {49},
    year = {2004} 

  3. P.Y. Bondiau, G. Malandain, S. Chanalet, P.Y. Marcy, C. Foa, and N. Ayache. Traitement des images et radiothérapie. Cancer radiothérapie, 8(2):120-129, 2004.
    La radioth{\'e}rapie est un domaine privil{\'e}gi{\'e} d'application des techniques de traitement des images de par l'utilisation importante de donn{\'e}es issues de l'imagerie. Celles-ci sont de plus en pleine expansion du fait de la progression des performances informatiques. Actuellement, les d{\'e}veloppements r{\'e}cents de la radioth{\'e}rapie (radioth{\'e}rapie de conformation, radioth{\'e}rapie conformationnelle avec modulation d'intensit{\'e}) procurent une place majeure {\`a} ces techniques. En effet, elles contribuent {\`a} r{\'e}pondre aux conditions de pr{\'e}cision exig{\'e}es par la radioth{\'e}rapie moderne et permettent d'envisager d'am{\'e}liorer les traitements. L'objectif de cet article est de pr{\'e}senter les diff{\'e}rentes techniques du traitement d'image utilis{\'e}es aujourd'hui en radioth{\'e}rapie (segmentation et recalage en particulier) au travers de la litt{\'e}rature.

    abstract = {La radioth{\'e}rapie est un domaine privil{\'e}gi{\'e} d'application des techniques de traitement des images de par l'utilisation importante de donn{\'e}es issues de l'imagerie. Celles-ci sont de plus en pleine expansion du fait de la progression des performances informatiques. Actuellement, les d{\'e}veloppements r{\'e}cents de la radioth{\'e}rapie (radioth{\'e}rapie de conformation, radioth{\'e}rapie conformationnelle avec modulation d'intensit{\'e}) procurent une place majeure {\`a} ces techniques. En effet, elles contribuent {\`a} r{\'e}pondre aux conditions de pr{\'e}cision exig{\'e}es par la radioth{\'e}rapie moderne et permettent d'envisager d'am{\'e}liorer les traitements. L'objectif de cet article est de pr{\'e}senter les diff{\'e}rentes techniques du traitement d'image utilis{\'e}es aujourd'hui en radioth{\'e}rapie (segmentation et recalage en particulier) au travers de la litt{\'e}rature.},
    author = {P.Y. Bondiau and G. Malandain and S. Chanalet and P.Y. Marcy and C. Foa and N. Ayache},
    journal = {Cancer radioth\'erapie},
    number = {2},
    pages = {120--129},
    title = {Traitement des images et radioth\'erapie},
    url = {},
    volume = {8},
    year = {2004} 

  4. P. Cachier and N. Ayache. Isotropic energies, filters and splines for vectorial regularization. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 20(3):251-265, May 2004. Keyword(s): vector field regularization, non-rigid registration, convolution filter, spline.
    author = {P. Cachier and N. Ayache},
    doi = {10.1023/B:JMIV.0000024042.88755.4f},
    journal = {Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision},
    keywords = {vector field regularization, non-rigid registration, convolution filter, spline},
    month = {May},
    number = {3},
    pages = {251--265},
    title = {Isotropic energies, filters and splines for vectorial regularization},
    url = {},
    volume = {20},
    year = {2004} 

  5. H. Delingette. Réalité Virtuelle et Médecine. Centraliens, 552:17-18, February 2004.
    author = {H. Delingette},
    journal = {Centraliens},
    month = {February},
    pages = {17--18},
    title = {R\'ealit\'e Virtuelle et M\'edecine},
    volume = {552},
    year = {2004} 

  6. Miguel Angel González Ballester, Xavier Pennec, Marius George Linguraru, and Nicholas Ayache. Generalized Image Models and Their Application as Statistical Models of Images. Medical Image Analysis, 8(3):361-369, September 2004.
    author = {Gonz\'alez Ballester, Miguel Angel and Xavier Pennec and Marius George Linguraru and Nicholas Ayache},
    doi = {10.1016/},
    journal = {Medical Image Analysis},
    month = {September},
    number = {3},
    pages = {361--369},
    pmid = {15450229},
    publisher = {Elsevier},
    title = {Generalized Image Models and Their Application as Statistical Models of Images},
    url = {},
    volume = {8},
    year = {2004} 

  7. Isabelle Klein, Jessica Dubois, Jean-François Mangin, Ferath Kherif, Guillaume Flandin, Jean-Baptiste Poline, Michel Denis, Stephen M. Kosslyn, and Denis LeBihan. Retinotopic organization of visual mental images as revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging. Cognitive Brain Research, 22(1):26-31, December 2004.
    In this study, we used event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate whether visual mental images retinotopically activate early visual cortex. Six participants were instructed to visualize or view horizontally or vertically oriented flashing bow-tie shaped stimuli. When compared to baseline, imagery globally activated Area V1. When the activation evoked by the stimuli at the different orientations was directly compared, distinct spatial activation patterns were obtained for each orientation in most participants. Not only was the topography of the activation patterns from imagery similar to the topography obtained with a corresponding visual perception task, but it closely matched the individual cortical representation of either the horizontal or the vertical visual field meridians. These findings strongly support that visual imagery and perception share low-level anatomical substrate and functional processes. Binding of spatial features is suggested as one possible mechanism.

    abstract = {In this study, we used event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate whether visual mental images retinotopically activate early visual cortex. Six participants were instructed to visualize or view horizontally or vertically oriented flashing bow-tie shaped stimuli. When compared to baseline, imagery globally activated Area V1. When the activation evoked by the stimuli at the different orientations was directly compared, distinct spatial activation patterns were obtained for each orientation in most participants. Not only was the topography of the activation patterns from imagery similar to the topography obtained with a corresponding visual perception task, but it closely matched the individual cortical representation of either the horizontal or the vertical visual field meridians. These findings strongly support that visual imagery and perception share low-level anatomical substrate and functional processes. Binding of spatial features is suggested as one possible mechanism.},
    author = {Isabelle Klein and Jessica Dubois and Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Mangin and Ferath Kherif and Guillaume Flandin and Jean-Baptiste Poline and Michel Denis and Stephen M. Kosslyn and Denis LeBihan},
    doi = {10.1016/j.cogbrainres.2004.07.006},
    hal-identifiant = {hal-00349680},
    journal = {Cognitive Brain Research},
    month = {December},
    number = {1},
    pages = {26--31},
    title = {Retinotopic organization of visual mental images as revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {22},
    year = {2004} 

  8. C Lebrun, D Rey, S Chanalet, V Bourg, C Bensa, M Chatel, N Ayache, and G Malandain. The contribution of automatic anatomical matching of sequential brain MRI scans in the monitoring of multiple sclerosis lesions. Revue Neurologique, 160(8-9):805-10, September 2004. Note: In French. Keyword(s): multiple sclerosis.
    INTRODUCTION: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has transformed management of patients with multiple sclerosis. The exact contribution of brain MRI remains a subject of debate, but it is generally considered to provide a more specific and more sensitive outcome measure for monitoring purposes and for testing new therapies. The choice of MRI techniques, and measurement reproducibility for multiple sclerosis brain lesions are not defined with precision for routine practice. There are many sources of error when comparing successive images which can be overcome to some extent with repositioning and image processing techniques. METHODS: We evaluated the impact of image repositioning on treatment decision-making for twelve relapsing remitting patients. Brain MRIs were performed every three months for a one-year period. Two neurologists interpreted the non-repositioned and repositioned images giving their analysis of changes in the lesions visualized on the T2 sequences and their therapeutic decisions. RESULTS: For the first neurologist, analysis of the non-repositioned images yielded six patients whose lesions had worsened while for the repositioned images there were only three. For the second neurologist, four patients had more lesions with the non-repositioned images and only three with repositioning. The subjective interpretations were the same for the two neurologists when they used repositioned images. CONCLUSIONS: Comparison by two neurologists of non-repositioned and repositioned MRI, with no other image processing, affected the analysis and in certain cases propositions for treatment.

    abstract = {INTRODUCTION: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has transformed management of patients with multiple sclerosis. The exact contribution of brain MRI remains a subject of debate, but it is generally considered to provide a more specific and more sensitive outcome measure for monitoring purposes and for testing new therapies. The choice of MRI techniques, and measurement reproducibility for multiple sclerosis brain lesions are not defined with precision for routine practice. There are many sources of error when comparing successive images which can be overcome to some extent with repositioning and image processing techniques. METHODS: We evaluated the impact of image repositioning on treatment decision-making for twelve relapsing remitting patients. Brain MRIs were performed every three months for a one-year period. Two neurologists interpreted the non-repositioned and repositioned images giving their analysis of changes in the lesions visualized on the T2 sequences and their therapeutic decisions. RESULTS: For the first neurologist, analysis of the non-repositioned images yielded six patients whose lesions had worsened while for the repositioned images there were only three. For the second neurologist, four patients had more lesions with the non-repositioned images and only three with repositioning. The subjective interpretations were the same for the two neurologists when they used repositioned images. CONCLUSIONS: Comparison by two neurologists of non-repositioned and repositioned MRI, with no other image processing, affected the analysis and in certain cases propositions for treatment.},
    author = {C Lebrun and D Rey and S Chanalet and V Bourg and C Bensa and M Chatel and N Ayache and G Malandain},
    journal = {Revue Neurologique},
    keywords = {multiple sclerosis},
    month = {September},
    note = {in French},
    number = {8-9},
    pages = {805-10},
    title = {The contribution of automatic anatomical matching of sequential brain MRI scans in the monitoring of multiple sclerosis lesions},
    url = {},
    volume = {160},
    year = {2004} 

