Publications of year 2007

Books and proceedings

  1. Nicholas Ayache, Sébastien Ourselin, and Anthony Maeder, editors. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2007 - Part I, volume 4791 of LNCS, Brisbane, Australia, October 2007. Springer. Note: 1001 pages.
    address = {Brisbane, Australia},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-75757-3},
    editor = {Nicholas Ayache and S\'ebastien Ourselin and Anthony Maeder},
    month = {October},
    note = {1001 pages},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2007 - Part I},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {4791},
    year = {2007} 

  2. Nicholas Ayache, Sébastien Ourselin, and Anthony Maeder, editors. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2007 - Part II, volume 4792 of LNCS, Brisbane, Australia, October 2007. Springer. Note: 977 pages.
    address = {Brisbane, Australia},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-75759-7},
    editor = {Nicholas Ayache and S\'ebastien Ourselin and Anthony Maeder},
    month = {October},
    note = {977 pages},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2007 - Part II},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {4792},
    year = {2007} 


  1. Arnaud Charnoz. Recalage d'organes intra-patient à partir de l'étude de leur réseau vasculaire : application au foie. PhD thesis, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, 2007.
    address = {Strasbourg},
    author = {Arnaud Charnoz},
    school = {Universit\'e Louis Pasteur},
    title = {Recalage d'organes intra-patient \`a partir de l'\'etude de leur r\'eseau vasculaire : application au foie},
    year = {2007} 

  2. Olivier Commowick. Création et Utilisation d'Atlas Anatomiques Numériques pour la Radiothérapie (Design and Use of Anatomical Atlases for Radiotherapy). Thèse de sciences (PhD Thesis), Université de Nice -- Sophia-Antipolis, February 2007.
    author = {Olivier Commowick},
    month = {February},
    school = {Universit\'e de Nice -- Sophia-Antipolis},
    title = {Cr\'eation et Utilisation d'Atlas Anatomiques Num\'eriques pour la Radioth\'erapie (Design and Use of Anatomical Atlases for Radiotherapy)},
    type = {Th\`ese de sciences (PhD Thesis)},
    url = {},
    year = {2007} 

  3. Tristan Glatard. Description, deployment and optimization of medical image analysis workflows on production grids. Thèse de sciences (PhD Thesis), Université de Nice -- Sophia-Antipolis, November 2007.
    author = {Tristan Glatard},
    month = {November},
    school = {Universit\'e de Nice -- Sophia-Antipolis},
    title = {Description, deployment and optimization of medical image analysis workflows on production grids},
    type = {Th\`ese de sciences (PhD Thesis)},
    url = {},
    year = {2007} 

Articles in journal, book chapters

  1. Elsa Angelini, Olivier Clatz, Emmanuel Mandonnet, Ender Konukoglu, Laurent Capelle, and Hugues Duffau. Glioma Dynamics and Computational Models: A Review of Segmentation, Registration, and In Silico Growth Algorithms and their Clinical Applications. Current Medical Imaging Reviews, 3(4):262-176, 2007.
    author = {Elsa Angelini and Olivier Clatz and Emmanuel Mandonnet and Ender Konukoglu and Laurent Capelle and Hugues Duffau},
    journal = {Current Medical Imaging Reviews},
    number = {4},
    pages = {262-176},
    title = {Glioma Dynamics and Computational Models: A Review of Segmentation, Registration, and In Silico Growth Algorithms and their Clinical Applications},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {3},
    year = {2007} 

  2. Neculai Archip, Olivier Clatz, Stephen Whalen, Dan Kacher, Andriy Fedorov, Andriy Kot, Nikos Chrisochoides, Ferenc Jolesz, Alexandra Golby, Peter Black, and Simon Warfield. Non-rigid alignment of preoperative MRI, fMRI, and DT-MRI with intra-operative MRI for enhanced visualization and navigation in image-guided neurosurgery. NeuroImage, 35(2):609-24, April 2007.
    author = {Neculai Archip and Olivier Clatz and Stephen Whalen and Dan Kacher and Andriy Fedorov and Andriy Kot and Nikos Chrisochoides and Ferenc Jolesz and Alexandra Golby and Peter Black and Simon Warfield},
    journal = {NeuroImage},
    month = {April},
    number = {2},
    pages = {609-24},
    title = {Non-rigid alignment of preoperative MRI, fMRI, and DT-MRI with intra-operative MRI for enhanced visualization and navigation in image-guided neurosurgery},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {35},
    year = {2007} 

  3. Vincent Arsigny, Pierre Fillard, Xavier Pennec, and Nicholas Ayache. Geometric Means in a Novel Vector Space Structure on Symmetric Positive-Definite Matrices. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 29(1):328-347, 2007. Keyword(s): DT-MRI, Tensors, Riemannian geometry, Lie groups, interpolation, Log-Euclidean metrics.
    author = {Vincent Arsigny and Pierre Fillard and Xavier Pennec and Nicholas Ayache},
    doi = {10.1137/050637996},
    journal = {SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications},
    keywords = {DT-MRI, Tensors, Riemannian geometry, Lie groups, interpolation, Log-Euclidean metrics},
    number = {1},
    pages = {328--347},
    title = {Geometric Means in a Novel Vector Space Structure on Symmetric Positive-Definite Matrices},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    volume = {29},
    year = {2007} 

  4. M. A. Audette, H. Delingette, A. Fuchs, O. Burgert, and K. Chinzei. A topologically faithful, tissue-guided, spatially varying meshing strategy for computing patient-specific head models for endoscopic pituitary surgery simulation. Journal of Computer Aided Surgery, 12(1):43-52, January 2007.
    author = {M. A. Audette and H. Delingette and A. Fuchs and O. Burgert and K. Chinzei},
    journal = {Journal of Computer Aided Surgery},
    month = {January},
    number = {1},
    pages = {43--52},
    title = {A topologically faithful, tissue-guided, spatially varying meshing strategy for computing patient-specific head models for endoscopic pituitary surgery simulation},
    url-hal = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    volume = {12},
    year = {2007} 

  5. Valentin Becker, Tom Vercauteren, Claus Hann von Weyern, Christian Prinz, Roland M. Schmid, and Alexander Meining. High Resolution Miniprobe-based Confocal Microscopy in Combination with Video-mosaicing. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 66(5):1001-1007, November 2007.
    author = {Valentin Becker and Tom Vercauteren and von Weyern, Claus Hann and Christian Prinz and Roland M. Schmid and Alexander Meining},
    doi = {10.1016/j.gie.2007.04.015},
    journal = {Gastrointestinal Endoscopy},
    month = {November},
    number = {5},
    pages = {1001--1007},
    pmid = {17767932},
    title = {High Resolution Miniprobe-based Confocal Microscopy in Combination with Video-mosaicing},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {66},
    year = {2007} 

  6. Olivier Clatz, Stéphane Litrico, Hervé Delingette, Philippe Paquis, and Nicholas Ayache. Dynamic Model of Communicating Hydrocephalus for Surgery Simulation. IEEE Transactions on Bio-Medical Engineering, 54(4):755-758, April 2007.
    author = {Olivier Clatz and St\'ephane Litrico and Herv\'e Delingette and Philippe Paquis and Nicholas Ayache},
    doi = {10.1109/TBME.2006.890146},
    journal = {IEEE Transactions on Bio-Medical Engineering},
    month = {April},
    number = {4},
    pages = {755-758},
    title = {Dynamic Model of Communicating Hydrocephalus for Surgery Simulation},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {54},
    year = {2007} 

