Publications of year 2000


  1. Karl Krissian. Traitement multi-échelle : Applications à l'imagerie médicale et à la détection tridimensionnelle de vaisseaux. Thèse de sciences, université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, janvier 2000.
    author = {Karl Krissian},
    month = {janvier},
    school = {universit\'e de Nice Sophia-Antipolis},
    title = {Traitement multi-\'echelle : Applications \`a l'imagerie m\'edicale et \`a la d\'etection tridimensionnelle de vaisseaux},
    type = {Th\`ese de sciences},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2000} 

Articles in journal, book chapters

  1. N. Ayache. Imagerie et robotique médicales: du microscope informatique au simulateur de chirurgie. Technique et Science Informatiques, 19(1), January 2000.
    author = {N. Ayache},
    journal = {Technique et Science Informatiques},
    month = {January},
    number = {1},
    title = {Imagerie et robotique m\'edicales: du microscope informatique au simulateur de chirurgie},
    volume = {19},
    year = {2000} 

  2. S. Cotin, H. Delingette, and N. Ayache. A Hybrid Elastic Model allowing Real-Time Cutting, Deformations and Force-Feedback for Surgery Training and Simulation. The Visual Computer, 16(8):437-452, 2000. Keyword(s): journal, simulation.
    author = {S. Cotin and H. Delingette and N. Ayache},
    journal = {The Visual Computer},
    keywords = {journal, simulation},
    number = {8},
    pages = {437--452},
    title = {A Hybrid Elastic Model allowing Real-Time Cutting, Deformations and Force-Feedback for Surgery Training and Simulation},
    url = {},
    volume = {16},
    year = {2000} 

  3. J. Duncan and N. Ayache. Medical Image Analysis: Progress over two decades and the challenges ahead. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 22(1):85-106, 2000.
    author = {J. Duncan and N. Ayache},
    journal = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
    number = {1},
    pages = {85--106},
    title = {Medical Image Analysis: Progress over two decades and the challenges ahead},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {22},
    year = {2000} 

  4. M. A. González Ballester, A. Zisserman, and M. Brady. Segmentation and Measurement of Brain Structures in MRI Including Confidence Bounds. Medical Image Analysis, 4(3):189-200, 2000.
    author = {Gonz\'alez Ballester, M. A. and A. Zisserman and M. Brady},
    journal = {Medical Image Analysis},
    number = {3},
    pages = {189--200},
    publisher = {Elsevier},
    title = {Segmentation and Measurement of Brain Structures in MRI Including Confidence Bounds},
    url = {},
    volume = {4},
    year = {2000} 

  5. A. Guimond, J. Meunier, and J.-P. Thirion. Average Brain Models: A Convergence Study. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 77(2):192-210, 2000. Keyword(s): atlas.
    author = {A. Guimond and J. Meunier and J.-P. Thirion},
    journal = {Computer Vision and Image Understanding},
    keywords = {atlas},
    number = {2},
    pages = {192-210},
    title = {Average Brain Models: A Convergence Study},
    volume = {77},
    year = {2000} 

  6. K. Krissian, G. Malandain, N. Ayache, R. Vaillant, and Y. Trousset. Model-Based Detection of Tubular Structures in 3D Images. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 80(2):130-171, 2000. Keyword(s): filtering, vessel detection, multiscale analysis, segmentation.
    Detection of tubular structures in 3D images is an important issue for vascular detection in medical imaging. We present in this paper a new approach for centerline detection and reconstruction of 3D tubular structures. Several models of vessels are introduced for estimating the sensivity of the image second order derivatives according to elliptical cross-section, to curvature of the axis, or to partial volume effects. Our approach uses a multiscale analysis for extracting vessels of different sizes according to the scale. For a given model of vessel, we derive an analytic expression of the relationship between the radius of the structure and the scale at which it is detected. The algorithm gives both centerline extraction and radius estimation of the vessels allowing their reconstruction. The method has been tested on both synthetic and real images, with encouraging results. This work was done in collaboration with GEMS (General Electric Medical Systems, Buc, France).

    abstract = {Detection of tubular structures in 3D images is an important issue for vascular detection in medical imaging. We present in this paper a new approach for centerline detection and reconstruction of 3D tubular structures. Several models of vessels are introduced for estimating the sensivity of the image second order derivatives according to elliptical cross-section, to curvature of the axis, or to partial volume effects. Our approach uses a multiscale analysis for extracting vessels of different sizes according to the scale. For a given model of vessel, we derive an analytic expression of the relationship between the radius of the structure and the scale at which it is detected. The algorithm gives both centerline extraction and radius estimation of the vessels allowing their reconstruction. The method has been tested on both synthetic and real images, with encouraging results. This work was done in collaboration with GEMS (General Electric Medical Systems, Buc, France).},
    author = {K. Krissian and G. Malandain and N. Ayache and R. Vaillant and Y. Trousset},
    journal = {Computer Vision and Image Understanding},
    keywords = {filtering, vessel detection, multiscale analysis, segmentation},
    number = {2},
    pages = {130--171},
    title = {Model-Based Detection of Tubular Structures in 3D Images},
    url = {},
    volume = {80},
    year = {2000} 

  7. A. Roche, G. Malandain, and N. Ayache. Unifying Maximum Likelihood Approaches in Medical Image Registration. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 11(1):71-80, 2000. Note: Special Issue on 3D Imaging. Keyword(s): registration, matching, similarity measures.
    author = {A. Roche and G. Malandain and N. Ayache},
    hal-identifiant = {cea-00333642},
    journal = {International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology},
    keywords = {registration, matching, similarity measures},
    note = {Special Issue on 3D Imaging},
    number = {1},
    pages = {71--80},
    postscript = {},
    publisher = {John Wiley and Sons, inc.},
    title = {Unifying Maximum Likelihood Approaches in Medical Image Registration},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    volume = {11},
    year = {2000} 

