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How to execute the 3D examples
When one or several solutions of a 3D problem have been loaded,
to begin the visualization, push the ``3D'' button
(the dimension of the current problem set the associated button
sensitive). Choose the type of representation you want to visualize:
``multi 3D plot'', ``Plane Cut'', ``Flow'', Isosurfaces'' or
``Volume Rendering''.
- multi 3D plot
This mode allows to visualize and interact simultaneously with several
solutions of the same problem. The available features in this mode include
the computation of plane cuts and isosurfaces but with different
interactions than theses allowed in the next two modes. In this mode
you can also use the extended description file to initialize some
computation on the data. Its recommended to use this mode insteed one of
the followings if possible, even if the current problem has only one
- Plane Cut
This mode allows to visualizes Isolines and Colour Contours on an arbitrary
- Flow
You can visualize Streamlines and Streamsurfaces with this mode.
- Isosurfaces
This mode allows to compute and visualizes Isosurfaces.
- Volume Rendering
This mode allows to compute and animate images using a Volume Rendering
Note: You can click on ``Plane
Cut'', ``Flow'', Isosurfaces'' or ``Volume Rendering'' as many times
as you want and you have several working windows (multi-windows)
Next: multi 3D plot
Up: How to use Vigie
Previous: Quit
Robert Fournier