  7. Julien Dauguet, Thierry Delzescaux, Françoise Condé, Jean-François Mangin, Nicholas Ayache, Philippe Hantraye, and Vincent Frouin. Three-dimensional reconstruction of stained histological slices and 3D non-linear registration with in-vivo MRI for whole baboon brain. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 164(1):191-204, 2007.
    author = {Julien Dauguet and Thierry Delzescaux and Fran\c{c}oise Cond\'e and Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Mangin and Nicholas Ayache and Philippe Hantraye and Vincent Frouin},
    journal = {Journal of Neuroscience Methods},
    number = {1},
    pages = {191-204},
    title = {Three-dimensional reconstruction of stained histological slices and 3D non-linear registration with in-vivo MRI for whole baboon brain},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {164},
    year = {2007} 

  8. D. Ducreux, P. Fillard, D. Facon, A. Ozanne, J.-F. Lepeintre, J. Renoux, M. Tadié, and P. Lasjaunias. Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Fiber Tracking in Spinal Cord Lesions: Current and Future Indications. Neuroimaging Clinics of North America, 17(1):137-147, February 2007.
    author = {D. Ducreux and P. Fillard and D. Facon and A. Ozanne and J.-F. Lepeintre and J. Renoux and M. Tadi\'e and P. Lasjaunias},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00502689},
    journal = {Neuroimaging Clinics of North America},
    month = {February},
    number = {1},
    pages = {137-147},
    title = {Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Fiber Tracking in Spinal Cord Lesions: Current and Future Indications},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {17},
    year = {2007} 

  9. Pierre Fillard, Vincent Arsigny, Xavier Pennec, Kiralee M. Hayashi, Paul M. Thompson, and Nicholas Ayache. Measuring Brain Variability by Extrapolating Sparse Tensor Fields Measured on Sulcal Lines. NeuroImage, 34(2):639-650, January 2007. Note: Also as INRIA Research Report 5887, April 2006. PMID: 17113311.
    author = {Pierre Fillard and Vincent Arsigny and Xavier Pennec and Kiralee M. Hayashi and Paul M. Thompson and Nicholas Ayache},
    doi = {10.1016/j.neuroimage.2006.09.027},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00502521},
    journal = {NeuroImage},
    month = {January},
    note = {Also as INRIA Research Report 5887, April 2006. PMID: 17113311},
    number = {2},
    pages = {639--650},
    title = {Measuring Brain Variability by Extrapolating Sparse Tensor Fields Measured on Sulcal Lines},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {34},
    year = {2007} 

  10. Pierre Fillard, Xavier Pennec, Vincent Arsigny, and Nicholas Ayache. Clinical DT-MRI Estimation, Smoothing and Fiber Tracking with Log-Euclidean Metrics. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 26(11):1472-1482, November 2007.
    author = {Pierre Fillard and Xavier Pennec and Vincent Arsigny and Nicholas Ayache},
    doi = {10.1109/TMI.2007.899173},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00502645},
    journal = {IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging},
    month = {November},
    number = {11},
    pages = {1472--1482},
    pmid = {18041263},
    title = {Clinical {DT-MRI} Estimation, Smoothing and Fiber Tracking with Log-{Euclidean} Metrics},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {26},
    year = {2007} 

  11. Marius G. Linguraru, Miguel A. González Ballester, and Nicholas Ayache. Deformable Atlases for the Segmentation of Internal Brain Nuclei in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. International Journal of Computers, Communication and Control, 2(1):26-36, 2007.
    author = {Marius G. Linguraru and Gonz\'alez Ballester, Miguel A. and Nicholas Ayache},
    journal = {International Journal of Computers, Communication and Control},
    number = {1},
    pages = {26--36},
    title = {Deformable Atlases for the Segmentation of Internal Brain Nuclei in Magnetic Resonance Imaging},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {2},
    year = {2007} 

  12. Marius George Linguraru, Tom Vercauteren, Mauricio Reyes Aguirre, Miguel Ángel González Ballester, and Nicholas Ayache. Segmentation Propagation from Deformable Atlases for Brain Mapping and Analysis. Brain Research Journal, 1(4):269-287, 2007.
    author = {Marius George Linguraru and Tom Vercauteren and Reyes Aguirre, Mauricio and Gonz\'alez Ballester, Miguel \'Angel and Nicholas Ayache},
    journal = {Brain Research Journal},
    number = {4},
    pages = {269--287},
    publisher = {Nova Science Publishers},
    title = {Segmentation Propagation from Deformable Atlases for Brain Mapping and Analysis},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    volume = {1},
    year = {2007} 

  13. Jean-Marc Peyrat, Maxime Sermesant, Xavier Pennec, Hervé Delingette, Chenyang Xu, Eliot R. McVeigh, and Nicholas Ayache. A Computational Framework for the Statistical Analysis of Cardiac Diffusion Tensors: Application to a Small Database of Canine Hearts. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 26(11):1500-1514, November 2007.
    author = {Jean-Marc Peyrat and Maxime Sermesant and Xavier Pennec and Herv\'e Delingette and Chenyang Xu and Eliot R. McVeigh and Nicholas Ayache},
    doi = {10.1109/TMI.2007.907286},
    journal = {IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging},
    month = {November},
    number = {11},
    pages = {1500-1514},
    pmid = {18041265},
    title = {A Computational Framework for the Statistical Analysis of Cardiac Diffusion Tensors: Application to a Small Database of Canine Hearts},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {26},
    year = {2007} 

  14. A. Pitiot, H. Delingette, and P.M. Thompson. Learning Shape Correspondence for n-D curves. International Journal of Computer Vision, 71(1):71-88, January 2007.
    author = {A. Pitiot and H. Delingette and P.M. Thompson},
    journal = {International Journal of Computer Vision},
    month = {January},
    number = {1},
    pages = {71-88},
    title = {Learning Shape Correspondence for n-D curves},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {71},
    year = {2007} 

  15. M Reyes, G Malandain, P M Koulibaly, M A Gonzalez-Ballester, and J Darcourt. Model-based respiratory motion compensation for emission tomography image reconstruction. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 52(12):3579-600, June 2007.
    In emission tomography imaging, respiratory motion causes artifacts in lungs and cardiac reconstructed images, which lead to misinterpretations, imprecise diagnosis, impairing of fusion with other modalities, etc. Solutions like respiratory gating, correlated dynamic PET techniques, list-mode data based techniques and others have been tested, which lead to improvements over the spatial activity distribution in lungs lesions, but which have the disadvantages of requiring additional instrumentation or the need of discarding part of the projection data used for reconstruction. The objective of this study is to incorporate respiratory motion compensation directly into the image reconstruction process, without any additional acquisition protocol consideration. To this end, we propose an extension to the maximum likelihood expectation maximization (MLEM) algorithm that includes a respiratory motion model, which takes into account the displacements and volume deformations produced by the respiratory motion during the data acquisition process. We present results from synthetic simulations incorporating real respiratory motion as well as from phantom and patient data.

