de J-P. Merlet
Merlet home page
mis à jour/updated on: 13/05/2024
297 références au total:
de 1 a 211 robots parallèles/parallel robots
de 212 a 229 commande en force/force feedback
de 230 a 251 robotique générale/robotics
de 252 a 276 mathématique/mathematics
de 277 a 296 assistance
de 297 a 297 divers (physique, histoire..)/miscellaneous
articles de journaux: 54
La plupart de ces publications sont disponibles sur, ResearchGate ou ici
Most of these publications are available on, on ResearchGate or here
- 1
- Parallel Robots
- 2
J-P. Merlet.
Contribution à la commande par retour d'efforts. Application
au contrôle des robots parallèles.
PhD thesis, Université Paris VI, Paris,
18 Juin 1986
- 3
J-P. Merlet.
Parallel manipulators, Part 1, theory.
Technical Report 646, INRIA, Mars 1987
- 4
J-P. Merlet.
Kinematics, singular configurations and compliance of parallel
In ICAR, pages 125–136, Versailles,
13-15 Octobre 1987
- 5
J-P. Merlet.
Robots parallèles.
In AFCET RFIA, pages 569–574, Antibes,
18-20 Novembre 1987
- 6
J-P. Merlet.
Parallel manipulators, Part 2, Singular Configurations and
Grassmann geometry.
Technical Report 791, INRIA, Février 1988
- 7
J-P. Merlet.
Force-feedback control of parallel manipulators.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
1484–1489, Philadelphia, 24-29 Avril 1988
- 8
J-P. Merlet.
Manipulateurs parallèles, 3eme partie : applications.
Technical Report 1003, INRIA, Mars 1989
- 9
J-P. Merlet.
Manipulateurs parallèles, 4eme partie : mode d'assemblage et
cinématique directe sous forme polynomiale.
Technical Report 1135, INRIA, Décembre 1989
- 10
J-P. Merlet.
Singular configurations of parallel manipulators and Grassmann
In J-D. Boissonnat and J-P.Laumond, editors, Geometry and
Robotics, volume LNCS 391, pages 194–212. Springer-Verlag, 1989.
- 11
J-P. Merlet.
Singular configurations of parallel manipulators and Grassmann
Int. J. of Robotics Research, 8(5):45–56,,
Octobre 1989
- 12
J-P. Merlet.
Les Robots parallèles.
Hermès, Paris, 1990.
- 13
J-P. Merlet.
Assembly modes and minimal polynomial formulation of the direct
kinematics of parallel manipulators.
In CSME Mechanical Engineering Forum 1990, pages 343–348,
3-9 Juin 1990
- 14
J-P. Merlet.
Assembly modes and direct kinematics of parallel manipulators.
In ISRAM, volume 3, pages 43–48, Burnaby,
18-20 Juillet 1990,
ASME Press Series.
- 15
J-P. Merlet.
Symbolic computation for the determination of the minimal direct
kinematics polynomial and the singular configurations of parallel
In ARK, Linz,,
10-12 Septembre 1990
- 16
J-P. Merlet.
An algorithm for the forward kinematics of general 6 d.o.f. parallel
Technical Report 1331, INRIA, Novembre 1990
- 17
J-P. Merlet and C. Gosselin.
Nouvelle architecture pour un manipulateur parallèle à 6 degrés
de liberté.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 26(1):77–90,,
- 18
J-P. Merlet.
An algorithm for the forward kinematics of general parallel
In ICAR, pages 1131–1135, Pise,,
19-22 Juin 1991
- 19
J-P. Merlet.
Articulated device, for use in particular in robotics,
1 Octobre 1991
United States Patent
- 20
T. Arai, R. Stoughton, and J-P Merlet.
Teleoperator assisted hybrid control for parallel link manipulator
and its application to assembly task.
In Int. Symp. on Measurement and Control in Robotics, ISMCR'92,
pages 817–822, Tsukuba, 15-19 Novembre 1992
- 21
J-P. Merlet.
Manipulateurs parallèles, 5eme partie : Détermination de l'espace
de travail à orientation constante.
Technical Report 1645, INRIA, Mars 1992
- 22
J-P. Merlet.
Direct kinematics and assembly modes of parallel manipulators.
Int. J. of Robotics Research, 11(2):150–162,,
Avril 1992
- 23
J-P. Merlet.
On the infinitesimal motion of a parallel manipulator in singular
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 320–325,
12-14 Mai 1992
- 24
J-P. Merlet.
Geometrical determination of the workspace of a constrained parallel
In ARK, pages 326–329, Ferrare,,
7-9 Septembre 1992
- 25
J-P. Merlet.
Parallel manipulators: state of the art and perspective.
In IMACS/SICE Int. Symp. on Robotics, Mechatronics, and
Manufacturing Systems, pages 403–408, Kobe,,
16-20 Septembre 1992
- 26
J-P. Merlet.
Parallel manipulators: state of the art and perspective.
Journal of Robotics Society of Japan, 10(6):57–62,,
Octobre 1992
- 27
J-P. Merlet.
Geometry and Kinematic singularities of closed-loop manipulators.
J. of Laboratory Robotic and Automation, 4(1):85–96,,
- 28
N. Mouly and J-P. Merlet.
Singular configurations and direct kinematics of a new parallel
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 338–343,
12-14 Mai 1992
- 29
J-P. Merlet.
Closed-form resolution of the direct kinematics of parallel
manipulators using extra sensors data.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 200–204,
2-7 Mai 1993
- 30
J-P. Merlet.
Manipulateurs parallèles, 6eme partie : Détermination des espaces
de travail en orientation.
Technical Report 1921, INRIA, Mai 1993
- 31
J-P. Merlet.
Manipulateurs parallèles, 7eme partie : Vérification et
planification de trajectoire dans l'espace de travail.
Technical Report 1940, INRIA, Juin 1993
- 32
J-P. Merlet.
Algebraic geometry for the study of kinematics of parallel
In P. Kovacs J. Angeles, G. Hommel, editor, Computational
Kinematics, pages 183–194. Kluwer,,
- 33
J-P. Merlet.
Orientation workspace of a parallel manipulator with a fixed point.
In ICAR, pages 141–146, Tokyo,,
1-2 Novembre 1993
- 34
J-P. Merlet.
Forward kinematics of non-polyhedral parallel manipulators.
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 115(4):938–940,,
Décembre 1993
- 35
J-P. Merlet.
Direct kinematics of parallel manipulators.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 9(6):842–845,
Décembre 1993
- 36
J-P. Merlet.
Parallel manipulators: state of the art and perspective.
In T. Takamori and K. Tsuchiya, editors, Robotics, Mechatronics
and Manufacturing Systems. Elsevier, 1993.
- 37
J-P. Merlet.
Les robots parallèles, 21 Juin 1993
Habilitation à diriger les recherches, UNSA, Nice.
- 38
C. Gosselin and J-P. Merlet.
On the direct kinematics of planar parallel manipulators: special
architectures and number of solutions.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 29(8):1083–1097,,
Novembre 1994
- 39
D. Lazard and J-P. Merlet.
The (true) Stewart platform has 12 configurations.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
2160–2165, San Diego,,
8-13 Mai 1994
- 40
J-P. Merlet.
