
International journals

  1. S. Nyobe, F. Campillo, S. Moto, and V. Rossi. “The one step fixed-lag particle smoother as a strategy to improve the prediction step of particle filtering”. Revue Africaine de la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées. 39. 2023. [PDF]
  2. E. Pavlidis, F. Campillo, A. Goldbeter & M. Desroches. “Multiple-timescale dynamics, mixed mode oscillations and mixed affective states in a model of Bipolar Disorder”. In: Cognitive Neurodynamics (2022). [PDF]
  3. F. Campillo, M. Chebbi & S. Toumi. “Stochastic modeling for biotechnologies Anaerobic model AM2b”. In: Revue Africaine de la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées Volume 28 – 2017 – Mathematics for Biology and the Environment (2019), pp. 13–23. [PDF]
  4. A. Chizhov, F. Campillo, M. Desroches, A. Guillamon & S. Rodrigues. “Conductance-Based Refractory Density Approach for a Population of Bursting Neurons”. In: Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (2019). [PDF]
  5. F. Campillo, N. Champagnat & C. Fritsch. “On the variations of the principal eigenvalue with respect to a parameter in growth-fragmentation models”. In: Communication in Mathematical Sciences 15.7 (2017), pp. 1801–1819. [PDF] [preprint]
  6. F. Campillo, M. Chebbi & S. Toumi. “Stochastic modeling for biotechnologies – Anaerobic model AM2b”. In: Revue Africaine de la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées (2017). [PDF]
  7. F. Campillo, M. Joannides & I. Larramendy-Valverde. “Parameter identification for a stochastic logistic growth model with extinction”. In: Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation 47.3 (2017), pp. 721–737. [PDF] [preprint]
  8. C. Fritsch, F. Campillo & O. Ovaskainen. “A numerical approach to determine mutant invasion fitness and evolutionary singular strategies”. In: Theoretical Population Biology 115 (2017), pp. 89–99. [PDF] [preprint]
  9. F. Campillo, N. Champagnat & C. Fritsch. “Links between deterministic and stochastic approaches for invasion in growth-fragmentation-death models”. In: Journal of Mathematical Biology (2016), pp. 1–41. [PDF] [preprint]
  10. F. Campillo, M. Joannides & I. Larramendy–Valverde. “Analysis and approximation of a stochastic growth model with extinction”. In: Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 18.2 (2016). [PDF] [preprint]
  11. C. Fritsch , J. Harmand & F. Campillo. “A modeling approach of the chemostat”. In: Ecological Modelling 299.0 (2015), pp. 1–13. [PDF] [preprint]
  12. F. Campillo & C. Fritsch. “Weak convergence of a mass-structured individual-based model”. In: Applied Mathe- matics & Optimization 72.1 (2014) [PDF] [preprint] Erratum: Applied Mathematics & Optimization 72(1):75-76, 2015 [PDF] – Alas, this paper contains another more fundamental error: a compactness assumption is violated preventing to prove the uniqueness of the IBM, it is possible to circumvent this difficulty by assuming that the underlying SDE lives in a compact, which is not a problem in terms of applications; however, we are looking for a more mathematically elegant approach.
  13. F. Campillo, D. Hervé, A. Raherinirina & R. Rakotozafy. “Markov analysis of land use dynamics: A case study in Madagascar”. In: Revue Africaine de la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées 17 (2014), pp. 1–22. [PDF] [preprint]