  8. L Soler, H Delingette, G Malandain, N Ayache, C Koehl, J M Clement, O Dourthe, and J Marescaux. An automatic virtual patient reconstruction from CT-scans for hepatic surgical planning. Stud Health Technol Inform, 70:316-22, 2000. Keyword(s): Computer Graphics, Computer Simulation, Hepatectomy, Human, Image Processing Computer-Assisted, Liver Diseases, radiography, Tomography X-Ray Computed, User-Computer Interface.
    PROBLEM/BACKGROUND: In order to help hepatic surgical planning we perfected automatic 3D reconstruction of patients from conventional CT-scan, and interactive visualization and virtual resection tools. TOOLS AND METHODS: From a conventional abdominal CT-scan, we have developed several methods allowing the automatic 3D reconstruction of skin, bones, kidneys, lung, liver, hepatic lesions, and vessels. These methods are based on deformable modeling or thresholding algorithms followed by the application of mathematical morphological operators. From these anatomical and pathological models, we have developed a new framework for translating anatomical knowledge into geometrical and topological constraints. More precisely, our approach allows to automatically delineate the hepatic and portal veins but also to label the portal vein and finally to build an anatomical segmentation of the liver based on Couinaud definition which is currently used by surgeons all over the world. Finally, we have developed a user friendly interface for the 3D visualization of anatomical and pathological structures, the accurate evaluation of volumes and distances and for the virtual hepatic resection along a user-defined cutting plane. RESULTS: A validation study on a 30 patients database gives 2 mm of precision for liver delineation and less than 1 mm for all other anatomical and pathological structures delineation. An in vivo validation performed during surgery also showed that anatomical segmentation is more precise than the delineation performed by a surgeon based on external landmarks. This surgery planning system has been routinely used by our medical partner, and this has resulted in an improvement of the planning and performance of hepatic surgery procedures. CONCLUSION: We have developed new tools for hepatic surgical planning allowing a better surgery through an automatic delineation and visualization of anatomical and pathological structures. These tools represent a first step towards the development of an augmented reality system combined with computer assisted tele-robotical surgery.

    abstract = {PROBLEM/BACKGROUND: In order to help hepatic surgical planning we perfected automatic 3D reconstruction of patients from conventional CT-scan, and interactive visualization and virtual resection tools. TOOLS AND METHODS: From a conventional abdominal CT-scan, we have developed several methods allowing the automatic 3D reconstruction of skin, bones, kidneys, lung, liver, hepatic lesions, and vessels. These methods are based on deformable modeling or thresholding algorithms followed by the application of mathematical morphological operators. From these anatomical and pathological models, we have developed a new framework for translating anatomical knowledge into geometrical and topological constraints. More precisely, our approach allows to automatically delineate the hepatic and portal veins but also to label the portal vein and finally to build an anatomical segmentation of the liver based on Couinaud definition which is currently used by surgeons all over the world. Finally, we have developed a user friendly interface for the 3D visualization of anatomical and pathological structures, the accurate evaluation of volumes and distances and for the virtual hepatic resection along a user-defined cutting plane. RESULTS: A validation study on a 30 patients database gives 2 mm of precision for liver delineation and less than 1 mm for all other anatomical and pathological structures delineation. An in vivo validation performed during surgery also showed that anatomical segmentation is more precise than the delineation performed by a surgeon based on external landmarks. This surgery planning system has been routinely used by our medical partner, and this has resulted in an improvement of the planning and performance of hepatic surgery procedures. CONCLUSION: We have developed new tools for hepatic surgical planning allowing a better surgery through an automatic delineation and visualization of anatomical and pathological structures. These tools represent a first step towards the development of an augmented reality system combined with computer assisted tele-robotical surgery.},
    author = {L Soler and H Delingette and G Malandain and N Ayache and C Koehl and J M Clement and O Dourthe and J Marescaux},
    journal = {Stud Health Technol Inform},
    keywords = {Computer Graphics, Computer Simulation, Hepatectomy, Human, Image Processing Computer-Assisted, Liver Diseases, radiography, Tomography X-Ray Computed, User-Computer Interface},
    pages = {316-22},
    title = {An automatic virtual patient reconstruction from CT-scans for hepatic surgical planning},
    url = {},
    volume = {70},
    year = {2000} 

  9. J.-P. Thirion, S. Prima, G. Subsol, and N. Roberts. Statistical Analysis of Normal and Abnormal Dissymmetry in Volumetric Medical Images. Medical Image Analysis, 4(2):111-121, June 2000. Keyword(s): Aphasia, pathology, Brain, anatomy & histology, Computer Simulation, Epilepsies Partial, pathology, Human, Image Processing Computer-Assisted, Imaging Three-Dimensional, Laterality, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Male.
    We present a general method to study the dissymmetry of anatomical structures such as those found in the human brain. Our method relies on the estimate of 3D dissymmetry fields, the use of 3D vector field operators, and T2 statistics to compute significance maps. We also present a fully automated implementation of this method which relies mainly on the intensive use of a 3D non-rigid inter-patient matching tool. Such a tool is applied successively between the images and their symmetric versions with respect to an arbitrary plane, both to realign the images with respect to the mid-plane of the subject and to compute a dense 3D dissymmetry map. Inter-patient matching is also used to fuse the data of a population of subjects. We then describe three main application fields: the study of the normal dissymmetry within a given population, the comparison of the dissymmetry between two populations, and the detection of the significant abnormal dissymmetries of a patient with respect to a reference population. Finally, we present preliminary results illustrating these three applications for the case of the human brain.

    abstract = {We present a general method to study the dissymmetry of anatomical structures such as those found in the human brain. Our method relies on the estimate of 3D dissymmetry fields, the use of 3D vector field operators, and T2 statistics to compute significance maps. We also present a fully automated implementation of this method which relies mainly on the intensive use of a 3D non-rigid inter-patient matching tool. Such a tool is applied successively between the images and their symmetric versions with respect to an arbitrary plane, both to realign the images with respect to the mid-plane of the subject and to compute a dense 3D dissymmetry map. Inter-patient matching is also used to fuse the data of a population of subjects. We then describe three main application fields: the study of the normal dissymmetry within a given population, the comparison of the dissymmetry between two populations, and the detection of the significant abnormal dissymmetries of a patient with respect to a reference population. Finally, we present preliminary results illustrating these three applications for the case of the human brain.},
    author = {J.-P. Thirion and S. Prima and G. Subsol and N. Roberts},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00073511},
    journal = {Medical Image Analysis},
    keywords = {Aphasia, pathology, Brain, anatomy & histology, Computer Simulation, Epilepsies Partial, pathology, Human, Image Processing Computer-Assisted, Imaging Three-Dimensional, Laterality, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Male},
    month = {June},
    number = {2},
    pages = {111--121},
    title = {Statistical Analysis of Normal and Abnormal Dissymmetry in Volumetric Medical Images},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    volume = {4},
    year = {2000} 

