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check and update the bib and web resources

To all the "mobile people" ...

As Davide has mentioned, your initial subscription has been
done based the fact that you are mentioned on the web pages
at _http://lampwww.epfl.ch/mobility/_ that Björn Victor and
I try to keep more or less up to date.

This is in fact a task that very much depends on (1) our own
mood to "surf" around for information on the web myself and
adding it in case I find it, but also (2) your contribution.

Tha latter is even more needed---and appreciated---in order
to keep the searchable bibliography at
_http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/Theory/pi.html_ up
to date.  As you may see, the last change to the bib dates
back to the last millenium.  I am sorry for that, but ...

So, I would like to invite you to check the accessible web-
and bib-information about your work, and send any update to
me.  I will then incorporate it as soon as possible.

I would also appreciate if you could supply with me with
URLs to any online sources for your papers.  That would make
them accessible directly from within the searchable bib.

Thank you in advance,
Uwe Nestmann