International journals
- S. Nyobe, F. Campillo, S. Moto, and V. Rossi. “The one step fixed-lag particle smoother as a strategy to improve the prediction step of particle filtering”. Revue Africaine de la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées. 39. 2023. [PDF]
- E. Pavlidis, F. Campillo, A. Goldbeter & M. Desroches. “Multiple-timescale dynamics, mixed mode oscillations and mixed affective states in a model of Bipolar Disorder”. In: Cognitive Neurodynamics (2022). [PDF]
- F. Campillo, M. Chebbi & S. Toumi. “Stochastic modeling for biotechnologies Anaerobic model AM2b”. In: Revue Africaine de la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées Volume 28 – 2017 – Mathematics for Biology and the Environment (2019), pp. 13–23. [PDF]
- A. Chizhov, F. Campillo, M. Desroches, A. Guillamon & S. Rodrigues. “Conductance-Based Refractory Density Approach for a Population of Bursting Neurons”. In: Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (2019). [PDF]
- F. Campillo, N. Champagnat & C. Fritsch. “On the variations of the principal eigenvalue with respect to a parameter in growth-fragmentation models”. In: Communication in Mathematical Sciences 15.7 (2017), pp. 1801–1819. [PDF] [preprint]
- F. Campillo, M. Chebbi & S. Toumi. “Stochastic modeling for biotechnologies – Anaerobic model AM2b”. In: Revue Africaine de la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées (2017). [PDF]
- F. Campillo, M. Joannides & I. Larramendy-Valverde. “Parameter identification for a stochastic logistic growth model with extinction”. In: Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation 47.3 (2017), pp. 721–737. [PDF] [preprint]
- C. Fritsch, F. Campillo & O. Ovaskainen. “A numerical approach to determine mutant invasion fitness and evolutionary singular strategies”. In: Theoretical Population Biology 115 (2017), pp. 89–99. [PDF] [preprint]
- F. Campillo, N. Champagnat & C. Fritsch. “Links between deterministic and stochastic approaches for invasion in growth-fragmentation-death models”. In: Journal of Mathematical Biology (2016), pp. 1–41. [PDF] [preprint]
- F. Campillo, M. Joannides & I. Larramendy–Valverde. “Analysis and approximation of a stochastic growth model with extinction”. In: Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 18.2 (2016). [PDF] [preprint]
- C. Fritsch , J. Harmand & F. Campillo. “A modeling approach of the chemostat”. In: Ecological Modelling 299.0 (2015), pp. 1–13. [PDF] [preprint]
- F. Campillo & C. Fritsch. “Weak convergence of a mass-structured individual-based model”. In: Applied Mathe- matics & Optimization 72.1 (2014) [PDF] [preprint] Erratum: Applied Mathematics & Optimization 72(1):75-76, 2015 [PDF] – Alas, this paper contains another more fundamental error: a compactness assumption is violated preventing to prove the uniqueness of the IBM, it is possible to circumvent this difficulty by assuming that the underlying SDE lives in a compact, which is not a problem in terms of applications; however, we are looking for a more mathematically elegant approach.