  10. Xavier Pennec, Nicholas Ayache, and Jean-Philippe Thirion. Landmark-based registration using features identified through differential geometry. In I. Bankman, editor, Handbook of Medical Imaging, chapter 31, pages 499-513. Academic Press, September 2000. Keyword(s): registration, matching, validation, uncertainty.
    author = {Xavier Pennec and Nicholas Ayache and Jean-Philippe Thirion},
    booktitle = {Handbook of Medical Imaging},
    chapter = {31},
    editor = {I. Bankman},
    keywords = {registration, matching, validation, uncertainty},
    month = {September},
    pages = {499--513},
    postscript = {},
    publisher = {Academic Press},
    title = {Landmark-based registration using features identified through differential geometry},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2000} 

Conference articles

  1. E. Bardinet, S. Fernández-Vidal, S. Damas, G. Malandain, and N. Perez de la Blanca Capilla. Structural Object Matching. In Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS 2000), Baden-Baden, Allemagne, August 2000.
    address = {Baden-Baden, Allemagne},
    author = {E. Bardinet and S. Fern\'andez-Vidal and S. Damas and G. Malandain and de la Blanca Capilla, N. Perez},
    booktitle = {Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS 2000)},
    month = {August},
    title = {Structural Object Matching},
    year = {2000} 

  2. Pascal Cachier and Xavier Pennec. 3D Non-Rigid Registration by Gradient Descent on a Gaussian-Windowed Similarity Measure using Convolutions. In Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (MMBIA'00), Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA, pages 182-189, June 2000. IEEE Computer society. Keyword(s): registration, matching, multimodal, magnetic resonance, deformations.
    address = {Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA},
    author = {Pascal Cachier and Xavier Pennec},
    booktitle = {Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (MMBIA'00)},
    doi = {10.1109/MMBIA.2000.852376},
    keywords = {registration, matching, multimodal, magnetic resonance, deformations},
    month = {June},
    pages = {182--189},
    postscript = {},
    publisher = {IEEE Computer society},
    title = {3D Non-Rigid Registration by Gradient Descent on a Gaussian-Windowed Similarity Measure using Convolutions},
    url = {},
    year = {2000} 

  3. P. Cachier and D. Rey. Symmetrization of the Non-Rigid Registration Probem using Inversion-Invariant Energies: Application to Multiple Sclerosis. In A.M. DiGioia and S. Delp, editors, Third International Conference on Medical Robotics, Imaging And Computer Assisted Surgery (MICCAI 2000), volume 1935 of Lectures Notes in Computer Science, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanie USA, octobre 11-14 2000. Springer. Keyword(s): registration, matching, magnetic resonance, deformations.
    address = {Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanie USA},
    author = {P. Cachier and D. Rey},
    booktitle = {Third International Conference on Medical Robotics, Imaging And Computer Assisted Surgery (MICCAI 2000)},
    editor = {A.M. DiGioia and S. Delp},
    keywords = {registration, matching, magnetic resonance, deformations},
    month = {octobre 11-14},
    postscript = {},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {Lectures Notes in Computer Science},
    title = {Symmetrization of the Non-Rigid Registration Probem using Inversion-Invariant Energies: Application to Multiple Sclerosis},
    url = {},
    volume = {1935},
    year = {2000} 

  4. A. C. F. Colchester, S. Ourselin, Y. Zhu, E. Bardinet, Y. He, A. Roche, S. Al-Sarraj, B. Nailon, J. Ironside, and N. Ayache. 3-D Reconstruction of Macroscopic Optical Brain Slice Images. In A.M. DiGioia and S. Delp, editors, Third International Conference on Medical Robotics, Imaging And Computer Assisted Surgery (MICCAI 2000), volume 1935 of Lectures Notes in Computer Science, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanie USA, octobre 11-14 2000. Springer. Keyword(s): registration, matching, histology, MRI.
    address = {Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanie USA},
    author = {A. C. F. Colchester and S. Ourselin and Y. Zhu and E. Bardinet and Y. He and A. Roche and S. Al-Sarraj and B. Nailon and J. Ironside and N. Ayache},
    booktitle = {Third International Conference on Medical Robotics, Imaging And Computer Assisted Surgery (MICCAI 2000)},
    editor = {A.M. DiGioia and S. Delp},
    keywords = {registration, matching, histology, MRI},
    month = {octobre 11-14},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {Lectures Notes in Computer Science},
    title = {3-D Reconstruction of Macroscopic Optical Brain Slice Images},
    volume = {1935},
    year = {2000} 

  5. H. Delingette. Surgery Simulation. In Fourth IEEE EMBS International Summer School on Biomedical Imaging, Berder, France, June 2000. IEEE EMBS.
    address = {Berder, France},
    author = {H. Delingette},
    booktitle = {Fourth IEEE EMBS International Summer School on Biomedical Imaging},
    month = {June},
    organization = {IEEE EMBS},
    title = {Surgery Simulation},
    year = {2000} 

  6. H. Delingette and J. Montagnat. New Algorithms for Controlling Active Contours Shape and Topology. In D. Vernon, editor, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'2000), number 1843 of LNCS, Dublin, Ireland, pages 381-395, June 2000. Springer. Keyword(s): conference, regularization.
    address = {Dublin, Ireland},
    author = {H. Delingette and J. Montagnat},
    booktitle = {European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'2000)},
    editor = {D. Vernon},
    keywords = {conference, regularization},
    month = {June},
    number = {1843},
    pages = {381-395},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {New Algorithms for Controlling Active Contours Shape and Topology},
    url = {},
    year = {2000} 

