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Re: [moca] Ambients and functions

You might be interested by my own work: a few years ago, I designed an encoding of the pi-calculus into pure safe ambients (that is with no name-passing possiblity). If you compose this with the classical encoding of functions in pi, you might get what you want. I am even confident in the possibility of having a direct encoding using the mechanisms I describe in my paper. However, keep in mind that in both cases, the result will not be very efficient... I don't know what you plan to do with that.

See http://www-sop.inria.fr/mimosa/personnel/Pascal.Zimmer/engPublis.html


Benjamin Aziz wrote:
Ok, so we can say that obviously having name-passing in the Ambient Calculus
allows us to model functions, however, is there any encoding of functions
out there that uses the core language only, i.e. without any name-passing


there are many results (following milner's encoding of the lambda


that show how pi-calculus contains (in a strong and precise sense)


behaviour as subbehaviours. i would imagine that this generalises to


calculi, as least when they include pi-like name-passing. if true,


are already there and adding explicity combinators for functions would be


more than syntactic sugar.

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