Publications of Jonathan Stoeckel
Jonathan Stoeckel.
Outils de classification pour l'aide au diagnostic : application à la maladie d'Alzheimer et à d'autres pathologies cérébrales.
Thèse de sciences,
Ecole des Mines de Paris,
March 2003.
Jonathan Stoeckel,
Nicholas Ayache,
Grégoire Malandain,
Pierre M. Koulibaly,
Klaus P. Ebmeier,
and Jacques Darcourt.
Automatic Classification of SPECT Images of Alzheimer's Disease Patients and Control Subjects.
In Christian Barillot,
David Haynor,
and Pierre Hellier, editors,
Proc. of MICCAI'04,
volume 3217 of LNCS,
Saint-Malo, France,
pages 654-662,
September 2004.
David Rey,
Jonathan Stoeckel,
Grégoire Malandain,
and Nicholas Ayache.
A Spatio-temporal Model-based Statistical Approach to Detect Evolving Multiple Sclerosis Lesions.
In IEEE Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis, MMBIA'01,
Kauia, Hawai, USA,
December 2001.
Keyword(s): multiple sclerosis.
D. Rey,
J. Stoeckel,
G. Malandain,
and N. Ayache.
Using SPM to Detect Evolving MS Lesions.
In W.J. Niessen and M.A. Viergever, editors,
4th Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'01),
volume 2208 of LNCS,
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
pages 1232-1234,
October 2001.
Keyword(s): multiple sclerosis.
J. Stoeckel,
G. Malandain,
O. Migneco,
P.M. Koulibaly,
P. Robert,
N. Ayache,
and J. Darcourt.
Classification of SPECT Images of Normal Subjects versus Images of Alzheimer's Disease Patients.
In W.J. Niessen and M.A. Viergever, editors,
4th Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'01),
volume 2208 of LNCS,
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
pages 666-674,
October 2001.
J. Stoeckel,
J.-B. Poline,
G. Malandain,
N. Ayache,
and J. Darcourt.
Smoothness and degrees of freedom restrictions when using SPM 99.
In Human Brain Mapping HBM'01,
Brighton, UK,
June 2001.
Note: In NeuroImage 13(6 supplement 1):259.
I. Dygai,
J. Stoeckel,
O. Migneco,
Ph. Desvignes,
G. Malandain,
N. Ayache,
M. Chatel,
F. Fauchon,
M. Frenay,
J. Darcourt,
and F. Bussière.
SPM Analysis Applied to MIBI-SPECT for the Diagnosis of Recurrent Oligodendrogliomas.
In European Association of Nuclear Medicine Meeting,
Paris, France,
August 2000.
Note: European Journal of Nuclear Medecine 27(8):1144.
David Rey,
Grégoire Malandain,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Jonathan Stoeckel.
Dispositif de méthode de traitement d'image pour détection de lèsions évolutives.
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