  9. A. MacKenzie-Graham, E.F. Lee, I.D. Dinov, M. Bota, D.W. Shattuck, S. Ruffins, H. Yuan, F. Konstantinidis, A. Pitiot, Y. Ding, G. Hu, R.E. Jacobs, and A.W. Toga. A multimodal, multidimensional atlas of the C57BL/6J mouse brain. Journal of Anatomy, 204(2):93-102, February 2004.
    Strains of mice, through breeding or the disruption of normal genetic pathways, are widely used to model human diseases. Atlases are an invaluable aid in understanding the impact of such manipulations by providing a standard for comparison. We have developed a digital atlas of the adult C57BL/6J mouse brain as a comprehensive framework for storing and accessing the myriad types of information about the mouse brain. Our implementation was constructed using several different imaging techniques: magnetic resonance microscopy, blockface imaging, classical histology and immunohistochemistry. Along with raw and annotated images, it contains database management systems and a set of tools for comparing information from different techniques. The framework allows facile correlation of results from different animals, investigators or laboratories by establishing a canonical representation of the mouse brain and providing the tools for the insertion of independent data into the same space as the atlas. This tool will aid in managing the increasingly complex and voluminous amounts of information about the mammalian brain. It provides a framework that encompasses genetic information in the context of anatomical imaging and holds tremendous promise for producing new insights into the relationship between genotype and phenotype. We describe a suite of tools that enables the independent entry of other types of data, facile retrieval of information and straightforward display of images. Thus, the atlas becomes a framework for managing complex genetic and epigenetic information about the mouse brain. The atlas and associated tools may be accessed at

    abstract = {Strains of mice, through breeding or the disruption of normal genetic pathways, are widely used to model human diseases. Atlases are an invaluable aid in understanding the impact of such manipulations by providing a standard for comparison. We have developed a digital atlas of the adult C57BL/6J mouse brain as a comprehensive framework for storing and accessing the myriad types of information about the mouse brain. Our implementation was constructed using several different imaging techniques: magnetic resonance microscopy, blockface imaging, classical histology and immunohistochemistry. Along with raw and annotated images, it contains database management systems and a set of tools for comparing information from different techniques. The framework allows facile correlation of results from different animals, investigators or laboratories by establishing a canonical representation of the mouse brain and providing the tools for the insertion of independent data into the same space as the atlas. This tool will aid in managing the increasingly complex and voluminous amounts of information about the mammalian brain. It provides a framework that encompasses genetic information in the context of anatomical imaging and holds tremendous promise for producing new insights into the relationship between genotype and phenotype. We describe a suite of tools that enables the independent entry of other types of data, facile retrieval of information and straightforward display of images. Thus, the atlas becomes a framework for managing complex genetic and epigenetic information about the mouse brain. The atlas and associated tools may be accessed at},
    author = {A. MacKenzie-Graham and E.F. Lee and I.D. Dinov and M. Bota and D.W. Shattuck and S. Ruffins and H. Yuan and F. Konstantinidis and A. Pitiot and Y. Ding and G. Hu and R.E. Jacobs and A.W. Toga},
    journal = {Journal of Anatomy},
    month = {February},
    number = {2},
    pages = {93--102},
    title = {A multimodal, multidimensional atlas of the C57BL/6J mouse brain},
    url = {},
    volume = {204},
    year = {2004} 

  10. Grégoire Malandain, Éric Bardinet, Koen Nelissen, and Wim Vanduffel. Fusion of autoradiographs with an MR volume using 2-D and 3-D linear transformations. NeuroImage, 23(1):111-127, September 2004.
    In the past years, the development of 3-D medical imaging has enabled the 3-D imaging of in vivo tissues, from an anatomical (MR, CT) or even functional (fMRI, PET, SPECT) point of view. However, despite immense technological progress, the resolution of these images is still short of the level of anatomical or functional details that in vitro imaging (e.g. histology, autoradiography) permits. The motivation of this work is to compare fMRI activations to activations observed in autoradiographic images from the same animals. We aim to fuse post-mortem autoradiographic data with a pre-mortem anatomical MR image. We first reconstruct a 3-D volume from the 2-D autoradiographic sections, coherent both in geometry and intensity. Then, this volume is fused with the MR image. This way, we ensure that the reconstructed 3-D volume can be superimposed onto the MR image that represents the reference anatomy. We demonstrate that this fusion can be achieved by using only simple global transformations (rigid and/or affine, 2-D and 3-D), while yielding very satisfactory results.

    abstract = {In the past years, the development of 3-D medical imaging has enabled the 3-D imaging of in vivo tissues, from an anatomical (MR, CT) or even functional (fMRI, PET, SPECT) point of view. However, despite immense technological progress, the resolution of these images is still short of the level of anatomical or functional details that in vitro imaging (e.g. histology, autoradiography) permits. The motivation of this work is to compare fMRI activations to activations observed in autoradiographic images from the same animals. We aim to fuse post-mortem autoradiographic data with a pre-mortem anatomical MR image. We first reconstruct a 3-D volume from the 2-D autoradiographic sections, coherent both in geometry and intensity. Then, this volume is fused with the MR image. This way, we ensure that the reconstructed 3-D volume can be superimposed onto the MR image that represents the reference anatomy. We demonstrate that this fusion can be achieved by using only simple global transformations (rigid and/or affine, 2-D and 3-D), while yielding very satisfactory results.},
    author = {Gr\'egoire Malandain and \'Eric Bardinet and Koen Nelissen and Wim Vanduffel},
    doi = {10.1016/j.neuroimage.2004.04.038},
    journal = {NeuroImage},
    month = {September},
    number = {1},
    pages = {111--127},
    title = {Fusion of autoradiographs with an MR volume using 2-D and 3-D linear transformations},
    url = {},
    volume = {23},
    year = {2004} 

  11. R.R. Peeters, P. Kornprobst, M. Nikolova, S. Sunaert, T. Vieville, G. Malandain, R. Deriche, O. Faugeras, M. Ng, and P. Van Hecke. The use of superresolution techniques to reduce slice thickness in functional MRI. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 14(3):131-138, 2004. Note: Special issue on High Resolution Image Reconstruction. Keyword(s): fMRI, Super-Resolution algorithm, SNR.
    The problem of increasing the slice resolution of functional MRI (fMRI) images without a loss in signal-to-noise ratio is considered. In standard fMRI experiments, increasing the slice resolution by a certain factor decreases the signal-to-noise ratio of the images with the same factor. For this purpose an adapted EPI MRI acquisition protocol is proposed, allowing one to acquire slice-shifted images from which one can generate interpolated super-resolution images, with an increased resolution in the slice direction. To solve the problem of correctness and robustness of the created super-resolution images from these slice-shifted datasets, the use of discontinuity preserving regularization methods is proposed. Tests on real morphological, synthetic functional, and real functional MR datasets have been performed, by comparing the obtained super-resolution datasets with high-resolution reference datasets. In the morphological experiments the image spatial resolution of the different types of images are compared. In the synthetic and real fMRI experiments, on the other hand, the quality of the different datasets is studied as function of their resulting activation maps. From the results obtained in this study, we conclude that the proposed super-resolution techniques can both improve the signal-to-noise ratio and augment the detectability of small activated areas in fMRI image sets acquired with thicker slices.

    abstract = {The problem of increasing the slice resolution of functional MRI (fMRI) images without a loss in signal-to-noise ratio is considered. In standard fMRI experiments, increasing the slice resolution by a certain factor decreases the signal-to-noise ratio of the images with the same factor. For this purpose an adapted EPI MRI acquisition protocol is proposed, allowing one to acquire slice-shifted images from which one can generate interpolated super-resolution images, with an increased resolution in the slice direction. To solve the problem of correctness and robustness of the created super-resolution images from these slice-shifted datasets, the use of discontinuity preserving regularization methods is proposed. Tests on real morphological, synthetic functional, and real functional MR datasets have been performed, by comparing the obtained super-resolution datasets with high-resolution reference datasets. In the morphological experiments the image spatial resolution of the different types of images are compared. In the synthetic and real fMRI experiments, on the other hand, the quality of the different datasets is studied as function of their resulting activation maps. From the results obtained in this study, we conclude that the proposed super-resolution techniques can both improve the signal-to-noise ratio and augment the detectability of small activated areas in fMRI image sets acquired with thicker slices.},
    author = {R.R. Peeters and P. Kornprobst and M. Nikolova and S. Sunaert and T. Vieville and G. Malandain and R. Deriche and O. Faugeras and M. Ng and Van Hecke, P.},
    doi = {10.1002/ima.20016},
    journal = {International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology},
    keywords = {fMRI, Super-Resolution algorithm, SNR},
    note = {Special issue on High Resolution Image Reconstruction},
    number = {3},
    pages = {131--138},
    title = {The use of superresolution techniques to reduce slice thickness in functional MRI},
    volume = {14},
    year = {2004} 