    abstract = {In emission tomography imaging, respiratory motion causes artifacts in lungs and cardiac reconstructed images, which lead to misinterpretations, imprecise diagnosis, impairing of fusion with other modalities, etc. Solutions like respiratory gating, correlated dynamic PET techniques, list-mode data based techniques and others have been tested, which lead to improvements over the spatial activity distribution in lungs lesions, but which have the disadvantages of requiring additional instrumentation or the need of discarding part of the projection data used for reconstruction. The objective of this study is to incorporate respiratory motion compensation directly into the image reconstruction process, without any additional acquisition protocol consideration. To this end, we propose an extension to the maximum likelihood expectation maximization (MLEM) algorithm that includes a respiratory motion model, which takes into account the displacements and volume deformations produced by the respiratory motion during the data acquisition process. We present results from synthetic simulations incorporating real respiratory motion as well as from phantom and patient data.},
    author = {M Reyes and G Malandain and P M Koulibaly and M A Gonzalez-Ballester and J Darcourt},
    journal = {Physics in Medicine and Biology},
    month = {June},
    number = {12},
    pages = {3579-600},
    title = {Model-based respiratory motion compensation for emission tomography image reconstruction},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {52},
    year = {2007} 

  16. Luc Thiberville, Sophie Moreno-Swirc, Tom Vercauteren, Eric Peltier, Charlotte Cavé, and Geneviève Bourg Heckly. In Vivo Imaging of the Bronchial Wall Microstructure Using Fibered Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 175(1):22-31, January 2007. Note: Chosen for the cover of the AJRCCM paper issue. PMID: 17023733.
    author = {Luc Thiberville and Sophie Moreno-Swirc and Tom Vercauteren and Eric Peltier and Charlotte Cav\'e and Bourg Heckly, Genevi\`eve},
    doi = {10.1164/rccm.200605-684OC},
    hal-identifiant = {inserm-00476448},
    journal = {American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine},
    month = {January},
    note = {Chosen for the cover of the AJRCCM paper issue. PMID: 17023733},
    number = {1},
    pages = {22--31},
    title = {In Vivo Imaging of the Bronchial Wall Microstructure Using Fibered Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    volume = {175},
    year = {2007} 

  17. Jérôme Yelnik, Eric Bardinet, Didier Dormont, Grégoire Malandain, Sébastien Ourselin, Dominique Tandé, Carine Karachi, Nicholas Ayache, Philippe Cornu, and Yves Agid. A three-dimensional, histological and deformable atlas of the human basal ganglia. I. Atlas construction based on immunohistochemical and MRI data. NeuroImage, 34(2):618-38, January 2007.
    This paper describes the construction of an atlas of the human basal ganglia. The successive steps of the construction were as follows. First a postmortem specimen was subjected to a MRI acquisition prior to extraction of the brain from the skull. The brain was then cryosectioned (70 mum thickness). One section out of ten (80 sections) was Nissl-stained with cresyl violet, another series of 80 sections was immunostained for the calcium binding protein calbindin. Contours of basal ganglia nuclei including their calbindin-stained functional subdivisions, fiber bundles and ventricles (n=80 structures) were traced from histological sections and digitized. A novelty of this atlas is the MRI acquisition, which represents the core data element of the study. MRI was used for the coregistration of the atlas data and permitted, through multimodal (Nissl, calbindin, images of cryosectioning, T1 and T2 MRI) and 3D optimization, the production of anatomically and geometrically consistent 3D surfaces, which can be sliced through any desired orientation. The atlas MRI is also used for its deformation to provide accurate conformation to the MRI of living patients, thus adding information at the histological level to the patient's MRI volume. This latter aspect will be presented in a forthcoming paper.

    abstract = {This paper describes the construction of an atlas of the human basal ganglia. The successive steps of the construction were as follows. First a postmortem specimen was subjected to a MRI acquisition prior to extraction of the brain from the skull. The brain was then cryosectioned (70 mum thickness). One section out of ten (80 sections) was Nissl-stained with cresyl violet, another series of 80 sections was immunostained for the calcium binding protein calbindin. Contours of basal ganglia nuclei including their calbindin-stained functional subdivisions, fiber bundles and ventricles (n=80 structures) were traced from histological sections and digitized. A novelty of this atlas is the MRI acquisition, which represents the core data element of the study. MRI was used for the coregistration of the atlas data and permitted, through multimodal (Nissl, calbindin, images of cryosectioning, T1 and T2 MRI) and 3D optimization, the production of anatomically and geometrically consistent 3D surfaces, which can be sliced through any desired orientation. The atlas MRI is also used for its deformation to provide accurate conformation to the MRI of living patients, thus adding information at the histological level to the patient's MRI volume. This latter aspect will be presented in a forthcoming paper.},
    author = {J\'er\^ome Yelnik and Eric Bardinet and Didier Dormont and Gr\'egoire Malandain and S\'ebastien Ourselin and Dominique Tand\'e and Carine Karachi and Nicholas Ayache and Philippe Cornu and Yves Agid},
    journal = {NeuroImage},
    month = {January},
    number = {2},
    pages = {618-38},
    title = {A three-dimensional, histological and deformable atlas of the human basal ganglia. I. Atlas construction based on immunohistochemical and MRI data},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {34},
    year = {2007} 

  18. Grégoire Malandain. Applications de la géométrie discrète en imagerie médicale. In Géométrie discrète et images numériques, Traités IC2, pages 371-379. Hermès, 2007.
    author = {Gr\'egoire Malandain},
    booktitle = {G\'eom\'etrie discr\`ete et images num\'eriques},
    pages = {371--379},
    publisher = {Herm\`es},
    series = {Trait\'es IC2},
    title = {Applications de la g\'eom\'etrie discr\`ete en imagerie m\'edicale},
    year = {2007} 

Conference articles

  1. Jérémie Allard, Stéphane Cotin, François Faure, Pierre-Jean Bensoussan, François Poyer, Christian Duriez, Hervé Delingette, and Laurent Grisoni. SOFA: an Open Source Framework for Medical Simulation. In Studies in health technology and informatics, Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR), pages 13-18, 2007.
    author = {J\'er\'emie Allard and St\'ephane Cotin and Fran\c{c}ois Faure and Pierre-Jean Bensoussan and Fran\c{c}ois Poyer and Christian Duriez and Herv\'e Delingette and Laurent Grisoni},
    booktitle = {Studies in health technology and informatics, Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR)},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00319416},
    pages = {13--18},
    title = {SOFA: an Open Source Framework for Medical Simulation},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    year = {2007} 

  2. Caroline Brun, Natasha Leporé, Xavier Pennec, Yi-Yu Chou, Oscar L. Lopez, Howard J. Aizenstein, James T. Becker, Arthur W. Toga, and Paul M. Thompson. Comparison of Standard and Riemannian Fluid Registration for Tensor-Based Morphometry in HIV/AIDS. In Proc. of MICCAI'07 Workshop on Statistical Registration: Pair-wise and Group-wise Alignment and Atlas Formation, Brisbane, Australia, 2007.
    address = {Brisbane, Australia},
    author = {Caroline Brun and Natasha Lepor\'e and Xavier Pennec and Yi-Yu Chou and Oscar L. Lopez and Howard J. Aizenstein and James T. Becker and Arthur W. Toga and Paul M. Thompson},
    booktitle = {Proc. of MICCAI'07 Workshop on Statistical Registration: Pair-wise and Group-wise Alignment and Atlas Formation},
    title = {Comparison of Standard and {R}iemannian Fluid Registration for Tensor-Based Morphometry in HIV/AIDS},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    x-editorial-board = {yes},
    x-international-audience = {yes},
    x-pays = {USA},
    x-proceedings = {no},
    year = {2007} 