  14. F. Campillo, M. Joannides & I. Larramendy-Valverde. “Approximation of the Fokker-Planck equation of the stochastic chemostat”. In: Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 99 (2014), pp. 37–53. [PDF] [preprint]
  15. C. Deygout, A. Lesne, F. Campillo & A. Rapaport. “Homogenised model linking microscopic and macroscopic dynamics of a biofilm: Application to growth in a plug flow reactor”. In: Ecological Modelling 250 (2013), pp. 15– 24. [PDF] [preprint]
  16. F. Campillo & N. Champagnat. “Simulation and analysis of an individual-based model for graph-structured plant dynamics”. In: Ecological Modelling 234 (2012), pp. 93–105 [PDF] [preprint]
  17. F. Campillo & C. Lobry. “Effect of population size in a predator-prey model”. In: Ecological Modelling 246 (2012), pp. 1–10. [PDF] [preprint]
  18. F. Campillo, M. Joannides & I. Larramendy-Valverde. “Stochastic modeling of the chemostat”. In: Ecological Modelling 222.15 (2011), pp. 2676–2689 [PDF] [preprint]
  19. F. Campillo, R. Rakotozafy & V. Rossi. “Parallel and interacting Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm”. In: Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 79 (2009), pp. 3424–3433. [PDF] [preprint]
  20. F. Campillo & V. Rossi. “Convolution particle filter for parameter estimation in general state-space models”. In: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (2009), pp. 1063–1071. [PDF] [preprint]
  21. F. Campillo, P. Cantet, R. Rakotozafy & V. Rossi. “Méthodes MCMC en interaction pour l’évaluation de ressources naturelles”. In: ARIMA 8 (2008), pp. 64–80. [PDF]
  22. F. Campillo, V. Rossi & R. Rakotozafy. “Computational probability modeling and Bayesian inference”. In: ARIMA – 2007 Conference in Honor of Claude Lobry, 2008, pp. 123–143. [PDF]
  23. C. Gaucherel, F. Campillo, L. Misson, J. Guiot & J.-J. Boreux. “Parameterization of a process-based tree-growth model: comparison of optimization, MCMC and particle filtering algorithms”. In: Environmental Modelling and Software 23.10-11 (2008), pp. 1280–1288. [PDF]
  24. F. Campillo & A. Lejay. “A Monte Carlo method without grid for a fractured porous domain model”. In: Monte Carlo Methods and Applications 8.2 (2002), pp. 129–148. [PDF] [preprint]
  25. F. Campillo, M. Klepstyna & A. Piatnitski. “Homogenization of random parabolic operator with large potential”. In: Stochastic Processes and Their Applications 93 (2001), pp. 57–85. [PDF] [preprint]
  26. F. Campillo & A. Lejay. “A Monte Carlo method to compute the exchange coefficient in the double porosity model”. In: Monte Carlo Methods and Applications 7.1–2 (2001), pp. 65–72. [PDF] [preprint]
  27. F. Campillo, Y. Kutoyants & F. L. Gland. “Small Noise asymptotics of the GLR test for off-line change detection in misspecified diffusion processes”. In: Stochastics and Stochastics Reports 70.1–2 (2000), pp. 109–129. [PDF]
  28. F. Campillo & F. Le Gland. “MLE for partially observed diffusions: direct maximization vs. the EM algorithm”. In: Stochastic Processes and their Applications 33.2 (1989), pp. 245–274 [PDF] [preprint]
  29. F. Campillo. “La méthode d’approximation de Gauss-Galerkin en filtrage non linéaire”. In: RAIRO M2AN 20.2 (1986), pp. 203–223. [PDF]

