Publications of Thomas Demarcy
Thomas Demarcy.
Segmentation and study of anatomical variability of the cochlea from medical images.
COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015 - 2019),
July 2017.
Keyword(s): Cochlea,
Shape model,
Shape variability,
Modèle de forme,
Variabilité anatomique.
Articles in journal, book chapters |
Jan Margeta,
Raabid Hussain,
Paula López Diez,
Anika Morgenstern,
Thomas Demarcy,
Zihao Wang,
Dan Gnansia,
Octavio Martinez Manzanera,
Clair Vandersteen,
Hervé Delingette,
Andreas Buechner,
Thomas Lenarz,
François Patou,
and Nicolas Guevara.
A Web-Based Automated Image Processing Research Platform for Cochlear Implantation-Related Studies.
Journal of Clinical Medicine,
November 2022.
Keyword(s): cochlear implant,
image analysis,
computed tomography,
machine learning,
deep learning,
image segmentation,
3D model,
tonotopic mapping,
Zihao Wang,
Thomas Demarcy,
Clair Vandersteen,
Dan Gnansia,
Charles Raffaelli,
Nicolas Guevara,
and Hervé Delingette.
Bayesian Logistic Shape Model Inference: application to cochlear image segmentation.
Medical Image Analysis,
October 2021.
Keyword(s): Bayesian Inference,
Image Segmentation,
Shape Modeling.
Zihao Wang,
Clair Vandersteen,
Thomas Demarcy,
Dan Gnansia,
Charles Raffaelli,
Nicolas Guevara,
and Hervé Delingette.
Inner-ear Augmented Metal Artifact Reduction with Simulation-based 3D Generative Adversarial Networks.
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics,
October 2021.
Keyword(s): Artifact Reduction,
Deep Learning,
Thomas Demarcy,
Isabelle Pélisson,
Dan Gnansia,
Hervé Delingette,
Nicholas Ayache,
Charles Raffaelli,
Clair Vandersteen,
and Nicolas Guevara.
Un modèle de reconstruction tridimensionnelle de la cochlée au service de l'implantation cochléaire.
Cahiers de l'audition,
July 2019.
Fabien Almairac,
Denys Fontaine,
Thomas Demarcy,
Hervé Delingette,
Stephanie Beuil,
and Charles Raffaelli.
Motor cortex neurovascular coupling: inputs from ultra--high-frequency ultrasound imaging in humans.
Journal of Neurosurgery,
pp 1-7,
November 2018.
Keyword(s): Motor cortex,
Imaging methodology,
Clinical neurophysiology,
Diagnostic technique,
Cerebral blood flow,
Neurovascular coupling.
Thomas Demarcy,
Clair Vandersteen,
Nicolas Guevara,
Charles Raffaelli,
Dan Gnansia,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Hervé Delingette.
Automated analysis of human cochlea shape variability from segmented $\mu$CT images.
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics,
59(July 2017):1 - 12,
Keyword(s): cochlear implant,
human cochlea,
shape variability,
modiolar axis.
Dan Gnansia,
Thomas Demarcy,
Clair Vandersteen,
Charles Raffaelli,
Nicolas Guevara,
Hervé Delingette,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Optimal electrode diameter in relation to volume of the cochlea.
European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases,
133, Supplement 1:S66-S67,
June 2016.
Keyword(s): Cochlear implant,
Hearing preservation,
Soft surgery,
Electrode-array design,
Image processing,
Computed tomography,
Inner ear,
Clair Vandersteen,
Thomas Demarcy,
Coralie Roger,
Eric Fontas,
Charles Raffaelli,
Nicholas Ayache,
Hervé Delingette,
and Nicolas Guevara.
Impact of the surgical experience on cochleostomy location: a comparative temporal bone study between endaural and posterior tympanotomy approaches for cochlear implantation.
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology,
pp 1-7,
Keyword(s): Cochlear implantation,
Minimally invasive surgery,
Endaural approach,
Learning skills,
Surgery resident,
Compétences d'apprentissage,
Voie endaurale,
Chirurgie mini-invasive,
Implantation cochléaire,
Interne en chirurgie.
Zihao Wang,
Clair Vandersteen,
Thomas Demarcy,
Dan Gnansia,
Charles Raffaelli,
Nicolas Guevara,
and Hervé Delingette.
A Deep Learning based Fast Signed Distance Map Generation.
In MIDL 2020 - Medical Imaging with Deep Learning,
Montréal, Canada,
July 2020.
Zihao Wang,
Clair Vandersteen,
Thomas Demarcy,
Dan Gnansia,
Charles Raffaelli,
Nicolas Guevara,
and Hervé Delingette.
Deep Learning based Metal Artifacts Reduction in post-operative Cochlear Implant CT Imaging.
In MICCAI 2019 - 22nd International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention,
Shenzhen, China,
pages 121-129,
October 2019.
Keyword(s): Metal Artifacts Reduction,
Generative adversarial networks.
Thomas Demarcy,
Clair Vandersteen,
Dan Gnansia,
Charles Raffaelli,
Hervé Delingette,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Nicolas Guevara.
Estimation de la position post-implantation cochléaire de l'électrode à partir d'images tomodensitométriques cliniques.
In 123ème Congrès de la Société Française d'Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie et de Chirurgie de la Face et du Cou,
Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale,
Paris, France,
October 2016.
Congrès de la Société Française d'Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie et de Chirurgie de la Face et du Cou.
Keyword(s): Cochlear Implant,
Computed Tomography.
Thomas Demarcy,
Clair Vandersteen,
Charles Raffaelli,
Dan Gnansia,
Nicolas Guevara,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Hervé Delingette.
Uncertainty Quantification of Cochlear Implant Insertion from CT Images.
In Raj Shekhar,
Stefan Wesarg,
Miguel Angel Gonzalez Ballester,
Klaus Drechsler,
Yoshinobu Sato,
Marius Erdt,
Marius George Linguraru,
and Cristina Oyarzun Laura, editors,
5th International Workshop on Clinical Image-Based Procedures - CLIP 2016, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2016,
volume 9958 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Athens, Greece,
pages 27-35,
October 2016.
Keyword(s): cochlear implant,
uncertainty quantification,
shape modeling.
Clair Vandersteen,
Thomas Demarcy,
Hervé Delingette,
Charles Raffaelli,
Jonathan Laudanski,
Thierry Pourcher,
Jacques Darcourt,
Philippe Franken,
Dan Gnansia,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Nicolas Guevara.
Teaching tool for advanced visualization of temporal bone structures by fusion of $\mu$CT and CT scan images.
8th International Symposium on Objective Measures in Auditory Implants,
October 2014.
Note: Poster.
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Last modified: Sat Dec 21 12:30:03 2024
Author: epione-publi.
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