  12. A. Pitiot, H. Delingette, P. M. Thompson, and N. Ayache. Expert Knowledge Guided Segmentation System for Brain MRI. NeuroImage, 23(supplement 1):S85-S96, 2004. Note: Special Issue: Mathematics in Brain Imaging.
    author = {A. Pitiot and H. Delingette and P. M. Thompson and N. Ayache},
    journal = {NeuroImage},
    note = {Special Issue: Mathematics in Brain Imaging},
    number = {supplement 1},
    pages = {S85--S96},
    title = {Expert Knowledge Guided Segmentation System for Brain MRI},
    url = {},
    volume = {23},
    year = {2004} 

  13. M. Sermesant, K. Rhode, S. Hegde, G. Sanchez-Ortiz, D. Rueckert, P. Lambiase, C. Bucknall, D. Hill, and R. Razavi. Electromechanical Modelling of the Myocardium using XMR Interventional Imaging. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 6(1):123-125, 2004. Note: Abstract.
    author = {M. Sermesant and K. Rhode and S. Hegde and G. Sanchez-Ortiz and D. Rueckert and P. Lambiase and C. Bucknall and D. Hill and R. Razavi},
    journal = {Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance},
    note = {abstract},
    number = {1},
    pages = {123--125},
    title = {Electromechanical Modelling of the Myocardium using XMR Interventional Imaging},
    volume = {6},
    year = {2004} 

  14. Olivier Simon, Ferath Kherif, Guillaume Flandin, Jean-Baptiste Poline, Denis Rivière, Jean-François Mangin, Denis LeBihan, and Stanislas Dehaene. Automatized clustering and functional geometry of human parietofrontal networks for language, space, and number. NeuroImage, 23(3):1192-1202, November 2004.
    Human functional MRI studies frequently reveal the joint activation of parietal and of lateral and mesial frontal areas during various cognitive tasks. To analyze the geometrical organization of those networks, we used an automatized clustering algorithm that g parcels out sets of areas based on their similar profile of task-related activations or deactivations. This algorithm allowed us to reanalyze published fMRI data (Simon, O., Mangin, J.F., Cohen, L., Le Bihan, D., Dehaene, S., 2002. Topographical layout of hand, eye, calculation, and language-related areas in the human parietal lobe. Neuron 33, 475-487) and to reproduce the previously observed geometrical organization of activations for saccades, attention, grasping, pointing, calculation, and language processing in the parietal lobe. Further, we show that this organization extends to lateral and mesial prefrontal regions. Relative to the parietal lobe, the prefrontal functional geometry is characterized by a partially symmetrical anteroposterior ordering of activations, a decreased representation of effector-specific tasks, and a greater emphasis on higher cognitive functions of attention, higher-order spatial representation, calculation, and language. Anatomically, our results in humans are closely homologous to the known connectivity of parietal and frontal regions in the macaque monkey.

    abstract = {Human functional MRI studies frequently reveal the joint activation of parietal and of lateral and mesial frontal areas during various cognitive tasks. To analyze the geometrical organization of those networks, we used an automatized clustering algorithm that g parcels out sets of areas based on their similar profile of task-related activations or deactivations. This algorithm allowed us to reanalyze published fMRI data (Simon, O., Mangin, J.F., Cohen, L., Le Bihan, D., Dehaene, S., 2002. Topographical layout of hand, eye, calculation, and language-related areas in the human parietal lobe. Neuron 33, 475-487) and to reproduce the previously observed geometrical organization of activations for saccades, attention, grasping, pointing, calculation, and language processing in the parietal lobe. Further, we show that this organization extends to lateral and mesial prefrontal regions. Relative to the parietal lobe, the prefrontal functional geometry is characterized by a partially symmetrical anteroposterior ordering of activations, a decreased representation of effector-specific tasks, and a greater emphasis on higher cognitive functions of attention, higher-order spatial representation, calculation, and language. Anatomically, our results in humans are closely homologous to the known connectivity of parietal and frontal regions in the macaque monkey.},
    author = {Olivier Simon and Ferath Kherif and Guillaume Flandin and Jean-Baptiste Poline and Denis Rivi\`ere and Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Mangin and Denis LeBihan and Stanislas Dehaene},
    doi = {10.1016/j.neuroimage.2004.09.023},
    hal-identifiant = {hal-00349681},
    journal = {NeuroImage},
    month = {November},
    number = {3},
    pages = {1192--1202},
    title = {Automatized clustering and functional geometry of human parietofrontal networks for language, space, and number},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {23},
    year = {2004} 

  15. Luc Soler, Nicholas Ayache, Stéphane Nicolau, Xavier Pennec, Clément Forest, Hervé Delingette, and Jacques Marescaux. Traitement d'images médicales pour la planification, la simulation et l'aide intra-opératoire des actes chirurgicaux. La Revue de l'Electricité et de l'Electronique, pp 64-71, janvier 2004.
    author = {Luc Soler and Nicholas Ayache and St\'ephane Nicolau and Xavier Pennec and Cl\'ement Forest and Herv\'e Delingette and Jacques Marescaux},
    journal = {La Revue de l'Electricit\'e et de l'Electronique},
    month = {janvier},
    pages = {64--71},
    title = {Traitement d'images m\'edicales pour la planification, la simulation et l'aide intra-op\'eratoire des actes chirurgicaux},
    url = {},
    year = {2004} 

  16. Radu Stefanescu, Xavier Pennec, and Nicholas Ayache. Grid Powered Nonlinear Image Registration with Locally Adaptive Regularization. Medical Image Analysis, 8(3):325-342, September 2004. Keyword(s): non-rigid registration, adaptive regularization, grid, parallel.
    author = {Radu Stefanescu and Xavier Pennec and Nicholas Ayache},
    doi = {10.1016/},
    journal = {Medical Image Analysis},
    keywords = {non-rigid registration, adaptive regularization, grid, parallel},
    month = {September},
    number = {3},
    pages = {325--342},
    pmid = {15450226},
    title = {Grid Powered Nonlinear Image Registration with Locally Adaptive Regularization},
    url = {},
    volume = {8},
    year = {2004} 

  17. Radu Stefanescu, Xavier Pennec, and Nicholas Ayache. Grid-Enabled Non-Rigid Registration of Medical Images. Parallel Processing Letters, 14(2):197-216, 2004. Keyword(s): grid, non-rigid registration, parallel, cluster.
    author = {Radu Stefanescu and Xavier Pennec and Nicholas Ayache},
    doi = {10.1142/S0129626404001830},
    journal = {Parallel Processing Letters},
    keywords = {grid, non-rigid registration, parallel, cluster},
    number = {2},
    pages = {197--216},
    title = {Grid-Enabled Non-Rigid Registration of Medical Images},
    url = {},
    volume = {14},
    year = {2004} 

  18. H. Delingette and N. Ayache. Soft Tissue Modeling for Surgery Simulation. In N. Ayache, editor, Computational Models for the Human Body, Handbook of Numerical Analysis (Ed : Ph. Ciarlet), pages 453-550. Elsevier, 2004.
    author = {H. Delingette and N. Ayache},
    booktitle = {Computational Models for the Human Body},
    editor = {N. Ayache},
    pages = {453--550},
    publisher = {Elsevier},
    series = {Handbook of Numerical Analysis (Ed : Ph. Ciarlet)},
    title = {Soft Tissue Modeling for Surgery Simulation},
    url = {},
    year = {2004} 

  19. Luc Soler, Nicholas Ayache, Stéphane Nicolau, Xavier Pennec, Clément Forest, Hervé Delingette, Didier Mutter, and Jacques Marescaux. Traitements d'images médicales pour la planification, la simulation et l'aide intra-opératoire des actes chirurgicaux. In M. Faupel, P. Smigielski, and R. Grzymala, editors, Imagerie et Photonique pour les sciences du vivant et la médecine, pages 19-31. Edition Fontis Media, 2004. ISBN: 2-88476-005-9.
    author = {Luc Soler and Nicholas Ayache and St\'ephane Nicolau and Xavier Pennec and Cl\'ement Forest and Herv\'e Delingette and Didier Mutter and Jacques Marescaux},
    booktitle = {Imagerie et Photonique pour les sciences du vivant et la m\'edecine},
    editor = {M. Faupel and P. Smigielski and R. Grzymala},
    isbn = {2-88476-005-9},
    pages = {19-31},
    publisher = {Edition Fontis Media},
    title = {Traitements d'images m\'edicales pour la planification, la simulation et l'aide intra-op\'eratoire des actes chirurgicaux},
    year = {2004} 

Conference articles

  1. Olivier Clatz, Pierre Yves Bondiau, Hervé Delingette, Grégoire Malandain, Maxime Sermesant, Simon Warfield, and Nicholas Ayache. In Silico Tumor Growth: Application to Glioblastomas. In C. Barillot, D.R. Haynor, and P. Hellier, editors, Proc. of the 7th Int. Conf on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2004 (2), volume 3217 of LNCS, Saint-Malo, France, pages 337-345, September 2004. Springer.
    address = {Saint-Malo, France},
    author = {Olivier Clatz and Pierre Yves Bondiau and Herv\'e Delingette and Gr\'egoire Malandain and Maxime Sermesant and Simon Warfield and Nicholas Ayache},
    booktitle = {Proc. of the 7th Int. Conf on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2004 (2)},
    editor = {C. Barillot and D.R. Haynor and P. Hellier},
    month = {September},
    pages = {337--345},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {In Silico Tumor Growth: Application to Glioblastomas},
    url = {},
    volume = {3217},
    year = {2004} 

