Publications of Jacques Darcourt
Articles in journal, book chapters |
Marine Breuilly,
Grégoire Malandain,
Julien Guglielmi,
Robert Marsault,
Thierry Pourcher,
Philippe R. Franken,
and Jacques Darcourt.
Amplitude-based data selection for optimal retrospective reconstruction in micro-SPECT.
Physics in Medicine and Biology,
April 2013.
M Reyes,
G Malandain,
P M Koulibaly,
M A Gonzalez-Ballester,
and J Darcourt.
Model-based respiratory motion compensation for emission tomography image reconstruction.
Physics in Medicine and Biology,
June 2007.
O. Migneco,
M. Benoit,
P.M. Koulibaly,
I. Dygai,
C. Bertogliati,
P. Desvignes,
Ph. Robert,
G. Malandain,
F. Bussière,
and J. Darcourt.
Perfusion brain SPECT and Statistical Parametric Mapping analysis indicate that apathy is a cingulate syndrome: a study in Alzheimer's disease and non-demented patients.
Keyword(s): apathy,
statistical parametric mapping,
Fanny Orlhac,
Anne-Capucine Rollet,
Irène Buvat,
Jacques Darcourt,
Véronique Bourg,
Christophe Nioche,
Charles Bouveyron,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Olivier Humbert.
Identifying a reliable radiomic signature from scarce data: illustration for 18F-FDOPA PET images in glioblastoma patients.
In EANM Annual Meeting - Annual Meeting of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine,
Virtual Meeting, Austria,
October 2020.
Fanny Orlhac,
Charles Bouveyron,
Thierry Pourcher,
Lun Jing,
Jean-Marie Guigonis,
Jacques Darcourt,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Olivier Humbert.
Identification des cancers mammaires triple-négatifs : analyse statistique de variables radiomiques issues des images TEP et de variables métabolomiques.
In 2018 - 4èmes Journées Francophones de Médecine Nucléaire,
volume 42 of Médecine Nucléaire,
Lille, France,
pages 169,
May 2018.
Keyword(s): Analyse de texture,
Cancer du sein,
Hétérogénéité tumorale,
Traitement des images,
Fanny Orlhac,
Olivier Humbert,
Sarah Boughdad,
Maud Lasserre,
Michael Soussan,
Christophe Nioche,
Nicholas Ayache,
Jacques Darcourt,
Frédérique Frouin,
and Irène Buvat.
Validation d'une méthode d'harmonisation des mesures SUV et des variables radiomiques pour les études TEP multicentriques rétrospectives.
In 2018 - 4èmes Journées Francophones de Médecine Nucléaire,
volume 42,
Lille, France,
pages 170,
May 2018.
Keyword(s): Etude multicentrique,
Analyse de texture,
Hétérogénéité tumorale.
Fanny Orlhac,
Olivier Humbert,
Sarah Boughdad,
Maud Lasserre,
Michael Soussan,
Christophe Nioche,
Nicholas Ayache,
Jacques Darcourt,
Frédérique Frouin,
and Irène Buvat.
Validation of a harmonization method to correct for SUV and radiomic features variability in multi-center studies.
In SNMMI Annual Meeting,
volume 59,
Philadelphia, United States,
pages 288,
June 2018.
Fanny Orlhac,
Olivier Humbert,
Thierry Pourcher,
Lun Jing,
Jean-Marie Guigonis,
Jacques Darcourt,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Charles Bouveyron.
Analyse statistique de données radiomiques et métabolomiques : prédiction des lésions mammaires triple-négatives.
In 12ème Conférence Francophone d'Epidémiologie Clinique (EPICLIN) et 25èmes Journées des statisticiens des Centre de Lutte Contre le Cancer (CLCC),
volume 66 of Revue d'épidémiologie et de santé publique,
Nice, France,
pages S180-S181,
May 2018.
Keyword(s): Métabolomique,
Analyse statistique,
Analyse discriminante,
Sélection de variables,
Fanny Orlhac,
Olivier Humbert,
Thierry Pourcher,
Lun Jing,
Jean-Marie Guigonis,
Jacques Darcourt,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Charles Bouveyron.
