Publications of Jonathan Boisvert
Jonathan Boisvert.
Modèles de la variabilité géométrique du rachis scoliotique.
PhD thesis,
Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis (France) and École Polytechnique de Montréal (Canada),
March 2008.
Articles in journal, book chapters |
Jonathan Boisvert,
Farida Cheriet,
Xavier Pennec,
Hubert Labelle,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Articulated Spine Models for 3D Reconstruction from Partial Radiographic Data.
IEEE Transactions on Bio-Medical Engineering,
November 2008.
Jonathan Boisvert,
Farida Cheriet,
Xavier Pennec,
Hubert Labelle,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Geometric Variability of the Scoliotic Spine using Statistics on Articulated Shape Models.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
Jonathan Boisvert,
Farida Cheriet,
Xavier Pennec,
Hubert Labelle,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Principal Deformations Modes of Articulated Models for the Analysis of 3D Spine Deformities.
Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis,
December 2008.
Jonathan Boisvert,
Farida Cheriet,
Xavier Pennec,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Hubert Labelle.
A Novel Framework for the 3D Analysis of Spine Deformation Modes.
In Research into Spinal Deformities,
volume 123 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics,
pages 176-182,
Jonathan Boisvert,
Farida Cheriet,
Xavier Pennec,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Hubert Labelle.
Assessment of Brace Local Action on Vertebrae Relative Poses.
In Research into Spinal Deformities,
volume 123 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics,
pages 372-378,
Jonathan Boisvert,
Xavier Pennec,
Nicholas Ayache,
Hubert Labelle,
and Farida Cheriet.
3D Anatomic Variability Assesment of the Scoliotic Spine Using Statistics on Lie Groups.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2006),
Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, Virginia, USA,
pages 750-753,
April 2006.
Keyword(s): Spine,
variability model,
Riemannian geometry.
Jonathan Boisvert,
Xavier Pennec,
Hubert Labelle,
Farida Cheriet,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Principal Spine Shape Deformation Modes Using Riemannian Geometry and Articulated Models.
In Proc of the IV Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, Andratx, Mallorca, Spain, 11-14 July,
volume 4069 of LNCS,
pages 346-355,
Note: AMDO best paper award 2006.
Jonathan Boisvert.
Système de navigation 3D pour les chirurgies minimalement invasives du rachis.
Research Report (Candidacy Examination Report),
École Polytechnique de Montréal,
Jonathan Boisvert.
Système de navigation pour les chirurgies minimalement invasives du rachis,
November 2004.
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