  2. Olivier Clatz, Hervé Delingette, Ion-Florin Talos, Alexandra Golby, Nicholas Ayache, Ron Kikinis, Ferenc Jolesz, and Simon Warfield. Robust Nonrigid Registration to Capture Brain Shift from Intraoperative MRI. In 5th Interventional MRI Symposium, Cambridge, MA. USA, October 2004.
    address = {Cambridge, MA. USA},
    author = {Olivier Clatz and Herv\'e Delingette and Ion-Florin Talos and Alexandra Golby and Nicholas Ayache and Ron Kikinis and Ferenc Jolesz and Simon Warfield},
    booktitle = {5th Interventional MRI Symposium},
    month = {October},
    title = {Robust Nonrigid Registration to Capture Brain Shift from Intraoperative MRI},
    url = {},
    year = {2004} 

  3. Julien Dauguet, Jean-Francois Mangin, Thierry Delzescaux, and Vincent Frouin. Robust Inter-Slice Intensity Normalization using Histogram Scale-Space Analysis. In Christian Barillot, David Haynor, and Pierre Hellier, editors, Proc. of MICCAI'04, volume 3216 of LNCS, Saint-Malo, France, pages 242-249, September 2004. Springer.
    address = {Saint-Malo, France},
    author = {Julien Dauguet and Jean-Francois Mangin and Thierry Delzescaux and Vincent Frouin},
    booktitle = {Proc. of MICCAI'04},
    editor = {Christian Barillot and David Haynor and Pierre Hellier},
    month = {September},
    pages = {242--249},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {Robust Inter-Slice Intensity Normalization using Histogram Scale-Space Analysis},
    url = {},
    volume = {3216},
    year = {2004} 

  4. Guillaume Dugas-Phocion, Miguel Ángel González Ballester, Christine Lebrun, Stéphane Chanalet, Caroline Bensa, Grégoire Malandain, and Nicholas Ayache. Hierarchical Segmentation of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions in Multi-Sequence MRI. In International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI'04), Arlington, VA, USA, April 2004. IEEE. Keyword(s): multiple sclerosis.
    address = {Arlington, VA, USA},
    author = {Guillaume Dugas-Phocion and Gonz\'alez Ballester, Miguel \'Angel and Christine Lebrun and St\'ephane Chanalet and Caroline Bensa and Gr\'egoire Malandain and Nicholas Ayache},
    booktitle = {International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI'04)},
    keywords = {multiple sclerosis},
    month = {April},
    organization = {IEEE},
    title = {Hierarchical Segmentation of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions in Multi-Sequence MRI},
    url = {},
    year = {2004} 

  5. Guillaume Dugas-Phocion, Miguel Ángel González Ballester, Grégoire Malandain, Christine Lebrun, and Nicholas Ayache. Improved EM-Based Tissue Segmentation and Partial Volume Effect Quantification in Multi-Sequence Brain MRI. In Proc. of MICCAI'04, volume 3216 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Saint-Malo, France, pages 26-33, September 2004. Springer. Keyword(s): multiple sclerosis.
    address = {Saint-Malo, France},
    author = {Guillaume Dugas-Phocion and Gonz\'alez Ballester, Miguel \'Angel and Gr\'egoire Malandain and Christine Lebrun and Nicholas Ayache},
    booktitle = {Proc. of MICCAI'04},
    doi = {10.1007/b100265},
    keywords = {multiple sclerosis},
    month = {September},
    pages = {26--33},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
    title = {Improved EM-Based Tissue Segmentation and Partial Volume Effect Quantification in Multi-Sequence Brain MRI},
    url = {},
    volume = {3216},
    year = {2004} 

  6. Guillaume Flandin, Xavier Pennec, Alexis Roche, Will Penny, Nicholas Ayache, and Jean-Baptiste Poline. Multi-subject anatomo-functional classification for activation studies. In NeuroImage (HBM'04), Budapest, Hungary, 2004.
    address = {Budapest, Hungary},
    author = {Guillaume Flandin and Xavier Pennec and Alexis Roche and Will Penny and Nicholas Ayache and Jean-Baptiste Poline},
    booktitle = {NeuroImage (HBM'04)},
    title = {Multi-subject anatomo-functional classification for activation studies},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2004} 

  7. Clément Forest, Hervé Delingette, and Nicholas Ayache. Surface Contact and Reaction Force Models for Laparoscopic Simulation. In International Symposium on Medical Simulation, June 2004.
    author = {Cl\'ement Forest and Herv\'e Delingette and Nicholas Ayache},
    booktitle = {International Symposium on Medical Simulation},
    month = {June},
    title = {Surface Contact and Reaction Force Models for Laparoscopic Simulation},
    url = {},
    year = {2004} 

  8. Céline Fouard, Grégoire Malandain, Stefen Prohaska, Malte Westerhoff, Francis Cassot, Christophe Mazel, Didier Asselot, and Jean-Pierre Marc-Vergnes. Skeletonization by blocks for large datasets: application to brain microcirculation. In International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI'04), Arlington, VA, USA, April 2004. IEEE.
    address = {Arlington, VA, USA},
    author = {C\'eline Fouard and Gr\'egoire Malandain and Stefen Prohaska and Malte Westerhoff and Francis Cassot and Christophe Mazel and Didier Asselot and Jean-Pierre Marc-Vergnes},
    booktitle = {International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI'04)},
    month = {April},
    organization = {IEEE},
    title = {Skeletonization by blocks for large datasets: application to brain microcirculation},
    url = {},
    year = {2004} 

  9. Céline Fouard, Grégoire Malandain, Stefen Prohaska, Malte Westerhoff, Francis Cassot, Christophe Mazel, Didier Asselot, and Jean-Pierre Marc-Vergnes. Squelettisation par blocs pour des grands volumes de données 3D: application à la microcirculation cérébrale. In Proc. of RFIA'04, Toulouse, France, 2004. Keyword(s): skeletonisation, large datasets.
    address = {Toulouse, France},
    author = {C\'eline Fouard and Gr\'egoire Malandain and Stefen Prohaska and Malte Westerhoff and Francis Cassot and Christophe Mazel and Didier Asselot and Jean-Pierre Marc-Vergnes},
    booktitle = {Proc. of RFIA'04},
    keywords = {skeletonisation, large datasets},
    title = {Squelettisation par blocs pour des grands volumes de donn\'ees 3D: application \`a la microcirculation c\'er\'ebrale},
    url = {},
    year = {2004} 

  10. D. Galanaud, M.G. Linguraru, S. Haïk, D. Dormont, E. Bardinet, B. Faucheaux, P. Cozzone, N. Ayache, and J.P. Brandel. Intérêt de l'IRM Multimodalitaire dand le Diagnostic des Maladies à Prions. In Congrès du G.I.S. Infections à Prions, pages 26, 2004.
    author = {D. Galanaud and M.G. Linguraru and S. Ha\"ik and D. Dormont and E. Bardinet and B. Faucheaux and P. Cozzone and N. Ayache and J.P. Brandel},
    booktitle = {Congr\`es du G.I.S. Infections \`a Prions},
    pages = {26},
    title = {Int\'er\^et de l'IRM Multimodalitaire dand le Diagnostic des Maladies \`a Prions},
    year = {2004} 

  11. K. B. Hilger, R. R. Paulsen, and R. Larsen. Markov Random Field Restoration of Point Correspondences for Active Shape Modelling. In SPIE - Medical Imaging (to appear), 2004. Keyword(s): Bayesian statistics, Markov Random Field restoration, 3D statistical shape model, Point Correspondence, Thin Plate Spline Warping, Leave-one-out parameter estimation, Surface Curvature.
    author = {K. B. Hilger and R. R. Paulsen and R. Larsen},
    booktitle = {SPIE - Medical Imaging (to appear)},
    keywords = {Bayesian statistics, Markov Random Field restoration, 3D statistical shape model, Point Correspondence, Thin Plate Spline Warping, Leave-one-out parameter estimation, Surface Curvature},
    title = {Markov Random Field Restoration of Point Correspondences for Active Shape Modelling},
    year = {2004} 

  12. Derek Hill, Xavier Pennec, Michael Burns, Michael Parkin, Jo Hajnal, Radu Stefanescu, Daniel Rueckert, and Johan Montagnat. Intraoperable Medical Image Registration Grid Service. In Proc. of HealthGrid 2004, Clermont-Ferrand, January 2004. European Commission, DG Information Society. Keyword(s): registration, matching, real time, parallelism.
    address = {Clermont-Ferrand},
    author = {Derek Hill and Xavier Pennec and Michael Burns and Michael Parkin and Jo Hajnal and Radu Stefanescu and Daniel Rueckert and Johan Montagnat},
    booktitle = {Proc. of HealthGrid 2004},
    keywords = {registration, matching, real time, parallelism},
    month = {January},
    publisher = {European Commission, DG Information Society},
    title = {Intraoperable Medical Image Registration Grid Service},
    url = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2004} 