Some algebraic problems arising in the field of mechanisms theory.
In MEGA, Santander,,
5-9 Avril 1994
- 41
J-P. Merlet.
Trajectory verification in the workspace of parallel manipulators.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
2166–2171, San Diego,,
8-13 Mai 1994
- 42
J-P. Merlet and N. Mouly.
Espaces de travail et planification de trajectoire des robots
parallèles plans.
Technical Report 2291, INRIA, Février 1994
- 43
J-P. Merlet.
Parallel manipulators: state of the art and perspective.
Advanced Robotics, 8(6):589–596, Décembre 1994
- 44
J-P. Merlet.
Trajectory verification in the workspace for parallel manipulators.
Int. J. of Robotics Research, 13(4):326–333,,
Août 1994
- 45
J-P. Merlet.
Détermination de l'espace de travail d'un robot parallèle pour
une orientation constante.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 29(8):1099–1113,,
Novembre 1994
- 46
L. Tancredi and J-P. Merlet.
Evaluation of the errors when solving the direct kinematics of
parallel manipulators with extra sensors.
In J. Lenarčič and B. Ravani, editors, ARK, pages
439–448, Ljubljana, 4-6 Juillet 1994,
Springer Verlag.
- 47
J-P. Merlet.
Designing a parallel robot for a specific workspace.
Technical Report 2527, INRIA, Avril 1995
- 48
J-P. Merlet.
Determination of the orientation workspace of parallel manipulators.
J. of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 13(1):143–160,,
4-6 Septembre 1995
- 49
J-P. Merlet.
Designing a parallel robot for a specific workspace.
In B. Ravani J-P. Merlet, editor, Computational Kinematics,
pages 203–212. Kluwer,,
- 50
L. Tancredi, M. Teillaud, and J-P. Merlet.
Extra sensors data for solving the forward kinematics problem of
parallel manipulators.
In 9th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, pages 2122–2126, Milan,
30 Août-2 Septembre, 1995
- 51
L. Tancredi, M. Teillaud, and J-P. Merlet.
Forward kinematics of a parallel manipulator with additional rotary
sensors measuring the position of platform joints.
In B. Ravani J-P. Merlet, editor, Computational Kinematics,
pages 261–270. Kluwer, 4-6 Septembre 1995
- 52
T. Arai, T. Tanikawa, J-P. Merlet, and T. Sendai.
Development of a new parallel manipulator with fixed linear actuator.
In Japan-USA Symp. on Flexible Automation, pages 145–149,
Boston, 7-10 Juillet 1996
- 53
O. Chételat, P. Myszkorowski, R. Longchamp, and J-P. Merlet.
Algorithme itératif à convergence démontrée pour les
changements de coordonnées des mécanismes articulés.
Technical Report 1996-07, EPFL, Institut d'Automatique, Lausanne,
Suisse, Novembre 1996
- 54
C. Gosselin, S. Lemieux, and J-P. Merlet.
A new architecture of planar three-degree-of-freedom parallel
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
3738–3743, Minneapolis,,
24-26 Avril 1996
- 55
J-P. Merlet.
Direct kinematics of planar parallel manipulators.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
3744–3749, Minneapolis,,
24-26 Avril 1996
- 56
J-P. Merlet.
Workspace-oriented methodology for designing a parallel manipulator.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
3726–3731, Minneapolis,,
24-26 Avril 1996
- 57
J-P. Merlet.
Workspace-oriented methodology for designing a parallel manipulator.
In IDMME, Nantes, 15-17 Avril 1996
- 58
J-P. Merlet.
Redundant parallel manipulators.
J. of Laboratory Robotic and Automation, 8(1):17–24,,
- 59
J-P. Merlet, C. Gosselin, and N Mouly.
Workspaces of planar parallel manipulators.
In 11th RoManSy, pages 37–44, Udine,,
1-4 Juillet 1996
- 60
J-P. Merlet.
Some algebraic problems arising in the field of mechanisms theory.
In Progress in Mathematics, volume 143. Birkhäuser Verlag,
- 61
J-P. Merlet.
Designing a parallel manipulator for a specific workspace.
In ISRAM, pages 441–446, Montpellier,
28-30 Mai 1996
- 62
O. Chételat, J-P. Merlet, P. Myszkorowski, and R. Longchamp.
Globally convergent iterative algorithms for the coordinate
transformations in the articulated mechanisms.
In Syroco, Nantes, Septembre 1997
- 63
J-P. Merlet.
Les Robots parallèles.
Hermès, Paris, 1997.
- 64
J-P. Merlet.
Articular velocities of parallel manipulators, Part II: Finding
all the robots with fixed extremal articular velocity for performing a fixed
cartesian velocity over a whole workspace.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
3262–3267, Albuquerque,,
21-28 Avril 1997
- 65
J-P. Merlet.
First experiments with MIPS 1 (Mini In-Parallel Positionning
In ISER, pages 372–379, Barcelone,,
15-18 Juin 1997
- 66
J-P. Merlet.
Democrat: A DEsign Methodology for the Conception of robots
with parallel ArchiTecture.
Robotica, 15(4):367–373,,
Juillet- Août, 1997
- 67
J-P. Merlet.
Robot parallèle: Etat de l'art.
Congrès Français de Mécanique,
volume 1, pages 331–334, Poitiers,,
1-5 Septembre 1997
- 68
J-P. Merlet.
Designing a parallel manipulator for a specific workspace.
Int. J. of Robotics Research, 16(4):545–556,,
Août 1997
- 69
J-P. Merlet.
Estimation efficace des caractéristiques de robots paralèlles:
Extremums des raideurs et des coordonnées, vitesses, forces articulaires et
singularités dans un espace de travail en translation.
Technical Report 3243, INRIA, Septembre 1997
- 70
J-P. Merlet.
Democrat: A DEsign Methodology for the Conception of robots
with parallel ArchiTecture.
In IROS, pages 1630–1636, Grenoble,,
7-11 Septembre 1997
- 71
J-P. Merlet.
Miniature in-parallel positionning system MIPS for minimally
invasive surgery.
In World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical
Engineering, Nice,,
14-19 Septembre 1997
- 72
J-P. Merlet.
Determination of the presence of singularities in a workspace volume
of a parallel manipulator.
In NATO-ASI,Computational methods in mechanisms, Sts.
Konstantin and Elena Resort,,
16-28 Juin 1997
- 73
J-P. Merlet, C. Gosselin, and N Mouly.
Workspaces of planar parallel manipulators.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 33(1/2):7–20,,
Janvier 1998
- 74
J-P. Merlet.
Efficient computation of the extremum of the articular velocities of
a parallel manipulator in a translation workspace.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
1976–1981, Louvain,,
18-20 Mai 1998
- 75
J-P. Merlet.
Efficient estimation of the extremal articular forces of a parallel
manipulator in a translation workspace.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
1982–1987, Louvain,,
18-20 Mai 1998
- 76
J-P. Merlet.
