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Re: [moca] Decidability of semantics

On 2 Mar, 2005, at 01:01, Lucian Wischik wrote:

the second question, Engelfriet/Gelsema TR04-07 (May 2004): "to our knowledge this question [of decidability of structural congruence] is still open. In [Engelfriet TCS153/1996, Engelfriet/Gelsema TCS211/1999] we have shown that adding four new structural laws, the resulting 'extended congruence' is decidable".

So I don't know for your second question either, but it was most likely still open in May 2004, but perhaps pointlessly so because the four extra structural laws are so reasonable...
!(P|Q) == !P | !Q
!!P == !P
!0 == 0
!P | !P == !P

Although, in another paper (in Acta Informatica 40, 385-430, 2004), they offer another variant by arguing slightly against the first of these four (IIRC), and call the result "middle congruence", which is apparently also decidable.

== Uwe ==

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