  7. I. Dygai, J. Stoeckel, O. Migneco, Ph. Desvignes, G. Malandain, N. Ayache, M. Chatel, F. Fauchon, M. Frenay, J. Darcourt, and F. Bussière. SPM Analysis Applied to MIBI-SPECT for the Diagnosis of Recurrent Oligodendrogliomas. In European Association of Nuclear Medicine Meeting, Paris, France, August 2000. Note: European Journal of Nuclear Medecine 27(8):1144.
    address = {Paris, France},
    author = {I. Dygai and J. Stoeckel and O. Migneco and Ph. Desvignes and G. Malandain and N. Ayache and M. Chatel and F. Fauchon and M. Frenay and J. Darcourt and F. Bussi\`ere},
    booktitle = {European Association of Nuclear Medicine Meeting},
    month = {August},
    note = {European Journal of Nuclear Medecine 27(8):1144},
    title = {SPM Analysis Applied to MIBI-SPECT for the Diagnosis of Recurrent Oligodendrogliomas},
    year = {2000} 

  8. D. Etienne, A. Stankoff, X. Pennec, S. Granger, A. Lacan, and R. Derycke. A new approach for dental implant aided surgery. A pilot evaluation. In H.U. Lemke, M.W. Vannier, K. Inamura, A.G. Farman, and K. Doi, editors, Proc. of CARS'2000, pages 927-931, 2000. Elsevier. Keyword(s): validation, odontology.
    author = {D. Etienne and A. Stankoff and X. Pennec and S. Granger and A. Lacan and R. Derycke},
    booktitle = {Proc. of CARS'2000},
    editor = {H.U. Lemke and M.W. Vannier and K. Inamura and A.G. Farman and K. Doi},
    keywords = {validation, odontology},
    pages = {927--931},
    publisher = {Elsevier},
    title = {A new approach for dental implant aided surgery. A pilot evaluation},
    year = {2000} 

  9. S. Fernández-Vidal, E. Bardinet, G. Malandain, S. Damas, and N.P. de la Blanca Capilla. Object Representation and Comparison Inferred from Its Medial Axis. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2000), volume 1, Barcelone, Espagne, pages 1712-1715, septembre 2000. Keyword(s): euclidean skeleton, medial axis transform, topological characterisation, shape analysis, object representation, object comparison, ARG, graph matching.
    The skeleton and its associated medial axis give a very compact representation of objects, even in the case of complex shapes and topologies. They are powerful shape descriptors, bridging the gap between low-level and highlevel object representations. Surprisingly, skeletons have been used in a relatively small number of applications. This work deals with the question of using the potential strength of the skeleton and the medial axis. From the medial axis, we build adequate attributed relational graphs to organize in a structured way informations about object shape and topology contained in the medial axis. This representation then permits to compare in a meaningful way various objects using a graph matching algorithm. Synthetic results are presented.

    abstract = {The skeleton and its associated medial axis give a very compact representation of objects, even in the case of complex shapes and topologies. They are powerful shape descriptors, bridging the gap between low-level and highlevel object representations. Surprisingly, skeletons have been used in a relatively small number of applications. This work deals with the question of using the potential strength of the skeleton and the medial axis. From the medial axis, we build adequate attributed relational graphs to organize in a structured way informations about object shape and topology contained in the medial axis. This representation then permits to compare in a meaningful way various objects using a graph matching algorithm. Synthetic results are presented.},
    address = {Barcelone, Espagne},
    author = {S. Fern\'andez-Vidal and E. Bardinet and G. Malandain and S. Damas and de la Blanca Capilla, N.P.},
    booktitle = {International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2000)},
    keywords = {euclidean skeleton, medial axis transform, topological characterisation, shape analysis, object representation, object comparison, ARG, graph matching},
    month = {septembre},
    pages = {1712--1715},
    title = {Object Representation and Comparison Inferred from Its Medial Axis},
    url = {},
    volume = {1},
    year = {2000} 

  10. M.G. Linguraru and I. Moisil. CT Image Segmentation Graphic Tool. In Proceedings of International Conference on Technological Advancements in Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, Cluj Napoca, 2000.
    address = {Cluj Napoca},
    author = {M.G. Linguraru and I. Moisil},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference on Technological Advancements in Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics},
    title = {CT Image Segmentation Graphic Tool},
    year = {2000} 

  11. Y. Machida, Y. Kassai, Y. Hamamura, M. A. González Ballester, S. Kuhara, and M. Miyazaki. High Speed Imaging Using Multiple RF Coils for FASE Non-Contrast-Enhanced Blood Flow Imaging (in Japanese). In 28th Meeting of the Japanese Journal of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine JMRM, Kyoto, Japan, 2000.
    address = {Kyoto, Japan},
    author = {Y. Machida and Y. Kassai and Y. Hamamura and Gonz\'alez Ballester, M. A. and S. Kuhara and M. Miyazaki},
    booktitle = {28th Meeting of the Japanese Journal of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine JMRM},
    title = {High Speed Imaging Using Multiple RF Coils for FASE Non-Contrast-Enhanced Blood Flow Imaging (in Japanese)},
    year = {2000} 

  12. O. Migneco, G. Malandain, A. Roche, I. Dygai, F. Bussière, N. Ayache, and J. Darcourt. Absolute calibration of HMPAO SPECT using Xenon-133. In European Association of Nuclear Medicine Meeting, Paris, France, August 2000. Note: European Journal of Nuclear Medecine 27(8):967.
    address = {Paris, France},
    author = {O. Migneco and G. Malandain and A. Roche and I. Dygai and F. Bussi\`ere and N. Ayache and J. Darcourt},
    booktitle = {European Association of Nuclear Medicine Meeting},
    month = {August},
    note = {European Journal of Nuclear Medecine 27(8):967},
    title = {Absolute calibration of HMPAO SPECT using Xenon-133},
    year = {2000} 

  13. M. Miyazaki, H. Takai, H. Kanazawa, M. A. González Ballester, Y. Machida, and S. Sugiura. Applications of Non-Enhanced MRA: a Dual-Phase Acquisition, Functional MRA, and an RF Subencoding Acquisition. In 12th International Workshop on Magnetic Resonance Angiography, Lyon, France, 2000.
    address = {Lyon, France},
    author = {M. Miyazaki and H. Takai and H. Kanazawa and Gonz\'alez Ballester, M. A. and Y. Machida and S. Sugiura},
    booktitle = {12th International Workshop on Magnetic Resonance Angiography},
    title = {Applications of Non-Enhanced MRA: a Dual-Phase Acquisition, Functional MRA, and an RF Subencoding Acquisition},
    year = {2000} 

