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[moca] Paper: The Kell Calculus: A Family of Higher-Order Distributed Process Calculi

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce the following paper, to appear in the LNCS 
volume of the post-proceedings of the Global Computing 2004 workshop, 
and available at 

Comments are welcome.

The Kell Calculus: A Family of Higher-Order Distributed Process Calculi

This paper presents the Kell calculus, a family of distributed process 
calculi, parameterized by languages for input patterns, that is intended 
as a basis for studying component-based distributed programming. The 
Kell calculus is built around a pi-calculus core, and follows five 
design principles which are essential for a foundational model of 
distributed and mobile programming: hierarchical localities, local 
actions, higher-order communication, programmable membranes, and dynamic 
binding.  The paper discusses these principles, and defines the syntax 
and operational semantics common to all calculi in the Kell calculus 
family.  The paper provides a co-inductive characterization of 
contextual equivalence for Kell calculi, under sufficient conditions on 
pattern languages, by means of a form of higher-order bisimulation 
called strong context bisimulation.  The paper also contains several 
examples that illustrate the expressive power of Kell calculi.

Best regards,

Alan Schmitt
Jean-Bernard Stefani

The hacker: someone who figured things out and made something cool happen.

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