Statistical analysis of PET radiomic features and metabolomic data: prediction of triple-negative breast cancer.
In SNMMI Annual Meeting,
volume 59,
Philadelphia, United States,
pages 1755,
June 2018.
Marine Breuilly,
Grégoire Malandain,
Nicholas Ayache,
Julien Guglielmi,
Thierry Pourcher,
Philippe R. Franken,
and Jacques Darcourt.
Image-based motion detection in 4D images and application to respiratory motion suppression.
In ISBI - International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging,
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 10th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro,
San Francisco, United States,
pages 792-795,
April 2013.
Mauricio Reyes,
Grégoire Malandain,
Jacques Darcourt,
and Pierre Malick Koulibaly.
Respiratory Motion Correction in Emission Tomography Imaging.
In Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction Meeting in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine,
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA,
July 2005.
Mauricio Reyes,
Grégoire Malandain,
Pierre Malick Koulibaly,
Miguel A. González Ballester,
and Jacques Darcourt.
Respiratory Motion Correction in Emission Tomography Image Reconstruction.
In J. Duncan and G. Gerig, editors,
Proceedings of MICCAI'05, Part II,
volume 3750 of LNCS,
Palm Springs, California,
pages 369-376,
Jonathan Stoeckel,
Nicholas Ayache,
Grégoire Malandain,
Pierre M. Koulibaly,
Klaus P. Ebmeier,
and Jacques Darcourt.
Automatic Classification of SPECT Images of Alzheimer's Disease Patients and Control Subjects.
In Christian Barillot,
David Haynor,
and Pierre Hellier, editors,
Proc. of MICCAI'04,
volume 3217 of LNCS,
Saint-Malo, France,
pages 654-662,
September 2004.
O. Migneco,
G. Malandain,
P.M. Koulibaly,
Ph. Robert,
N. Ayache,
and J. Darcourt.
Evaluation of an automatic classifier for SPECT Alzheimer's disease diagnosis.
In European Association of Nuclear Medicine Meeting,
Napoli, Italy,
Note: European Journal of Nuclear Medecine 28(8):1056.
J. Stoeckel,
G. Malandain,
O. Migneco,
P.M. Koulibaly,
P. Robert,
N. Ayache,
and J. Darcourt.
Classification of SPECT Images of Normal Subjects versus Images of Alzheimer's Disease Patients.
In W.J. Niessen and M.A. Viergever, editors,
4th Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'01),
volume 2208 of LNCS,
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
pages 666-674,
October 2001.
J. Stoeckel,
J.-B. Poline,
G. Malandain,
N. Ayache,
and J. Darcourt.
Smoothness and degrees of freedom restrictions when using SPM 99.
In Human Brain Mapping HBM'01,
Brighton, UK,
June 2001.
Note: In NeuroImage 13(6 supplement 1):259.
I. Dygai,
J. Stoeckel,
O. Migneco,
Ph. Desvignes,
G. Malandain,
N. Ayache,
M. Chatel,
F. Fauchon,
M. Frenay,
J. Darcourt,
and F. Bussière.
SPM Analysis Applied to MIBI-SPECT for the Diagnosis of Recurrent Oligodendrogliomas.
In European Association of Nuclear Medicine Meeting,
Paris, France,
August 2000.
Note: European Journal of Nuclear Medecine 27(8):1144.
O. Migneco,
G. Malandain,
A. Roche,
I. Dygai,
F. Bussière,
N. Ayache,
and J. Darcourt.
Absolute calibration of HMPAO SPECT using Xenon-133.
In European Association of Nuclear Medicine Meeting,
Paris, France,
August 2000.
Note: European Journal of Nuclear Medecine 27(8):967.
O. Migneco,
M. Benoit,
G. Malandain,
J.-P. Thirion,
Ph. Robert,
N. Ayache,
F. Bussière,
and J. Darcourt.
SPECT memory activation thanks to non-rigid coregistration.
In European Association of Nuclear Medecine Meeting,
Glasgow, Scotland,
August 1997.