  14. J. Montagnat and H. Delingette. Space and Time Shape Constrained Deformable Surfaces for 4D Medical Image Segmentation. In Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'2000), volume 1935 of Lectures Notes in Computer Science, Pittsburgh, USA, pages 196-205, October 2000. Springer. Keyword(s): conference, reconstruction.
    address = {Pittsburgh, USA},
    author = {J. Montagnat and H. Delingette},
    booktitle = {Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'2000)},
    keywords = {conference, reconstruction},
    month = {October},
    pages = {196--205},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {Lectures Notes in Computer Science},
    title = {Space and Time Shape Constrained Deformable Surfaces for 4D Medical Image Segmentation},
    url = {},
    volume = {1935},
    year = {2000} 

  15. S. Ourselin, A. Roche, S. Prima, and N. Ayache. Block Matching: A General Framework to Improve Robustness of Rigid Registration of Medical Images. In A.M. DiGioia and S. Delp, editors, Third International Conference on Medical Robotics, Imaging And Computer Assisted Surgery (MICCAI 2000), volume 1935 of Lectures Notes in Computer Science, Pittsburgh, Penn, USA, pages 557-566, octobre 11-14 2000. Springer. Keyword(s): registration, matching, histology, MRI.
    address = {Pittsburgh, Penn, USA},
    author = {S. Ourselin and A. Roche and S. Prima and N. Ayache},
    booktitle = {Third International Conference on Medical Robotics, Imaging And Computer Assisted Surgery (MICCAI 2000)},
    editor = {A.M. DiGioia and S. Delp},
    keywords = {registration, matching, histology, MRI},
    month = {octobre 11-14},
    pages = {557--566},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {Lectures Notes in Computer Science},
    title = {Block Matching: A General Framework to Improve Robustness of Rigid Registration of Medical Images},
    url = {},
    volume = {1935},
    year = {2000} 

  16. G. Picinbono, H. Delingette, and N. Ayache. Real-Time Large Displacement Elasticity for Surgery Simulation: Non-Linear Tensor-Mass Model. In Third International Conference on Medical Robotics, Imaging And Computer Assisted Surgery: MICCAI 2000, pages 643-652, October 2000. Keyword(s): conference, simulation.
    author = {G. Picinbono and H. Delingette and N. Ayache},
    booktitle = {Third International Conference on Medical Robotics, Imaging And Computer Assisted Surgery: MICCAI 2000},
    keywords = {conference, simulation},
    month = {October},
    pages = {643--652},
    pdf = {},
    title = {Real-Time Large Displacement Elasticity for Surgery Simulation: Non-Linear Tensor-Mass Model},
    year = {2000} 

  17. G. Picinbono, J.-C. Lombardo, H. Delingette, and N. Ayache. Anisotropic Elasticity and Forces Extrapolation to Improve Realism of Surgery Simulation. In ICRA2000: IEEE International Conference Robotics and Automation, San Francisco USA, pages 596-602, April 2000. Keyword(s): conference, simulation.
    address = {San Francisco USA},
    author = {G. Picinbono and J.-C. Lombardo and H. Delingette and N. Ayache},
    booktitle = {ICRA2000: IEEE International Conference Robotics and Automation},
    keywords = {conference, simulation},
    month = {April},
    pages = {596--602},
    pdf = {},
    title = {Anisotropic Elasticity and Forces Extrapolation to Improve Realism of Surgery Simulation},
    year = {2000} 

  18. S. Prima, S. Ourselin, and N. Ayache. Computation of the Mid-Sagittal Plane in 3D Images of the Brain. In D. Vernon, editor, Sixth European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV'2000, volume 1842-3 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Dublin, Irlande, pages 685-701, June/July 2000. Springer. Note: Http://
    address = {Dublin, Irlande},
    author = {S. Prima and S. Ourselin and N. Ayache},
    booktitle = {Sixth European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV'2000},
    editor = {D. Vernon},
    month = {June/July},
    note = {},
    pages = {685--701},
    postscript = {},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
    title = {Computation of the Mid-Sagittal Plane in 3D Images of the Brain},
    url = {},
    volume = {1842-3},
    year = {2000} 

  19. A. Roche, A. Guimond, N. Ayache, and J. Meunier. Multimodal Elastic Matching of Brain Images. In Computer Vision - ECCV 2000, volume 1843 of LNCS, Dublin, Irlande, pages 511-527, June 2000. Springer.
    address = {Dublin, Irlande},
    author = {A. Roche and A. Guimond and N. Ayache and J. Meunier},
    booktitle = {Computer Vision - ECCV 2000},
    month = {June},
    pages = {511-527},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {Multimodal Elastic Matching of Brain Images},
    url = {},
    volume = {1843},
    year = {2000} 

  20. A. Roche, X. Pennec, M. Rudolph, D. P. Auer, G. Malandain, S. Ourselin, L. M. Auer, and N. Ayache. Generalized Correlation Ratio for Rigid Registration of 3D Ultrasound with MR Images. In A.M. DiGioia and S. Delp, editors, Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'00), volume 1935 of LNCS, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanie, USA, pages 567-577, October 11-14 2000. Note: Published in IEEE TMI 20(10), oct. 2001, p. 25-31. Keyword(s): registration, matching, multimodal, magnetic resonance, ultrasound, correlation ratio.
    address = {Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanie, USA},
    author = {A. Roche and X. Pennec and M. Rudolph and D. P. Auer and G. Malandain and S. Ourselin and L. M. Auer and N. Ayache},
    booktitle = {Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'00)},
    editor = {A.M. DiGioia and S. Delp},
    keywords = {registration, matching, multimodal, magnetic resonance, ultrasound, correlation ratio},
    month = {October 11-14},
    note = {Published in IEEE TMI 20(10), oct. 2001, p. 25-31},
    pages = {567--577},
    postscript = {},
    series = {LNCS},
    title = {Generalized Correlation Ratio for Rigid Registration of 3D Ultrasound with MR Images},
    url = {},
    volume = {1935},
    year = {2000} 