  3. Franciso Javier Sanchez Castro, Olivier Clatz, Julien Dauguet, Neculai Archip, Jean-Philippe Thiran, and Simon Warfield. Evaluation Of Brain Image Nonrigid Registration Algorithms Based on Log-Euclidean MR-DTI Consistency Measures. In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI'07), Metro Washington DC, USA, pages 45-48, 2007.
    address = {Metro Washington DC, USA},
    author = {Franciso Javier Sanchez Castro and Olivier Clatz and Julien Dauguet and Neculai Archip and Jean-Philippe Thiran and Simon Warfield},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI'07)},
    pages = {45-48},
    title = {Evaluation Of Brain Image Nonrigid Registration Algorithms Based on Log-{Euclidean} {MR-DTI} Consistency Measures},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    year = {2007} 

  4. P Chinchapatnam, K Rhode, A. King, G. Gao, Y. Ma, T. Schaeffter, D. Hawkes, R. Razavi, D. Hill, S. Arridge, and M. Sermesant. Anisotropic Wave Propagation and Apparent Conductivity Estimation in a Fast Electrophysiological Model: Application to XMR Interventional Imaging. In Nicholas Ayache, Sébastien Ourselin, and Anthony Maeder, editors, Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'07), volume 4791 of LNCS, Brisbane, Australia, pages 575-583, October 2007. Springer.
    address = {Brisbane, Australia},
    author = {P Chinchapatnam and K Rhode and A. King and G. Gao and Y. Ma and T. Schaeffter and D. Hawkes and R. Razavi and D. Hill and S. Arridge and M. Sermesant},
    booktitle = {Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'07)},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-75757-3_70},
    editor = {Nicholas Ayache and S\'ebastien Ourselin and Anthony Maeder},
    month = {October},
    pages = {575-583},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {Anisotropic Wave Propagation and Apparent Conductivity Estimation in a Fast Electrophysiological Model: Application to XMR Interventional Imaging},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {4791},
    year = {2007} 

  5. Nikos Chrisochoides, Andriy Fedorov, Andriy Kot, Neculai Archip, Daniel Goldberg-Zimring, Dan Kacher, Stephen Whalen, Ron Kikinis, Ferenc Jolesz, Olivier Clatz, Simon K. Warfield, Peter M. Black, and Alexandra Golby. Grid-Enabled Software Environment for Enhanced Dynamic Data-Driven Visualization and Navigation During Image-Guided Neurosurgery. In Proc. 7th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), volume 4487 of LNCS, Beijing, China, pages 980-987, May 2007. Springer.
    address = {Beijing, China},
    author = {Nikos Chrisochoides and Andriy Fedorov and Andriy Kot and Neculai Archip and Daniel Goldberg-Zimring and Dan Kacher and Stephen Whalen and Ron Kikinis and Ferenc Jolesz and Olivier Clatz and Simon K. Warfield and Peter M. Black and Alexandra Golby},
    booktitle = {Proc. 7th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS)},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-72584-8},
    month = {May},
    pages = {980-987},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {Grid-Enabled Software Environment for Enhanced Dynamic Data-Driven Visualization and Navigation During Image-Guided Neurosurgery},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {4487},
    year = {2007} 

  6. Olivier Commowick and Grégoire Malandain. Efficient Selection of the Most Similar Image in a Database for Critical Structures Segmentation. In Nicholas Ayache, Sébastien Ourselin, and Anthony Maeder, editors, Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'07), Part II, number 4792 of LNCS, Brisbane, Australia, pages 203-210, October 2007.
    address = {Brisbane, Australia},
    author = {Olivier Commowick and Gr\'egoire Malandain},
    booktitle = {Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'07), Part II},
    editor = {Nicholas Ayache and S\'ebastien Ourselin and Anthony Maeder},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00071794},
    month = {October},
    number = {4792},
    pages = {203--210},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {Efficient Selection of the Most Similar Image in a Database for Critical Structures Segmentation},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    year = {2007} 

  7. Jimena Costa, Hervé Delingette, and Nicholas Ayache. Automatic Segmentation of the Bladder Using Deformable Models. In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI'07), Metro Washington DC, USA, pages 904-907, 2007.
    address = {Metro Washington DC, USA},
    author = {Jimena Costa and Herv\'e Delingette and Nicholas Ayache},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI'07)},
    pages = {904-907},
    title = {Automatic Segmentation of the Bladder Using Deformable Models},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    year = {2007} 

  8. Jimena Costa, Hervé Delingette, Sébastien Novellas, and Nicholas Ayache. Automatic Segmentation of Bladder and Prostate Using Coupled 3D Deformable Models. In Nicholas Ayache, Sébastien Ourselin, and Anthony Maeder, editors, Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'07), volume 4791 of LNCS, Brisbane, Australia, pages 252-260, October 2007. Springer.
    address = {Brisbane, Australia},
    author = {Jimena Costa and Herv\'e Delingette and S\'ebastien Novellas and Nicholas Ayache},
    booktitle = {Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'07)},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-75757-3_31},
    editor = {Nicholas Ayache and S\'ebastien Ourselin and Anthony Maeder},
    month = {October},
    pages = {252-260},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {Automatic Segmentation of Bladder and Prostate Using Coupled 3D Deformable Models},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {4791},
    year = {2007} 

  9. H. Delingette, M. Sermesant, J.-M. Peyrat, N. Ayache, K. Rhode, R. Razavi, E. McVeigh, D. Chapelle, J. Sainte-Marie, P. Moireau, M. Fernandez, J.-F. Gerbeau, K. Djabella, Q. Zhang, and M. Sorine. CardioSense3D: Patient-Specific Cardiac Simulation. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI'07), Metro Washington DC, USA, pages 628-631, 12-15 April 2007.
    address = {Metro Washington DC, USA},
    author = {H. Delingette and M. Sermesant and J.-M. Peyrat and N. Ayache and K. Rhode and R. Razavi and E. McVeigh and D. Chapelle and J. Sainte-Marie and P. Moireau and M. Fernandez and J.-F. Gerbeau and K. Djabella and Q. Zhang and M. Sorine},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI'07)},
    month = {12-15 April},
    pages = {628-631},
    title = {CardioSense3D: Patient-Specific Cardiac Simulation},
    url-hal = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2007} 

  10. Stanley Durrleman, Xavier Pennec, Alain Trouvé, and Nicholas Ayache. Measuring Brain Variability via Sulcal Lines Registration: a Diffeomorphic Approach. In Nicholas Ayache, Sébastien Ourselin, and Anthony Maeder, editors, Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), volume 4791 of LNCS, Brisbane, Australia, pages 675-682, October 2007. Springer.
    address = {Brisbane, Australia},
    author = {Stanley Durrleman and Xavier Pennec and Alain Trouv\'e and Nicholas Ayache},
    booktitle = {Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-75757-3_82},
    editor = {Nicholas Ayache and S\'ebastien Ourselin and Anthony Maeder},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00502704},
    month = {October},
    pages = {675-682},
    pmid = {18051117},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {Measuring Brain Variability via Sulcal Lines Registration: a Diffeomorphic Approach},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {4791},
    year = {2007} 

