The Models for Mobility List (Moca) Thread Archive
- [moca] PhD thesis: Analysis of mobile systems by abstract interpretation,
Jerome Feret
- [moca] Rigorous HOL specification for TCP, UDP, and Sockets,
Peter Sewell
- [moca] [Fwd: Re: Decidability of semantics],
Joachim Parrow
- [moca] Decidability of semantics,
Joachim Parrow
- [moca] Mobile Agents: Ten reasons for failure,
Massimo Merro
- [moca] expressive power of this class of processes...,
L.G. Meredith
- [moca] Paper Announcement: Location and Link Failure in a Distributed Pi-calculus,
Adrian Francalanza
- [moca] Paper: Formal Analysis of a Distributed Object-Oriented Language and Runtime,
Alex Ahern
- [moca] New paper and questions/answers web page for Poly*, a retargetable polymorphic type system for mobility calculi,
Joe Wells
- [moca] confused by Sangiogi & Walker's ``up to'' lemmas,
James Leifer
- [moca] Poly*, a retargetable polymorphic type system for mobility calculi,
Henning Makholm
- [moca] Paper Announcement: Behavioural Theory for Mobile Ambients,
Massimo Merro
- [moca] Technical Report on Bisimulation Congruences for Homer,
Thomas Hildebrandt
- [moca] Paper Announcement: Three Papers on Secure Information Flow Analysis,
Nobuko Yoshida
- [moca] all-you-can-eat calculi,
Martin Berger
- [moca] Type-based analyzer for the pi-calculus,
- [moca] Paper: The Kell Calculus: A Family of Higher-Order Distributed Process Calculi,
Alan Schmitt
- [moca] static analysis,
Umar Janjua
- [moca] Timed pi-calculus tool,
Anirban Bhattacharyya
- [moca] structural congruence,
Joost Engelfriet
- [moca] Logics for Processes, Logics for Programs.,
- [moca] TyCO release 0.4 available,
Luis Lopes
- [moca] Spatial Logic Model Checker available,
- [moca] completeness of bisimulations for spi-calculus?,
Eijiro Sumii
- [moca] PI analysis tools,
- [moca] Genericity and the Pi-Calculus,
Martin Berger
- [moca] Questions about the spi calculus,
José L. Vivas
- [moca] [announcement] 2 papers on "Concurrency Theory for Distributed Algorithms",
Uwe . Nestmann
- [moca] Questions on congruences and preorders,
Pietro Braione
- [moca] PhD thesis: De la se'mantique des processus d'ordre supe'rieur,
Francesco Zappa Nardelli
- [moca] Contextual reactive systems,
Pietro Braione
- [moca] Applications of Process Calculi in Logistics.,
- [moca] Bisimulation applications,
Adrian Francalanza
- [moca] interview with Robin Milner,
Martin Berger
- [moca] Ambient logics and theorem proving,
- [moca] Ambients and functions,
Benjamin Aziz
- [moca] How important is restriction?,
Luis Rodrigo Gallardo
- [moca] type-based information flow analyis for pi,
- [moca] definitions of race conditions?,
Martin Berger
- [moca] ANN: X-Klaim & Klava ver 2,
Lorenzo Bettini
- [moca] Bigraphs etc,
Robin Milner
- [moca] Channel Dependent Types for Higher-Order Mobile Processes,
Nobuko Yoshida
- [moca],
Sergio Maffeis
- Re: [moca] Locality and Name Matching in pi-calculus,
Reza Ziaei
- [moca] Query,
Ramji Srinivasan
- [moca] Locality and Name matching in Pi-Calculus.,
Reza Ziaei
- [moca] On the definition of bisimulation,
Pietro Braione
- [moca] Mobility FAQ ?,
Uwe . Nestmann
- [moca] Memo on bigraphs,
Robin Milner
- [moca] Virus alert,
Pascal Zimmer
- Re: [moca] Locations?,
Tom Chothia
- [moca] Pointers on correct abstract machines for calculi with nested locations,
Andrew Phillips
- [moca] Locations?,
- Re: [moca] Locations?,
Uwe . Nestmann
- Re: [moca] Locations?,
Alan Schmitt
- Re: [moca] Locations?,
- Re: [moca] Locations?,
Sanjiva Prasad
- Re: [moca] Locations?,
Martin Berger
- Re: [moca] Locations?,
Ilaria Castellani
- Re: [moca] Locations?,
Robin Milner
- Re: [moca] Locality and Name matching in Pi-Calculus,
Michael Baldamus
- Re: [moca] Locality and Name matching in Pi-Calculus,
