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Re: [moca] On the definition of bisimulation
Pietro Braione <braione@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> This my first post on this mailing list, so I think
> I should introduce myself briefly. I am a phd student
> at Politecnico di Milano, in Italy. My research topic
> is, roughly speaking, models for network- and
> context-aware systems.
> I have a question about bisimulation.
> In many places I found it defined as follows:
> A relation R on the states of your favorite
> transition system is a bisimulation iff:
> 1: it is a simulation;
> 2: its inverse is a simulation.
> However there are authors who replace 2 with:
> 2': it is symmetric.
> I have noticed that these authors do not worry
> about the fact that the two definitions are not
> equivalent. This makes me argue that perhaps it
> is not so important assuming one definition or
> the other. If effectively it is not, why? Maybe
> because they yield the same bisimilarity
> equivalence?
Let us call a bisimulation as defined by the first definition an
I-bisimulation, and a bisimulation as defined by the second definition an
Clearly, any II-bisimulation is also an I-bisimulation.
The symmetric closure of a binary relation R is the set RS = { (a,b) | aRb or bRa }.
A moment's thought should convince you that the symmetric closure of any
I-bisimulation is an II-bisimulation.
Since Tarski's fixed point theorem tells us that the maximal bisimulation
(whatever the definition) is the union of all bisimulations, the two
definitions give us the same maximal bisimulation.
Hans Hüttel | email: hans@xxxxxxxxx
BRICS, Dept. of Computer Science | WWW: http://www.cs.auc.dk/~hans/
Aalborg University | tel.: (+45) 96 35 88 88
Fredrik Bajersvej 7E | fax: (+45) 98 15 98 89
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