Determination of the presence of singularities in 6D workspace of a
Gough parallel manipulator.
In ARK, pages 39–48, Strobl,,
29 Juin-4 Juillet, 1998
- 77
J-P. Merlet.
Determination of 6D workspaces of a Gough-type 6 d.o.f. parallel
In 12th RoManSy, pages 261–268, Paris,,
6-9 Juillet 1998
- 78
J-P. Merlet.
Designing a parallel structure for a milling machine.
In Rencontre Franco-Israelienne sur la Robotique, Besancon,
13-14 Mai 1998
- 79
J-P. Merlet.
The importance of optimal design for parallel structures.
In First European-American Forum on Parallel Kinematic
Machines, Milan, 31 Août-1 Septembre, 1998
- 80
J-P. Merlet.
Efficient design of parallel robots.
In New machine concepts for handling and manufacturing devices
on the basis of parallel structures, pages 1–13, Braunschweig,,
10-11 Novembre 1998
- 81
J-P. Merlet.
Finding the extrema of the leg lengths of a Gough-type parallel
robot when the platform is moving in a given 6D workspace.
In 10th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, pages 86–91, Oulu,,
20-24 Juin 1999
- 82
J-P. Merlet.
Determination of 6D workspaces of Gough-type parallel manipulator
and comparison between different geometries.
Int. J. of Robotics Research, 18(9):902–916,,
Octobre 1999
- 83
J-P. Merlet.
Forward kinematics of parallel robots.
In IMACS Conf. on Applications of Computer Algebra, El
Escorial, 24-27 Juin 1999
- 84
J-P. Merlet.
Parallel robot: open problems.
In 9th Int. Symp. of Robotics Research, Snowbird,,
9-12 Octobre 1999
- 85
J-P. Merlet, M-W. Perng, and D. Daney.
Optimal trajectory planning of a 5-axis machine tool based on a
6-axis parallel manipulator.
In ARK, pages 315–322, Piran,,
25-29 Juin 2000
- 86
J-P. Merlet and M. Dahan.
Un micro-robot parallèle pour l'inspection industrielle et
l'endoscopie médicale.
In Troisième Journées du Pôle Micro-robotique, Cachan,
27-28 Juin 2000
- 87
J-P. Merlet.
A formal-numerical approach to determine the accuracy of a parallel
robot in a 6D workspace.
In 13th RoManSy, pages 51–58, Zakopane,,
3-6 Juillet 2000
- 88
J-P. Merlet.
On the separability of the solutions of the direct kinematics of a
special class of planar 3-RPR parallel manipulator.
In 26th ASME Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference,
10-13 Septembre 2000
- 89
J-P. Merlet.
An efficient trajectory verifier for motion planning of parallel
In Parallel Kinematic Machines Int. Conf., Ann Arbor,
14-15 Septembre 2000
- 90
J-P. Merlet.
Parallel robots.
Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2000.
- 91
F. Pierrot and J-P. Merlet.
Analyse et modélisation des robots manipulateurs, chapter
Modélisation des robot parallèles, pages 93–144.
Hermès, Paris, 2001.
sous la direction d'E. Dombre.
- 92
J-P. Merlet and D. Daney.
A formal-numerical approach to determine the presence of singularity
within the workspace of a parallel robot.
In C.C. Iurascu F.C. Park, editor, Computational Kinematics,
pages 167–176. EJCK, Seoul, 20-22 Mai 2001
- 93
J-P. Merlet.
An improved design algorithm based on interval analysis for parallel
manipulator with specified workspace.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
1289–1294, Seoul,,
23-25 Mai 2001
- 94
J-P. Merlet.
Perspectives à court et moyen terme pour la robotique.
In Rencontre internationale de prospective du Sénat, Paris,
27 Juin 2001
- 95
J-P. Merlet and M. Dahan.
Le micro-robot parallèle MIPS.
In Quatrième Journées du Pôle Micro-robotique, Lyon,
4-5 Juillet 2001
- 96
J-P. Merlet.
System-solving and parallel robots.
In Workshop on Robot Mechanics, Paris,,
12-13 Juillet 2001
- 97
J-P. Merlet.
Micro parallel robot MIPS for medical applications.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Emerging Technologies and Factory
Automation, Antibes, 15-18 Octobre 2001
- 98
J-P. Merlet.
A generic trajectory verifier for the motion planning of parallel
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 123(4):510–515,,
Décembre 2001
- 99
D. Chablat, P. Wenger, and J-P. Merlet.
Workspace analysis of the Orthoglide using interval analysis.
In ARK, pages 397–406, Caldes de Malavalla,
29 Juin-2 Juillet, 2002
- 100
J-P. Merlet.
The need for a systematic methodology for the evaluation and optimal
design of parallel manipulators.
In 3rd Chemnitzer Parallelkinematik Seminar, pages 49–62,
23-25 Avril 2002
- 101
J-P. Merlet.
A general methodology for certified evaluation of the performances of
parallel robots.
In 1st Int. Colloquium, Collaborative Research Centre 562,
pages 97–106, Braunschweig,,
29-30 Mai 2002
- 102
J-P. Merlet.
Optimal design for the micro robot MIPS.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Washington,,
11-15 Mai 2002
- 103
J-P. Merlet.
Still a long way to go on the road for parallel mechanisms.
In ASME 27th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conf.,
29 Septembre-2 Octobre, 2002
- 104
J-P. Merlet.
An initiative for the kinematic study of parallel manipulators.
In Workshop on Fundamental Issues and Future Research Directions
for Parallel Mechanisms and Manipulators, pages 2–9, Québec,,
3-4 Octobre 2002
- 105
J-P. Merlet.
Micro-robot parallèle pour la chirurgie minimalement invasive.
In MS4CMS'02, Rocquencourt,
12-15 Novembre 2002
- 106
J-P. Merlet.
Determination of the optimal geometry of modular parallel robots.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Taipei,,
14-19 Septembre 2003
- 107
D. Chablat, P. Wenger, and J-P. Merlet.
A comparative study between two three-dof parallel kinematic machines
using kinetostatic criteria and interval analysis.
In 11th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, pages 1209–1213, Tianjin, 1-4 Avril 2004
- 108
D. Chablat, P. Wenger, F. Majou, and J-P. Merlet.
An interval analysis based study for the design and the comparison of
three-degrees-of-freedom parallel kinematic machine.
Int. J. of Robotics Research, 23(6):615–624,,
- 109
J-P. Merlet.
Solving the forward kinematics of a Gough-type parallel manipulator
with interval analysis.
Int. J. of Robotics Research, 23(3):221–236,,
- 110
J-P. Merlet.
Getting exact information from the inverse jacobian matrix of
parallel and serial robots.
In 11th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, pages 1951–1955, Tianjin,,
1-4 Avril 2004
- 111
J-P. Merlet.
Guaranteed in-the-workspace improved trajectory/suface/volume
verification for parallel robots.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, New Orleans,,
28-30 Avril 2004
- 112
J-P. Merlet.