  11. François Faure, Jérémie Allard, Stéphane Cotin, Paul Neumann, Pierre-Jean Bensoussan, Christian Duriez, Hervé Delingette, and Laurent Grisoni. SOFA: A Modular Yet Efficient Simulation Framework. In Surgetica, 2007.
    author = {Fran\c{c}ois Faure and J\'er\'emie Allard and St\'ephane Cotin and Paul Neumann and Pierre-Jean Bensoussan and Christian Duriez and Herv\'e Delingette and Laurent Grisoni},
    booktitle = {Surgetica},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00319407},
    title = {SOFA: A Modular Yet Efficient Simulation Framework},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    year = {2007} 

  12. P. Fillard, X. Pennec, P.M. Thompson, and N. Ayache. Evaluating Brain Anatomical Correlations via Canonical Correlation Analysis of Sulcal Lines. In Proc. of MICCAI'07 Workshop on Statistical Registration: Pair-wise and Group-wise Alignment and Atlas Formation, Brisbane, Australia, 2007.
    address = {Brisbane, Australia},
    author = {P. Fillard and X. Pennec and P.M. Thompson and N. Ayache},
    booktitle = {Proc. of MICCAI'07 Workshop on Statistical Registration: Pair-wise and Group-wise Alignment and Atlas Formation},
    title = {Evaluating Brain Anatomical Correlations via Canonical Correlation Analysis of Sulcal Lines},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    year = {2007} 

  13. Tristan Glatard, Diane Lingrand, Johan Montagnat, and Michel Riveill. Impact of the execution context on Grid job performances. In International Workshop on Context-Awareness and Mobility in Grid Computing (WCAMG07), Rio de Janeiro, pages 713-718, May 2007. IEEE.
    address = {Rio de Janeiro},
    author = {Tristan Glatard and Diane Lingrand and Johan Montagnat and Michel Riveill},
    booktitle = {International Workshop on Context-Awareness and Mobility in Grid Computing (WCAMG07)},
    hal-identifiant = {hal-00459267},
    month = {May},
    pages = {713--718},
    publisher = {IEEE},
    title = {Impact of the execution context on Grid job performances},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    year = {2007} 

  14. Tristan Glatard, Johan Montagnat, and Xavier Pennec. Optimizing jobs timeouts on clusters and production grids. In International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid), Rio de Janeiro, pages 100-107, May 2007. IEEE.
    address = {Rio de Janeiro},
    author = {Tristan Glatard and Johan Montagnat and Xavier Pennec},
    booktitle = {International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid)},
    doi = {10.1109/CCGRID.2007.78},
    month = {May},
    pages = {100-107},
    publisher = {IEEE},
    title = {Optimizing jobs timeouts on clusters and production grids},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    year = {2007} 

  15. Heike Hufnagel, Xavier Pennec, Jan Ehrhardt, Heinz Handels, and Nicholas Ayache. Point-Based Statistical Shape Models with Probabilistic Correspondences and Affine EM-ICP. In Springer, editor, Bildverarbeitung fuer die Medizin 2007, Informatik aktuell, pages 434-438, March 2007. Springer. Note: Third prize in category best scientific work. Keyword(s): statistical shape models, registration, EM-ICP, probabilistic correspondences.
    author = {Heike Hufnagel and Xavier Pennec and Jan Ehrhardt and Heinz Handels and Nicholas Ayache},
    booktitle = {Bildverarbeitung fuer die Medizin 2007},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-71091-2_87},
    editor = { Springer},
    keywords = {statistical shape models, registration, EM-ICP, probabilistic correspondences},
    month = {March},
    note = {Third prize in category best scientific work.},
    pages = {434-438},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {Informatik aktuell},
    title = {Point-Based Statistical Shape Models with Probabilistic Correspondences and Affine {EM-ICP}},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    year = {2007} 

  16. H. Hufnagel, X. Pennec, J. Ehrhardt, H. Handels, and N. Ayache. Shape Analysis Using a Point-Based Statistical Shape Model Built on Correspondence Probabilities. In Nicholas Ayache, Sébastien Ourselin, and Anthony Maeder, editors, Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'07), volume 4791 of LNCS, Brisbane, Australia, pages 959-967, October 2007. Springer.
    address = {Brisbane, Australia},
    author = {H. Hufnagel and X. Pennec and J. Ehrhardt and H. Handels and N. Ayache},
    booktitle = {Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'07)},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-75757-3_116},
    editor = {Nicholas Ayache and S\'ebastien Ourselin and Anthony Maeder},
    month = {October},
    pages = {959-967},
    pmid = {18051151},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {Shape Analysis Using a Point-Based Statistical Shape Model Built on Correspondence Probabilities},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {4791},
    year = {2007} 

  17. E. Konukoglu, O. Clatz, Pierre-Yves Bondiau, Maxime Sermesant, H. Delingette, and N. Ayache. Towards an Identification of Tumor Growth Parameters from Time Series of Images. In Nicholas Ayache, Sébastien Ourselin, and Anthony Maeder, editors, Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), volume 4791 of LNCS, Brisbane, Australia, pages 549-556, October 2007. Springer.
    address = {Brisbane, Australia},
    author = {E. Konukoglu and O. Clatz and Pierre-Yves Bondiau and Maxime Sermesant and H. Delingette and N. Ayache},
    booktitle = {Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-75757-3_67},
    editor = {Nicholas Ayache and S\'ebastien Ourselin and Anthony Maeder},
    month = {October},
    pages = {549-556},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {Towards an Identification of Tumor Growth Parameters from Time Series of Images},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {4791},
    year = {2007} 

  18. E. Konukoglu, M. Sermesant, O. Clatz, J.-M. Peyrat, H. Delingette, and N. Ayache. A Recursive Anisotropic Fast Marching Approach to Reaction Diffusion Equation: Application to Tumor Growth Modeling. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI'07), volume 4584 of LNCS, pages 686-699, 2-6 July 2007.
    author = {E. Konukoglu and M. Sermesant and O. Clatz and J.-M. Peyrat and H. Delingette and N. Ayache},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI'07)},
    month = {2-6 July},
    pages = {686-699},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {A Recursive Anisotropic Fast Marching Approach to Reaction Diffusion Equation: Application to Tumor Growth Modeling},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {4584},
    year = {2007} 

  19. J. L. Landabaso, T. Mansi, C. Molina, K. Zangelin, P. Enfedaque, J. Canadas, and L. Lizcano. A 3D Videoconferencing System with 2D Backwards Compatibility. In IEEE, editor, Proc. 3DTV Conference 2007, pages 1-4, 2007.
    author = {J. L. Landabaso and T. Mansi and C. Molina and K. Zangelin and P. Enfedaque and J. Canadas and L. Lizcano},
    booktitle = {Proc. 3DTV Conference 2007},
    doi = {10.1109/3DTV.2007.4379446},
    editor = { IEEE},
    pages = {1--4},
    title = {A 3D Videoconferencing System with 2D Backwards Compatibility},
    url-hal = {},
    year = {2007} 

