Welcome to the Ariana demos page. You can find here some demos which present our work. Demos from 1997 and before have been developed in the Pastis research group (1983-1997) from which Ariana is issued.
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 | Classification of high resolution SAR images using textural features (2011)
Authors : Aurélie Voisin, Vladimir Krylov, Josiane Zerubia Keywords : Texture, Markov Random Fields, Classification, Risk |
 | Classification of hyper-spectral images for skin lesions analysis (2010)
Authors : Sylvain Prigent, Xavier Descombes, Josiane Zerubia Keywords : Classification, Segmentation |
 | Multiple arbitrarily-shaped object extraction with marked point processes (2010)
Authors : Maria Kulikova, Ian Jermyn, Elena Zhizhina, Xavier Descombes, Josiane Zerubia Keywords : Active contours, Trees / Forest, Classification, Multiple object exctraction, Birth-and-death dynamics, Shape prior, Marked point process |
 | Parameter estimation for marked point processes (2010)
Authors : Saima Ben Hadj, Xavier Descombes, Josiane Zerubia Keywords : Object extraction, MCMC, Parameter Estimation, Trees / Forest, Building / Urban areas, Greater Flamingos |
 | ThinBlinDe: Blind deconvolution for confocal microscopy (2010)
Authors : Praveen Pankajakshan, Laure Blanc-Féraud, Josiane Zerubia Keywords : Parameter Estimation, Variational methods, Deconvolution |
 | Tree crown detection in very high spatial resolution optical and LiDAR data of tropical forest (2010)
Authors : Jia Zhou, Xavier Descombes, Ihsen Hedhli, Josiane Zerubia Keywords : Trees / Forest, Multiple object exctraction, Marked point process |
 | Tree species classification using radiometry, texture and shape (2010)
Authors : Maria Kulikova, Meena Mani, Anuj Srivastava, Xavier Descombes, Josiane Zerubia Keywords : Texture, Trees / Forest, Classification, Shapes, Radiometry |
 | Hierarchical Multiple Markov Chain Model for Unsupervised Texture Segmentation (2009)
Authors : Raffaele Gaetano, Giuseppe Scarpa, Josiane Zerubia Keywords : Texture, Multiscale Modeling, Building / Urban areas, Image decomposition, Classification, Segmentation |
 | Stochastic approaches for 3D building reconstruction (2008)
Authors : Florent Lafarge, Xavier Descombes, Josiane Zerubia Keywords : Object extraction, MCMC, Building / Urban areas, 3D Reconstruction |
 | Automatic detection of flamingos using marked point processes (2008)
Authors : Stig Descamps, Xavier Descombes, Josiane Zerubia Keywords : Object extraction, Stochastic Geometry, Greater Flamingos |
 | Burnt area detection after a forest fire from a single post-fire SPOT 5 satellite image by SVM techniques (2008)
Authors : Olivier Zammit, Xavier Descombes, Josiane Zerubia Keywords : Markov Random Fields, Trees / Forest, Classification, Segmentation |
 | Tree crown extraction in dense and sparse vegetation (2006)
Authors : Guillaume Perrin, Xavier Descombes, Josiane Zerubia Keywords : Object extraction, Stochastic Geometry, MCMC, Trees / Forest |
 | Forest Fire detection by statistical analysis of rare events from TIR satellite images (2005)
Authors : Florent Lafarge, Xavier Descombes, Josiane Zerubia Keywords : Trees / Forest, Classification, Gaussian Random Fields |
 | Higher-order active contours (2005)
Authors : Marie Rochery, Ian Jermyn, Josiane Zerubia Keywords : Object extraction, Active contours, Line networks, Roads, High Order Active Contours |
 | Higher-order active contours for gap closure (2005)
Authors : Marie Rochery, Ian Jermyn, Josiane Zerubia Keywords : Object extraction, Active contours, Line networks, Roads, High Order Active Contours |
