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Re: [moca] PI analysis tools
On Thursday 25 March 2004 16:26, Pierpaolo Degano wrote:
> > I use pi calculus to model and analyse workflow(business process).
> >Do you know some analysis tools based pi calculus?
> >
> >Thanks
> >
> >CHEN Zhenyu
Hi Chen,
In the context of the FET European Project PROFUNDIS,
in Pisa we developed MIHDA that can be used for checking the early
bisimilarity of pi-calculus. Actually, MIHDA is a toolkit for the semantic
minimisation of HD-automata that have been proved to be a suitable
operational model of pi-calculus and other name passing calculi as
fusion (soon MIHDA will also encompass the Fusion calculus of Parrow
and Victor and hyperbisimulation).
You can find more information at
Emilio Tuosto
Universita' di Pisa
Dipartimento di informatica
Via F. Buonarroti 2,
56127 Pisa -- Italy
Tel. +39 050 2212 799
Fax. +39 050 2212 726
homepage -> http://www.di.unipi.it/~etuosto
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