Analysis of the influence of wire interference on the workspace of
wire robots.
In ARK, pages 211–218, Sestri-Levante,,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2004
- 113
L. Blanchard, F. Falzon, J. Dupuis, and J-P. Merlet.
Deployable hexapod using tape-springs.
In Disruption in Space,ESA/CNES Symp., Marseille, 2005.
- 114
H. Fang and J-P. Merlet.
Multi-criteria optimal design of parallel manipulators based on
interval analysis.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 40(2):151–171,,
Février 2005
- 115
J-P. Merlet and D. Daney.
Dimensional synthesis of parallel robots with a guaranteed given
accuracy over a specific workspace.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Barcelona,,
19-22 Avril 2005
- 116
J-P. Merlet and D. Daney.
Kinematics and synthesis of cams-coupled parallel robots.
In Computational Kinematics, Cassino,,
4-6 Mai 2005
- 117
J-P. Merlet.
The necessity of optimal design for parallel machines and a possible
certified methodology.
In 2nd Int. Colloquium, Collaborative Research Centre 562,
pages 7–20, Braunschweig,,
10-11 Mai 2005
- 118
J-P. Merlet.
Optimal design of robots.
In Robotics: Science and Systems, Boston,,
8-11 Juin 2005
- 119
J-P. Merlet.
Jacobian, manipulability, condition number and accuracy of parallel
In ISRR, San Francisco,,
12-15 Octobre 2005
- 120
J-P. Merlet.
Parallel robots, 2nd Edition.
Springer, Heidelberg, 2005.
- 121
D. Daney et al.
Calibration of parallel robots: on the elimination of pose-dependent
In 1st European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes),
Obergurgl, 21-26 Février 2006
- 122
J.C. Faugère, J-P. Merlet, and F. Rouillier.
On solving the direct kinematics problem for parallel robots.
Technical Report 5923, INRIA, Juin 2006
- 123
M. Gouttefarde, J-P. Merlet, and D. Daney.
Determination of the wrench-closure workspace of 6-dof parallel
cable-driven mechanisms.
In ARK, pages 315–322, Ljubljana,
26-29 Juin 2006
- 124
J-P. Merlet.
Jacobian, manipulability,condition number, and accuracy of parallel
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 128(1):199–206,,
Janvier 2006
- 125
J-P. Merlet.
Computing the worst case accuracy of a PKM over a workspace or a
In 5th Chemnitzer Parallelkinematik Seminar, pages 83–96,
25-26 Avril 2006
- 126
J-P. Merlet and D. Daney.
Legs interference checking of parallel robots over a given workspace
or trajectory.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 757–762,
16-18 Mai 2006
- 127
J-P. Merlet and P. Donelan.
On the regularity of the inverse jacobian of parallel robot.
In ARK, pages 41–48, Ljubljana,,
26-29 Juin 2006
- 128
M. Gouttefarde, J-P. Merlet, and D. Daney.
Wrench-feasible workspace of parallel cable-driven mechanisms.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
1492–1497, Roma,,
10-14 Avril 2007
- 129
K. Liem, A. Kecskeméthy, and J-P. Merlet.
Hexaspine: A parallel platform for physical cervical spine simulation
- design and interval-based verification.
In 12th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, Besancon, 18-21 Juin 2007
- 130
J-P. Merlet and D. Daney.
A new design for wire-driven parallel robot.
In 2nd Int. Congress, Design and Modelling of mechanical
systems, Monastir, 19-21 Mars 2007
- 131
J-P. Merlet.
A formal-numerical approach for robust in-workspace singularity
IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 23(3):393–402,,
Juin 2007
- 132
J-P. Merlet.
A local motion planner for closed-loop robots.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
pages 3088–3093, San Diego,,
22-26 Septembre 2007
- 133
J. Hubert and J-P. Merlet.
Singularity analysis through static analysis.
In ARK, pages 13–20, Batz/mer,
23-26 Juin 2008
- 134
J-P. Merlet.
Kinematics of the wire-driven parallel robot MARIONET using linear
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Pasadena,,
19-23 Mai 2008
- 135
J-P. Merlet and C. Gosselin.
Handbook of Robotics, chapter Parallel Mechanisms and Robots,
pages 269–285.
Springer, Heidelberg, 2008.
- 136
J-P. Merlet and D. Daney.
Appropriate Design of Parallel Manipulators, chapter 1, pages
Springer, 2008.
- 137
J-P. Merlet.
Analysis of wire elasticity for wire-driven parallel robots.
In 2nd European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes), pages
471–478, Cassino,,
17-20 Septembre 2008
- 138
D. Oetomo, D. Daney, B. Shirinzadeh, and J-P. Merlet.
Certified workspace analysis of 3RRR planar parallel flexure
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
3838–3843, Pasadena,,
19-23 Mai 2008
- 139
N. Ramdani, M. Gouttefarde, F. Pierrot, and J-P. Merlet.
First results on the design of high speed parallel robots in presence
of uncertainty.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
pages 2410–2415, Nice, France,,
22-26 Septembre 2008
- 140
C. Tavolieri, M. Ceccarelli, and J-P. Merlet.
A workspace analysis of a fully constrained cable-based parallel
manipulator by using interval analysis.
In Musme, San Juan, Argentina, 8-12 Avril 2008
- 141
J. Hubert and J-P. Merlet.
Static of parallel manipulators and closeness to singularity.
J. of Mechanisms and Robotics, 1(1),,
Février 2009
- 142
J-P. Merlet.
Kinematic analysis of a spatial four-wire driven parallel crane
without constraining mechanism.
In Computational Kinematics, pages 1–8, Duisburg,,
6-8 Mai 2009
- 143
D. Oetomo, D. Daney, B. Shirinzadeh, and J-P. Merlet.
An interval-based method for workspace analysis of planar
flexure-jointed mechanism.
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 131(1),,
Janvier 2009
- 144
M. Carricato and J-P. Merlet.
Geometrico-static analysis of under-constrained cable-driven parallel
In ARK, pages 309–320, Piran,,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
- 145
J-P. Merlet and D. Daney.
A portable, modular parallel wire crane for rescue operations.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
2834–2839, Anchorage,,
3-8 Mai 2010
- 146
J-P. Merlet.
MARIONET, a family of modular wire-driven parallel robots.
In ARK, pages 53–62, Piran,,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
- 147
S. Bennour, M. Harshe, L. Romdhane, and J-P. Merlet.
A robotic application for analysis and control of human motion.
In 4eme Congrès International Conception et Modélisation des
Systèmes Mécaniques CMSM, Sousse,
30 Mai-1 Juin, 2011
- 148
S. Bennour, L. Romdhane, J-P. Merlet, and M. Harshe.
Nouvelle machine robotisée à base d'une plateforme à câbles
pour la rééducation fonctionnelle.
In 20ème Congrés Francais de Mécanique, Besancon,,
28 Août-2 Septembre, 2011
- 149
S. Bennour, M. Harshe, L. Romdhane, and J-P. Merlet.
A new experimental setup based on a parallel cable robot for analysis
and control of human motion.
