Publications of Gérard Subsol

Books and proceedings

  1. B. Marfart, H. Delingette, and G. Subsol, editors. Three Dimensional Imaging in PaleoAnthropology and Prehistoric Archeology, Liege, Belgium, 2002. BAR International Series 1049. [bibtex-entry]

  2. J.L. Dugelay and G. Subsol, editors. Traitement du Signal - numéro spécial Réalité Virtuelle, volume 16(1), 1999. [bibtex-entry]

  3. G. Subsol, editor. International Scientific Workshop on Virtual Reality and Prototyping, Laval (France), June 1999. Note: Version électronique : [bibtex-entry]

  4. E. Cuchet and G. Subsol, editors. Model-Based 3D Image Analysis, IIT, Mumbai (Inde), 1998. IEEE Computer Society. [bibtex-entry]

  5. J. L. Dugelay, G. Eude, and G. Subsol, editors. 6èmes Journées de Travail du GT Réalité Virtuelle, Issy-les-Moulineaux (France), 1998. [bibtex-entry]

  6. O. Balet, R. Caubet, J.-P. Jessel, and G. Subsol, editors. Journées Nationales Réalité Virtuelle. IRIT, Toulouse (France), October 1996. [bibtex-entry]


  1. Gérard Subsol. Construction automatique d'atlas anatomiques à partir d'images médicales tridimensionnelles : applications à un atlas du crâne et du cerveau. Thèse de sciences, École Centrale de Paris, December 1995. [bibtex-entry]

Articles in journal, book chapters

  1. David Rey, Gérard Subsol, Hervé Delingette, and Nicholas Ayache. Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Evolving Processes in 3D Medical Images: Application to Multiple Sclerosis. Medical Image Analysis, 6(2):163-179, June 2002. Keyword(s): Automation, Brain, pathology, Human, Image Processing Computer-Assisted, methods, Imaging Three-Dimensional, methods, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, methods, Models Neurological, Multiple Sclerosis, diagnosis, Reproducibility of Results, Sensitivity and Specificity, Support Non-U.S. Gov't. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. G. Subsol, B. Mafart, A. Silvestre, and M.A. de Lumley. 3D Image Processing for the Study of the Evolution of the Shape of the Human Skull: Presentation of the Tools and Preliminary Results. In B. Mafart, H. Delingette, and G. Subsol, editors, Three-Dimensional Imaging in Paleoanthropology and Prehistoric Archaeology, pages 37-45. BAR International Series 1049, 2002. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Sébastien Ourselin, Alexis Roche, Gérard Subsol, Xavier Pennec, and Nicholas Ayache. Reconstructing a 3D Structure from Serial Histological Sections. Image and Vision Computing, 19(1-2):25-31, January 2001. Keyword(s): registration, matching, histology. [bibtex-entry]

  4. J.-P. Thirion, S. Prima, G. Subsol, and N. Roberts. Statistical Analysis of Normal and Abnormal Dissymmetry in Volumetric Medical Images. Medical Image Analysis, 4(2):111-121, June 2000. Keyword(s): Aphasia, pathology, Brain, anatomy & histology, Computer Simulation, Epilepsies Partial, pathology, Human, Image Processing Computer-Assisted, Imaging Three-Dimensional, Laterality, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Male. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  5. N. Ayache and G. Subsol. El Cerebro in Cuatro Dimensiones. Mundo Cientifico, 203:30-33, July 1999. [bibtex-entry]

  6. N. Ayache and G. Subsol. Le cerveau en quatre dimensions. La Recherche, 320:46-49, May 1999. [bibtex-entry]

  7. S. Ourselin, C. Sattonnet, A. Roche, and G. Subsol. Automatic alignement of histological sections for 3D reconstruction and analysis. Analytical Cellular Pathology, 18(3):123, 1999. Note: Abstracts of the 1999 Annual Meeting of the Association Française de Cytométrie, Dijon, 12-15 October 1999. Keyword(s): registration, matching, histology, MRI. [bibtex-entry]