Reviewed international conferences

  1. F. Campillo, M. Chebbi & S. Toumi. “Stochastic modeling of the anaerobic model AM2b: Models at different scales”. In: 13th Africain Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (CARI 2016), Tunisia, Tunis, October 11-14. 2016, pp. 484–393. [link]
  2. F. Campillo. “Stochastic differential equations in population dynamics, between discrete and deterministic models”. In: American Mathematical Society, European Mathematical Society, Portuguese Mathematical Society joint meeting, Porto, Portugal, June 10–13. (Abstract). 2015.
  3. A. Raherinirina, D. Hervé & F. Campillo. “Inferring land use dynamics by semi-Markov model”. In: Twelfth African Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (CARI 2014), Saint-Louis (Senegal). 2014, pp. 1–8. [link]
  4. F. Campillo, M. Joannides & I. Larramendy-Valverde. “Stochastic models of a chemostat at different scales”. In: Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA2013) The 15th Conference of the ASMDA International Society. Mataró, Barcelona, Spain 25 – 28 June. 2013. Poster.
  5. B. Benyahia, F. Campillo, B. Cherki & J. Harmand. “Particle filtering for the chemostat”. In: 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2012), Barcelona, Spain, July 3-6. 2012, pp. 364–371. [PDF] [link]
  6. A. Bize, F. Campillo, C. Deygout, C. Lobry & M. Joannides. “An individual-based modeling approach for cellulose degradation by microbial biofilms”. In: Biofilm 5 International Conference, Paris, December 10-12. 2012. Poster, best poster award [PDF].
  7. F. Campillo, D. Hervé, A. Raherinirina & R. Rakotozafy. “Markov analysis of land use dynamics: A Case Study in Madagascar”. In: Eleventh African Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (CARI 2012), Algiers, Algeria. 2012.
  8. B. Fontez, D. I. Batonon, F. Campillo & P. Lescoat. “Analyse bayésienne de courbes de croissance de poulets par un modèle hiérarchique défini à partir d’une équation différentielle stochastique à processus d’erreur autocorrélée”. In: 44ième Journées de Statistique, 21 au 25 mai, Bruxelles. 2012. [PDF]
  9. F. Campillo & N. Champagnat. “An individual-based model for clonal plant dynamics”. In: MAMERN11: 4th International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural Resources. Saidia, Morocco. May 23-26, 2011. 2011. [PDF]
  10. F. Campillo, M. Joannides & I. Larramendy-Valverde. “Stochastic models for the chemostat”. In: MAMERN11: 4th International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural Resources. Saidia, Morocco, May 23-26, 2011. 2011. [PDF]
  11. F. Campillo, M. Joannides & I. Larramendy-Valverde. “Stochastic models for the chemostat”. In: 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM). Vancouver, Canada. 2011. [slides]
  12. F. Campillo & M. Joannides. “Modèles logistiques déterministes et stochastiques”. In: Proceedings of the 10th International African Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied mathematics (CARI’10), October 18–21, Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast. 2010.
  13. F. Campillo & M. Joannides. “A Markovian individual-based model for terrestrial plant dynamics”. In: Interna- tional Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural Resources, MAMERN’09, Pau, France. 2009. [PDF]
  14. F. Campillo & N. Desassis. “Stochastic spatio-temporal modeling of forest dynamics”. In: International Biometric Conference, 13-18 July, 2008, Dublin, Irland. Abstract. 2008. [slides]
  15. F. Campillo, N. Desassis & V. Rossi. “Individual-based Modelling of Spatio-temporal of Forest Dynamics”. In: Joint Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada and the Société Française de Statistique May 25 to 29, 2008 at the Ottawa Congress Centre. Abstract. 2008.
  16. F. Campillo, A. Raherinirina & R. Rakotozafy. “Un modèle markovien de transition agraire”. In: Proceedings of the 8th International African Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied mathematics (CARI’08), October 27-30, Rabat, Morocco. 2008.
  17. F. Campillo, G. Canales & L. Mevel. “Particle based confidence intervals”. In: International Operational Modal Analysis Conference (IOMAC), Copenhagen, Denmark. 2007. [PDF]
  18. F. Campillo, R. Rakotozafy & V. Rossi. “Bayesian numerical inference for hidden Markov models”. In: International Conference on Applied Statistics for Development in Africa Sada’07. 2007. [PDF]
  19. F. Campillo, R. Rakotozafy & V. Rossi. “Bayesian numerical inference for Markovian models – Application to tropical forest dynamics”. In: International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural Resources, MAMERN’07, Granada, Spain. 2007. [PDF]