O. Migneco,
J. Darcourt,
M. Benoit,
G. Malandain,
J.-P. Thirion,
Ph. Robert,
R. Vidal,
Ph. Desvignes,
J. Benoliel,
N. Ayache,
and F. Bussière.
Activation mnésique en TEMP.
In 36eme Colloque de médecine nucléaire 1997,
Rennes, France,
October 1997.
O. Migneco,
J.-P. Thirion,
M. Benoit,
G. Malandain,
P. Robert,
N. Ayache,
and J. Darcourt.
SPECT memory activation studies thanks to non-rigid automated 3D image registration.
volume 1205 of LNCS,
Grenoble, France,
pages 487-490,
March 1997.
O. Migneco,
J.-P. Thirion,
M. Benoit,
G. Malandain,
P. Robert,
N. Ayache,
and J. Darcourt.
Une étude TEMP d'activation mnésique réalisée grâce à des recalages d'images 3D.
In Actes du congrès sur la Méthodologie en imagerie fonctionnelle cérébrale,
Lyon, France,
December 1996.
Marine Breuilly,
Kaouthar Chatti,
Jacques Darcourt,
Philippe Franken,
Julien Guglielmi,
Grégoire Malandain,
and Thierry Pourcher.
From extraction of physiological features with dynamic $\mu$-SPECT imaging to modelling of iodide biodistribution in stomach.
Research Report,
Inria Sophia Antipolis,
August 2015.
Mauricio Reyes Aguirre,
Grégoire Malandain,
and Jacques Darcourt.
Respiratory Movement Correction in Emission Tomography.
Research report RR-5279,
July 2004.
Keyword(s): image reconstruction,
respiratory movement,
nuclear medicine,
emission tomography.
Marie-Laure Tabary,
Nicholas Ayache,
Jacques Darcourt,
and Grégoire Malandain.
Analyse statistique d'images médicales : étude et utilisation du logiciel SPM.
Research report RR-3802,
November 1999.
Clair Vandersteen,
Thomas Demarcy,
Hervé Delingette,
Charles Raffaelli,
Jonathan Laudanski,
Thierry Pourcher,
Jacques Darcourt,
Philippe Franken,
Dan Gnansia,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Nicolas Guevara.
Teaching tool for advanced visualization of temporal bone structures by fusion of $\mu$CT and CT scan images.
8th International Symposium on Objective Measures in Auditory Implants,
October 2014.
Note: Poster.
Marine Breuilly,
Grégoire Malandain,
Nicholas Ayache,
Jacques Darcourt,
Thierry Pourcher,
and Philippe Franken.
Simulated breath-hold reconstruction in micro-SPECT: Application to peritoneal metastases expressing NIS as reporter gene,
Marine Breuilly,
Grégoire Malandain,
Nicholas Ayache,
Philippe Franken,
Jacques Darcourt,
and Thierry Pourcher.
Simulated breath-hold reconstruction in micro-SPECT: application to peritoneal metastases expressing NIS as reporter gene.
2nd second Molecular Imaging in Biology and Oncology (MIBO) workshop (MIBO2012), Nice,
January 2012.
Marine Breuilly,
Grégoire Malandain,
Jacques Darcourt,
Thierry Pourcher,
and Philippe Franken.
Prise en compte du mouvement respiratoire du petit animal pour la reconstruction 3D TEMP synchronisée : application aux métastases péritonéales,
Note: 50e colloque de Médecine Nucléaire de Langue Françcaise.
ISSN: 0928-1258.
Marine Breuilly,
Grégoire Malandain,
Nicholas Ayache,
Philippe Franken,
Jacques Darcourt,
and Thierry Pourcher.
Definition of motionless phases for monitoring gated reconstruction of SPECT images in alive mice.
ICVSS 2010,
July 2010.
Mauricio A. Reyes,
Gregoire Malandain,
Nicholas Ayache,
Jacques Darcourt,
and Pierre M. Koulibaly.
Respiratory Motion Compensation within Emission Tomographic Reconstruction.
52nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine,
June 2005.
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