  13. P. Kolesik, C. Fouard, S. Prohaska, and A. McNeill. Automated method for non-destructive 3D visualisation of plant root architecture using X-ray tomography. In 4th International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models, Montpellier, France, pages 27, June 2004. UMR AMAP/CIRAD.
    address = {Montpellier, France},
    author = {P. Kolesik and C. Fouard and S. Prohaska and A. McNeill},
    booktitle = {4th International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models},
    month = {June},
    pages = {27},
    publisher = {UMR AMAP/CIRAD},
    title = {Automated method for non-destructive 3D visualisation of plant root architecture using X-ray tomography},
    url = {},
    year = {2004} 

  14. Georges Le Goualher, Aymeric Perchant, Magalie Genet, Charlotte Cave, Bertrand Viellerobe, Frederic Berier, Benjamin Abrat, and Nicholas Ayache. Towards Optical Biopsies with an Integrated Fibered Confocal Fluorescence Microscope. In Christian Barillot, David Haynor, and Pierre Hellier, editors, Proc. of MICCAI'04, volume 3217 of LNCS, Saint-Malo, France, pages 761-768, September 2004. Springer.
    address = {Saint-Malo, France},
    author = {Le Goualher, Georges and Aymeric Perchant and Magalie Genet and Charlotte Cave and Bertrand Viellerobe and Frederic Berier and Benjamin Abrat and Nicholas Ayache},
    booktitle = {Proc. of MICCAI'04},
    editor = {Christian Barillot and David Haynor and Pierre Hellier},
    month = {September},
    pages = {761--768},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {Towards Optical Biopsies with an Integrated Fibered Confocal Fluorescence Microscope},
    url = {},
    volume = {3217},
    year = {2004} 

  15. M.G. Linguraru, N. Ayache, E. Bardinet, M.A. González Ballester, D. Galanaud, S. Haïk, B. Faucheaux, J.J. Hauw, J. Chiras, P. Cozzone, D. Dormont, and J.P. Brandel. Détection et Quantification Automatique des Hypersignaux en IRM dans la Maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob. In Congrès du G.I.S. Infections à Prions, pages 25, 2004.
    author = {M.G. Linguraru and N. Ayache and E. Bardinet and Gonz\'alez Ballester, M.A. and D. Galanaud and S. Ha\"ik and B. Faucheaux and J.J. Hauw and J. Chiras and P. Cozzone and D. Dormont and J.P. Brandel},
    booktitle = {Congr\`es du G.I.S. Infections \`a Prions},
    pages = {25},
    title = {D\'etection et Quantification Automatique des Hypersignaux en IRM dans la Maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob},
    year = {2004} 

  16. M.G. Linguraru, M. Brady, and R. English. Foveal Algorithm for the Detection of Microcalcification Clusters: a FROC Analysis. In D.R. Barillot, C.and Haynor and P. Hellier, editors, Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention MICCAI'04, volume 3217 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 813-820, 2004. Springer.
    author = {M.G. Linguraru and M. Brady and R. English},
    booktitle = {Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention MICCAI'04},
    editor = {Barillot, C.and Haynor, D.R. and P. Hellier},
    pages = {813-820},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
    title = {Foveal Algorithm for the Detection of Microcalcification Clusters: a FROC Analysis},
    url = {},
    volume = {3217},
    year = {2004} 

  17. V. Muthurangu, M. Sermesant, A. Taylor, D. Hill, and R. Razavi. A Novel Non-Invasive Method of Pulmonary Vascular Resistence Quantification. In International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Scientific Meeting, volume 7, pages 559, 2004.
    author = {V. Muthurangu and M. Sermesant and A. Taylor and D. Hill and R. Razavi},
    booktitle = {International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Scientific Meeting},
    pages = {559},
    title = {A Novel Non-Invasive Method of Pulmonary Vascular Resistence Quantification},
    volume = {7},
    year = {2004} 

  18. Stéphane Nicolau, Xavier Pennec, Luc Soler, and Nicholas Ayache. An Accuracy Certified Augmented Reality System for Therapy Guidance. In Proc. of the 8th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 04), Part III, volume 3023 of LNCS, Prague, pages 79-91, May 2004. Springer. Keyword(s): Augmented reality, 3D/2D registration, uncertainty, validation.
    address = {Prague},
    author = {St\'ephane Nicolau and Xavier Pennec and Luc Soler and Nicholas Ayache},
    booktitle = {Proc. of the 8th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 04), Part III},
    doi = {10.1007/b97871},
    keywords = {Augmented reality, 3D/2D registration, uncertainty, validation},
    month = {May},
    pages = {79--91},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {An Accuracy Certified Augmented Reality System for Therapy Guidance},
    url = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    volume = {3023},
    year = {2004} 

  19. Stéphane Nicolau, Xavier Pennec, Luc Soler, and Nicholas Ayache. An Augmented Reality System to Guide Liver Punctures. In Workshop AMI-ARCS 2004 held in conjunction with MICCAI'04, pages 77-86, September 2004. IRISA Rennes.
    author = {St\'ephane Nicolau and Xavier Pennec and Luc Soler and Nicholas Ayache},
    booktitle = {Workshop AMI-ARCS 2004 held in conjunction with MICCAI'04},
    month = {September},
    organization = {IRISA Rennes},
    pages = {77--86},
    title = {An Augmented Reality System to Guide Liver Punctures},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2004} 

  20. Stéphane Nicolau, Jérôme Schmid, Xavier Pennec, Luc Soler, and Nicholas Ayache. An Augmented Reality and Virtuality Interface for a Puncture Guidance System: Design and Validation on an Abdominal Phantom. In Guang-Zhong Yang and Tianzi Jiang, editors, Proc of the Second Int. Workshop on Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality MIAR 2004, volume 3150 of LNCS, Beijing, China, pages 302-310, August 2004. Springer.
    address = {Beijing, China},
    author = {St\'ephane Nicolau and J\'er\^ome Schmid and Xavier Pennec and Luc Soler and Nicholas Ayache},
    booktitle = {Proc of the Second Int. Workshop on Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality MIAR 2004},
    doi = {10.1007/b99698},
    editor = {Guang-Zhong Yang and Tianzi Jiang},
    month = {August},
    pages = {302--310},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {An Augmented Reality and Virtuality Interface for a Puncture Guidance System: Design and Validation on an Abdominal Phantom},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    volume = {3150},
    year = {2004} 

  21. R. R. Paulsen, C. Nielsen, S. Laugesen, and R. Larsen. Using a Shape Model in the Design of Hearing Aids. In SPIE - Medical Imaging (to appear), The International Society for Optical Engineering - Medical Imaging, February 2004. Keyword(s): Human Ear Canal Anatomy, Hearing Aid Design, 3D Active Shape Model, Iterative Closest Points, Faceplate Placement.
    author = {R. R. Paulsen and C. Nielsen and S. Laugesen and R. Larsen},
    booktitle = {SPIE - Medical Imaging (to appear)},
    keywords = {Human Ear Canal Anatomy, Hearing Aid Design, 3D Active Shape Model, Iterative Closest Points, Faceplate Placement},
    month = {February},
    series = {The International Society for Optical Engineering - Medical Imaging},
    title = {Using a Shape Model in the Design of Hearing Aids},
    year = {2004} 

  22. K. Rhode, S. Hegde, M. Sermesant, D. Hill, R. Razavi, D. Rueckert, and G. Sanchez-Ortiz. XMR Guided Cardiac Electrophysiology Study and Radio Frequency Ablation. In SPIE Medical Imaging, 2004. Note: To appear.
    author = {K. Rhode and S. Hegde and M. Sermesant and D. Hill and R. Razavi and D. Rueckert and G. Sanchez-Ortiz},
    booktitle = {SPIE Medical Imaging},
    note = {to appear},
    title = {XMR Guided Cardiac Electrophysiology Study and Radio Frequency Ablation},
    year = {2004} 

  23. G.I. Sanchez-Ortiz, M. Sermesant, R. Chandrashekara, K.S. Rhode, R. Razavi, D.L.G. Hill, and D. Rueckert. Detecting the onset of myocardial contraction for establishing inverse electro-mechanical coupling in XMR guided RF ablation. In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Arlington, USA, pages 1055-1058, 2004.
    address = {Arlington, USA},
    author = {G.I. Sanchez-Ortiz and M. Sermesant and R. Chandrashekara and K.S. Rhode and R. Razavi and D.L.G. Hill and D. Rueckert},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging},
    pages = {1055--1058},
    title = {Detecting the onset of myocardial contraction for establishing inverse electro-mechanical coupling in XMR guided RF ablation},
    year = {2004} 

  24. Nicolas Savoire, Georges Le Goualher, Aymeric Perchant, François Lacombe, Grégoire Malandain, and Nicholas Ayache. Measuring Blood Cells Velocity In Microvessels From a Single Image: Application To In Vivo and In Situ Confocal Microscopy. In Proc. ISBI'04, Arlington (USA), pages 456-459, April 2004. Keyword(s): RBC velocity, confocal microscopy.
    address = {Arlington (USA)},
    author = {Nicolas Savoire and Le Goualher, Georges and Aymeric Perchant and Fran\c{c}ois Lacombe and Gr\'egoire Malandain and Nicholas Ayache},
    booktitle = {Proc. ISBI'04},
    keywords = {RBC velocity, confocal microscopy},
    month = {April},
    pages = {456--459},
    title = {Measuring Blood Cells Velocity In Microvessels From a Single Image: Application To In Vivo and In Situ Confocal Microscopy},
    url = {},
    year = {2004} 