- F. Campillo, D. Hervé, A. Raherinirina & R. Rakotozafy. “Markov analysis of land use dynamics: A case study in Madagascar”. In: Revue Africaine de la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées 17 (2014), pp. 1–22. [PDF] [preprint]
- F. Campillo, M. Joannides & I. Larramendy-Valverde. “Approximation of the Fokker-Planck equation of the stochastic chemostat”. In: Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 99 (2014), pp. 37–53. [PDF] [preprint]
- C. Deygout, A. Lesne, F. Campillo & A. Rapaport. “Homogenised model linking microscopic and macroscopic dynamics of a biofilm: Application to growth in a plug flow reactor”. In: Ecological Modelling 250 (2013), pp. 15– 24. [PDF] [preprint]
- F. Campillo & N. Champagnat. “Simulation and analysis of an individual-based model for graph-structured plant dynamics”. In: Ecological Modelling 234 (2012), pp. 93–105 [PDF] [preprint]
- F. Campillo & C. Lobry. “Effect of population size in a predator-prey model”. In: Ecological Modelling 246 (2012), pp. 1–10. [PDF] [preprint]
- F. Campillo, M. Joannides & I. Larramendy-Valverde. “Stochastic modeling of the chemostat”. In: Ecological Modelling 222.15 (2011), pp. 2676–2689 [PDF] [preprint]
- F. Campillo, R. Rakotozafy & V. Rossi. “Parallel and interacting Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm”. In: Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 79 (2009), pp. 3424–3433. [PDF] [preprint]
- F. Campillo & V. Rossi. “Convolution particle filter for parameter estimation in general state-space models”. In: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (2009), pp. 1063–1071. [PDF] [preprint]
- F. Campillo, P. Cantet, R. Rakotozafy & V. Rossi. “Méthodes MCMC en interaction pour l’évaluation de ressources naturelles”. In: ARIMA 8 (2008), pp. 64–80. [PDF]
- F. Campillo, V. Rossi & R. Rakotozafy. “Computational probability modeling and Bayesian inference”. In: ARIMA – 2007 Conference in Honor of Claude Lobry, 2008, pp. 123–143. [PDF]
- C. Gaucherel, F. Campillo, L. Misson, J. Guiot & J.-J. Boreux. “Parameterization of a process-based tree-growth model: comparison of optimization, MCMC and particle filtering algorithms”. In: Environmental Modelling and Software 23.10-11 (2008), pp. 1280–1288. [PDF]
- F. Campillo & A. Lejay. “A Monte Carlo method without grid for a fractured porous domain model”. In: Monte Carlo Methods and Applications 8.2 (2002), pp. 129–148. [PDF] [preprint]
- F. Campillo, M. Klepstyna & A. Piatnitski. “Homogenization of random parabolic operator with large potential”. In: Stochastic Processes and Their Applications 93 (2001), pp. 57–85. [PDF] [preprint]
- F. Campillo & A. Lejay. “A Monte Carlo method to compute the exchange coefficient in the double porosity model”. In: Monte Carlo Methods and Applications 7.1–2 (2001), pp. 65–72. [PDF] [preprint]
- F. Campillo, Y. Kutoyants & F. L. Gland. “Small Noise asymptotics of the GLR test for off-line change detection in misspecified diffusion processes”. In: Stochastics and Stochastics Reports 70.1–2 (2000), pp. 109–129. [PDF]
- F. Campillo & F. Le Gland. “MLE for partially observed diffusions: direct maximization vs. the EM algorithm”. In: Stochastic Processes and their Applications 33.2 (1989), pp. 245–274 [PDF] [preprint]
- F. Campillo. “La méthode d’approximation de Gauss-Galerkin en filtrage non linéaire”. In: RAIRO M2AN 20.2 (1986), pp. 203–223. [PDF]
Reviewed international conferences
- F. Campillo, M. Chebbi & S. Toumi. “Stochastic modeling of the anaerobic model AM2b: Models at different scales”. In: 13th Africain Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (CARI 2016), Tunisia, Tunis, October 11-14. 2016, pp. 484–393. [link]
- F. Campillo. “Stochastic differential equations in population dynamics, between discrete and deterministic models”. In: American Mathematical Society, European Mathematical Society, Portuguese Mathematical Society joint meeting, Porto, Portugal, June 10–13. (Abstract). 2015.
- A. Raherinirina, D. Hervé & F. Campillo. “Inferring land use dynamics by semi-Markov model”. In: Twelfth African Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (CARI 2014), Saint-Louis (Senegal). 2014, pp. 1–8. [link]
- F. Campillo, M. Joannides & I. Larramendy-Valverde. “Stochastic models of a chemostat at different scales”. In: Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA2013) The 15th Conference of the ASMDA International Society. Mataró, Barcelona, Spain 25 – 28 June. 2013. Poster.
