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[moca] TyCO release 0.4 available

  Dear all,

  we are happy to announce the availability of release 0.4 of the TyCO 
  programming language and run-time environment. 

  TyCO (Typed Concurrent Objects), is an implicitly typed polymorphic
  concurrent language based on an extension of the asynchronous
  pi-calculus featuring first class objects, asynchronous messages, and
  process definitions. TyCO provides a clean model for a concurrent 
  object-based programming, combining the benefits of the formal  
  framework of process calculi with the characteristics of Hewitt's
  actor system.  

  Starting with release 0.4, TyCO is also a distributed language based
  on a variant of the Distributed pi-calculus model, with lexical 
  scoping, where processes run at distinct sites, and where the only 
  inter-site communication is via code migration.

  The release and further system documentation are available from the
  project's homepage at:



  The TyCO Team 

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