  20. Natasha Leporé, Caroline Brun, Xavier Pennec, Yi-Yu Chou, Oscar L. Lopez, Howard J. Aizenstein, James T. Becker, Arthur W. Toga, and Paul M. Thompson. Mean Template for Tensor-Based Morphometry using Deformation Tensors. In Nicholas Ayache, Sébastien Ourselin, and Anthony Maeder, editors, Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'07), volume 4792 of LNCS, Brisbane, Australia, pages 826-833, October 2007. Springer.
    address = {Brisbane, Australia},
    author = {Natasha Lepor\'e and Caroline Brun and Xavier Pennec and Yi-Yu Chou and Oscar L. Lopez and Howard J. Aizenstein and James T. Becker and Arthur W. Toga and Paul M. Thompson},
    booktitle = {Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'07)},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-75759-7_100},
    editor = {Nicholas Ayache and S\'ebastien Ourselin and Anthony Maeder},
    month = {October},
    pages = {826-833},
    pmid = {18044645},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {Mean Template for Tensor-Based Morphometry using Deformation Tensors},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {4792},
    year = {2007} 

  21. Clémentine Nemo, Tristan Glatard, Mireille Blay-Fornarino, and Johan Montagnat. Merging overlapping orchestrations: an application to the Bronze Standard medical application. In International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2007), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, pages 364-371, July 2007. IEEE Computer Engineering.
    address = {Salt Lake City, Utah, USA},
    author = {Cl\'ementine Nemo and Tristan Glatard and Mireille Blay-Fornarino and Johan Montagnat},
    booktitle = {International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2007)},
    doi = {10.1109/SCC.2007.79},
    month = {July},
    organization = {IEEE Computer Engineering},
    pages = {364--371},
    title = {Merging overlapping orchestrations: an application to the Bronze Standard medical application},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    year = {2007} 

  22. Stephane Nicolau, Xavier Pennec, Luc Soler, and Nicholas Ayache. Clinical Evaluation of a Respiratory Gated Guidance System for Liver Punctures. In Nicholas Ayache, Sébastien Ourselin, and Anthony J. Maeder, editors, Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'07), volume 4792 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Brisbane, Australia, pages 77-85, October 2007. Springer.
    address = {Brisbane, Australia},
    author = {Stephane Nicolau and Xavier Pennec and Luc Soler and Nicholas Ayache},
    booktitle = {Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'07)},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-75759-7_10},
    editor = {Nicholas Ayache and S\'ebastien Ourselin and Anthony J. Maeder},
    month = {October},
    pages = {77--85},
    pmid = {18044555},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
    title = {Clinical Evaluation of a Respiratory Gated Guidance System for Liver Punctures},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {4792},
    year = {2007} 

  23. Aymeric Perchant, Tom Vercauteren, Fabien Oberrietter, Nicolas Savoire, and Nicholas Ayache. Region Tracking Algorithms on Laser Scanning Devices Applied to Cell Traffic Analysis. In Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI'07), Metro Washington DC, USA, pages 260-263, April 2007.
    address = {Metro Washington DC, USA},
    author = {Aymeric Perchant and Tom Vercauteren and Fabien Oberrietter and Nicolas Savoire and Nicholas Ayache},
    booktitle = {Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI'07)},
    doi = {10.1109/ISBI.2007.356838},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00166610},
    month = {April},
    pages = {260--263},
    title = {Region Tracking Algorithms on Laser Scanning Devices Applied to Cell Traffic Analysis},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    year = {2007} 

  24. Jean-Marc Peyrat, Maxime Sermesant, Hervé Delingette, Xavier Pennec, Chenyang Xu, Elliot McVeigh, and Nicholas Ayache. Statistical Comparison of Cardiac Fibre Architectures. In Proceedings of Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart 2007 (FIMH'07), volume 4466 of LNCS, pages 413-423, 7-9 June 2007.
    author = {Jean-Marc Peyrat and Maxime Sermesant and Herv\'e Delingette and Xavier Pennec and Chenyang Xu and Elliot McVeigh and Nicholas Ayache},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart 2007 (FIMH'07)},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-72907-5_42},
    month = {7-9 June},
    pages = {413-423},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {Statistical Comparison of Cardiac Fibre Architectures},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {4466},
    year = {2007} 

  25. M. Pop, M. Sermesant, D. Chung, G. Liu, E. McVeigh, E. Crystal, and G. Wright. An experimental framework to validate 3D models of cardiac electrophysiology via optical imaging and MRI. In Proceedings of Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart 2007 (FIMH'07), volume 4466 of LNCS, pages 100-109, 7-9 June 2007.
    author = {M. Pop and M. Sermesant and D. Chung and G. Liu and E. McVeigh and E. Crystal and G. Wright},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart 2007 (FIMH'07)},
    month = {7-9 June},
    pages = {100-109},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {An experimental framework to validate 3D models of cardiac electrophysiology via optical imaging and MRI},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {4466},
    year = {2007} 

  26. M. Reyes Aguirre, M.G. Linguraru, K. Marias, N. Ayache, L.-P. Nolte, and M. A. González Ballester. Statistical Shape Analysis via Principal Factor Analysis. In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Metro Washington DC, USA, pages 1216-1219, 2007.
    address = {Metro Washington DC, USA},
    author = {Reyes Aguirre, M. and M.G. Linguraru and K. Marias and N. Ayache and L.-P. Nolte and Gonz\'alez Ballester, M. A.},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)},
    pages = {1216-1219},
    title = {Statistical Shape Analysis via Principal Factor Analysis},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    year = {2007} 

  27. M. Sermesant, E. Konukoglu, H. Delingette, Y. Coudiere, P. Chinchaptanam, K.S. Rhode, R. Razavi, and N. Ayache. An anisotropic multi-front fast marching method for real-time simulation of cardiac electrophysiology. In Proceedings of Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart 2007 (FIMH'07), volume 4466 of LNCS, pages 160-169, 7-9 June 2007.
    author = {M. Sermesant and E. Konukoglu and H. Delingette and Y. Coudiere and P. Chinchaptanam and K.S. Rhode and R. Razavi and N. Ayache},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart 2007 (FIMH'07)},
    month = {7-9 June},
    pages = {160-169},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {An anisotropic multi-front fast marching method for real-time simulation of cardiac electrophysiology},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {4466},
    year = {2007} 

  28. N. Toussaint, M. Sermesant, and P. Fillard. vtkINRIA3D: A VTK Extension for Spatiotemporal Data Synchronization, Visualization and Management. In Proc. of Workshop on Open Source and Open Data for MICCAI, Brisbane, Australia, October 2007.
    address = {Brisbane, Australia},
    author = {N. Toussaint and M. Sermesant and P. Fillard},
    booktitle = {Proc. of Workshop on Open Source and Open Data for MICCAI},
    month = {October},
    title = {vtkINRIA3D: A VTK Extension for Spatiotemporal Data Synchronization, Visualization and Management},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    year = {2007} 

