File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
calc_joint_angle.cppFunctions to calculate collar angles
calc_plate1_frame.cppFunction to calculate the homogenous transformation matrix for base link of collar
calc_points_in_base.cppFunction to convert coordinates of all points in tib structure on given collar to co-ordinates in frame fixed to left-most link of the collar
clean_opti_data.cppFunctions to clean Optical Marker Data and re-assign labels
convert_opti_to_mario.cppConvert optical markers coordinates to MARIONET frame
create-ficentre.h [code]
dataprocess.h [code]Functions to process data
ekf.h [code]
ekf_func.cppFile with functions necessary to perform necessary EKF steps
femur_ekf_begin.cppFile containing funtions to set initial values for kalman filter on femur
filter_accl_data.cppFunctions to filter accelerometer (accleration) data with active_wire system
filter_data.cppFile containing functions necessary to filter data
first_local_extrema.cppFind the first local extrema in the vector of doubles
foot-pressure.h [code]Header file to define data type for foot pressure sensor
generate_jacob_fem.cppFile to generate Jacobian matrix and measurement vector for EKF (for femur)
generate_jacob_theta_fem.cppFile to generate Jacobian matrix and measurement vector for EKF (for femur) to calculate collar joint angles
generate_jacob_theta_tib_low.cppFile to generate Jacobian matrix and measurement vector for EKF (for tibia lower collar) to calculate collar joint angles
get_trans_matrix.cppFunctions to find transfomations matrix for motion of >=3 points
init_accls.cppThis file contains the function definitions needed to initialize the accelerometers
init_accls.h [code]
load_accl_data.cppLoad Accelerometer Data for Postprocessing
load_active_data.cppLoad Active wire Data for Postprocessing
load_all_measures.cppFunctions to load all sensor data
load_collar_accl_data.cppLoad acclerometer data into tib/femur structure
load_collar_active_data.cppFunctions to load active wire data into tib/femur structures
load_collar_calibs.cppLoad Calibrated Collar Data:
load_collar_opti_data.cppLoad optical into tib/femur structures
load_collar_passive_data.cppFunctions to load passive wire data into tib/femur structures
load_mario_frame_opti.cppFunctions to load and convert from optical frame to MARIONET frame
load_opti_data.cppFunctions to load optical marker data into data vector
load_passive_data.cppLoad Active wire Data for Postprocessing
lowerleg.cppFile encapsulating all function files
lowerleg_func.cppFile with functions for reading tibia and femur from config file
lowerleg_func.h [code]Declarations for functions necessary to read structures from config files
lowerleg_struct.h [code]Structures for human leg measurement
matrix_tools.cppTools for matrix manipulation with GSL
matrix_tools.h [code]
postprocess.h [code]File with declarations for post-processing functions
quaternion-tools.cppFunctions for quaternion operations
read-foot-pressure.cppFunctions to read in-shoe pressure sensors into tibia structure
rotation-tools.cFunctions to calculate various Rotation matrices
run_kalman_fem_theta.cppFile containing funtions to implement kalman filter on femur
run_kalman_femur.cppFile containing funtions to implement kalman filter on femur
run_kalman_tib_low_theta.cppFile containing funtions to implement kalman filter on tibia lower collar to get theta angles
sync_opti_active.cppFunctions to sync optical and passive data with active_wire system
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