I am currently PI of the 2MDS project [2024 & 2025]: In collaboration with Pierre Del Moral (team Astral, Inria Bordeaux), the Inria Exploratory Action 2MDS, Multiscale Modeling of Dravet Syndrome, aims to develop a multiscale modeling framework for channelopathies, a group of diseases caused by the dysfunction of ion channels or their interacting proteins, including the Dravet Syndrome, a severe form of child epilepsy.
This project will also have a substantial experimental component, conducted by our collaborator Serafim Rodrigues (MCEN, Bilbao), also in collaboration with Juan Manuel Encinas of the Basque center for neuroscience.
Recent projects
- [2017-2023] member of the Human Brain Project HBP SGA3 program.
- [2019-2022] NeuroTransmitter cycle: A Slow-Fast modeling approach (site). This associate-team project proposes to deepen the links between two research groups, namely MathNeuro (Inria Sophia Antipolis) and MCEN (BCAM, Bilbao), on strong Neuroscience thematics.
- [2013-2015] MNMs (Numerical Models for Microbial Ecosystems) of the National Network of Complex Systems.
- [2013-2014] NuWat (Numerics for water treatment research) Lirima project between University of Tlemcen / Inria /Inra [link].
- [2011-2013] Lirima project on the theme “modeling and management of natural resources” of Stic-Mada University of Fianarantsoa / University of Antananarivo / Inria / IRD.
- [2010-2011] MOMARE (Modelamiento Matematico por Manejo de Recursos Naturales), a South American/French scientific network around mathematics applied to different situa- tions of estimation and management of renewable resources (forests, fisheries) using deterministic or stochastic dynamic models. Partners: Universities in Chile (Santiago and Valparaiso), Peru, Argentina, Inria/Inra, Cermics ENPC, GREQAM Marseille.
- [2007-2008] ARC MICR (Stochastic modeling, numerical inference and control for the evaluation and management of renewable resources) Inria Cooperative Research Action (Arc) ”, Inria/Inra/Cirad/University of Montpellier/Cermics ENPC.
- [2009-2011] MODECOL (Using mathematical modeling to improve ecoLogical services of prairie ecosystems) project of the ANR program “Systèmes Complexes et Modélisation mathématique” (Syscomm). The project aims to develop mathematical and computer models of clonal plant ecosystems coupled with flow models in order to optimize the initial seeding and management of these systems for better ecological services provided by field margin strips, particularly for nitrate purification. See the page about the clonal plant simulation.