Publications of year 1996
O. Balet,
R. Caubet,
J.-P. Jessel,
and G. Subsol, editors.
Journées Nationales Réalité Virtuelle.
Toulouse (France),
October 1996.
Pierre-Yves Bondiau.
L'oeil virtuel.
thèse de médecine,
université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis,
octobre 1996.
S. Fernández-Vidal.
Squelettes et outils de topologie discrète : application à l'imagerie médicale 3D.
Thèse de sciences,
université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis,
septembre 1996.
Xavier Pennec.
L'incertitude dans les problèmes de reconnaissance et de recalage -- Applications en imagerie médicale et biologie moléculaire.
Thèse de sciences (PhD thesis),
Ecole Polytechnique,
Palaiseau (France),
December 1996.
Keyword(s): registration,
Riemannian geometry,
medical images,
protein structure.
Articles in journal, book chapters |
N Ayache.
Analyzing 3D images of the brain.
4(3 Pt 2),
December 1996.
Keyword(s): Brain Mapping,
Computer Graphics,
Image Processing Computer-Assisted,
User-Computer Interface.
E. Bardinet,
L.D. Cohen,
and N. Ayache.
Tracking and motion analysis of the left ventricle with deformable superquadrics.
Medical Image Analysis,
Note: Also INRIA Research Report RR-2797, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, February 1996.
S Cotin,
H Delingette,
M Bro-Nielsen,
N Ayache,
J M Clement,
V Tassetti,
and J Marescaux.
Geometric and physical representations for a simulator of hepatic surgery.
Stud Health Technol Inform,
Keyword(s): Computer Simulation,
Education Medical,
Image Processing Computer-Assisted,
anatomy & histology,
Support Non-U.S. Gov't,
User-Computer Interface.
J. Feldmar and N. Ayache.
Rigid, Affine and Locally Affine Registration of Free-Form Surfaces.
International Journal of Computer Vision,
May 1996.
Keyword(s): matching,
C. Nastar and N. Ayache.
Frequency-based Non-rigid Motion Analysis: Application to Four Dimensional Medical Images.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
novembre 1996.
N. Roberts,
G. Subsol,
J.-Ph. Thirion,
M. Puddephat,
and G. W. Whitehouse.
Automatic Analysis of Deformation of the Cerebral Ventricles.
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine,
G. Subsol,
J.-Ph. Thirion,
and N. Ayache.
Construction automatique d'atlas anatomiques morphométriques à partir d'images médicales tridimensionnelles : application à un atlas du crâne.
Traitement du signal,
J.-P. Thirion.
New Feature Points based on Geometric Invariants for 3D Image Registration.
International Journal of Computer Vision,
May 1996.
J.-P. Thirion.
The Extremal Mesh and the Understanding of 3D Surfaces.
International Journal of Computer Vision,
August 1996.
H. Delingette and G. Subsol.
L'Image dans la Réalité Virtuelle.
In Nouvelles Interfaces Homme-Machine,
number 18 of ARAGO.
Observatoire Français des Techniques Avancées,
Keyword(s): chapter-book,
E. Bardinet,
L.D. Cohen,
and N. Ayache.
Tracking medical 3D data with a deformable parametric model.
In Robert Cipolla, editor,
4th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'96),
volume vol 1,
April 1996.
P.-Y. Bondiau,
G. Malandain,
and P. Chauvel.
Projet de reconstruction tridimensionnelle de l'oeil à partir des images scanneurs, IRM et de fundographie. Utilisation pour la protonthérapie des tumeurs oculaires.
In 35eme Congrès de la société française des physiciens d'hôpital,
Toulouse, France,
6-8 juin 1996.
P. Chauvel,
W. Sauerwein,
N. Bornfeld,
W. Friedrichs,
N. Brassart,
A. Courdi,
J. Hérault,
J.-P. Pignol,
P.-Y. Bondiau,
and G. Malandain.
Clinical and Technical Requirements for Proton Treatment Planning of Ocular Diseases.