  29. N. Toussaint, J.C. Souplet, and P. Fillard. MedINRIA: Medical Image Navigation and Research Tool by INRIA. In Proc. of MICCAI'07 Workshop on Interaction in medical image analysis and visualization, Brisbane, Australia, 2007.
    address = {Brisbane, Australia},
    author = {N. Toussaint and J.C. Souplet and P. Fillard},
    booktitle = {Proc. of MICCAI'07 Workshop on Interaction in medical image analysis and visualization},
    title = {MedINRIA: Medical Image Navigation and Research Tool by INRIA},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    year = {2007} 

  30. Tom Vercauteren, Xavier Pennec, Ezio Malis, Aymeric Perchant, and Nicholas Ayache. Insight Into Efficient Image Registration Techniques and the Demons Algorithm. In Proc. Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI'07), volume 4584 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Kerkrade, The Netherlands, pages 495-506, July 2007. Springer.
    address = {Kerkrade, The Netherlands},
    author = {Tom Vercauteren and Xavier Pennec and Ezio Malis and Aymeric Perchant and Nicholas Ayache},
    booktitle = {Proc. Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI'07)},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-73273-0_41},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00165534},
    month = {July},
    pages = {495--506},
    pmid = {17633724},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
    title = {Insight Into Efficient Image Registration Techniques and the Demons Algorithm},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {4584},
    year = {2007} 

  31. Tom Vercauteren, Xavier Pennec, Aymeric Perchant, and Nicholas Ayache. Diffeomorphic Demons Using ITK's Finite Difference Solver Hierarchy. In Insight Journal -- ISC/NA-MIC Workshop on Open Science at MICCAI 2007, October 2007. Note: Source code available at rl
    author = {Tom Vercauteren and Xavier Pennec and Aymeric Perchant and Nicholas Ayache},
    booktitle = {Insight Journal -- ISC/NA-MIC Workshop on Open Science at MICCAI 2007},
    month = {October},
    note = {Source code available at \url{}},
    title = {Diffeomorphic Demons Using ITK's Finite Difference Solver Hierarchy},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    year = {2007} 

  32. Tom Vercauteren, Xavier Pennec, Aymeric Perchant, and Nicholas Ayache. Non-parametric Diffeomorphic Image Registration with the Demons Algorithm. In Nicholas Ayache, Sébastien Ourselin, and Anthony J. Maeder, editors, Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'07), volume 4792 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Brisbane, Australia, pages 319-326, October 2007. Springer.
    address = {Brisbane, Australia},
    author = {Tom Vercauteren and Xavier Pennec and Aymeric Perchant and Nicholas Ayache},
    booktitle = {Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'07)},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-75759-7_39},
    editor = {Nicholas Ayache and S\'ebastien Ourselin and Anthony J. Maeder},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00166123},
    month = {October},
    pages = {319--326},
    pmid = {18044584},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
    title = {Non-parametric Diffeomorphic Image Registration with the Demons Algorithm},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {4792},
    year = {2007} 

Internal reports

  1. Pierre Fillard, Xavier Pennec, Paul M. Thompson, and Nicholas Ayache. Evaluating Brain Anatomical Correlations via Canonical Correlation Analysis of Sulcal Lines. Research report RR-6241, INRIA, 07 2007.
    author = {Pierre Fillard and Xavier Pennec and M. Thompson, Paul and Nicholas Ayache},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00159699},
    institution = {INRIA},
    month = {07},
    number = {RR-6241},
    title = {Evaluating Brain Anatomical Correlations via Canonical Correlation Analysis of Sulcal Lines},
    type = {Research report},
    url-hal = {},
    year = {2007} 

  2. Jean Gallier. Notes on Convex Sets, Polytopes, Polyhedra Combinatorial Topology, Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay Triangulations. Research report RR-6379, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, 2007.
    author = {Jean Gallier},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00193831},
    institution = {INRIA Sophia-Antipolis},
    number = {RR-6379},
    title = {Notes on Convex Sets, Polytopes, Polyhedra Combinatorial Topology, Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay Triangulations},
    type = {Research report},
    url-hal = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2007} 

  3. Xavier Pennec, Curzio Basso, Younes Boudjemline, Stanley Durrleman, Ender Konukoglu, Tommaso Mansi, Giacomo Pongiglione, Matteo Santoro, Maxime Sermesant, Bertrand Stos, Nicolas Toussaint, and Gianluca Trocchio. First generation disease models: Image analysis tools, pediatric heart diseases, inflammatory diseases and brain tumors. Deliverables D11.2, European project Health-e-Child (IST-2004-027749), June 2007.
    author = {Xavier Pennec and Curzio Basso and Younes Boudjemline and Stanley Durrleman and Ender Konukoglu and Tommaso Mansi and Giacomo Pongiglione and Matteo Santoro and Maxime Sermesant and Bertrand Stos and Nicolas Toussaint and Gianluca Trocchio},
    institution = {European project Health-e-Child (IST-2004-027749)},
    month = {June},
    title = {First generation disease models: Image analysis tools, pediatric heart diseases, inflammatory diseases and brain tumors},
    type = {Deliverables D11.2},
    url = {},
    year = {2007} 

Patents, standards

  1. Tom Vercauteren, Aymeric Perchant, Nicholas Ayache, Xavier Pennec, and Grégoire Malandain. Robust Mosaicing Method with Correction of Motion Distorsions and Tissue Deformations for In Vivo Fibered Microscopy. US Patent Application 2009/0041314 (file 02.08.2007, published 12.02.2009), August 2007.
    address = {},
    author = {Tom Vercauteren and Aymeric Perchant and Nicholas Ayache and Xavier Pennec and Gr\'egoire Malandain},
    month = {August},
    note = {},
    number = {US Patent Application 2009/0041314 (file 02.08.2007, published 12.02.2009)},
    optabstract = {},
    optdoi = {},
    opthal-date-depot = {},
    opthal-identifiant = {},
    opthal-version = {},
    optisbn = {},
    optissn = {},
    optkeywords = {},
    opturl = {},
    opturl-publisher = {},
    optx-scientific-popularization = {},
    title = {Robust Mosaicing Method with Correction of Motion Distorsions and Tissue Deformations for In Vivo Fibered Microscopy},
    url-hal = {},
    x-language = {},
    x-pays = {},
    year = {2007} 


  1. Valentin Becker, Tom Vercauteren, Claus Hann von Weyern, Christian Prinz, Roland M. Schmid, and Alexander Meining. Ultra-hochauflösende, Sondenbasierte, Konfokale Lasermikroskopie in Kombination mit Videomosaicing. 62. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten, August 2007. Note: Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 45(8) - Abstract only.
    address = {Bochum, Germany},
    author = {Valentin Becker and Tom Vercauteren and von Weyern, Claus Hann and Christian Prinz and Roland M. Schmid and Alexander Meining},
    doi = {10.1055/s-2007-988304},
    howpublished = {62. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f\"ur Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten},
    month = {August},
    note = {Zeitschrift f\"ur Gastroenterologie 45(8) - Abstract only},
    title = {Ultra-hochaufl\"osende, Sondenbasierte, Konfokale Lasermikroskopie in Kombination mit Videomosaicing},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2007} 