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering,
14(Supplement 1):83–85,,
Août 2011
- 150
M. Carricato and J-P. Merlet.
Direct geometrico-static problem of under-constrained cable-driven
parallel robots with three cables.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
3011–3017, Shangai,,
9-13 Mai 2011
- 151
M. Gouttefarde, D. Daney, and J-P. Merlet.
Interval-analysis based determination of the wrench-feasible
workspace of parallel cable-driven robots.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 27(1):1–13,,
Février 2011
- 152
J-P. Merlet et al.
Siropa: singularités des robots parallèles.
In Colloque ANR, Paris, 11-12 Janvier 2011
- 153
A. Berti, J-P. Merlet, and M. Carricato.
Solving the direct geometrico-static problem of the 3-3 cable-driven
parallel robots by interval analysis: preliminary results.
In 1st Int. Conf. on cable-driven parallel robots (CableCon),
pages 251–268, Stuttgart,,
3-4 Septembre 2012
- 154
L. Blanchet and J-P. Merlet.
Dimensionnement d'un robot à câbles garantissant une contrainte
de précision via le calcul par intervalles des paramètres de conception.
In Journées Scientifiques Robotique et Automatique, Nantes,
France, Octobre 2012
- 155
J-P. Merlet.
The kinematics of the redundant N-1 wire driven parallel robot.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
2313–2318, Saint Paul,,
14-18 Mai 2012
- 156
J-P. Merlet.
On the accuracy of N-1 wire-driven parallel robots.
In RoManSy, pages 1–10, Paris,,
12-15 Juin 2012
- 157
J-P. Merlet.
Wire-driven parallel robots: open issues.
In RoManSy, Paris,,
12-15 Juin 2012
- 158
J-P. Merlet.
Managing the redundancy of N-1 wire-driven parallel robots.
In ARK, pages 405–412, Innsbruck,,
25-28 Juin 2012
- 159
J-P. Merlet.
Unsolved issues in kinematics and redundancy of wire-driven parallel
In 1st Int. Conf. on cable-driven parallel robots (CableCon),
3-4 Septembre 2012
- 160
J-P. Merlet.
Comparison of actuation schemes for wire-driven parallel robots.
In 4th European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes), pages
245–254, Santander,,
19-21 Septembre 2012
- 161
M. Carricato and J-P. Merlet.
Stability analysis of underconstrained cable-driven parallel robots.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 29(1):288–296,,
- 162
J-P. Merlet.
Kinematic analysis of the 4-3-1 and 3-2-1 wire-driven parallel crane.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
4620–4625, Karlsruhe, 6-10 Mai 2013
- 163
J-P. Merlet.
Further analysis of the 2-2 wire-driven parallel crane.
In Computational Kinematics, Barcelona,,
12-15 Mai 2013
- 164
J-P. Merlet.
Robots à câbles, tour d'horizon et défis.
In Journées Nationales de la Recherche en Robotique, Annecy,,
16-18 Octobre 2013
- 165
A. Berti, J-P. Merlet, and M. Carricato.
Workspace analysis of redundant cable-suspended parallel robots.
In 2nd Int. Conf. on cable-driven parallel robots (CableCon),
pages 41–54, Duisburg, 24-27 Août 2014
- 166
L. Blanchet and J-P. Merlet.
Interference detection for cable-driven parallel robots (CDPRs).
In IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics,
pages 1413–1418, Besancon,,
8-11 Juillet 2014
- 167
H. Lamine, S. Bennour, J-P. Merlet, and L. Romdhane.
Workspace evaluation for a cable based gait trainer robot.
In Troisième Congrès Tunisien de Mécanique, Sousse,
24-26 Mars 2014
- 168
J-P. Merlet.
Checking the cable configuration of cable-driven parallel robots on a
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
1586–1591, Hong-Kong,,
31 Mai-7 Juin, 2014
- 169
J-P. Merlet.
The influence of discrete-time control on the kinematico-static
behavior of cable-driven parallel robot with elastic cables.
In ARK, pages 113–121, Ljulbjana,,
29 Juin-3 Juillet, 2014
- 170
J-P. Merlet.
The forward kinematics of cable-driven parallel robots with sagging
In 2nd Int. Conf. on cable-driven parallel robots (CableCon),
pages 3–16, Duisburg,,
24-27 Août 2014
- 171
J-P. Merlet.
On the redundancy of cable-driven parallel robots.
In 5th European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes), pages
31–39, Guimares,,
16-19 Septembre 2014
- 172
R. Ramadour, F. Chaumette, and J-P. Merlet.
Grasping objects with a cable-driven parallel robot designed for
transfer operation by visual servoing.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
4463–4468, Hong-Kong,,
31 Mai-7 Juin, 2014
- 173
R. Ramadour and J-P. Merlet.
Computing safe trajectories for an assistive cable-driven parallel
robot by selecting the cables under tension and using interval analysis.
In IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics,
pages 1349–1354, Besancon, 8-11 Juillet 2014
- 174
T. Bruckmann, J-P. Merlet, S. Spanjer, and J. Herder.
Puppet on a string.
Mikroniek, 6:40–44, 2015.
- 175
J-P. Merlet.
The kinematics of cable-driven parallel robots with sagging cables:
preliminary results.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
1593–1598, Seattle,,
26-30 Mai 2015
- 176
J-P. Merlet.
On the inverse kinematics of cable-driven parallel robots with up to
6 sagging cables.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
pages 4536–4361, Hamburg, Germany,,
28 Septembre-2 Octobre, 2015
- 177
J-P. Merlet.
On the real-time calculation of the forward kinematics of suspended
cable-driven parallel robots.
In 14th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, Taipei,,
27-30 Octobre 2015
- 178
J-P. Merlet.
On the robustness of cable configurations of suspended cable-driven
parallel robots.
In 14th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, Taipei,,
27-30 Octobre 2015
- 179
A. Berti, J-P. Merlet, and M. Carricato.
Solving the direct geometrico-static problem of underconstrained
cable-driven parallel robots by interval analysis.
Int. J. of Robotics Research, 35(6):723–739,,
- 180
J-P. Merlet.
On the workspace of suspended cable-driven parallel robots.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Stockholm,,
16-20 Mai 2016
- 181
J-P. Merlet.
Cable-driven parallel robots and their extension to other domains.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Stockholm,,
16-20 Mai 2016
- 182
J-P. Merlet.
A new generic approach for the inverse kinematics of cable-driven
parallel robot with 6 deformable cables.
In ARK, Grasse,,
27-30 Juin 2016
- 183
J-P. Merlet.
Preliminaries of a new approach for the direct kinematics of
suspended cable-driven parallel robot with deformable cables.
In Eucomes, Nantes,,
20-23 Septembre 2016
- 184
J-P. Merlet.
A generic numerical continuation scheme for solving the direct
kinematics of cable-driven parallel robot with deformable cables.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
9-14 Octobre 2016
- 185
J.K. Pickard, J.A. Carretero, and J-P. Merlet.