- B. Benyahia, F. Campillo, B. Cherki & J. Harmand. “Particle filtering for the chemostat”. In: 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2012), Barcelona, Spain, July 3-6. 2012, pp. 364–371. [PDF] [link]
- A. Bize, F. Campillo, C. Deygout, C. Lobry & M. Joannides. “An individual-based modeling approach for cellulose degradation by microbial biofilms”. In: Biofilm 5 International Conference, Paris, December 10-12. 2012. Poster, best poster award [PDF].
- F. Campillo, D. Hervé, A. Raherinirina & R. Rakotozafy. “Markov analysis of land use dynamics: A Case Study in Madagascar”. In: Eleventh African Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (CARI 2012), Algiers, Algeria. 2012.
- B. Fontez, D. I. Batonon, F. Campillo & P. Lescoat. “Analyse bayésienne de courbes de croissance de poulets par un modèle hiérarchique défini à partir d’une équation différentielle stochastique à processus d’erreur autocorrélée”. In: 44ième Journées de Statistique, 21 au 25 mai, Bruxelles. 2012. [PDF]
- F. Campillo & N. Champagnat. “An individual-based model for clonal plant dynamics”. In: MAMERN11: 4th International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural Resources. Saidia, Morocco. May 23-26, 2011. 2011. [PDF]
- F. Campillo, M. Joannides & I. Larramendy-Valverde. “Stochastic models for the chemostat”. In: MAMERN11: 4th International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural Resources. Saidia, Morocco, May 23-26, 2011. 2011. [PDF]
- F. Campillo, M. Joannides & I. Larramendy-Valverde. “Stochastic models for the chemostat”. In: 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM). Vancouver, Canada. 2011. [slides]
- F. Campillo & M. Joannides. “Modèles logistiques déterministes et stochastiques”. In: Proceedings of the 10th International African Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied mathematics (CARI’10), October 18–21, Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast. 2010.
- F. Campillo & M. Joannides. “A Markovian individual-based model for terrestrial plant dynamics”. In: Interna- tional Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural Resources, MAMERN’09, Pau, France. 2009. [PDF]
- F. Campillo & N. Desassis. “Stochastic spatio-temporal modeling of forest dynamics”. In: International Biometric Conference, 13-18 July, 2008, Dublin, Irland. Abstract. 2008. [slides]
- F. Campillo, N. Desassis & V. Rossi. “Individual-based Modelling of Spatio-temporal of Forest Dynamics”. In: Joint Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada and the Société Française de Statistique May 25 to 29, 2008 at the Ottawa Congress Centre. Abstract. 2008.
- F. Campillo, A. Raherinirina & R. Rakotozafy. “Un modèle markovien de transition agraire”. In: Proceedings of the 8th International African Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied mathematics (CARI’08), October 27-30, Rabat, Morocco. 2008.
- F. Campillo, G. Canales & L. Mevel. “Particle based confidence intervals”. In: International Operational Modal Analysis Conference (IOMAC), Copenhagen, Denmark. 2007. [PDF]
- F. Campillo, R. Rakotozafy & V. Rossi. “Bayesian numerical inference for hidden Markov models”. In: International Conference on Applied Statistics for Development in Africa Sada’07. 2007. [PDF]
- F. Campillo, R. Rakotozafy & V. Rossi. “Bayesian numerical inference for Markovian models – Application to tropical forest dynamics”. In: International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural Resources, MAMERN’07, Granada, Spain. 2007. [PDF]
- F. Campillo, R. Rakotozafy & V. Rossi. “Analyse bayésienne de modèles markoviens d’évolution de ressources naturelles”. In: Proceedings of the 9th International African Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied mathematics (CARI’06), November 6-9, Cotonou, Bénin. 2006.