- Re: [moca] Locations?,
Antonio Ravara
- Re: [moca] Locations?,
Martin Berger
- Re: [moca] Locations?,
Antonio Ravara
- Re: [moca] Locations?,
Jean-Bernard Stefani
- Re: [moca] Locations?,
Peter Sewell
- Re: [moca] Locations?,
Alan Schmitt
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: [moca] Pointers on correct abstract machines for calculi with nested locations,
- [moca] Seal Calculus paper announce,
Giuseppe Castagna
- [moca] New JPiccola distribution,
Oscar Nierstrasz
- [moca] types with behavioural effects,
Davide Sangiorgi
- [moca] Model checking (Stochastic)pi-calculus,
Pascal Poizat
- [moca] Anti-spam measures,
Pascal Zimmer
- [moca] Probabilistic Bisimulation of Pi-Calculus?,
wang li bin
- [moca] Visualization tool for mobile calculus,
- [moca] paper on proof techniques for MA -- update,
Massimo Merro
- [moca] paper on proof techniques for Mobile Ambients.,
Massimo Merro
- [moca] CSP,
Brian Madigan
- [moca] General question: environment model vs calculus model,
GOUAICH Abdelkader
- [moca] Distributed synchronous pi calculus with failure,
Bill at GLO Ltd
- [moca] RE : synchronous implementation of Pi calculus w ith choice?,
Wu Peng
- [moca] RE: RE: RE : synchronous implementation of Pi calculus w ith choice?,
- [moca] synchronous implementation of Pi calculus with choice?,
Bill at GLO Ltd
- [moca] methodology questions,
Brian Madigan
- [moca] Applying transformations on an algebraic expression.,
Van Oudheusden Karel
- [moca] A graphical implementation of ambients,
Pascal Zimmer
- [moca] Paper on the expressivity of pi-calculus,
Sergio Maffeis
- [moca] Paper announcement.,
Massimo Merro
- [moca] Paper announcement: Calcagno, Cardelli, Gordon "Deciding Validity in a Spatial Logic for Trees",
Andy Gordon
- [moca] Paper announcement: A Spatial Logic for Concurrency (Parts I and II),
Luis Caires
- [moca] Timed Pi-Calculus?,
Chen Jing
- [moca] The Picasso tool,
Benjamin Aziz
- [moca] Paper announcement,
Jerome Feret
- [moca] expressivity on name generation,
Roberto Amadio
- [moca] New address,
Joachim Parrow
- [moca] {MIC*} Paper announcement,
GOUAICH Abdelkader
- [moca] paper on termination,
Davide Sangiorgi
- Bigraphical reactive systems,
Robin Milner
- Bigraphs,
Robin Milner
- Ph.D.: ``Operational congruences for reactive systems'',
James Leifer
- Two papers on the pi-calculus.,
Kohei Honda
- [no subject],
Peter Sewell
- Paper announcement: A Spatial Logic for Concurrency (Part I),
Luca Cardelli
- paper on the Dynamic Join Calculus,
Alan Schmitt
- a paper: Bisimulation Congruences in Safe Ambients,
Massimo Merro
- announcement book on the pi-calculus,
Davide Sangiorgi
- decidability results,
David Walker
- Prototype announcement: Pi-static analyzer III.,
Jerome Feret
- The anyone-can-contribute resource page for the Ambient calculi,
Xudong Guan
- Cryptyc papers,
Alan Jeffrey
- structural congruence,
Gelsema, drs. T.E.
- Re: question about structural congruence,
Daniel Hirschkoff
- A question about structural congruence,
Luis Caires
Can anyone give some open problems in pi-calculus?,
zhang jie
PhD thesis announcement,
Massimo Merro
Notes on nominal calculi for security and mobility,
Andy Gordon
New paper: An Abstract Interpretation Framework for Analysing Mobile Ambients,
Sergio Maffeis
A couple of papers.,
Marcelo Fiore
Objects as processes,
Hans Huttel
Denotational meaning of Spi?,
Benyamin Aziz
Dynamic binding,
Joachim Parrow
semantics of objects,
Davide Sangiorgi
paper announcement,
Michele Boreale
This forum.,
Kohei Honda
Paper: Proof systems for pi-calculus logics,
Mads Dam
check and update the bib and web resources,
Uwe . Nestmann
models for mobility mailing list,
Davide Sangiorgi
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