  21. L. Soler, J.-M. Clément, C. Koehl, H. Delingette, G. Malandain, N. Ayache, O. Dourthe, and J. Marescaux. An Automatic Virtual Patient Reconstruction from CT-Scans for Hepatic Surgical Planning. In Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR'2000), Studies in Health Technology and Informatic, Los Angeles, January 2000. IOS press. Keyword(s): conference, reconstruction.
    address = {Los Angeles},
    author = {L. Soler and J.-M. Cl\'ement and C. Koehl and H. Delingette and G. Malandain and N. Ayache and O. Dourthe and J. Marescaux},
    booktitle = {Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR'2000)},
    keywords = {conference, reconstruction},
    month = {January},
    publisher = {IOS press},
    series = {Studies in Health Technology and Informatic},
    title = {An Automatic Virtual Patient Reconstruction from CT-Scans for Hepatic Surgical Planning},
    year = {2000} 

  22. L. Soler, H. Delingette, G. Malandain, J. Montagnat, N. Ayache, J.-M. Clément, C. Koehl, O. Dourthe, D. Mutter, and J. Marescaux. A Fully Automatic Anatomical, Pathological and Fonctionnal Segmentation from CT-scans for Hepatic Surgery. In Medical Imaging 2000, SPIE proceedings, San Diego, pages 246-255, February 2000. SPIE. Keyword(s): conference, reconstruction.
    address = {San Diego},
    author = {L. Soler and H. Delingette and G. Malandain and J. Montagnat and N. Ayache and J.-M. Cl\'ement and C. Koehl and O. Dourthe and D. Mutter and J. Marescaux},
    booktitle = {Medical Imaging 2000},
    keywords = {conference, reconstruction},
    month = {February},
    organization = {SPIE},
    pages = {246--255},
    series = {SPIE proceedings},
    title = {A Fully Automatic Anatomical, Pathological and Fonctionnal Segmentation from CT-scans for Hepatic Surgery},
    year = {2000} 

  23. L. Soler, O. Dourthe, G. Malandain, J. Montagnat, H. Delingette, and N. Ayache. A new 3D segmentation of liver neoplasm, portal venous system and parenchymal contours. In European Congress of Radiology, Vienne (Autriche), mars 2000.
    address = {Vienne (Autriche)},
    author = {L. Soler and O. Dourthe and G. Malandain and J. Montagnat and H. Delingette and N. Ayache},
    booktitle = {European Congress of Radiology},
    month = {mars},
    title = {A new 3D segmentation of liver neoplasm, portal venous system and parenchymal contours},
    year = {2000} 

  24. L. Soler, C. Koehl, H. Delingette, G. Malandain, N. Ayache, D. Mutter, J. Leroy, B. Malassagne, and J. Marescaux. Planification Chirurgicale Hépatique Assistée par Ordinateur. In 11ème Journées de printemps de l'ACHBT, Paris (France), Juin 2000.
    address = {Paris (France)},
    author = {L. Soler and C. Koehl and H. Delingette and G. Malandain and N. Ayache and D. Mutter and J. Leroy and B. Malassagne and J. Marescaux},
    booktitle = {11\`eme Journ\'ees de printemps de l'ACHBT},
    month = {Juin},
    title = {Planification Chirurgicale H\'epatique Assist\'ee par Ordinateur},
    year = {2000} 

  25. G. Subsol, B. Mafart, D. Méline, A. Silvestre, and M.A. de Lumley. Traitement d'images scanographiques appliqué à l'étude tridimensionnelle de l'évolution de la forme du crâne humain. In P. Andrieux, D. Hadjouis, and A. Dambricourt-Malassé, editors, L'identité humaine en question, Collection paléoanthropologie et paléopathologie osseuse, pages 92-101, 2000. Artcom. Note: Extended proceedings of the workshop organized in May 1999.
    author = {G. Subsol and B. Mafart and D. M\'eline and A. Silvestre and de Lumley, M.A.},
    booktitle = {L'identit\'e humaine en question},
    editor = {P. Andrieux and D. Hadjouis and A. Dambricourt-Malass\'e},
    note = {Extended proceedings of the workshop organized in May 1999.},
    pages = {92-101},
    publisher = {Artcom},
    series = {Collection pal\'eoanthropologie et pal\'eopathologie osseuse},
    title = {Traitement d'images scanographiques appliqu\'e \`a l'\'etude tridimensionnelle de l'\'evolution de la forme du cr\^ane humain},
    year = {2000} 

Internal reports

  1. H. Delingette and J. Montagnat. Topology and Shape Constraints on Parametric Active Contours. Research report RR-3880, INRIA, 2000. Keyword(s): tech-report, reconstruction.
    author = {H. Delingette and J. Montagnat},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00072773},
    institution = {INRIA},
    keywords = {tech-report, reconstruction},
    number = {RR-3880},
    url= {} title = {Topology and Shape Constraints on Parametric Active Contours},
    type = {Research report},
    url-hal = {},
    %url-publisher = {},
    year = {2000} 

  2. J. Montagnat and H. Delingette. Spatial and Temporal Shape Constrained Deformable Surfaces for 3D and 4D Medical Image Segmentation. Research report RR-4078, INRIA, 2000. Keyword(s): tech-report, reconstruction.
    author = {J. Montagnat and H. Delingette},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00072555},
    institution = {INRIA},
    keywords = {tech-report, reconstruction},
    number = {RR-4078},
    title = {Spatial and Temporal Shape Constrained Deformable Surfaces for 3D and 4D Medical Image Segmentation},
    type = {Research report},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    year = {2000} 

  3. J. Montagnat, H. Delingette, N. Scapel, and N. Ayache. Representation, Shape, Topology and Evolution of Deformable Surfaces. Application to 3D Medical Image Segmentation. Research report RR-3954, INRIA, 2000. Keyword(s): tech-report, reconstruction.
    author = {J. Montagnat and H. Delingette and N. Scapel and N. Ayache},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00072695},
    institution = {INRIA},
    keywords = {tech-report, reconstruction},
    number = {RR-3954},
    title = {Representation, Shape, Topology and Evolution of Deformable Surfaces. Application to 3D Medical Image Segmentation},
    type = {Research report},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    year = {2000} 