- F. Campillo & V. Rossi. “Convolution particle filtering for parameter estimation in general state-space models”. In: Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego (USA). Dec. 2006, pp. 2159–2164. [PDF]
- F. Campillo & L. Mevel. “Recursive maximum likelihood estimation for structural health monitoring: tangent filter implementations”. In: Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference ECC 2005, Sevilla (Spain). IEEE–CSS. Dec. 2005. [PDF]
- Q. Zhang, F. Campillo, F. Cérou & F. LeGland. “Nonlinear System Fault Detection and Isolation Based on Bootstrap Particle Filters”. In: Proceedings of the joint 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 8th European Control Conference, Seville. 2005, pp. 3821–3826. [PDF]
- F. Campillo & R. Rakotozafy. “MCMC for nonlinear/non–Gaussian state–space models, Application to fishery stock assessment”. In: CARI’04. Hammamet, Tunisia, 2004.
- F. Campillo, M. Klepstyna & A. Piatnitski. “Homogenization of random parabolic operator with large potential in locally periodic media”. In: Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA). Ed. by G. Govaert, J. Janssen & N. Limnios. June 2001, pp. 277–282. [PDF]
- F. Campillo, M. Klepstyna & A. Piatnitski. “Homogenization of random parabolic operator with large potential”. In: Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Proceedings of the 7th Vilnius Conference. Ed. by B. G. et al. TEV. Vilnius – VSP. Utrecht, 1999. [PDF]
- F. Campillo. “Numerical methods in ergodic control – Application to semi-active shock-absorbers”. In: International Conference on Systems, Signals, Control, Computers (SSCC’98). Durban, South Africa, 1998. [PDF]
- H. Bernier, F. Campillo, F. Cérou, F. L. Gland & R. Rakotozafy. “Massively parallel computing for non–linear filtering”. In: Science on the Connection Machine System, Proceedings of the 2nd European CM Users Meeting, Meudon 1993. Ed. by J. M. Alimi, A. Serna & H. Scholl. Cambridge, MA: Thinking Machines Corporation, 1995, pp. 81–91.
- F. Campillo & A. Traoré. “A stabilization algorithm for linear controlled SDE’s”. In: International Conference on Non Linear Stochastic Dynamics. Hanoi, Vietnam, July 1995, pp. 85–95. [PDF]
- F. Campillo & A. Traoré. “A stabilization algorithm for linear controlled SDE’s”. In: 34th IEEE Conference on Deci- sion and Control. Nouvelle Orléans, 1995. [PDF]
- F. Campillo & A. Traoré. “A stabilization algorithm for linear SDE’s”. In: Proceedings of the Third European Control Conference. Roma, 1995, pp. 901–906. [PDF]
- F. Campillo & F. Le Gland. “Threshold Selection in the GLR Test for Change Detection in Partially Observed Diffusion Processes”. In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Control Conference, Groningen, June 28-July 1. 1993. [PDF]
- F. Campillo, F. Cérou & É. Pardoux. “Numerical method for ergodic stochastic control problems: Application to vehicle suspension systems”. In: Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Tucson, 1992, pp. 2056–2061. [PDF]
- F. Campillo & F. Le Gland. “Likelihood-based Statistics for Partially Observed Diffusion Processes”. In: Proceedings of the 1st European Control Conference, Grenoble, July 2-5. 1991. [PDF]
- F. Campillo, F. Le Gland & Y. Kutoyants. “Asymptotics of the GLR test for the disorder problem in diffusion processes”. In: Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Brighton. 1991.