  8. G. Subsol, J.-Ph. Thirion, and N. Ayache. A Scheme for Automatically Building 3D Morphometric Anatomical Atlases: application to a Skull Atlas. Medical Image Analysis, 2(1):37-60, 1998. Keyword(s): registration, matching, atlas, deformations, Algorithms, Anatomy Artistic, methods, Comparative Study, Craniofacial Abnormalities, pathology, Diagnosis Computer-Assisted, methods, Human, Medical Illustration, Skull, anatomy & histology. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  9. G. Subsol. Crest Lines for Curve Based Warping. In A. W. Toga, editor, Brain Warping, chapter 13, pages 225-246. Academic Press, 1998. [bibtex-entry]

  10. Alexandre Guimond, Gérard Subsol, and Jean-Philippe Thirion. Automatic MRI Database Exploration and Applications. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 11(8):1345-1366, December 1997. [bibtex-entry]

  11. G. Quatrehomme, S. Cotin, G. Subsol, H. Delingette, Y. Garidel, G. Grévin, and M. Fidrich. A Fully Three-Dimensional Method for Facial Reconstruction Based on Deformable Models. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 42(4):649-652, July 1997. Keyword(s): journal, medical. [bibtex-entry]

  12. G. Subsol, N. Roberts, M. Doran, and J.-Ph. Thirion. Automatic Analysis of Cerebral Atrophy. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 15(8):917-927, 1997. [bibtex-entry]

  13. N. Roberts, G. Subsol, J.-Ph. Thirion, M. Puddephat, and G. W. Whitehouse. Automatic Analysis of Deformation of the Cerebral Ventricles. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 4(2):62-63, 1996. [bibtex-entry]

  14. G. Subsol, J.-Ph. Thirion, and N. Ayache. Construction automatique d'atlas anatomiques morphométriques à partir d'images médicales tridimensionnelles : application à un atlas du crâne. Traitement du signal, 13(6):651-674, 1996. [bibtex-entry]

  15. H. Delingette and G. Subsol. L'Image dans la Réalité Virtuelle. In Nouvelles Interfaces Homme-Machine, number 18 of ARAGO. Observatoire Français des Techniques Avancées, 1996. Keyword(s): chapter-book, simulation. [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles

  1. G. Odin, G. Quatrehomme, G. Subsol, H. Delingette, B. Mafart, and M.A. de Lumley. Comparison of a Three-Dimensional and a Computerized Assisted Method for Cranio-Facial Reconstruction: Application to Tautavel Man. In XIV International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Science (Pre-prints), Liège (Belgium), pages 23, September 2001. Université de Liège. [bibtex-entry]

  2. G. Subsol, B. Mafart, A. Silvestre, and M.A. de Lumley. CT-Scan Image Processing for the Study of the Evolution of the Shape of the Human Skull: Presentation of the Tools and Preliminary Results. In XIV International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Science (Pre-prints), Liège (Belgium), pages 22, September 2001. Université de Liège. [bibtex-entry]

  3. G. Subsol, B. Mafart, D. Méline, A. Silvestre, and M.A. de Lumley. Traitement d'images scanographiques appliqué à l'étude tridimensionnelle de l'évolution de la forme du crâne humain. In P. Andrieux, D. Hadjouis, and A. Dambricourt-Malassé, editors, L'identité humaine en question, Collection paléoanthropologie et paléopathologie osseuse, pages 92-101, 2000. Artcom. Note: Extended proceedings of the workshop organized in May 1999.[bibtex-entry]

  4. Sébastien Ourselin, Alexis Roche, Gérard Subsol, and Xavier Pennec. Automatic Alignment of Histological Sections. In F. Pernus, S. Kovacic, H.S. Stiehl, and M.A. Viergever, editors, International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration, WBIR'99, Bled (Slovénie), pages 1-13, August 1999. Keyword(s): registration, matching, histology. [bibtex-entry]