  4. Xavier Pennec and Pascal Cachier. NT2: Non-Rigid tracking US/US, second generation (Roboscope MMIT deliverable 26). Technical report, European project Roboscope, May 2000. Keyword(s): registration, matching, motion tracking, ultrasound, deformations.
    author = {Xavier Pennec and Pascal Cachier},
    institution = {European project Roboscope},
    keywords = {registration, matching, motion tracking, ultrasound, deformations},
    month = {May},
    title = {NT2: Non-Rigid tracking US/US, second generation (Roboscope MMIT deliverable 26)},
    year = {2000} 

  5. Xavier Pennec, Pascal Cachier, and Nicholas Ayache. Tracking Brain Deformations in Time-Sequences of 3D US Images. Research report RR-4091, INRIA, December 2000. Keyword(s): registration, matching, motion tracking, ultrasound, deformations.
    author = {Xavier Pennec and Pascal Cachier and Nicholas Ayache},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00072541},
    institution = {INRIA},
    keywords = {registration, matching, motion tracking, ultrasound, deformations},
    month = {December},
    number = {RR-4091},
    title = {Tracking Brain Deformations in Time-Sequences of 3D US Images},
    type = {Research report},
    url-hal = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2000} 

  6. Xavier Pennec and Alexis Roche. NM2: Non-Rigid matching MR/US second generation (Roboscope MMIT deliverable 25). Technical report, European project Roboscope, April 2000. Keyword(s): registration, matching, multimodal, magnetic resonance, ultrasound.
    author = {Xavier Pennec and Alexis Roche},
    institution = {European project Roboscope},
    keywords = {registration, matching, multimodal, magnetic resonance, ultrasound},
    month = {April},
    title = {NM2: Non-Rigid matching {MR/US} second generation (Roboscope MMIT deliverable 25)},
    year = {2000} 

  7. G. Picinbono, H. Delingette, and N. Ayache. Improving Realism of a Surgery Simulator : Linear Anisotropic Elasticity, Complex Interactions and Force Extrapolation. Research report RR-4018, INRIA, 2000. Keyword(s): tech-report, simulation.
    author = {G. Picinbono and H. Delingette and N. Ayache},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00072623},
    institution = {INRIA},
    keywords = {tech-report, simulation},
    number = {RR-4018},
    title = {Improving Realism of a Surgery Simulator : Linear Anisotropic Elasticity, Complex Interactions and Force Extrapolation},
    type = {Research report},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2000} 

  8. G. Picinbono, H. Delingette, and N. Ayache. Non-Linear Anisotropic Elasticity for Real-Time Surgery Simulation Real-time elastic deformations of soft tissues for surgery simulation. Research report RR-4028, INRIA, 2000. Keyword(s): tech-report, simulation.
    author = {G. Picinbono and H. Delingette and N. Ayache},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00072611},
    institution = {INRIA},
    keywords = {tech-report, simulation},
    number = {RR-4028},
    title = {Non-Linear Anisotropic Elasticity for Real-Time Surgery Simulation Real-time elastic deformations of soft tissues for surgery simulation},
    type = {Research report},
    url = {},
    url-hal = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2000} 

  9. S. Prima and N. Ayache. Investigating Different Modelings of the Imaging Process for Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Bias Field in MR Images. Technical report, INRIA, 2000.
    author = {S. Prima and N. Ayache},
    institution = {INRIA},
    title = {Investigating Different Modelings of the Imaging Process for Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Bias Field in MR Images},
    year = {2000} 

  10. Alexis Roche, Xavier Pennec, Grégoire Malandain, Nicholas Ayache, and Sébastien Ourselin. Generalized Correlation Ratio for Rigid Registration of 3D Ultrasound with MR Images. Research report RR-3980, INRIA, July 2000. Note: Published in IEEE TMI 20(10), oct. 2001, p. 25-31. Keyword(s): registration, matching, multimodal, magnetic resonance, ultrasound, correlation ratio.
    author = {Alexis Roche and Xavier Pennec and Gr\'egoire Malandain and Nicholas Ayache and S\'ebastien Ourselin},
    hal-identifiant = {inria-00072667},
    institution = {INRIA},
    keywords = {registration, matching, multimodal, magnetic resonance, ultrasound, correlation ratio},
    month = {July},
    note = {Published in IEEE TMI 20(10), oct. 2001, p. 25-31},
    number = {RR-3980},
    title = {Generalized Correlation Ratio for Rigid Registration of 3D Ultrasound with MR Images},
    type = {Research report},
    url-hal = {},
    url-publisher = {},
    year = {2000} 

Patents, standards

  1. Alexis Roche, Grégoire Malandain, Nicholas Ayache, and Xavier Pennec. Dispositif électronique de recalage automatique d'images. French patent No FR 98 09649, Bulletin officiel de la propriété intellectuelle no 00/39 du Sept. 09 2000. European extension No 99401881, September 2000.
    address = {},
    author = {Alexis Roche and Gr\'egoire Malandain and Nicholas Ayache and Xavier Pennec},
    month = {September},
    note = {},
    number = {French patent No FR 98 09649, Bulletin officiel de la propri\'et\'e intellectuelle no 00/39 du Sept. 09 2000. European extension No 99401881},
    optabstract = {},
    optdoi = {},
    opthal-date-depot = {},
    opthal-identifiant = {},
    opthal-version = {},
    optisbn = {},
    optissn = {},
    optkeywords = {},
    opturl = {},
    opturl-publisher = {},
    optx-scientific-popularization = {},
    title = {Dispositif \'electronique de recalage automatique d'images},
    x-language = {},
    x-pays = {},
    year = {2000} 


  1. W. Bensassi. Segmentation d'images cérébrales en utilisant les modèles déformables. Rapport de D.E.A., Ecole Polytechnique, 2000.
    author = {W. Bensassi},
    school = {Ecole Polytechnique},
    title = {Segmentation d'images c\'er\'ebrales en utilisant les mod\`eles d\'eformables},
    type = {Rapport de D.E.A.},
    year = {2000} 