Accounting for tolerances in the design parameters of the
In ARK, Grasse, 27-30 Juin 2016
- 186
J-P. Merlet.
Direct kinematics of CDPR with extra cable orientation sensors: the
2 and 3 cables case with perfect measurement and sagging cables.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
24-28 Septembre 2017
- 187
J-P. Merlet.
Direct kinematics of CDPR with extra cable orientation sensors: the
2 and 3 cables case with perfect measurement and ideal or elastic cables.
In 3rd Int. Conf. on cable-driven parallel robots (CableCon),
- 188
J-P. Merlet.
Computing cross-sections of the workspace of cable-driven parallel
robots with 6 sagging cables.
In Computational Kinematics, Poitiers,,
- 189
J-P. Merlet.
Simulation of discrete-time controlled cable-driven parallel robots
on a trajectory.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 33(3):675–688,,
Juin 2017
- 190
J-P. Merlet.
An experimental investigation of extra measurements for solving the
direct kinematics of cable-driven parallel robots.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Brisbane,,
21-25 Mai 2018
- 191
J-P. Merlet.
Computing cross-sections of the workspace of a cable-driven parallel
robot with 6 sagging cables having limited lengths.
In ARK, Bologna,,
1-5 Juillet 2018
- 192
J-P. Merlet.
Computing cross-sections of the workspace of suspended cable-driven
parallel robot with sagging cables having tension limitations.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
1-5 Octobre 2018
- 193
J-P. Merlet.
Some properties of the Irvine cable model and their use for the
kinematic analysis of cable-driven parallel robots.
In 7tht European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes), Aachen,,
4-6 Septembre 2018
- 194
O. Altuzarra and J-P. Merlet.
Certified kinematics solution of 2-dof planar parallel continuum
In 15th IFToMM World Congress, Cracow,,
30 Juin-4 Juillet, 2019
- 195
E. Ida, J-P. Merlet, and M. Carricato.
Automatic self-calibration of suspended under-actuated cable-driven
parallel robot using incremental measurements.
In 4th Int. Conf. on cable-driven parallel robots (CableCon),
30 Juin-4 Juillet, 2019
- 196
J-P. Merlet.
Some properties of the Irvine cable model and their use for the
kinematic analysis of cable-driven parallel robots.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 135:271–280,,
- 197
J-P. Merlet.
Singularity of cable-driven parallel robot with sagging cables:
preliminary investigation.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Montréal,,
20-24 Mai 2019
- 198
J-P. Merlet.
Improving cable length measurements for large CDPR using the
Vernier principle.
In 4th Int. Conf. on cable-driven parallel robots (CableCon),
30 Juin-4 Juillet, 2019
- 199
J-P. Merlet.
Influence of parameters uncertainties on the positioning of
cable-driven parallel robots.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
4-8 Novembre 2019
- 200
S. Caro and J-P. Merlet.
Failure analysis of a collaborative 4-1 cable-driven parallel robot.
In EUCOMES, Cluj-Napoca,virtual,,
- 201
J-P. Merlet.
The forward kinematics of the 4-1 cable-driven parallel robot with
non elastic sagging cables.
In ARK, 2020.
- 202
J-P. Merlet, Y. Papegay, and A-V. Gasc.
The Prince’s tears, a large cable-driven parallel robot for an
artistic exhibition.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Paris,,
31 Mai-31 Août, 2020
- 203
I. Ben Yahia, J-P. Merlet, and Y. Papegay.
Mixing neural networks, Newton method and inverval analysis for the
kinematics of cable-driven parallel robots with sagging cables.
In ICAR, Ljulbjana,,
- 204
M. Eugster, J-P. Merlet, N. Gerig, P. C. Cattin, and G. Rauter.
Miniature parallel robot with submillimeter positioning accuracy for
minimally invasive laser osteotomy.
Robotica, pages 1–28, 2021.
- 205
J-P. Merlet.
Efficient kinematics of a 2-1 and 3-1 CDPR with non-elastic sagging
In 5th Int. Conf. on cable-driven parallel robots (CableCon),
7-9 Juillet 2021
- 206
J-P. Merlet.
Maximal cable tensions of a N-1 cable-driven parallel robot with
elastic or ideal cables.
In 5th Int. Conf. on cable-driven parallel robots (CableCon),
7-9 Juillet 2021
- 207
J-P. Merlet and R. Tissot.
A panorama of methods for dealing with sagging cables in cable-driven
parallel robots.
In ARK, Bilbao,,
26-30 Juin 2022
- 208
S. Briot and J-P. Merlet.
Direct kinematic singularities and stability analysis of sagging
cable-driven parallel robots.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 39(3),,
Juin 2023
- 209
J-P. Merlet.
Advances in the use of neural network for solving the direct
kinematics of CDPR with sagging cable.
In 6th Int. Conf. on cable-driven parallel robots (CableCon),
25-28 Juin 2023
- 210
J-P. Merlet.
The new exhibition Blind Machines, a large 3d printing machine.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, London,
29 Mai-2 Juin, 2023
- 211
J-P. Merlet.
The inverse kinematics of cable-driven parallel robot with more than
6 sagging cables. part 1: from ideal to sagging cables.
In ARK, Ljulbjana, 30 Juin-4 Juillet, 2024
- 212
J-P. Merlet.
The inverse kinematics of cable-driven parallel robot with more than
6 sagging cables. part 2: using neural networks.
In ARK, Ljulbjana, 30 Juin-4 Juillet, 2024
- 213
J-P. Merlet.
Etude bidimensionnelle de l'insertion d'une cheville souple dans un
ensemble rigide.
Technical Report 166, INRIA, October 1982.
- 214
J-P. Merlet.
Using force-feedback for the assembly of a flexible peg.
In RoViSec 3, Cambridge, Mass.,
7-10 Novembre 1983
- 215
J-P. Merlet.
A new method to insert a peg in a hole.
In 4th ICAA, Tokyo, 11-13 Octobre 1983
- 216
J-P. Merlet.
Some considerations on feedback strategy for assembly robots.
In RoManSy, Udine, 26-29 Juin 1984
- 217
J-P. Merlet.
Commande par retour d'efforts en robotique.
Technical Report 351, INRIA, 1984.
- 218
J-P. Merlet.
Part mating through non-linear minimization method.
In 5th ICAA, Paris, 22-24 Mai 1984
- 219
J-P. Merlet.
Force-feedback command of robots : application to surface following.
In 5eme AFCET RFIA, Grenoble,
25-29 Novembre 1985
- 220
J-P. Merlet.
Trends in force-feedback command for robot assembly tasks.
In 8th BRA, Birmingham, 14-17 Mai 1985
- 221
J-P. Merlet.
Programming tool for force-feedback command of robots.
In NATO Workshop, Pise, September 1986.
- 222
J-P. Merlet.
C-surface theory applied to force-feedback command of robots.
In RoManSy, Cracovie, 9-12 Septembre 1986
- 223
J-P. Merlet.
Modèlisation de l'univers d'un robot à l'aide de la théorie des
C-surfaces. Commande par retour d'efforts.
