Publications of Charles Bouveyron
Articles in journal, book chapters |
Laurent Bergé,
Charles Bouveyron,
Marco Corneli,
and Pierre Latouche.
The Latent Topic Block Model for the Co-Clustering of Textual Interaction Data.
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,
Fanny Orlhac,
Charles Bouveyron,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Radiomics: How to Make Medical Images Speak?.
July 2019.
Marco Corneli,
Charles Bouveyron,
Pierre Latouche,
and Fabrice Rossi.
The dynamic stochastic topic block model for dynamic networks with textual edges.
Statistics and Computing,
Keyword(s): Dynamic random graph,
model based clustering,
non homogeneous Poisson process,
stochastic block model,
topic modeling,
latent Dirichlet allocation.
F Orlhac,
P.-A Mattei,
C. Bouveyron,
and N Ayache.
Class-specific Variable Selection in High-Dimensional Discriminant Analysis through Bayesian Sparsity.
Journal of Chemometrics,
pp e3097,
November 2018.
Charles Bouveyron.
Apprentissage statistique en grande dimension et application au diagnostic oncologique par radiomique.
In Cédric Villani and Bernard Nordlinger, editors, Santé et intelligence artificielle,
pages 179-189.
CNRS Editions,
October 2018.
Fanny Orlhac,
Thibaut Cassou-Mounat,
Jean-Yves Pierga,
Marie Luporsi,
Christophe Nioche,
Charles Bouveyron,
Nicholas Ayache,
Nina Jehanno,
Alain Livartowski,
and Irene Buvat.
Can we identify ''twin patients'' to predict response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer?.
In SNMMI Annual Meeting,
Virtual Meeting, United States,
July 2020.
Fanny Orlhac,
Anne-Capucine Rollet,
Irène Buvat,
Jacques Darcourt,
Véronique Bourg,
Christophe Nioche,
Charles Bouveyron,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Olivier Humbert.
Identifying a reliable radiomic signature from scarce data: illustration for 18F-FDOPA PET images in glioblastoma patients.
In EANM Annual Meeting - Annual Meeting of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine,
Virtual Meeting, Austria,
October 2020.
Fanny Orlhac,
Charles Bouveyron,
Thierry Pourcher,
Lun Jing,
Jean-Marie Guigonis,
Jacques Darcourt,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Olivier Humbert.
Identification des cancers mammaires triple-négatifs : analyse statistique de variables radiomiques issues des images TEP et de variables métabolomiques.
In 2018 - 4èmes Journées Francophones de Médecine Nucléaire,
volume 42 of Médecine Nucléaire,
Lille, France,
pages 169,
May 2018.
Keyword(s): Analyse de texture,
Cancer du sein,
Hétérogénéité tumorale,
Traitement des images,
Fanny Orlhac,
Olivier Humbert,
Thierry Pourcher,
Lun Jing,
Jean-Marie Guigonis,
Jacques Darcourt,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Charles Bouveyron.
Analyse statistique de données radiomiques et métabolomiques : prédiction des lésions mammaires triple-négatives.
In 12ème Conférence Francophone d'Epidémiologie Clinique (EPICLIN) et 25èmes Journées des statisticiens des Centre de Lutte Contre le Cancer (CLCC),
volume 66 of Revue d'épidémiologie et de santé publique,
Nice, France,
pages S180-S181,
May 2018.
Keyword(s): Métabolomique,
Analyse statistique,
Analyse discriminante,
Sélection de variables,
Fanny Orlhac,
Olivier Humbert,
Thierry Pourcher,
Lun Jing,
Jean-Marie Guigonis,
Jacques Darcourt,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Charles Bouveyron.
Statistical analysis of PET radiomic features and metabolomic data: prediction of triple-negative breast cancer.
In SNMMI Annual Meeting,
volume 59,
Philadelphia, United States,
pages 1755,
June 2018.
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Last modified: Sat Dec 21 12:30:03 2024
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