  25. M. Sermesant, K. Rhode, A. Anjorin, S. Hegde, G. Sanchez-Ortiz, D. Rueckert, P. Lambiase, C. Bucknall, D. Hill, and R. Razavi. Simulation of the Electromechanical Activity of the Heart using XMR Interventional Imaging. In Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'04), volume 3217 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pages 786-794, 2004. Springer.
    author = {M. Sermesant and K. Rhode and A. Anjorin and S. Hegde and G. Sanchez-Ortiz and D. Rueckert and P. Lambiase and C. Bucknall and D. Hill and R. Razavi},
    booktitle = {Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'04)},
    pages = {786--794},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
    title = {Simulation of the Electromechanical Activity of the Heart using XMR Interventional Imaging},
    volume = {3217},
    year = {2004} 

  26. M. Sermesant, K. Rhode, S. Hegde, G. Sanchez-Ortiz, D. Rueckert, P. Lambiase, C. Bucknall, D. Hill, and R. Razavi. Electromechanical Modelling of the Myocardium using XMR Interventional Imaging. In Annual SCMR Scientific Sessions (SCMR'04), 2004.
    author = {M. Sermesant and K. Rhode and S. Hegde and G. Sanchez-Ortiz and D. Rueckert and P. Lambiase and C. Bucknall and D. Hill and R. Razavi},
    booktitle = {Annual SCMR Scientific Sessions (SCMR'04)},
    title = {Electromechanical Modelling of the Myocardium using XMR Interventional Imaging},
    year = {2004} 

  27. M. Sermesant, K. Rhode, S. Hegde, G. Sanchez-Ortiz, D. Rueckert, P. Lambiase, C. Bucknall, D. Hill, and R. Razavi. Modelling the Cardiac Electromechanical Activity for Integration of Electrophysiological Studies with MR. In International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Scientific Meeting, volume 7, pages 1890, 2004.
    author = {M. Sermesant and K. Rhode and S. Hegde and G. Sanchez-Ortiz and D. Rueckert and P. Lambiase and C. Bucknall and D. Hill and R. Razavi},
    booktitle = {International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Scientific Meeting},
    pages = {1890},
    title = {Modelling the Cardiac Electromechanical Activity for Integration of Electrophysiological Studies with MR},
    volume = {7},
    year = {2004} 

  28. Luc Soler, Nicholas Ayache, Stéphane Nicolau, Xavier Pennec, Clément Forest, Hervé Delingette, Didier Mutter, and Jacques Marescaux. Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Robotics in surgical procedures of the liver. In Th. M. Buzug and T. C. Lueth, editors, Perspectives in Image-guided Surgery. Proceedings of the Scientific Workshop on Medical Robotics, Navigation and Visualization (MRNV) 2004, RheinAhrCampus Remagen, Germany, pages 476-484, March 11-12 2004. World Scientific.
    address = {RheinAhrCampus Remagen, Germany},
    author = {Luc Soler and Nicholas Ayache and St\'ephane Nicolau and Xavier Pennec and Cl\'ement Forest and Herv\'e Delingette and Didier Mutter and Jacques Marescaux},
    booktitle = {Perspectives in Image-guided Surgery. Proceedings of the Scientific Workshop on Medical Robotics, Navigation and Visualization (MRNV) 2004},
    editor = {Th. M. Buzug and T. C. Lueth},
    month = {March 11-12},
    pages = {476--484},
    publisher = {World Scientific},
    title = {Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Robotics in surgical procedures of the liver},
    url = {},
    year = {2004} 

  29. Luc Soler, Stéphane Nicolau, Jérôme Schmid, Christophe Koehl, Jacques Marescaux, Xavier Pennec, and Nicholas Ayache. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Digestive Surgery. In Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR'04), pages 278-279, November 2004.
    author = {Luc Soler and St\'ephane Nicolau and J\'er\^ome Schmid and Christophe Koehl and Jacques Marescaux and Xavier Pennec and Nicholas Ayache},
    booktitle = {Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR'04)},
    doi = {10.1109/ISMAR.2004.64},
    month = {November},
    pages = {278--279},
    title = {Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Digestive Surgery},
    url = {},
    year = {2004} 

  30. Radu Stefanescu, Olivier Commowick, Grégoire Malandain, Pierre-Yves Bondiau, Nicholas Ayache, and Xavier Pennec. Non-Rigid Atlas to Subject Registration with Pathologies for Conformal Brain Radiotherapy. In C. Barillot, D.R. Haynor, and P. Hellier, editors, Proc. of the 7th Int. Conf on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2004, volume 3216 of LNCS, Saint-Malo, France, pages 704-711, September 2004. Springer. Keyword(s): registration, non-rigid, conformal radiotherapy, atlas, pathology.
    address = {Saint-Malo, France},
    author = {Radu Stefanescu and Olivier Commowick and Gr\'egoire Malandain and Pierre-Yves Bondiau and Nicholas Ayache and Xavier Pennec},
    booktitle = {Proc. of the 7th Int. Conf on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2004},
    doi = {10.1007/b100265},
    editor = {C. Barillot and D.R. Haynor and P. Hellier},
    keywords = {registration, non-rigid, conformal radiotherapy, atlas, pathology},
    month = {September},
    pages = {704--711},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {Non-Rigid Atlas to Subject Registration with Pathologies for Conformal Brain Radiotherapy},
    url = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    volume = {3216},
    year = {2004} 

  31. Radu Stefanescu, Xavier Pennec, and Nicholas Ayache. A Grid Service for the Interactive Use of a Parallel Non-Rigid Registration Algorithm. In Proc. of HealthGrid 2004, Clermont-Ferrand, January 2004. European Commission, DG Information Society. Keyword(s): registration, matching, real time, parallelism.
    address = {Clermont-Ferrand},
    author = {Radu Stefanescu and Xavier Pennec and Nicholas Ayache},
    booktitle = {Proc. of HealthGrid 2004},
    keywords = {registration, matching, real time, parallelism},
    month = {January},
    pmid = {15924183},
    publisher = {European Commission, DG Information Society},
    title = {A Grid Service for the Interactive Use of a Parallel Non-Rigid Registration Algorithm},
    url = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2004} 

  32. Jonathan Stoeckel, Nicholas Ayache, Grégoire Malandain, Pierre M. Koulibaly, Klaus P. Ebmeier, and Jacques Darcourt. Automatic Classification of SPECT Images of Alzheimer's Disease Patients and Control Subjects. In Christian Barillot, David Haynor, and Pierre Hellier, editors, Proc. of MICCAI'04, volume 3217 of LNCS, Saint-Malo, France, pages 654-662, September 2004. Springer.
    address = {Saint-Malo, France},
    author = {Jonathan Stoeckel and Nicholas Ayache and Gr\'egoire Malandain and Pierre M. Koulibaly and Klaus P. Ebmeier and Jacques Darcourt},
    booktitle = {Proc. of MICCAI'04},
    editor = {Christian Barillot and David Haynor and Pierre Hellier},
    month = {September},
    pages = {654--662},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {Automatic Classification of SPECT Images of Alzheimer's Disease Patients and Control Subjects},
    url = {},
    volume = {3217},
    year = {2004} 

Internal reports

  1. Christophe Blondel, Grégoire Malandain, Régis Vaillant, and Nicholas Ayache. Reconstruction of Coronary Arteries from One Rotational X-Ray Projection Sequence. Research report RR-5214, INRIA, May 2004. Keyword(s): Coronary angiography, Stereovision, Motion Analysis, Tomography.
    author = {Christophe Blondel and Gr\'egoire Malandain and R\'egis Vaillant and Nicholas Ayache},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00077050},
    institution = {INRIA},
    keywords = {Coronary angiography, Stereovision, Motion Analysis, Tomography},
    month = {May},
    number = {RR-5214},
    postscript = {},
    title = {Reconstruction of Coronary Arteries from One Rotational X-Ray Projection Sequence},
    type = {Research report},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2004} 

  2. Olivier Clatz, Pierre-Yves Bondiau, Hervé Delingette, Maxime Sermesant, Simon Warfield, Grégoire Malandain, and Nicholas Ayache. Brain Tumor Growth Simulation. Research report RR-5187, INRIA, 2004. Keyword(s): tumor, model, glioblastoma, brain, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, growth, model, simulation, finite element, biomechanics, diffusion, infiltration, mass effect, Clinical Target Volume, Gross Tumor Volume.
    author = {Olivier Clatz and Pierre-Yves Bondiau and Herv\'e Delingette and Maxime Sermesant and Simon Warfield and Gr\'egoire Malandain and Nicholas Ayache},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00071401},
    institution = {INRIA},
    keywords = {tumor, model, glioblastoma, brain, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, growth, model, simulation, finite element, biomechanics, diffusion, infiltration, mass effect, Clinical Target Volume, Gross Tumor Volume},
    number = {RR-5187},
    title = {Brain Tumor Growth Simulation},
    type = {Research report},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2004} 