- F. Campillo, J. Nekkachi & É. Pardoux. “Numerical methods in ergodic stochastic control, application to semi- active vehicle suspensions”. In: Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Honolulu, 1990, pp. 2350–2353. [PDF]
- F. Campillo. “Optimal ergodic control for a class of nonlinear stochastic systems – Application to Semi-Active Vehicle Suspensions”. In: Proceedings of the 28th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa. 1989, pp. 1190–1195. [PDF]
- S. Bellizzi, F. Campillo, R. Bouc & É. Pardoux. “Contrôle optimal semi-actif de suspension de véhicule”. In: Analysis and Optimization of Systems, Antibes 1988. Ed. by A. Bensoussan & J. Lions. Vol. 111. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. Springer–Verlag, 1988, pp. 689–699. [PDF]
- F. Campillo. “Testing for a change-point in linear systems with incomplete observation”. In: Asymptotic theory for non i.i.d. processes (Luminy-Marseille, 1984). Vol. 8. Travaux Rech. Brussels: Publications des Facultés Universi- taires Saint–Louis, 1986, pp. 225–242. [PDF]
National conferences
- A. Bize, F. Campillo, C. Deygout & M. Joannides. “Un modèle individu-centré de dégradation bactérienne d’une bille de cellulose”. In: Les Biofilms au service des Biotechnologies — Journées thématiques du Réseau National Biofilm 24–26 Janvier 2012, Narbonne. 2012.
- F. Campillo, N. Desassis & V. Rossi. “Modélisation spatialement explicite d’une dynamique forestière et inférence”. In: Journées MAS de la SMAI, Rennes. Abstract. Aug. 2008.
- F. Campillo & R. Rakotozafy. “Modèles à espace d’états non linéaires/non gaussiens et inférence bayésienne par méthode MCMC – une application en évaluation des stocks halieutiques”. In: XXXVIèmes Journées de Statistique – Montpellier, 24 au 28 mai 2004. Montpellier, 2004. [PDF]
- F. Campillo, L. Dudoignon, E. Remy & J.-L. Risler. “Variation du taux d’évolution le long de séquences de protéines”. In: Recueil des Actes des Journées Ouvertes Biologie Informatique Mathématiques – JOBIM 2001. Ed. by L. Duret, C. Gaspin & T. Schiex. Toulouse, 2001. [PDF]
- F. Campillo & É. Remy. Calcul de perméabilité effective par méthode de Monte Carlo. Journées Scientifiques de l’Andra, Nancy. 1999. [PDF] [poster]
- F. Campillo & S. Bellizzi. “Méthode de gradient stochastique pour le contrôle de suspensions semi-actives”. In: Contrôle Actif Vibro-Acoustique et Dynamique Acoustique, Rencontres Scientifiques du Cinquantenaire du LMA. Marseille: CNRS, 1991, pp. 189–198. [PDF]
- F. Campillo & F. Le Gland. “Application du filtrage non linéaire optimal à la restitution d’orbite de transfert”. In: Mécanique Spatiale, Toulouse 1989. Toulouse: Cepadues, 1990.
- F. Campillo & F. Le Gland. “Approximation particulaire en filtrage non linéaire. Application à la trajectographie”. In: 22ème Congrès National d’Analyse Numérique, Loctudy. 1990, pp. 242–243. [PDF]
- F. Campillo & F. Le Gland. “Application du filtrage non-Linéaire en trajectographie passive”. In: 12ème Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal, Juan les Pins, June 12-16. 1989. [PDF]
Book chapters
- F. Campillo & A. Piatnitski. “Effective diffusion in vanishing viscosity”. In: Nonlinear partial differential equations and their applications. Collège de France Seminar, Vol. XIV (Paris, 1997/1998). Ed. by D. Cioranescu & J.-L. Lions. Vol. 31. Studies in Mathematics and its Applications. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 2002, pp. 133–145. [PDF] [preprint]
- F. Campillo. “Optimal ergodic control of nonlinear stochastic systems”. In: Probabilistic Methods in Applied Physics. Ed. by P. Krée & W. Wedig. Vol. 451. Lecture notes in physics. Springer–Verlag, 1995, pp. 239–269. [PDF]
- F. Campillo & É. Pardoux. “Numerical methods in ergodic optimal stochastic control and application”. In: Applied Stochastic Analysis, Rutgers University 1991. Ed. by I. Karatzas & D. Ocone. Vol. 177. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. Springer–Verlag, 1992, pp. 59–73. [PDF]
- F. Campillo, F. Le Gland & É. Pardoux. “Approximation of a stochastic ergodic control problem”. In: New Trends in Nonlinear Control Theory, Nantes 1988. Ed. by J. Descusse, M. Fliess, A. Isidori & D. Leborgne. Vol. 122. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. Springer–Verlag, 1989, pp. 379–395. [PDF]
- F. Campillo. The Gauss-Galerkin approximation method in nonlinear filtering. hal-039- 85941. English translation of “Fabien Campillo. La méthode d’approximation de Gauss- Galerkin en filtrage non linéaire. RAIRO M2AN, 20(2): 203-223, 1986”. [link]. 2023
- F. Campillo. Markovian individual-based models in computational ecology. Tech. rep. ANR project MODECOL – Intermediate report, June 2009.
