Publications of Nicolas Toussaint


  1. Nicolas Toussaint. Curvilinear Analysis and Approximation of Cardiac DTI In-Vivo. PhD Thesis, King's College London, July 2012. [bibtex-entry]

Articles in journal, book chapters

  1. Nicolas Toussaint, Christian T. Stoeck, Tobias Schaeffter, Sebastian Kozerke, Maxime Sermesant, and Philip G. Batchelor. In vivo human cardiac fibre architecture estimation using shape-based diffusion tensor processing. Medical Image Analysis, 2013. Note: In press. Keyword(s): Diffusion tensor imaging. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Florian Vichot, H. Cochet, Benoit Bleuzé, Nicolas Toussaint, P. Jaïs, and Maxime Sermesant. Cardiac Interventional Guidance using Multimodal Data Processing and Visualisation: medInria as an Interoperability Platform. Midas Journal, 2012. Keyword(s): Standards, Data Formats, Registration, Visualisation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  3. Markand D. Patel, Nicolas Toussaint, Geoffrey D. Charles-Edwards, Jean-Pierre Lin, and Philip G. Batchelor. Distribution and Fibre Field Similarity Mapping of the Human Anterior Commissure Fibres by Diffusion Tensor Imaging. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, February 2010. [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles

  1. Kristin Mcleod, Christof Seiler, Nicolas Toussaint, Maxime Sermesant, and Xavier Pennec. Regional Analysis of Left Ventricle Function using a Cardiac-Specific Polyaffine Motion Model. In Sébastien Ourselin, Daniel Rueckert, and Nicolas Smith, editors, Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart 2013 (FIMH), volume 7945 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, London, United Kingdom, pages 483-490, June 2013. Springer. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Nicolas Toussaint, Christian T. Stoeck, Sebastian Kozerke, Maxime Sermesant, and Philip G. Batchelor. In-vivo Human 3D Cardiac Fibre Architecture: Reconstruction Using Curvilinear Interpolation of Diffusion Tensor Images. In Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'10), LNCS, Beijing, China, September 2010. Springer. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Nicolas Toussaint, Christian T. Stoeck, Maxime Sermesant, Sebastian Kozerke, and Philip G. Batchelor. Three-dimensional Prolate Spheroidal Extrapolation for Sparse DTI of the In-vivo Heart. In Book of Abstracts, International Society in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM'10), Stockholm, 2-7 June 2010. [bibtex-entry]

  4. N. Toussaint, S. Durrleman, M. Sermesant, S. Kozerke, and P. Batchelor. Error Assessment on myocardial fiber orientations from DTI measurements. In Book of Abstracts, European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ESMRMB) 26th Annual Scientific Meeting, volume 22, Antalya, Turkey, pages 59, 2009. [bibtex-entry]

  5. N. Toussaint, T. Mansi, H. Delingette, Nicholas Ayache, and M. Sermesant. An Integrated Platform for Dynamic Cardiac Simulation and Image Processing: Application to Personalised Tetralogy of Fallot Simulation. In Proc. Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biomedicine (VCBM), Delft, The Netherlands, 2008. Keyword(s): Cardiac Simulation, Freeware, Dynamics, Visualization, VTK. [bibtex-entry]

  6. N. Toussaint, M. Sermesant, and P. Fillard. vtkINRIA3D: A VTK Extension for Spatiotemporal Data Synchronization, Visualization and Management. In Proc. of Workshop on Open Source and Open Data for MICCAI, Brisbane, Australia, October 2007. [bibtex-entry]

  7. N. Toussaint, J.C. Souplet, and P. Fillard. MedINRIA: Medical Image Navigation and Research Tool by INRIA. In Proc. of MICCAI'07 Workshop on Interaction in medical image analysis and visualization, Brisbane, Australia, 2007. [bibtex-entry]

Internal reports

  1. Xavier Pennec, Curzio Basso, Younes Boudjemline, Stanley Durrleman, Ender Konukoglu, Tommaso Mansi, Kristin McLeod, Giacomo Pongiglione, Matteo Santoro, Maxime Sermesant, Bertrand Stos, Nicolas Toussaint, and Gianluca Trocchio. Third generation disease models: Image analysis tools, pediatric heart diseases, inflammatory diseases and brain tumors. Deliverables D11.4, European project Health-e-Child (IST-2004-027749), April 2010. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Xavier Pennec, Curzio Basso, Younes Boudjemline, Stanley Durrleman, Ender Konukoglu, Tommaso Mansi, Giacomo Pongiglione, Matteo Santoro, Maxime Sermesant, Bertrand Stos, Nicolas Toussaint, and Gianluca Trocchio. First generation disease models: Image analysis tools, pediatric heart diseases, inflammatory diseases and brain tumors. Deliverables D11.2, European project Health-e-Child (IST-2004-027749), June 2007. [bibtex-entry]


  1. Benoît Bleuzé, Olivier Clatz, Pierre Fillard, Maxime Sermesant, Nicolas Toussaint, and Julien Wintz. Horizontal Data Fusion for Integrative Modelling: the MedINRIA Fusion Toolbox. First VPH Conference (VPH2010), Brussels), September 2010. Note: Abstract. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Erik Pernod, Jean-Christophe Souplet, Mikael Cohen, Nicolas Toussaint, Christine Lebrun, and Grégoire Malandain. SepINRIA v1.7.2: Multiple Sclerosis Brain MRI visualisation, comparison and analysis Software. World Congress for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (WCTRIMS), September 2008. Keyword(s): multiple sclerosis, SepINRIA. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Jean-Christophe Souplet, Pierre Fillard, Nicolas Toussaint, Christine Lebrun, and Grégoire Malandain. SepINRIA: A software to analyse Multiple Sclerosis Brain MRI. 60th American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, April 2008. Keyword(s): multiple sclerosis, SepINRIA. [bibtex-entry]

  4. Pierre Fillard, Nicolas Toussaint, and Xavier Pennec. MedINRIA: DT-MRI Processing and Visualization Software, November 2006. Note: Guest paper at the Similar Tensor Workshop, Las Palmas, Spain. [bibtex-entry]



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Last modified: Fri Jan 17 00:30:05 2025
Author: epione-publi.

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