  3. M.G. Linguraru, M. A. González Ballester, E. Bardinet, D. Galanaud, D. Dormont, J.-P. Brandel, and N. Ayache. Automated Analysis of Basal Ganglia Intensity Distribution in Multisequence MRI of the Brain - Application to Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. Research Report RR-5276, INRIA, 2004.
    author = {M.G. Linguraru and Gonz\'alez Ballester, M. A. and E. Bardinet and D. Galanaud and D. Dormont and J.-P. Brandel and N. Ayache},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00070723},
    institution = {INRIA},
    number = {RR-5276},
    title = {Automated Analysis of Basal Ganglia Intensity Distribution in Multisequence MRI of the Brain - Application to Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease},
    type = {Research Report},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2004} 

  4. V. Moreau-Villéger, H. Delingette, M. Sermesant, O. Faris, E. McVeigh, and N. Ayache. Global and Local Parameter Estimation of a Model of the Electrical Activity of the Heart. Research Report RR-5269, INRIA, July 2004. Keyword(s): heart modeling, electrophysiology, inverse problem, data assimilation, parameter estimation, FitzHugh-Nagumo.
    author = {V. Moreau-Vill\'eger and H. Delingette and M. Sermesant and O. Faris and E. McVeigh and N. Ayache},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00070729},
    institution = {INRIA},
    keywords = {heart modeling, electrophysiology, inverse problem, data assimilation, parameter estimation, FitzHugh-Nagumo},
    month = {July},
    number = {RR-5269},
    title = {Global and Local Parameter Estimation of a Model of the Electrical Activity of the Heart},
    type = {Research Report},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2004} 

  5. Xavier Pennec. Probabilities and Statistics on Riemannian Manifolds: A Geometric approach. Research report RR-5093, INRIA, January 2004. Note: An extended version will appear in the International Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. Keyword(s): statistics, geometry, Riemannian geometry.
    author = {Xavier Pennec},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00071490},
    institution = {INRIA},
    keywords = {statistics, geometry, Riemannian geometry},
    month = {January},
    note = {An extended version will appear in the International Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision},
    number = {RR-5093},
    title = {Probabilities and Statistics on {R}iemannian Manifolds: A Geometric approach},
    type = {Research report},
    url-hal = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2004} 

  6. Xavier Pennec, Pierre Fillard, and Nicholas Ayache. A Riemannian Framework for Tensor Computing. Research report RR-5255, INRIA, July 2004. Note: Published in International Journal of Computer Vision 65(1), October 2005. Keyword(s): Tensors, regularization, PDE, geometry, Riemannian geometry.
    author = {Xavier Pennec and Pierre Fillard and Nicholas Ayache},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00070743},
    institution = {INRIA},
    keywords = {Tensors, regularization, PDE, geometry, Riemannian geometry},
    month = {July},
    note = {Published in International Journal of Computer Vision 65(1), October 2005.},
    number = {RR-5255},
    postscript = {},
    title = {A {R}iemannian Framework for Tensor Computing},
    type = {Research report},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2004} 

  7. Mauricio Reyes Aguirre, Grégoire Malandain, and Jacques Darcourt. Respiratory Movement Correction in Emission Tomography. Research report RR-5279, INRIA, July 2004. Keyword(s): image reconstruction, respiratory movement, MLEM, nuclear medicine, emission tomography.
    author = {Reyes Aguirre, Mauricio and Gr\'egoire Malandain and Jacques Darcourt},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00070721},
    institution = {INRIA},
    keywords = {image reconstruction, respiratory movement, MLEM, nuclear medicine, emission tomography},
    month = {July},
    number = {RR-5279},
    postscript = {},
    title = {Respiratory Movement Correction in Emission Tomography},
    type = {Research report},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2004} 

  8. M. Sermesant, H. Delingette, and N. Ayache. An Electromechanical Model of the Myocardium for Cardiac Image Analysis and Medical Simulation. Research Report RR-5395, INRIA, November 2004. Note: Submitted to the IEEE Trans. in Medical Imaging. Keyword(s): Heart, simulation, physiology, biomechanics.
    author = {M. Sermesant and H. Delingette and N. Ayache},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00070608},
    institution = {INRIA},
    keywords = {Heart, simulation, physiology, biomechanics},
    month = {November},
    note = {Submitted to the IEEE Trans. in Medical Imaging},
    number = {RR-5395},
    title = {An Electromechanical Model of the Myocardium for Cardiac Image Analysis and Medical Simulation},
    type = {Research Report},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2004} 


  1. Pierre Fillard. Un cadre riemannien pour l'imagerie du tenseur. rapport de Master, Master Optique-Image-Vision spécialité recherche, Université Jean-Monnet Saint Etienne, 2004.
    author = {Pierre Fillard},
    school = {Master Optique-Image-Vision sp\'ecialit\'e recherche, Universit\'e Jean-Monnet Saint Etienne},
    title = {Un cadre riemannien pour l'imagerie du tenseur},
    type = {rapport de Master},
    url = {},
    year = {2004} 

  2. Heike Hufnagel. Non-linear 2D and 3D Registration Using Block-Matching and B-Splines. Diplomarbeit, University of Luebeck, Lübeck, Germany, 2004.
    address = {L\"ubeck, Germany},
    author = {Heike Hufnagel},
    school = {University of Luebeck},
    title = {Non-linear 2D and 3D Registration Using Block-Matching and B-Splines},
    type = {Diplomarbeit},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    year = {2004} 

  3. Caroline Bensa, Grégoire Malandain, Stéphane Chanalet, Christelle Bertogliati, Octave Migneco, Marcel Chatel, and Christine Lebrun. Multiple Sclerosis and Mild Cognitive Impairment. American Academy of Neurology, 56th Annual Meeting, April-May 2004. Keyword(s): multiple sclerosis.
    OBJECTIVE: Detection and follow-up of cognitive disorders in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) patients with spontaneous memory complain. BACKGROUND: Sixty per cent of patients with RRMS present cognitive deficiency. Evaluation and characterization of these troubles are difficult even if different standardized batteries exist, which tend to harmonization.Early diagnosis of cognitive impairment in the first years of the disease could allow early taking care and follow-up. Clinical correlations with lesion load on brain MRI could be useful to distinguish specific patients profiles. DESIGN/METHODS: Prospective study with baseline and 2 annual follow-up, of thirty patients, combining clinical examination, neuropsychological tests, brain MRI and Tc99m-HMPAO-SPECT. Neuropsychological tests used were: Mnesic capacities: Mini mental status, Brief Repeatable Battery: Selective Reminding Test with delayed recall and 10/36 Spatial recall test with delayed recall, Grober&Buschke test. Attentional capacities: Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT) and verbal fluency, Stroop test A, B, C, Trailmaking test, Mattis Scale. Linguistic capacities: Boston naming test. Visuo-spatial capacities: WAIS-R (cubes). Visuo-constructive praxis: BEC. MRI protocol : T2 SE 2 echos (2mm 256*256) + T1 3D acquisition GRE (1mm 256*256) + FLAIR (4mm, 256*256) + T1gado SE (2mm 256*256). SPECT acquisition was performed one hour after injection of 925 MBq of 99mTc-HMPAO,using a triple head camera equipped with UHR fan-beam collimators. RESULTS: 8 men and 22 women were recruited, mean age: 39.97 years (+/- 8.4); mean EDSS: 2.2 (+/- 1, 49). Mean evolution duration: 120.4 months (+/- 96, 71). We found 8 established mnesic deficiency (27%), 20 established attentional deficiency (66%), 9 executive dysfunctions (30%), 6 language disability (20%), 18 visuospatial perception alteration (60%) and 6 (20%) visuoconstructive praxis alteration. Five patients (17%) had no objective troubles revealed by serial tests. On 27 analyzed MRI, 22 patients were Barkhof + ; Executive functions alteration was positievly correlated to gadolinium enhancement and negatively to infratentorial structures (IS) lesion load (LL). T1 and IS LL also correlated to mnesic deficiency. Simultaneously, SPECT data were visually analyzed after registration with MRI in FSE-T2 and FLAIR-T2 modalities. Local hypoperfusions were related to T2 hypersignals and T1 hyposignal in the same area. No significant difference in cognitive function was found between patient groups with normal or abnormal SPECT. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that most of patient had cognitive disorders at early stage of their RR disease. On the baseline analysis, patients without objective cognitive impairment had T2 lesions in CC and IS. T2 lesion load was correlated with EDSS and time from diagnosis. Annual follow-up will allow us to develop comments.