- F. Campillo & L. Dudoignon. Un modèle probabiliste d’évolution de protéines. Rapport de Recherche RR-4332. INRIA, Dec. 2001. [link]
- F. Campillo, F. Cérou, F. L. Gland & R. Rakotozafy. Particle and cell approximations for nonlinear filtering. Rapport de Recherche RR-2567. INRIA, June 1995. [link]
- H. Bernier, F. Campillo, F. Cérou & F. L. Gland. Parallélisme de données et filtrage non linéaire – analyse de performance. Rapport Technique RT–167. INRIA, Nov. 1994. [link]
- F. Campillo & A. Traoré. Lyapunov exponents of controlled SDE’s and stabilizability property : Some examples. Rapport de Recherche RR–2397. INRIA, Nov. 1994. [link]
- F. Campillo, F. Le Gland & Y. Kutoyants. Asymptotics of the GLRT for the disorder problem in diffusion processes. Rapport de Recherche RR–1735. INRIA, July 1992. [link]
- F. Campillo. Optimal ergodic control of nonlinear stochastic systems. Rapport de Recherche RR–1257. INRIA, June 1990. [link]
Other publications
- F. Campillo, F. Cérou, F. L. Gland & R. Rakotozafy. “Algorithmes parallèles pour le filtrage non linéaire et les équations aux dérivées partielles stochastiques”. In: Bulletin de Liaison de la Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique 141. INRIA, 1993, pp. 21–24.
Theses & HDR
- F. Campillo. “Quelques applications des processus de diffusion: filtrage/statistique – contrôle – homogénéisation”. Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Rennes 1, 2004 [PDF].
- F Campillo. “Filtrage et Détection de Ruptures de Processus Partiellement Observées”, PhD thesis, Thèse de Troisième Cycle, Université de Provence, Marseille, 1984. [PDF]
- F. Campillo. “La méthode d’approximation de Gauss-Galerkin – Application à l’équation du filtrage non linéaire”, Mémoire de DEA, Université de Provence, 1982. Handwritten with a Rotring 🙂 [PDF]
Scientific dissemination
- A. Lesne, F. Campillo, and A. Rapaport. “Les biofilms bactériens: vers une modélisa- tion “hybride””. In: Systèmes complexes, de la biologie aux territoires. 23. Agropolis Fondation, 33. 2018. [link]
- F. Campillo. “Modélisation en dynamique des populations”. In: TDC – Textes et documents pour la classe 1062 (2013), pp. 26–27. [link] [PDF]
- J. Harmand, F. Campillo & B. Cherki. Recycler les eaux usées pour l’irrigation. Brève de Mathématiques de la Planète Terre. May 2013. [link]
- F. Campillo. “Simuler une forêt ?” In: Modéliser les plantes et leurs utilisations. LISA – Lettre de l’INRIA Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée, 2008. [PDF]
HAL publication list