Next: Choose a vector field
Up: Flow
Previous: Interaction with the object
Choose a type of representation and press ``redraw''.
- Set the ``cube'' toggle on to have a bounding box
around the object.
- set the ``skeleton'' toggle on or off
to have (or not) an interactive representation of the 3D mesh.
The skeleton consists of parallel cut planes of the boundary. The initial
planes chosen are perpendicular to the longer axis of the object.
- You can change the skeleton direction by pushing the
``skel'' button. Three axes ``XY'', ``YZ'' and ``ZX''
are proposed.
- If you want to visualize all the facets composing the 3D mesh
skin, set the toggle ``wire frame'' on .
- Another kind of visualization is the ``solid'' one
which represents the facets composing the 3D
mesh skin with the technique of masking faces.
- The menu ``rotation'' indicates
which kind of object is visualized during the rotation.
Robert Fournier