David Carral


CRCN Researcher at Inria within the Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée Centre


Member of the Boreal research team, the LIRMM, the University of Montpellier, and the CNRS




Born in 1989; Spanish national; based in Montpellier, France; photo from 2023

Broadly speaking, I am interested in the study of logical languages (mostly first-order logic, existential rules, and Description Logics) and their theoretical/computational properties. More precisely, here are some research questions that I am looking into these days:
  • If a first-order logic (FOL) theory is FO-rewritable or has the bounded-treewidth model property, does it also have the finite model property?
  • If a FOL theory is FO-rewritable and has the universal model finite property, is it also uniformly bounded?
  • What are the expressivity limits of FOL languages that are decidable or semi-decidable?
  • What is the query complexity of solving Boolean query entailment over FOL theories that are FO-rewritable?
  • What is the undecidability status of checking if a FOL theory is FO-rewritable?
  • If we can decide boolean conjunctive query entailment for a fragment of existential rules, can we also decide chase termination for this fragment?
If you know anything about the above (or just feel like discussing a bit : ), feel free to contact me.

You can use the links below to download everything I have published since 2021; check up my previous personal page for articles published before that year. Also, please let me know if there are any broken links or publications that you cannot access.


If you're a student looking for topics, supervision, or funding; send me an email! I will see what I can do. Also, do let me know if you are interested in this proposal.

• From 9/07 to 8/11:

European Degree in Computer Engineering at Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

• From 9/11 to 8/12:

Master of Science in Computer Science at Wright State University

• From 9/12 to 10/16:

Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering at Wright State University

• From 5/13 to 12/13:

Recognised Student at University of Oxford

• From 11/16 to 12/20:

Posdoctoral Researcher at Technische Universität Dresden

• From 1/21 onwards:

CRCN Researcher at Inria