    abstract = {OBJECTIVE: Detection and follow-up of cognitive disorders in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) patients with spontaneous memory complain. BACKGROUND: Sixty per cent of patients with RRMS present cognitive deficiency. Evaluation and characterization of these troubles are difficult even if different standardized batteries exist, which tend to harmonization.Early diagnosis of cognitive impairment in the first years of the disease could allow early taking care and follow-up. Clinical correlations with lesion load on brain MRI could be useful to distinguish specific patients profiles. DESIGN/METHODS: Prospective study with baseline and 2 annual follow-up, of thirty patients, combining clinical examination, neuropsychological tests, brain MRI and Tc99m-HMPAO-SPECT. Neuropsychological tests used were: Mnesic capacities: Mini mental status, Brief Repeatable Battery: Selective Reminding Test with delayed recall and 10/36 Spatial recall test with delayed recall, Grober&Buschke test. Attentional capacities: Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT) and verbal fluency, Stroop test A, B, C, Trailmaking test, Mattis Scale. Linguistic capacities: Boston naming test. Visuo-spatial capacities: WAIS-R (cubes). Visuo-constructive praxis: BEC. MRI protocol : T2 SE 2 echos (2mm 256*256) + T1 3D acquisition GRE (1mm 256*256) + FLAIR (4mm, 256*256) + T1gado SE (2mm 256*256). SPECT acquisition was performed one hour after injection of 925 MBq of 99mTc-HMPAO,using a triple head camera equipped with UHR fan-beam collimators. RESULTS: 8 men and 22 women were recruited, mean age: 39.97 years (+/- 8.4); mean EDSS: 2.2 (+/- 1, 49). Mean evolution duration: 120.4 months (+/- 96, 71). We found 8 established mnesic deficiency (27%), 20 established attentional deficiency (66%), 9 executive dysfunctions (30%), 6 language disability (20%), 18 visuospatial perception alteration (60%) and 6 (20%) visuoconstructive praxis alteration. Five patients (17%) had no objective troubles revealed by serial tests. On 27 analyzed MRI, 22 patients were Barkhof + ; Executive functions alteration was positievly correlated to gadolinium enhancement and negatively to infratentorial structures (IS) lesion load (LL). T1 and IS LL also correlated to mnesic deficiency. Simultaneously, SPECT data were visually analyzed after registration with MRI in FSE-T2 and FLAIR-T2 modalities. Local hypoperfusions were related to T2 hypersignals and T1 hyposignal in the same area. No significant difference in cognitive function was found between patient groups with normal or abnormal SPECT. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that most of patient had cognitive disorders at early stage of their RR disease. On the baseline analysis, patients without objective cognitive impairment had T2 lesions in CC and IS. T2 lesion load was correlated with EDSS and time from diagnosis. Annual follow-up will allow us to develop comments.},
    author = {Caroline Bensa and Gr\'egoire Malandain and St\'ephane Chanalet and Christelle Bertogliati and Octave Migneco and Marcel Chatel and Christine Lebrun},
    howpublished = {American Academy of Neurology, 56th Annual Meeting},
    keywords = {multiple sclerosis},
    month = {April-May},
    title = {Multiple Sclerosis and Mild Cognitive Impairment},
    year = {2004} 

  4. Ignacio Blanquer, Vincent Hernandez, Guy Lonsdale, Kevin Dean, Sharon Lloyd, Richard McClatchey, Johan Montagnat, Mike Brady, Xavier Pennec, Howard Bolofsky, Chris Jones, Martin Hofmann, Tony Solmonides, Ilidio C. Oliveira, Juan Pedro Sanchez, Victoria Lopez, George De Moor, Brecht Claerhout, and Jean A.M. Harveg. HealthGrid White Paper: Edited by Cisco System. Also in Studies in Health Technolgy and Informatics volume 112, 2005, p.249-321 (PMID: 15923733), September 2004. Keyword(s): HealthGrid.
    Contribution to chap. 3 (Medical Imaging and Image Processing) and chap. 4 (Modelling the Human Body for Therapy Planning and Computer Assisted Interventions)

    annote = {Contribution to chap. 3 (Medical Imaging and Image Processing) and chap. 4 (Modelling the Human Body for Therapy Planning and Computer Assisted Interventions)},
    author = {Ignacio Blanquer and Vincent Hernandez and Guy Lonsdale and Kevin Dean and Sharon Lloyd and Richard McClatchey and Johan Montagnat and Mike Brady and Xavier Pennec and Howard Bolofsky and Chris Jones and Martin Hofmann and Tony Solmonides and Ilidio C. Oliveira and Juan Pedro Sanchez and Victoria Lopez and George De Moor and Brecht Claerhout and Jean A.M. Harveg},
    howpublished = {Edited by Cisco System. Also in Studies in Health Technolgy and Informatics volume 112, 2005, p.249-321 (PMID: 15923733)},
    keywords = {HealthGrid},
    month = {September},
    title = {HealthGrid White Paper:},
    year = {2004} 

  5. Jonathan Boisvert. Système de navigation pour les chirurgies minimalement invasives du rachis, November 2004.
    author = {Jonathan Boisvert},
    institution = {\'Ecole Polytechnique de Montr\'eal},
    month = {November},
    title = {Syst\`eme de navigation pour les chirurgies minimalement invasives du rachis},
    year = {2004} 

  6. PY Bondiau, G Malandain, O Commowick, PY Marcy, S Chanalet, and N Ayache. Atlas-based Automatic Segmentation of MR Images: Validation Study on the Brainstem in Radiotherapy Context. 90th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), 2004.
    address = {Chicago},
    author = {PY Bondiau and G Malandain and O Commowick and PY Marcy and S Chanalet and N Ayache},
    howpublished = {90th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)},
    title = {Atlas-based Automatic Segmentation of MR Images: Validation Study on the Brainstem in Radiotherapy Context},
    year = {2004} 

  7. Olivier Commowick, Pierre-Yves Bondiau, and Grégoire Malandain. Segmentation automatique des tissus cérébraux en présence de structures pathologiques. Proceedings of the 43th Journées Scientifiques de la Société Française de Physique Médicale (SFPM), June 2004.
    address = {Montpellier, France},
    author = {Olivier Commowick and Pierre-Yves Bondiau and Gr\'egoire Malandain},
    howpublished = {Proceedings of the 43th Journ\'ees Scientifiques de la Soci\'et\'e Fran\c{c}aise de Physique M\'edicale (SFPM)},
    month = {June},
    title = {Segmentation automatique des tissus c\'er\'ebraux en pr\'esence de structures pathologiques},
    year = {2004} 

  8. Guillaume Dugas-Phocion, Miguel Ángel González Ballester, Christine Lebrun, Stéphane Chanalet, Caroline Bensa, Marcel Chatel, Nicholas Ayache, and Grégoire Malandain. Automatic segmentation of white matter lesions in T2 FLAIR MRI of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients. 20th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS), October 2004. Keyword(s): multiple sclerosis.
    author = {Guillaume Dugas-Phocion and Miguel \'Angel Gonz\'alez Ballester and Christine Lebrun and St\'ephane Chanalet and Caroline Bensa and Marcel Chatel and Nicholas Ayache and Gr\'egoire Malandain},
    howpublished = {20th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS)},
    keywords = {multiple sclerosis},
    month = {October},
    title = {Automatic segmentation of white matter lesions in T2 FLAIR MRI of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients},
    year = {2004} 

  9. Guillaume Dugas-Phocion, Miguel Ángel González Ballester, Christine Lebrun, Stéphane Chanalet, Caroline Bensa, and Grégoire Malandain. Segmentation automatique des hypersignaux de la substance blanche (HSB) sur des IRM T2 FLAIR de patients atteints de forme rémittente de sclérose en plaques. Journées de Neurologie de Langue Française, April 2004. Keyword(s): multiple sclerosis.
    author = {Guillaume Dugas-Phocion and Gonz\'alez Ballester, Miguel \'Angel and Christine Lebrun and St\'ephane Chanalet and Caroline Bensa and Gr\'egoire Malandain},
    howpublished = {Journ\'ees de Neurologie de Langue Fran\c{c}aise},
    keywords = {multiple sclerosis},
    month = {April},
    title = {Segmentation automatique des hypersignaux de la substance blanche (HSB) sur des IRM T2 FLAIR de patients atteints de forme r\'emittente de scl\'erose en plaques},
    year = {2004} 

  10. Christine Lebrun, Caroline Bensa, Grégoire Malandain, Christelle Bertogliati, Octave Migneco, and M.-N. Magnie. Sclérose en plaque et troubles cognitifs mineurs. Journées de Neurologie de Langue Française, April 2004. Keyword(s): multiple sclerosis.
    author = {Christine Lebrun and Caroline Bensa and Gr\'egoire Malandain and Christelle Bertogliati and Octave Migneco and M.-N. Magnie},
    howpublished = {Journ\'ees de Neurologie de Langue Fran\c{c}aise},
    keywords = {multiple sclerosis},
    month = {April},
    title = {Scl\'erose en plaque et troubles cognitifs mineurs},
    year = {2004} 

  11. M.G. Linguraru, D. Galanaud, D. Dormont, B. Faucheaux, S. Haïk, J.J. Hauw, J. Chiras, E. Bardinet, M.A. González Ballester, P. Cozzone, N. Ayache, and J.P. Brandel. Détection et Quantification Automatique des Hypersignaux en IRM dans la Maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob. Journées Françaises de Radiologie, 2004. Note: Journal de Radiologie 85(6):1394.
    author = {M.G. Linguraru and D. Galanaud and D. Dormont and B. Faucheaux and S. Ha\"ik and J.J. Hauw and J. Chiras and E. Bardinet and Gonz\'alez Ballester, M.A. and P. Cozzone and N. Ayache and J.P. Brandel},
    howpublished = {Journ\'ees Fran\c{c}aises de Radiologie},
    note = {Journal de Radiologie 85(6):1394},
    title = {D\'etection et Quantification Automatique des Hypersignaux en IRM dans la Maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob},
    year = {2004} 

  12. Xavier Pennec. Geodesics for statistics. INédit 43, p.6, March 2004.
    author = {Xavier Pennec},
    howpublished = {IN\'edit 43, p.6},
    month = {March},
    title = {Geodesics for statistics},
    url-obsolete = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2004} 



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