In Colloque CNRS, Paris, 15-16 Septembre 1986
- 224
J-P. Merlet and T. Yoshikawa.
An advanced assembly workstation using multiple sensors.
In 7th ICAA, Zurich, 4-6 Février 1986
- 225
J-P. Merlet.
Force-feedback control of parallel kinematic manipulators.
In NATO Workshop on Kinematics and Dynamics Issues in sensor
based control of manipulators, pages 143–160, Il Ciocco, Italie,
25-31 Octobre 1987
- 226
J-P. Merlet.
C-surface theory applied to the design of an hybrid force-position
robot controller.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Raleigh, North
Carolina, 30 Mars-3 Avril, 1987
- 227
J-P. Merlet.
A new concept of force-feedback controlled robot for assembly
In 9th ICAA, Londres, 15-17 Mars 1988
- 228
B. Espiau, J-P. Merlet, and C. Samson.
Force-feedback control and non contact sensing: a unified approach.
In RoManSy, Cracovie,,
- 229
J-P. Merlet.
Use of C-surface based force-feedback algorithm for complex
assembly tasks.
In ISER, Toulouse,,
25-27 Juin 1991
- 230
S. Tzafestas, editor.
Force-feedback control in robotics tasks, pages 283–312.
Marcel Dekker Inc., New-York, 1991.
- 231
J-D Boissonnat, B. Faverjon, and J-P. Merlet.
Techniques de la robotique: Perception et Planification.
Hermès, Paris, 1988.
- 232
J-D Boissonnat, B. Faverjon, and J-P. Merlet.
Techniques de la robotique: Architectures et Commande.
Hermès, Paris, 1988.
- 233
J-P. Merlet, N. Mouly, J-J. Borrelly, and P. Itey.
A robotic cell for deburring of polygonal object.
In ISER, Kyoto,,
28-30 Octobre 1993
- 234
J. Ponce, S. Sullivan, J-D. Boissonnat, and J-P. Merlet.
On characterizing and computing three- and four-finger force-closure
grasps of polyhedral objects.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Atlanta,
2-7 Mai 1993
- 235
J. Ponce, A. Sudsang, S. Sullivan, B. Faverjon, J-D. Boissonnat, and J-P.
Algorithms for computing force-closure grasps of polyhedral objects.
In Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics, pages
167–184, San-Francisco, 17-19 Février 1994
- 236
J-P. Merlet and B. Ravani.
Computational Kinematics'95.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1995.
- 237
J-P. Merlet.
Changer les robots.
In Journée Nationale de la Recherche en Robotique, Toulouse,
6-7 Novembre 1997
- 238
J. Ponce, A. Sudsang, S. Sullivan, B. Faverjon, J-D. Boissonnat, and J-P.
On computing four-finger equilibrium and force-closure grasps of
polyhedral objects.
Int. J. of Robotics Research, 16(1):11–35,
Février 1997
- 239
J-P. Merlet.
Kinematics is not dead.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, San-Francisco,,
24-28 Mai 2000
- 240
E. Lee, C. Mavroidis, and J-P. Merlet.
Five precision points synthesis of spatial RRR manipulators using
interval analysis.
In ASME 27th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conf.,
29 Septembre-2 Octobre, 2002
- 241
E. Lee, C. Mavroidis, and J-P. Merlet.
Five precision points synthesis of spatial RRR manipulators using
interval analysis.
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 126(5):842–849,
Septembre 2004
- 242
H. Fang and J-P. Merlet.
Dynamic interference avoidance of 2-dof robot arms using interval
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
2-6 Août 2005
- 243
K. Liem, A. Kecskemethy, and J-P. Merlet.
Hexaspine : A parallel platform for physical cervical spine
simulation - design and interval-based verification.
In 12th IFToMM World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science,
Besancon, 17-21 Juin 2007
- 244
J-P. Merlet.
Robotique, domotique et constructions.
In 1sr Int. Rivieran Meeting on ImmoTIC-DomoTIC,
Sophia-Antipolis, 6-8 Décembre 2007
- 245
D. Oetomo, D. Daney, K. Harada, J.-P. Merlet, A. Menciassi, and P. Dario.
Topology design of surgical reconfigurable robots by interval
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
3085–3090, Kobe, 14-16 Mai 2009
- 246
K. Harada et al.
A reconfigurable modular robotic endoluminal surgical system: vision
and preliminary results.
Robotica, 28(1):171–183,,
- 247
J-P. Merlet.
Interval analysis and reliability in robotics.
Int. J. Reliability and Safety, 3(1/2/3):104–130,,
- 248
D. Oetomo, D. Daney, and J.-P. Merlet.
Design strategy of serial manipulators with certified constraint
IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 25(1):1–11,,
Février 2009
- 249
D. Oetomo, D. Daney, K. Harada, J-P. Merlet, and P. Dario.
Topology design of surgical reconfigurable robots by interval
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
3085–3090, Kobe,,
14-16 Mai 2009
- 250
J-P. Merlet.
Kinematic analysis of suspension mechanisms.
In 29th ISATA, Florence, 3-6 Juin 1996
- 251
J-P. Merlet.
Modélisation géométrique de mécanismes de suspension
Technical Report 2817, INRIA, Mars 1996
- 252
J-P. Merlet.
Méthodes de résolutions et d'analyse d'équations: Applications
en robotique.
In Journées Nationales de la Recherche en Robotique, Giens,
15-17 Octobre 2001
- 253
J-P. Merlet.
Data base for the direct kinematics of cable-driven parallel robot
(CDPR) with sagging cables.
Technical report, INRIA, 2021.
- 254
J-P. Merlet.
Mixing ia and deterministic methods for the design of a transfer
system for frail people.
In Sophia IA Summit, Sophia-Antipolis,,
17-19 Novembre 2021
- 255
J-P. Merlet.
Mixing neural networks, continuation and symbolic computation to
solve parametric systems of non linear equations.
Neural Networks, 2024.
- 256
J-P. Merlet.
ALIAS: an interval analysis based library for solving and analyzing
system of equations.
In SEA, Toulouse, 14-16 Juin 2000
- 257
J-P. Merlet.
A parser for the interval evaluation of analytical functions and its
applications to engineering problems.
J. Symbolic Computation, 31(4):475–486, 2001.
- 258
J-P. Merlet.
Determination of the minimal and maximal real roots of parametric
polynomials using interval analysis.
In 1st Int. Workshop on Global Constrained Optimization and
Constraint Satisfaction (Cocos'02), Valbonne,
2-4 Octobre 2002
Published in LNCS Volume 2861 / 2003,pp. 71-86.
- 259
A. Neumaier and J-P. Merlet.
Solving real-life robotics problems with interval techniques.
In SIAM Workshop on Validated Computing, page 148, Toronto,
23-25 Mai 2002
- 260
J-P. Merlet.
Analyse par intervalles et résolution de systèmes.
In Journées Nationales du Calcul Formel, Marseilles, 2003.
- 261
J-P. Merlet.
Analyse par intervalles.
