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paper announcement

Dear all,

Here is an annoucement of a paper:

Abstract Interpretation-Based Static Analysis of Mobile Ambients

		To appear in SAS'01

We use Abstract Interpretation to automatically prove safety
properties of  mobile ambients with name communications. 
We introduce a non-standard semantics in order to distinguish different
recursive instances of agents. This allows us to 
specify explicitly both the link between agents and the ambient
names they have declared, and the link between agents and the
ambients they have activated. 

Then we derive from this non-standard semantics an abstract
semantics which focuses on the interactions between 
agents. This abstract semantics describes non uniformly  
which agents can be launched in which ambients and which ambient names
can be communicated to which agents.
Such a description is required to prove security properties 
such as non-interference or confinement for instance.

URL: http://www.di.ens.fr/~feret/publication/ambients_sas01.ps.gz

Comments would be welcome!

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