  5. D. Rey, G. Subsol, H. Delingette, and N. Ayache. Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Evolving Processes in 3D Medical Images: Application to Multiple Sclerosis. In A. Kuba, M. SM-amal, and A. Todd-Pokropek, editors, Information Processing in Medical Imaging, IPMI'99, LNCS, Visegrád, Hungary, pages 154-167, June 1999. Springer. Keyword(s): conference, reconstruction, multiple sclerosis. [bibtex-entry]

  6. D. Rey, G. Subsol, H. Delingette, and N. Ayache. Using Continuum Mechanics Operators for detection and Quantification of Evolving Processes in 3D Medical Images. In EUROMECH'99, Warsaw, Poland, pages 185-188, May 1999. IPPT PAN. Keyword(s): conference, reconstruction, multiple sclerosis. [bibtex-entry]

  7. G. Subsol. Three-dimensional image processing for assistance in localizing the deep cerebral structures. In First Medtronic European Neuroscience Fair, Maastricht (Pays-Bas), February 1999. [bibtex-entry]

  8. G. Subsol, B. Mafart, D. Méline, and M.A. de Lumley. Traitement d'images scanographiques appliqué à l'étude tridimensionnelle de l'évolution de la forme du crâne humain. In L'identité humaine en question, nouvelles problématiques et nouvelles technologies en paléontologie humaine et en paléoanthropologie biologique, Créteil (France), pages 21-22, May 1999. [bibtex-entry]

  9. S. Prima, J.-P. Thirion, and G. Subsol. Analyse statistique de la dissymétrie dans les images médicales volumiques. In Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, RFIA'98, Clermont-Ferrand, France, pages 175-184, January 1998. [bibtex-entry]

  10. S. Prima, J.-P. Thirion, G. Subsol, and N. Roberts. Automatic Analysis of Normal Brain Dissymmetry of Males and Females in MR Images. In Proc. of First Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'98), volume 1496 of LNCS, Cambridge, USA, pages 770-779, October 1998. Springer. [bibtex-entry]

  11. J.-P. Thirion, S. Prima, G. Subsol, and N. Roberts. Statistical Analysis of Normal and Abnormal Dissymmetry in Volumetric Medical Images. In IEEE Workshop on Biomedical Image Analysis, WBIA'98, Santa Barbara, USA, pages 74-83, June 1998. Keyword(s): statistics. [bibtex-entry]

  12. A. C. F. Colchester, J. Zhao, N. Dorward, G. Subsol, and D. G. T. Thomas. Comparison of Phantom Target Localisation by Frame-Based Stereotaxy and by the VISLAN System. In J. Troccaz, E. Grimson, and R. Mösges, editors, CVRMed/MRCAS, volume 1205 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Grenoble (France), pages 501-510, March 1997. [bibtex-entry]

  13. Alexandre Guimond, Gérard Subsol, Jean Meunier, and Jean-Philippe Thirion. Automatic Exploration and Morphometry/Morphology Assessment of Medical Image Databases. In Medical Imaging, SPIE Proceedings, Newport Beach, United-States, pages 659-670, April 1997. [bibtex-entry]

  14. Alexandre Guimond, Gérard Subsol, Jean Meunier, and Jean-Philippe Thirion. Extraction of 3D Structures and Ranking According to Morphology. In World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Nice, France, September 1997. [bibtex-entry]

  15. G. Subsol, J.-Ph. Thirion, and N. Ayache. A General Scheme for Automatically Building 3D Morphometric Anatomical Atlases: application to a Skull and a Brain Atlas. In 16th L.A.S.R. Workshop Image Fusion And Shape Variability Techniques, Leeds (UK), pages 115-122, July 1996. Keyword(s): registration, matching, atlas. [bibtex-entry]

  16. G. Subsol, J.-Ph. Thirion, and N. Ayache. Application of an Automatically Built 3D Morphometric Brain Atlas: Study of Cerebral Ventricle Shape. In K. H. Höhne, editor, VBC'96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Hamburg (D), September 1996. Springer. Keyword(s): registration, matching, atlas. [bibtex-entry]