In Ecole thématique sur l'arithmétique des ordinateurs,
Dijon, 2003.
- 262
J-P. Merlet.
Usual and unusual applications of interval analysis.
In Proc of 2nd International Workshop on Global Constrained
Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction (COCOS'03), Lausanne, 2003.
- 263
Y. Papegay, D. Daney, and J-P. Merlet.
Parallel implementation of interval analysis for equations solving.
In EuroPVM/MPI 2003, Venice, 2003.
published in Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 2840, Springer
- 264
Y. Lebbah, C. Michel, M. Rueher, J-P. Merlet, and D. Daney.
Combining local consistencies with a new global filtering algorithm
on linear relaxations.
SIAM J. of Numerical Analysis, 2004.
- 265
J-P. Merlet.
Systems of distance equations: application to robotics.
In Applications of interval analysis, Sitges,
1 Octobre 2005
- 266
J-P. Merlet.
Applications of interval analysis in robotics.
In Interval methods and their applications, Copenhagen,
25-27 Août 2005
- 267
J-P. Merlet.
Interval analysis and robotics.
In Twelfth International Conference on Principles and Practice
of Constraint Programming CP-2006, Nantes, 2006.
- 268
J-P. Merlet.
Robust design of a deployable space telescope.
ECMI Newsletter, 39:9–11, Mars 2006
- 269
J-P. Merlet.
Interval analysis and robotics.
In 13th International Symposium of Robotics Research,
Hiroshima, 26-29 Novembre 2007
- 270
J-P. Merlet.
Influence of uncertainties on ultrasonic localization systems.
In Small Workshop on Interval Methods (SWIM), Montpellier,
19-20 Juin 2008
- 271
J-P. Merlet.
Interval analysis for certified numerical solution of problems in
Int. J. of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science,
Septembre 2009
- 272
J-P. Merlet.
Managing uncertainties in robotics with interval analysis.
In Ninth International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations
of Robotics (WAFR), Singapore, 13-15 Décembre 2010
Invited talk.
- 273
J-P. Merlet.
Managing uncertainties in kinematics.
In SIAM 2010 Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh,
12-16 Juillet 2010
Invited talk.
- 274
J-P. Merlet.
Using interval analysis in robotics problems.
In SCAN, Tokyo, 10-15 Septembre 2018,
Invited talk.
- 275
S. Bennour, L. Romdhane, and J-P. Merlet.
Application robotique pour la réeducation fonctionnelle de la
In Congrés Francais de Mécanique, Marseille,
24-28 Août 2009
- 276
S. Bennour, L. Romdhane, and J-P. Merlet.
Contrôle du membre inférieur pour un mouvement de la marche.
In CMSM, Hammamet, 16-18 Mars 2009
- 277
J-P. Merlet.
Preliminary design of ANG, a low-cost automated walker for elderly.
In 3rd European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes),
14-17 September 2010.
- 278
M. Harshe, J-P. Merlet, D. Daney, and S. Bennour.
A multi-sensors system for human motion measurement: Preliminary
In 13th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, Guanajuato,,
19-25 Juin 2011
- 279
J-P. Merlet.
Activities of the INRIA project-team COPRIN in at-home
In European Robotics Forum, Vasteras,,
6-8 Avril 2011
- 280
J-P. Merlet.
Mechanism science and assistance to elderly.
In 4eme Congrès International Conception et Modélisation des
Systèmes Me'caniques CMSM, Sousse,,
30 Mai-1 Juin, 2011
- 281
S. Bennour, N. Zarrouk, M. Dogui, L. Romdhane, and J-P. Merlet.
Biomechanical model of the ankle to estimate the musculotendinous
forces during an isometric plantar flexion.
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering,
- 282
C. Dune, P. Gorce, and J-P. Merlet.
Can smart rollators be used for gait monitoring and fall prevention ?
In Workshop Assistance and Service Robotics in a Human
Environment, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems, Vilamoura,,
- 283
J-P. Merlet.
ANG, a family of multi-mode, low cost walking aid.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems
(IROS),Workshop Assistance and Service Robotics in a Human Environment,
7-12 Octobre 2012
- 284
S. Bennour, N. Zarrouk, M. Dogui, L. Romdhane, and J-P. Merlet.
Validation of optimisation model that estimates the musculotendinous
forces during an isometric extension of knee.
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering,
- 285
J-P. Merlet.
Robotique ambiante d'assistance.
In 2ème colloque CENRob, Evry,
4-5 Avril 2013
- 286
J-P. Merlet.
Using a robotized aid for walking analysis: experiments and
preliminary results.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems
(IROS),Workshop Assistance and Service Robotics in a Human Environment,
Tokyo, 3-8 Novembre 2013
- 287
J-P. Merlet.
Robotique et assistance à la personne.
In Colloque L'innovation technologique appliquée à la
Santé: l'exemple de la Robotique Médicale, Nice,
26 Juin 2013
- 288
J-P. Merlet.
A low-cost and socially acceptable approach of assistance robotics
for elderly people.
In The Israeli Conference on Robotics, Tel-Aviv,
19-20 Novembre 2013
- 289
T. Wang, J-P. Merlet, G. Sacco, P. Robert, J-M. Turpin, B. Teboul, A. Marteu,
and O. Guerin.
Walking analysis of young-elderly people by using an intelligent
walker ANG.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems,,
- 290
C. Wang, T. anf Dune, J-P. Merlet, et al.
A new application of smart walker for quantitative analysis of human
In Second Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics,
Zurich, 12 Septembre 2014
- 291
V. Prunet and J-P. Merlet.
Ang-med, a non intrusive, low-cost and smart rollator for mobility
assistance and activity monitoring.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Hamburg, Germany, 28 Septembre-2 Octobre, 2015
- 292
S.E. Reppou et al.
RAPP: A robotic-oriented ecosystem for delivering smart user
empowering applications for older people.
International Journal of Social Robotics,,
- 293
N. Nevejans, O. Pourtallier, S. Icart, and J-P. Merlet.
Les avancées en robotique d'assistance à la personne sous le
prisme du droit et de l'éthique.
Revue général de droit médical, 2017.
- 294
C. Zielinski et al.
Variable structure robot control systems: The RAPP approach.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 94:226–244, 2017.
- 295
J-P. Merlet.
An historical perspective of robotics.
In M. Ceccarelli, editor, International Symposium on History of
Machines and Mechanisms, HMM2000, pages 379–386. Kluwer, 2000.
- 296
J-P. Merlet.
A note on the history of trigonometric functions.
In M. Ceccarelli, editor, International Symposium on History of
Machines and Mechanisms, HMM2004, pages 195–200. Kluwer, 2004.
- 297
M. Pavicic, J-P. Merlet, and N.D. Megill.
Exhaustive enumeration of Kochen-Specker vector systems.
Technical Report 5388, INRIA, Novembre 2004
- 298
M. Pavicic, J-P. Merlet, B. McKay, and N.D. Megill.
Kochen-specker vectors.
J. Phys. A: Math Gen., 38(7):1577–1592,,
Février 2005
J-P. Merlet