3.5 Skribe User Manual -- Line breaks

Line breaks and horizontal rules enable text cutting.

3.5.1 Linebreak

The Skribe function linebreak is unportable. Even if most engines handle it for their code production, using linebreak generally produces expected result. For instance, using linebreak with an engine producing LaTeX code is bound to fail. In consequence, as much as possible, one should prefer other ways for splitting a text

(linebreak [:ident] [:class] num)
identhtml latex xml The node identifier.
classhtml latex xml The node class.
numThe number of line breaks.
See also
paragraph table

3.5.2 Horizontal rule

(hrule [:ident] [:class] [:width 100.0] [:height 1])
identhtml latex xml The node identifier.
classhtml latex xml The node class.
widthhtml The width of the horizontal rule.
heighthtml The thickness of the rule. A positive integer value stands for a number of pixels.

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Last update Tue Jun 29 09:37:13 2010.