  20. F. Campillo, R. Rakotozafy & V. Rossi. “Analyse bayésienne de modèles markoviens d’évolution de ressources naturelles”. In: Proceedings of the 9th International African Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied mathematics (CARI’06), November 6-9, Cotonou, Bénin. 2006.
  21. F. Campillo & V. Rossi. “Convolution particle filtering for parameter estimation in general state-space models”. In: Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego (USA). Dec. 2006, pp. 2159–2164. [PDF]
  22. F. Campillo & L. Mevel. “Recursive maximum likelihood estimation for structural health monitoring: tangent filter implementations”. In: Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference ECC 2005, Sevilla (Spain). IEEE–CSS. Dec. 2005. [PDF]
  23. Q. Zhang, F. Campillo, F. Cérou & F. LeGland. “Nonlinear System Fault Detection and Isolation Based on Bootstrap Particle Filters”. In: Proceedings of the joint 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 8th European Control Conference, Seville. 2005, pp. 3821–3826. [PDF]
  24. F. Campillo & R. Rakotozafy. “MCMC for nonlinear/non–Gaussian state–space models, Application to fishery stock assessment”. In: CARI’04. Hammamet, Tunisia, 2004.
  25. F. Campillo, M. Klepstyna & A. Piatnitski. “Homogenization of random parabolic operator with large potential in locally periodic media”. In: Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA). Ed. by G. Govaert, J. Janssen & N. Limnios. June 2001, pp. 277–282. [PDF]
  26. F. Campillo, M. Klepstyna & A. Piatnitski. “Homogenization of random parabolic operator with large potential”. In: Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Proceedings of the 7th Vilnius Conference. Ed. by B. G. et al. TEV. Vilnius – VSP. Utrecht, 1999. [PDF]
  27. F. Campillo. “Numerical methods in ergodic control – Application to semi-active shock-absorbers”. In: International Conference on Systems, Signals, Control, Computers (SSCC’98). Durban, South Africa, 1998. [PDF]
  28. H. Bernier, F. Campillo, F. Cérou, F. L. Gland & R. Rakotozafy. “Massively parallel computing for non–linear filtering”. In: Science on the Connection Machine System, Proceedings of the 2nd European CM Users Meeting, Meudon 1993. Ed. by J. M. Alimi, A. Serna & H. Scholl. Cambridge, MA: Thinking Machines Corporation, 1995, pp. 81–91.
  29. F. Campillo & A. Traoré. “A stabilization algorithm for linear controlled SDE’s”. In: International Conference on Non Linear Stochastic Dynamics. Hanoi, Vietnam, July 1995, pp. 85–95. [PDF]
  30. F. Campillo & A. Traoré. “A stabilization algorithm for linear controlled SDE’s”. In: 34th IEEE Conference on Deci- sion and Control. Nouvelle Orléans, 1995. [PDF]
  31. F. Campillo & A. Traoré. “A stabilization algorithm for linear SDE’s”. In: Proceedings of the Third European Control Conference. Roma, 1995, pp. 901–906. [PDF]
  32. F. Campillo & F. Le Gland. “Threshold Selection in the GLR Test for Change Detection in Partially Observed Diffusion Processes”. In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Control Conference, Groningen, June 28-July 1. 1993. [PDF]
  33. F. Campillo, F. Cérou & É. Pardoux. “Numerical method for ergodic stochastic control problems: Application to vehicle suspension systems”. In: Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Tucson, 1992, pp. 2056–2061. [PDF]
  34. F. Campillo & F. Le Gland. “Likelihood-based Statistics for Partially Observed Diffusion Processes”. In: Proceedings of the 1st European Control Conference, Grenoble, July 2-5. 1991. [PDF]
  35. F. Campillo, F. Le Gland & Y. Kutoyants. “Asymptotics of the GLR test for the disorder problem in diffusion processes”. In: Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Brighton. 1991.
  36. F. Campillo, J. Nekkachi & É. Pardoux. “Numerical methods in ergodic stochastic control, application to semi- active vehicle suspensions”. In: Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Honolulu, 1990, pp. 2350–2353. [PDF]
  37. F. Campillo. “Optimal ergodic control for a class of nonlinear stochastic systems – Application to Semi-Active Vehicle Suspensions”. In: Proceedings of the 28th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa. 1989, pp. 1190–1195. [PDF]
  38. S. Bellizzi, F. Campillo, R. Bouc & É. Pardoux. “Contrôle optimal semi-actif de suspension de véhicule”. In: Analysis and Optimization of Systems, Antibes 1988. Ed. by A. Bensoussan & J. Lions. Vol. 111. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. Springer–Verlag, 1988, pp. 689–699. [PDF]
  39. F. Campillo. “Testing for a change-point in linear systems with incomplete observation”. In: Asymptotic theory for non i.i.d. processes (Luminy-Marseille, 1984). Vol. 8. Travaux Rech. Brussels: Publications des Facultés Universi- taires Saint–Louis, 1986, pp. 225–242. [PDF]