  17. G. Subsol, J.-Ph. Thirion, and N. Ayache. Some applications of an automatically built 3D morphometric skull atlas. In H. Lemke, K. Inamura, A. Farman, and F. Vannier, editors, Computer Assisted Radiology, Paris (France), pages 339-344, June 1996. Keyword(s): atlas. [bibtex-entry]

  18. G. Subsol, J.-P. Thirion, and N. Ayache. Une méthode générale pour construire automatiquement des atlas anatomiques morphométriques : application à un atlas du crâne. In Actes du 10eme congrès en Reconnaissance des formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA'96), Rennes (France), January 1996. Note: Accepté pour publication.[bibtex-entry]

  19. G. Subsol, J.-Ph. Thirion, and N. Ayache. Une méthode générale pour construire automatiquement des atlas anatomiques morphométriques : application à un atlas du crâne. In Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, volume 1, Rennes, pages 159-168, January 1996. AFCET/AFIA. Keyword(s): skull, atlas. [bibtex-entry]

  20. J.-P. Thirion, G. Subsol, and D. Dean. Cross Validation of Three Inter-Patients Matching Methods. In Visualization in Biomedical Computing, VBC'96, Hamburg (D), September 1996. Keyword(s): registration, matching, validation. [bibtex-entry]

  21. J. Declerck, G. Subsol, J.-P. Thirion, and N. Ayache. Automatic retrieval of anatomical structures in 3D medical images. In N. Ayache, editor, Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision, Virtual Reality and Robotics in Medecine (CVRMed'95), volume 905 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Nice (France), pages 153-162, April 1995. Springer. [bibtex-entry]

  22. G. Quatrehomme, H. Delingette, S. Cotin, G. Subsol, M. Fidrich, P. Bailet, G. Grevin, and A. Ollier. A Fully Tridimensional Method for Facial Reconstruction based on Deformable Models. In International Association for Craniofacial Identification, November 1995. Keyword(s): workshop, medical. [bibtex-entry]

  23. G. Subsol, J.-P. Thirion, and N. Ayache. A General Scheme for Automatically Building 3D Morphometric Anatomical Atlases: application to a Skull Atlas. In Proceedings of the Conference on Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery (MRCAS'95), Baltimore, November 1995. Keyword(s): registration, matching, atlas. [bibtex-entry]

  24. Hervé Delingette, Gérard Subsol, Stéphane Cotin, and Jérôme Pignon. A Craniofacial Surgery Simulation Testbed. In Visualization in Biomedical Computing (VBC'94), pages 607-618, octobre 1994. Keyword(s): conference, simulation. [bibtex-entry]

  25. H. Delingette, G. Subsol, S. Cotin, and J. Pignon. Simulation de chirurgie craniofaciale et realite virtuelle. In Interface des Mondes Reels et Virtuels (IMRV'94), Montpellier, pages 399-408, January 1994. Keyword(s): workshop, simulation. [bibtex-entry]

  26. Gérard Subsol, Jean-Philippe Thirion, and Nicholas Ayache. Non-Rigid Registration for Building 3D Anatomical Atlases. In The 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Jerusalem (Israel), October 1994. IAPR. Keyword(s): registration, matching, atlas, deformations. [bibtex-entry]

  27. Gérard Subsol, Jean-Philippe Thirion, and Nicholas Ayache. Steps Towards Automatic Building of Anatomical Atlases. In Visualization in Biomedical Computing '94, October 1994. Keyword(s): atlas. [bibtex-entry]

  28. Gérard Subsol, Jean-Philippe Thirion, and Nicholas Ayache. Reconnaissance de modèles génériques à l'aide d'un réseau spatial de lignes actives. Application au traitement d'images médicales. In Quatrièmes Journées ORASIS, Mulhouse, France, pages 174-177, 11--14 Octobre 1993. GDR-PRC Communication Homme-Machine, Pôle Vision. [bibtex-entry]

