Publications of Tom Szwagier
Articles in journal, book chapters |
Adele Myers,
Saiteja Utpala,
Shubham Talbar,
Sophia Sanborn,
Christian Shewmake,
Claire Donnat,
Johan Mathe,
Umberto Lupo,
Rishi Sonthalia,
Xinyue Cui,
Tom Szwagier,
Arthur Pignet,
Andri Bergsson,
Soren Hauberg,
Dmitriy Nielsen,
Stefan Sommer,
David Klindt,
Erik Hermansen,
Melvin Vaupel,
Benjamin Dunn,
Jeffrey Xiong,
Noga Aharony,
Itsik Pe'Er,
Felix Ambellan,
Martin Hanik,
Esfandiar Nava-Yazdani,
Christoph von Tycowicz,
and Nina Miolane.
ICLR 2022 Challenge for Computational Geometry & Topology: Design and Results.
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research,
November 2022.
Tom Szwagier and Xavier Pennec.
Rethinking the Riemannian Logarithm on Flag Manifolds as an Orthogonal Alignment Problem.
In GSI 2023: Geometric Science of Information,
volume 14071 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Saint-Malo, (France), France,
pages 375-383,
August 2023.
Springer Nature Switzerland.
Keyword(s): Flag manifolds,
Riemannian logarithm,
Orthogonal alignment,
Procrustes analysis,
Flag manifolds Riemannian logarithm Orthogonal alignment Procrustes analysis.
Tom Szwagier and Xavier Pennec.
Stratified principal component analysis.
Note: Working paper or preprint,
November 2023.
Keyword(s): Covariance model,
Eigenvalue multiplicity,
Flag manifold,
Probabilistic principal component analysis,
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Last modified: Sat Dec 7 00:30:06 2024
Author: epione-publi.
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