  2. Gérald Bianchi. Réalité Augmentée en chirurgie hépatique. Rapport de D.E.A., DEA Informatique, Productique, Imagerie médicale -- université Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand II, 2000.
    author = {G\'erald Bianchi},
    school = {DEA Informatique, Productique, Imagerie m\'edicale -- universit\'e Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand II},
    title = {R\'ealit\'e Augment\'ee en chirurgie h\'epatique},
    type = {Rapport de D.E.A.},
    year = {2000} 

  3. Yves Chau. Extraction automatique des structures arborescentes pulmonaires -- Création semi-automatique des segments pulmonaires sur des images tomodensitométriques normales. Rapport de D.E.A., DEA Algorithmique, Robotique, Automatique, Vision, Image et Signal -- université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, 2000.
    author = {Yves Chau},
    school = {DEA Algorithmique, Robotique, Automatique, Vision, Image et Signal -- universit\'e de Nice-Sophia Antipolis},
    title = {Extraction automatique des structures arborescentes pulmonaires -- Cr\'eation semi-automatique des segments pulmonaires sur des images tomodensitom\'etriques normales},
    type = {Rapport de D.E.A.},
    year = {2000} 

  4. Guillaume Flandin. Filtrage adaptatif par Analyse Tensorielle. Rapport de D.E.A., DEA Signal, Image, Acoustique - ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, 2000.
    author = {Guillaume Flandin},
    school = {DEA Signal, Image, Acoustique - ENSEEIHT, Toulouse},
    title = {Filtrage adaptatif par Analyse Tensorielle},
    type = {Rapport de D.E.A.},
    year = {2000} 

  5. Sébastien Granger. Évaluation de la précision du recalage 3D de surfaces-Application à l'implantologie dentaire assistée par ordinateur-Rapport de fin de première année. Master's thesis, École des Mines de Paris - Centre de Mathematiques Appliques, 2000.
    author = {S\'ebastien Granger},
    school = {\'Ecole des Mines de Paris - Centre de Mathematiques Appliques},
    title = {\'Evaluation de la pr\'ecision du recalage 3D de surfaces-Application \`a l'implantologie dentaire assist\'ee par ordinateur-Rapport de fin de premi\`ere ann\'ee},
    year = {2000} 

  6. E. Guilhaurre. Reconstruction et déformation contrainte de surfaces. Master's thesis, Ecole ESSI, 2000.
    author = {E. Guilhaurre},
    school = {Ecole ESSI},
    title = {Reconstruction et d\'eformation contrainte de surfaces},
    year = {2000} 

  7. M.G. Linguraru. Filtering hint Images for Microcalcification Detection: An Anisotropic Diffusion Approach. PhD Transfer Thesis, University of Oxford, 2000.
    author = {M.G. Linguraru},
    school = {University of Oxford},
    title = {Filtering hint Images for Microcalcification Detection: An Anisotropic Diffusion Approach},
    type = {PhD Transfer Thesis},
    year = {2000} 

  8. Aline Myx. Visualisation du déplacement des viscères pelviens par analyse d'images dans la chirurgie du prolapsus rectal. Rapport de D.E.A., DEA Signaux et Images en Biologie et Médecine - université d'Angers, 2000.
    author = {Aline Myx},
    school = {DEA Signaux et Images en Biologie et M\'edecine - universit\'e d'Angers},
    title = {Visualisation du d\'eplacement des visc\`eres pelviens par analyse d'images dans la chirurgie du prolapsus rectal},
    type = {Rapport de D.E.A.},
    year = {2000} 

  9. Niels Raynaud. Segmentation d'images hépatique par analyse statistique. Rapport de D.E.A., DEA Mathématiques, Vision, Apprentissage -- ENS Cachan, 2000.
    author = {Niels Raynaud},
    school = {DEA Math\'ematiques, Vision, Apprentissage -- ENS Cachan},
    title = {Segmentation d'images h\'epatique par analyse statistique},
    type = {Rapport de D.E.A.},
    year = {2000} 

  10. D. Etienne, A. Stankoff, X. Pennec, S. Granger, A. Lacan, and R. Derycke. A new approach for dental Implant aided surgery. 4th Congresso Panamericano de Periodontologia, 17-19 august 2000, Santiago, Chili, 2000. Keyword(s): registration, odontology.
    author = {D. Etienne and A. Stankoff and X. Pennec and S. Granger and A. Lacan and R. Derycke},
    howpublished = {4th Congresso Panamericano de Periodontologia, 17-19 august 2000, Santiago, Chili},
    keywords = {registration, odontology},
    title = {A new approach for dental Implant aided surgery},
    year = {2000} 

  11. C. Lebrun-Frenay, D. Rey, G. Malandain, S. Chanalet, N. Ayache, and M. Chatel. Detection and quantification of MS lesions MRI variations by mathematical differential operators. 16th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis, septembre 6-9 2000. Note: Revue Neurologique (Supplement), 156(3S104). Keyword(s): multiple sclerosis.
    author = {C. Lebrun-Frenay and D. Rey and G. Malandain and S. Chanalet and N. Ayache and M. Chatel},
    howpublished = {16th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis},
    keywords = {multiple sclerosis},
    month = {septembre 6-9},
    note = {Revue Neurologique (Supplement), 156(3S104)},
    title = {Detection and quantification of MS lesions MRI variations by mathematical differential operators},
    year = {2000} 

  12. D. Rey, C. Lebrun-Frenay, G. Malandain, S. Chanalet, N. Ayache, and M. Chatel. A New Method to Detect and Quantify Evolving MS Lesions by Mathematical Operators. American Academy of Neurology, 52nd Annual Meeting, May 2000. Note: Neurology (Supplement 3) 54(7):123. Keyword(s): multiple sclerosis.
    author = {D. Rey and C. Lebrun-Frenay and G. Malandain and S. Chanalet and N. Ayache and M. Chatel},
    howpublished = {American Academy of Neurology, 52nd Annual Meeting},
    keywords = {multiple sclerosis},
    month = {May},
    note = {Neurology (Supplement 3) 54(7):123},
    title = {A New Method to Detect and Quantify Evolving MS Lesions by Mathematical Operators},
    year = {2000} 



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