National conferences

  1. A. Bize, F. Campillo, C. Deygout & M. Joannides. “Un modèle individu-centré de dégradation bactérienne d’une bille de cellulose”. In: Les Biofilms au service des Biotechnologies — Journées thématiques du Réseau National Biofilm 24–26 Janvier 2012, Narbonne. 2012. 
  2. F. Campillo, N. Desassis & V. Rossi. “Modélisation spatialement explicite d’une dynamique forestière et inférence”. In: Journées MAS de la SMAI, Rennes. Abstract. Aug. 2008. 
  3. F. Campillo & R. Rakotozafy. “Modèles à espace d’états non linéaires/non gaussiens et inférence bayésienne par méthode MCMC – une application en évaluation des stocks halieutiques”. In: XXXVIèmes Journées de Statistique – Montpellier, 24 au 28 mai 2004. Montpellier, 2004. [PDF]
  4. F. Campillo, L. Dudoignon, E. Remy & J.-L. Risler. “Variation du taux d’évolution le long de séquences de protéines”. In: Recueil des Actes des Journées Ouvertes Biologie Informatique Mathématiques – JOBIM 2001. Ed. by L. Duret, C. Gaspin & T. Schiex. Toulouse, 2001. [PDF]
  5. F. Campillo & É. Remy. Calcul de perméabilité effective par méthode de Monte Carlo. Journées Scientifiques de l’Andra, Nancy. 1999. [PDF] [poster]
  6. F. Campillo & S. Bellizzi. “Méthode de gradient stochastique pour le contrôle de suspensions semi-actives”. In: Contrôle Actif Vibro-Acoustique et Dynamique Acoustique, Rencontres Scientifiques du Cinquantenaire du LMA. Marseille: CNRS, 1991, pp. 189–198. [PDF]
  7. F. Campillo & F. Le Gland. “Application du filtrage non linéaire optimal à la restitution d’orbite de transfert”. In: Mécanique Spatiale, Toulouse 1989. Toulouse: Cepadues, 1990.
  8. F. Campillo & F. Le Gland. “Approximation particulaire en filtrage non linéaire. Application à la trajectographie”. In: 22ème Congrès National d’Analyse Numérique, Loctudy. 1990, pp. 242–243. [PDF]
  9. F. Campillo & F. Le Gland. “Application du filtrage non-Linéaire en trajectographie passive”. In: 12ème Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal, Juan les Pins, June 12-16. 1989. [PDF]

Book chapters

  1. F. Campillo & A. Piatnitski. “Effective diffusion in vanishing viscosity”. In: Nonlinear partial differential equations and their applications. Collège de France Seminar, Vol. XIV (Paris, 1997/1998). Ed. by D. Cioranescu & J.-L. Lions. Vol. 31. Studies in Mathematics and its Applications. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 2002, pp. 133–145. [PDF] [preprint]
  2. F. Campillo. “Optimal ergodic control of nonlinear stochastic systems”. In: Probabilistic Methods in Applied Physics. Ed. by P. Krée & W. Wedig. Vol. 451. Lecture notes in physics. Springer–Verlag, 1995, pp. 239–269. [PDF]
  3. F. Campillo & É. Pardoux. “Numerical methods in ergodic optimal stochastic control and application”. In: Applied Stochastic Analysis, Rutgers University 1991. Ed. by I. Karatzas & D. Ocone. Vol. 177. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. Springer–Verlag, 1992, pp. 59–73. [PDF]
  4. F. Campillo, F. Le Gland & É. Pardoux. “Approximation of a stochastic ergodic control problem”. In: New Trends in Nonlinear Control Theory, Nantes 1988. Ed. by J. Descusse, M. Fliess, A. Isidori & D. Leborgne. Vol. 122. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. Springer–Verlag, 1989, pp. 379–395. [PDF]


