You can find lecture notes here.
The following gathers most of the important notions taught during the lecture on ``Graph Algorithms and Optimization" of the Ubinet course.
Some of following slides have been done for a one-week school on Graph Theory and Optimization at University of Oulu, Finland, September 15-18th, 2015
- 0) Why is it useful?
Objectives of this school
learn how to model problems (from various domains) using graphs
know the available tools to handle these problem
classical algorithms
Linear Programming
decide if a problem is ``easy" or ``difficult"
know what to do when facing a ``difficult" problem
- exact exponential algorithms
- parameterized algorithms
- approximation algorithms
- heuristics
1) Introduction to Graphs
Many definitions to be remembered
- graph, vertex/vertices, edge
- neighbor, degree
- path, cycle
- connected graph
- tree
- subgraph, spanning subgraph
2) Weighted Graphs: Shortest Paths and Spanning Trees
- weighted graph, distances
- Deciding connectivity
- Shortest path tree in undirected graph O(|E|), (BFS)
- Computing Shortest path tree, (|E| + |V| log |V|) (Dijkstra)
- Computing Min. spanning tree O(|E| log |E|), (Kruskal)
3) Flow: Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm
- flow, cut
- Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, O(|E| flowMax) for rational capacities
- Min Cut = Max Flow
- Menger Theorem (max number disjoint paths = min size of separator)
- Matching (Hungarian method, Edmonds algorithm, Hall Theorem)
4) Computational Complexity (in brief)
- P, NP, NP-hard, NP-complete
- 3-SAT, Hamiltonian path, Coloring, Vertex Cover, ...
- Approximation algorithm
5) Introduction to Linear Programming
- linear programme.
- graphical method of resolution.
- Linear programs can be solved efficiently (polynomial-time).
- Integer programs are a lot harder (in general no known polynomial algorithms)
In this case, we look for approximate solutions.
6) Introduction to Duality in LP
- How to compute a Dual Programme.
- Weak/Strong duality Theorem.
- Optimality certificate (Complementary Slackness).
6.5) Model Graph Problems with LP
- Revisit graph problems (flow, shortest path, cuts, matching...) with LP
- 7) Integer Linear Programming
- ILP allow to model many problems
- there may be a huge integrality gap
(between OPT(LP) and OPT(ILP)).
if no integrality gap (e.g., totally unimodular matrices),
then Fractional Relaxation gives Optimal Integral Solution
concrete example: RWA in WDM networks
8) Approximation Algorithms
- Minimum Vertex Cover vs. Maximum Matching
- Fractional relaxation is a method to obtain for some problems (Vertex Cover, Set Cover):
- Lower bounds on the optimal solution of an integer linear program (minimization).
- Polynomial approximation algorithms (with rounding).
9) Parameterized Algorithms
- Parameterized Problem: input (size n) + parameter k
- FPT algorithm: in time f(k) nO(1)
- Kernelization: Data reduction
- Kernelization <=> FPT
- Linear Kernel for Vertex Cover