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Re: [moca] Mobile Agents: Ten reasons for failure

Dear Pablo,

thank you very much for your post!

My knowledge about Mobile agents is very limited, however I believe the point of view Mobile Agent presented here is different than the point of view of calculi a' la Ambient.

Ambients implicitly assume a common infrastructure that supports ambients and their operations.

well, Ambient is a process algebra to model Mobile Agents. So, of course many aspects are abstracted way. I do not understand exactly what you mean with a "common infrastructure". On the other hand, I hope we agree that the Mobile Agents we would like to model are "those" indicated in Vigna's paper: "Mobile Components that can explicitly relocate themselves across the Network, usually preserving their exuction state across migration, a' la Telescript"

5) Mobile Agents are difficult to authenticate and control

Well, there is Proof Carrying Code to certify the code. Regarding authentication, it guess depends on the application domain. A authentication mechanism should be provided but establishing the policy is a different issue and depends on each specific domain.

Yes, PCC is a very useful technique. However, her the point is another, as Vigna says, apriori, an agent may
be associated with many identities:
a) The agent developer
b) the agents' code signer
c) the agent code dispatcher
d) the host the agent visited last...

which one should be used in which case?

6) Mobile Agent can be brainwashed

Well, yes. If a mobile agent is considered information, it can be altered or simple erased. A cooperative infrastructure is always needed, unless the mobile agent has hardware on its own.

Yes, but this a DRAMATIC ISSUE! When I heard the first seminar on Mobile Agents, a typical example was that of some travel agent visiting different sites looking for the best prices of some product and reporting home the result of its research. Well, it seems to me that this kind of applications should never be implemented with mobile agents! It is definitely not safe for the travel agent to migrate to a new market place "with its best price in the pocket" asking for the best price proposed by the host. The host could simply "put its hands in the agent's pocket", changing the agent's best price, and then making its own price.

So, what kind of applications on mobile code would really benefit from adopting the Mobile Agent paradigm?

After an exchange of email with Lucian Wischik we agreed that we know only three real cases of mobile code:

(1) download of code in java and activex;
(2) upload of SQL programs;
(3) upload of Postscript programs.

However, none of them needs Mobile Agents. Does any of you know other examples?

Thanks again!


--Massimo Merro.

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