  2. P.-Y. Bondiau, J. Thariat, K. Bénézery, J. Hérault, C. Dalmasso, S. Marcié, and G. Malandain. Doses aux organes à risque cérébraux : optimisation par radiothérapie stéréotaxique robotisée et atlas de segmentation automatique versus radiothérapie conformationnelle tridimensionnelle. 18e Congrès de la Société Française de Radiothérapie Oncologique (SFRO), 2007. Note: Cancer radiothérapie 11(6-7):399, 2007.
    author = {P.-Y. Bondiau and J. Thariat and K. B\'en\'ezery and J. H\'erault and C. Dalmasso and S. Marci\'e and G. Malandain},
    howpublished = {18e Congr\`es de la Soci\'et\'e Fran\c{c}aise de Radioth\'erapie Oncologique (SFRO)},
    note = {Cancer radioth\'erapie 11(6-7):399, 2007},
    title = {Doses aux organes \`a risque c\'er\'ebraux : optimisation par radioth\'erapie st\'er\'eotaxique robotis\'ee et atlas de segmentation automatique versus radioth\'erapie conformationnelle tridimensionnelle},
    url = {},
    year = {2007} 

  3. A. Isambert, V. Gregoire, F. Bidault, G. Calais, O. Commowick, G. Malandain, J.B. Ruaud, M. Tomsej, C. Bramoulle, J. Bourhis, and D. Lefkopoulos. Atlas-based automatic segmentation (ABAS) of head and neck (H&N) structures in conformal radiotherapy (CRT). Acts of the 26th European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO), 2007.
    author = {A. Isambert and V. Gregoire and F. Bidault and G. Calais and O. Commowick and G. Malandain and J.B. Ruaud and M. Tomsej and C. Bramoulle and J. Bourhis and D. Lefkopoulos},
    howpublished = {Acts of the 26th European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO)},
    title = {Atlas-based automatic segmentation (ABAS) of head and neck (H&N) structures in conformal radiotherapy (CRT)},
    year = {2007} 

  4. Christine Lebrun, Stéphane Chanalet, Jean-Christophe Souplet, Nicholas Ayache, and Grégoire Malandain. Imaging pre-treatment tools and automatic segmentation of lesion burden. Journées Internationales de la Société Française de Neurologie, June 2007. Keyword(s): multiple sclerosis.
    author = {Christine Lebrun and St\'ephane Chanalet and Jean-Christophe Souplet and Nicholas Ayache and Gr\'egoire Malandain},
    howpublished = {Journ\'ees Internationales de la Soci\'et\'e Fran\c{c}aise de Neurologie},
    keywords = {multiple sclerosis},
    month = {June},
    title = {Imaging pre-treatment tools and automatic segmentation of lesion burden},
    year = {2007} 

  5. Xavier Pennec. From Riemannian Geometry to Computational Anatomy of the Brain. ERCIM News No.69, p.15-16, January 2007. Note: Special issue on the Digital Patient.
    author = {Xavier Pennec},
    howpublished = {ERCIM News No.69, p.15-16},
    month = {January},
    note = {Special issue on the Digital Patient},
    pages = {15--16},
    title = {From {R}iemannian Geometry to Computational Anatomy of the Brain},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2007} 

  6. Xavier Pennec and Pierre Fillard. Avons-nous tous le même cerveau?. In Voir l'invisible, p.112-113, Omniscience, December 2007. ISBN: 978-2-916097-13-8.
    author = {Xavier Pennec and Pierre Fillard},
    howpublished = {In Voir l'invisible, p.112-113, Omniscience},
    isbn = {978-2-916097-13-8},
    month = {December},
    pages = {112-113},
    title = {Avons-nous tous le m\^eme cerveau?},
    year = {2007} 

  7. Xavier Pennec and Pierre Fillard. Les autoroutes de l'information neuronale. In Voir l'invisible, p.116-117, Omniscience, December 2007. ISBN: 978-2-916097-13-8.
    author = {Xavier Pennec and Pierre Fillard},
    howpublished = {In Voir l'invisible, p.116-117, Omniscience},
    isbn = {978-2-916097-13-8},
    month = {December},
    pages = {116-117},
    title = {Les autoroutes de l'information neuronale},
    year = {2007} 

  8. Jean-Christophe Souplet, Christine Lebrun, Pierre Clavelou, William Camu, Stéphane Chanalet, Nicholas Ayache, and Grégoire Malandain. A comparative study of skull stripping methods in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: Emergence of a new automatic segmentation algorithm. Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS), October 2007. Keyword(s): multiple sclerosis, skull-stripping.
    author = {Jean-Christophe Souplet and Christine Lebrun and Pierre Clavelou and William Camu and St\'ephane Chanalet and Nicholas Ayache and Gr\'egoire Malandain},
    howpublished = {Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS)},
    keywords = {multiple sclerosis, skull-stripping},
    month = {October},
    title = {A comparative study of skull stripping methods in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: Emergence of a new automatic segmentation algorithm},
    url = {},
    year = {2007} 

  9. Jean-Christophe Souplet, Christine Lebrun, Pierre Fillard, Nicholas Ayache, Pierre Clavelou, and Grégoire Malandain. SepINRIA : un outil d'évaluation de la charge lésionnelle chez des patients atteints de sclérose en plaques. Journées Internationales de la SFN : Sclérose en Plaques (Multiple Sclerosis), June 2007. Note: Abstract in Revue Neurologique (Paris) 2007; 163: 6-7, 725. Keyword(s): multiple sclerosis, SepINRIA, MedINRIA.
    author = {Jean-Christophe Souplet and Christine Lebrun and Pierre Fillard and Nicholas Ayache and Pierre Clavelou and Gr\'egoire Malandain},
    howpublished = {Journ\'ees Internationales de la SFN : Scl\'erose en Plaques (Multiple Sclerosis)},
    keywords = {multiple sclerosis, SepINRIA, MedINRIA},
    month = {June},
    note = {Abstract in Revue Neurologique (Paris) 2007; 163: 6-7, 725},
    title = {SepINRIA : un outil d'\'evaluation de la charge l\'esionnelle chez des patients atteints de scl\'erose en plaques},
    url = {},
    year = {2007} 

  10. Tom Vercauteren, Anne Osdoit, Aymeric Perchant, and Sacha Loiseau. Mosaicing of Confocal Microscopic Video Sequences: Larger Field of View and still Higher Resolution!. Proc. Digestive Disease Week (DDW'07), April 2007. Note: Abstract in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 65(5):AB352.
    author = {Tom Vercauteren and Anne Osdoit and Aymeric Perchant and Sacha Loiseau},
    doi = {10.1016/j.gie.2007.03.900},
    howpublished = {Proc. Digestive Disease Week (DDW'07)},
    month = {April},
    note = {Abstract in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 65(5):AB352},
    title = {Mosaicing of Confocal Microscopic Video Sequences: Larger Field of View and still Higher Resolution!},
    url = {},
    year = {2007} 

  11. Tom Vercauteren, Aymeric Perchant, and Nicholas Ayache. In Vivo Microscopy for Real-Time Structural and Functional Cellular Imaging. ERCIM News No.69, April 2007.
    author = {Tom Vercauteren and Aymeric Perchant and Nicholas Ayache},
    howpublished = {ERCIM News No.69},
    month = {April},
    pages = {34--35},
    title = {In Vivo Microscopy for Real-Time Structural and Functional Cellular Imaging},
    url = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2007} 



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