3.2 Skribe User Manual -- Sectioning

3.2.1 Chapter

The function chapter creates new chapters.

(chapter :title [:ident] [:class "chapter"] [:html-title] [:file] [:toc #t] [:number #t] node...)
identhtml latex xml The node identifier.
classhtml latex xml The node class.
titlehtml latex The title of the chapter.
html-titlehtml The title of window of the HTML browser.
numberhtml latex This argument controls the chapter number. A value of #t means that the Skribe compiler computes the chapter number. A value of #f means that the chapter has no number.
tochtml latex This argument controls if the chapter must be referenced in the table of contents.
filehtml latex The argument must be a boolean. A value of #t tells the Skribe compiler to compile that chapter in a separate file. A value of #f tells the Skribe compiler to embed the chapter in the main target file.
node...The nodes of the chapter.
See also
document section toc
(chapter :title "This is a simple chapter" :number #f :toc #f [
Its body is just one sentence.])
Ex. 3: The chapter markup


This is a simple chapter
Its body is just one sentence.

3.2.2 Sections

These functions create new sections.

(section :title [:ident] [:class "section"] [:file] [:toc #t] [:number #t] node...)
(subsection :title [:ident] [:class "subsection"] [:file] [:toc #t] [:number #t] node...)
(subsubsection :title [:ident] [:class "subsubsection"] [:file] [:toc] [:number #t] node...)
identhtml latex xml The node identifier.
classhtml latex xml The node class.
titlehtml latex The title of the chapter.
numberhtml latex This argument controls the chapter number. A value of #t means that the Skribe compiler computes the chapter number. A value of #f means that the chapter has no number.
tochtml latex This argument controls if the chapter must be referenced in the table of contents.
filehtml latex The argument must be a boolean. A value of #t tells the Skribe compiler to compile that section in a separate file. A value of #f tells the Skribe compiler to embed the chapter in the main target file.
node...The nodes of the section.
See also
document chapter paragraph toc
(section :title "This is a simple section" :number #f :toc #f [
Its body is just one sentence.])
Ex. 4: The chapter markup


This is a simple section

Its body is just one sentence.

3.2.3 Paragraph

The function paragraph (also aliased p) creates paragraphs.

(paragraph [:ident] [:class] node...)
identhtml latex xml The node identifier.
classhtml latex xml The node class.
node...The nodes of the paragraph.
See also
document chapter section p

The function p is an alias for paragraph.

(p :ident [:class] node...)
identhtml latex xml The node identifier.
classhtml latex xml The node class.
node...The nodes of the paragraph.
See also
document chapter section paragraph

3.2.4 Blockquote

The function blockquote can be used for text quotations. A text quotation is generally renderd as an indented block of text.

(blockquote [:ident] [:class] node...)
identhtml latex xml The node identifier.
classhtml latex xml The node class.
node...The nodes of the quoted text.

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Last update Tue Jun 29 09:37:13 2010.