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[moca] all-you-can-eat calculi

most message passing calculi i know either do point-to-point
communication or broadcasting. the latter means one output
interacts with many inputs. i wonder about the 'dual'
of broadcasting -- i call it "all-you-can-eat" -- where
one input consumes as many outputs as possible in one go.
all-you-can-eat in a calculus of pure synchronisation would
probably have a reduction rule like

   x.P | \overline{x} | ... \overline{x}  --->  P

I'd like to know if calculi with this or similar rules
have already been studied. in particular, i'd like to hear
about applications where this form of communication
is natural. I'd also wish to find out how to generalise
all-you-can-eat to value passing.

thanks, martin

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