  1. F. Campillo. The Gauss-Galerkin approximation method in nonlinear filtering. hal-039- 85941. English translation of “Fabien Campillo. La méthode d’approximation de Gauss- Galerkin en filtrage non linéaire. RAIRO M2AN, 20(2): 203-223, 1986”. [link]. 2023
  2. F. Campillo. Markovian individual-based models in computational ecology. Tech. rep. ANR project MODECOL – Intermediate report, June 2009.
  3. F. Campillo & L. Dudoignon. Un modèle probabiliste d’évolution de protéines. Rapport de Recherche RR-4332. INRIA, Dec. 2001. [link]
  4. F. Campillo, F. Cérou, F. L. Gland & R. Rakotozafy. Particle and cell approximations for nonlinear filtering. Rapport de Recherche RR-2567. INRIA, June 1995. [link]
  5. H. Bernier, F. Campillo, F. Cérou & F. L. Gland. Parallélisme de données et filtrage non linéaire – analyse de performance. Rapport Technique RT–167. INRIA, Nov. 1994. [link]
  6. F. Campillo & A. Traoré. Lyapunov exponents of controlled SDE’s and stabilizability property : Some examples. Rapport de Recherche RR–2397. INRIA, Nov. 1994. [link]
  7. F. Campillo, F. Le Gland & Y. Kutoyants. Asymptotics of the GLRT for the disorder problem in diffusion processes. Rapport de Recherche RR–1735. INRIA, July 1992. [link]
  8. F. Campillo. Optimal ergodic control of nonlinear stochastic systems. Rapport de Recherche RR–1257. INRIA, June 1990. [link]

Other publications

  1. F. Campillo, F. Cérou, F. L. Gland & R. Rakotozafy. “Algorithmes parallèles pour le filtrage non linéaire et les équations aux dérivées partielles stochastiques”. In: Bulletin de Liaison de la Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique 141. INRIA, 1993, pp. 21–24.

Theses & HDR

  1. F. Campillo. “Quelques applications des processus de diffusion: filtrage/statistique – contrôle – homogénéisation”. Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Rennes 1, 2004 [PDF].
  2. F Campillo. “Filtrage et Détection de Ruptures de Processus Partiellement Observées”, PhD thesis, Thèse de Troisième Cycle, Université de Provence, Marseille, 1984. [PDF]
  3. F. Campillo. “La méthode d’approximation de Gauss-Galerkin – Application à l’équation du filtrage non linéaire”, Mémoire de DEA, Université de Provence, 1982. Handwritten with a Rotring 🙂  [PDF]

Scientific dissemination

  1. A. Lesne, F. Campillo, and A. Rapaport. “Les biofilms bactériens: vers une modélisa- tion “hybride””. In: Systèmes complexes, de la biologie aux territoires. 23. Agropolis Fondation, 33. 2018. [link]
  2. F. Campillo. “Modélisation en dynamique des populations”. In: TDC – Textes et documents pour la classe 1062 (2013), pp. 26–27. [link] [PDF]
  3. J. Harmand, F. Campillo & B. Cherki. Recycler les eaux usées pour l’irrigation. Brève de Mathématiques de la Planète Terre. May 2013. [link]
  4. F. Campillo. “Simuler une forêt ?” In: Modéliser les plantes et leurs utilisations. LISA – Lettre de l’INRIA Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée, 2008. [PDF]

HAL publication list