 | Phase field models and higher-order active contours (2005)
Authors : Marie Rochery, Ian Jermyn, Josiane Zerubia Keywords : Object extraction, Line networks, Roads, High Order Active Contours |
 | Tree crown extraction using marked point processes (2005)
Authors : Guillaume Perrin, Xavier Descombes, Josiane Zerubia Keywords : Object extraction, Stochastic Geometry, MCMC, Trees / Forest |
 | Building Extraction From Digital Elevation Models Using Marked Point Processes (2004)
Authors : Mathias Ortner, Xavier Descombes, Josiane Zerubia Keywords : Object extraction, Stochastic Geometry, MCMC, Building / Urban areas, 3D Reconstruction |
 | CHIEN model : Non-supervised segmentation of SPOT images (2004)
Authors : Xavier Descombes, Josiane Zerubia Keywords : MCMC, Markov Random Fields, Parameter Estimation, Classification |
 | Quality Candy model : Road networks extraction using Markov Point processes (2004)
Authors : Josiane Zerubia, Xavier Descombes, Caroline Lacoste Keywords : Object extraction, Stochastic Geometry, MCMC, Line networks, Roads |
 | Texture Description and Segmentation (2003)
Authors : Ian Jermyn, Josiane Zerubia, Karen Brady Keywords : Wavelets, Texture, Classification, Segmentation |
 | Markovian modeling for hyperspectral textures analysis (2002)
Authors : Josiane Zerubia, Xavier Descombes, Guillaume Rellier Keywords : Texture, Markov Random Fields, Parameter Estimation, Building / Urban areas, Classification, Gaussian Random Fields |
 | Candy model : Road extraction using stochastic geometry (2000)
Authors : Josiane Zerubia, Xavier Descombes, Radu Stoica Keywords : Object extraction, Stochastic Geometry, MCMC, Line networks, Roads |
 | Cowpath : Satellite image deconvolution using complex wavelet packets (2000)
Authors : Josiane Zerubia, Laure Blanc-Féraud, Andre Jalobeanu Keywords : Wavelets, Parameter Estimation, Deconvolution |
 | Extraction of Lines on Satellite Images with Energy per Region (1999)
Auteur : Josiane Zerubia Keywords : Line networks, Roads, Variational methods, Dynamic Programing |
 | Indexing and segmentation of textured images using the 2D Wold decomposition (1999)
Authors : Josiane Zerubia, Xavier Descombes, Radu Stoica Keywords : Indexing, Classification |
 | Registration and Deformation of a Cartographic Road Network on a SPOT Satellite Image (1999)
Authors : Guillaume Rellier, Josiane Zerubia, Xavier Descombes Keywords : MCMC, Markov Random Fields, Parameter Estimation, Roads |
 | Supervised classification of SPOT images using a level set model (1999)
Authors : Laure Blanc-Féraud, Josiane Zerubia, Gilles Aubert, Christophe Samson Keywords : Active contours, Variational methods, Classification |
 | Correspondence of road networks according to a map / SPOT image pair (1998)
Authors : Christine Hivernat, Xavier Descombes, Josiane Zerubia Keywords : Markov Random Fields, Line networks, Roads |
 | Extraction of urban areas (simulated SPOT5 images) (1998)
Authors : Xavier Descombes, Josiane Zerubia, Anne Lorette Keywords : Texture, Markov Random Fields, Building / Urban areas, Classification |
 | Parameter estimation for satellite image deconvolution by a MCMCML method (1998)
Authors : Josiane Zerubia, Laure Blanc-Féraud, Andre Jalobeanu Keywords : MCMC, Markov Random Fields, Parameter Estimation, Variational methods, Deconvolution |
 | Supervised classification of SPOT images using Gamma-convergence theory (1998)
Authors : Josiane Zerubia, Gilles Aubert, Laure Blanc-Féraud, Christophe Samson Keywords : Variational methods, Classification |