Internal reports

  1. Sébastien Ourselin, Alexis Roche, Gérard Subsol, Xavier Pennec, and Christophe Sattonnet. Automatic Alignment of Histological Sections for 3D Reconstruction and Analysis. Research report RR-3595, INRIA, December 1998. Keyword(s): registration, histology. [bibtex-entry]

  2. D. Rey, G. Subsol, H. Delingette, and N. Ayache. Automatic detection and segmentation of evolving processes in 3D medical images: application to multiple sclerosis. Research report RR-3559, INRIA, November 1998. Keyword(s): tech-report, reconstruction, segmentation, automatic detection, evolving processes, vector field analysis, multiple sclerosis. [bibtex-entry]

  3. J.-P. Thirion, S. Prima, and G. Subsol. Statistical Analysis of Dissymmetry in Volumetric Medical Images. Research report RR-3178, Inria, June 1997. [bibtex-entry]

  4. J. Declerck, G. Subsol, J.-P. Thirion, and N. Ayache. Automatic Retrieval of Anatomical Structures in 3D Medical Images. Research report RR-2485, INRIA, February 1995. [bibtex-entry]

  5. G. Subsol, J.-P. Thirion, and N. Ayache. A General Scheme for Automatically Building 3D Morphometric Anatomical Atlases: application to a Skull Atlas. Research report RR-2586, INRIA, March 1995. Keyword(s): registration, matching, atlas. [bibtex-entry]

  6. H. Delingette, G. Subsol, S. Cotin, and J. Pignon. A Craniofacial Surgery Testbed. Research report RR-2199, I.N.R.I.A., Sophia-Antipolis, France, February 1994. Keyword(s): tech-report, simulation. [bibtex-entry]


  1. Bertrand Mafart, Denis Méline, Alain Silvestre, and Gérard Subsol. Imagerie 3D et Paléontologie : les différences de forme entre le crâne de l'Homme Moderne et de l'Homme de Tautavel. Audiovisual material produced by INRIA audiovisuel, 1999. Keyword(s): video. [bibtex-entry]

  2. B. Mafart, D. Méline, A. Silvestre, and G. Subsol. Imagerie 3D et paléontologie : les différences de forme entre le crâne de l'Homme Moderne et de l'Homme de Tautavel. vidéo INRIA, September 1999. [bibtex-entry]

  3. G. Subsol. A scheme for automatically building 3D morphometric anatomical atlases based on feature lines: a list of references. DIKU International Summer School'98 - Shape Variation - University of Copenhagen - Danemark, 1998. [bibtex-entry]

  4. G. Subsol, J. Montagnat, S. Ourselin, and L. Soler. Algorithmes de traitement d'images tridimensionnelles pour des applications pharmaceutiques, 1998. Note: Étude de faisabilité. [bibtex-entry]

  5. N. Ayache, E. Bardinet, S. Benayoun, H. Delingette, G. Malandain, S. Fernández-Vidal, L. Soler, J. Montagnat, S. Cotin, G. Subsol, and J.-P. Thirion. Analysis of medical images : Registration, Atlas, Motion. Audiovisual material produced by INRIA audiovisuel, 1996. Keyword(s): video, simulation. [bibtex-entry]

  6. N. Ayache, E. Bardinet, S. Benayoun, I. Cohen, L.D. Cohen, H. Delingette, J. Feldmar, C. Nastar, G. Subsol, and J.-P. Thirion. Non Rigid Motion (Tracking, Analysis and Simulation). Audiovisual material produced by INRIA audiovisuel, 1994. Keyword(s): video, reconstruction. [bibtex-entry]

  7. Hervé Delingette, Jérôme Pignon, Stéphane Cotin, and Gérard Subsol. Cranio-facial Surgery Modeling. Audiovisual material produced by INRIA audiovisuel, October 1993. [bibtex-entry]



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