In First International Symposium on Special Aspects of Radiotherapy,
Berlin (Germany),
May 3--6 1996.
S. Cotin,
H. Delingette,
and N. Ayache.
Real Time Volumetric Deformable Models for Surgery Simulation.
In Visualization in Biomedical Computing, Proceedings,
volume 1131 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
September 1996.
Keyword(s): conference,
S. Cotin,
H. Delingette,
J.-M. Clement,
V. Tassetti,
J. Marescaux,
and N. Ayache.
Volumetric Deformable Models for Simulation of Laparoscopic Surgery.
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer and Communication Systems for Image Guided Diagnosis and Therapy, Computer Assisted Radiology (CAR'96),
volume 1124 of International Congress Series,
June 1996.
Keyword(s): conference,
S. Cotin,
H. Delingette,
J-M. Clément,
V. Tassetti,
J. Marescaux,
and N. Ayache.
Geometric and Physical Representations for a Simulator of Hepatic Surgery.
In Medecine Meets Virtual Reality IV,
volume 29 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics,
San Diego, USA,
pages 139-151,
January 1996.
IOS Press.
Keyword(s): conference,
Virtual Reality,
S. Cotin,
H. Delingette,
J-M. Clément,
V. Tassetti,
J. Marescaux,
and N. Ayache.
Simulation de chirurgie hépatique avec système de retour de forces.
In Interface to Real and Virtual Worlds,
pages 139-148,
May 1996.
Keyword(s): workshop,
Virtual Reality,
J. Declerck,
J. Feldmar,
M.L. Goris,
and F. Betting.
Automatic Registration and Alignment on a Template of Cardiac Stress & Rest SPECT Images.
In Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis,
June 1996.
Note: (Aussi Rapport de Recherche INRIA numéro 2770).
Keyword(s): Matching,
J. Feldmar,
G. Malandain,
J. Declerck,
and N. Ayache.
Extension of the ICP Algorithm to Non-Rigid Intensity-Based Registration of 3D Volumes.
In Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis,
San Francisco, California, USA,
June 21-22 1996.
Keyword(s): registration,
S. Fernández-Vidal and G. Malandain.
Squelettes euclidiens d'objets $n$-dimensionnels.
In 10ème Congrès Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA'96),
Rennes, France,
16-18 janvier 1996.
Márta Fidrich.
Iso-surface Extraction in 4D with Applications related to Scale Space.
In Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery,
November 1996.
Keyword(s): iso-surface,
scale space.
S. Gilles,
M. Brady,
J.-P. Thirion,
and N. Ayache.
Bias Field Correction and Segmentation of MR Images.
In Visualization in Biomedical Computing, VBC'96,
Hamburg (D),
September 1996.
M.L. Goris,
J. Declerck,
J. Feldmar,
N. Ayache,
and W. Pace.
Quantification of myocardial pefusion studies after a morphological match to a template.
In Western Regional Meeting, Society of Nuclear Medicine,
July 1996.
Keyword(s): Matching,
O. Migneco,
J.-P. Thirion,
M. Benoit,
G. Malandain,
P. Robert,
N. Ayache,
and J. Darcourt.
Une étude TEMP d'activation mnésique réalisée grâce à des recalages d'images 3D.
In Actes du congrès sur la Méthodologie en imagerie fonctionnelle cérébrale,
Lyon, France,
December 1996.
Xavier Pennec.
Multiple Registration and Mean Rigid Shape - Application to the 3D case.
In K.V. Mardia,
C.A. Gill,
and Dryden I.L., editors,
Image Fusion and Shape Variability Techniques (16th Leeds Annual Statistical Workshop),
pages 178-185,
July 1996.
University of Leeds, UK.
Keyword(s): registration,
multiple registration,
Xavier Pennec and Nicholas Ayache.
Quelques problèmes posés par la gestion des primitives géométriques en vision par ordinateur.
In Journées ORASIS,
pages 111-116,
May 1996.
Keyword(s): geometry,
Riemannian geometry.
Xavier Pennec and Nicholas Ayache.
Randomness and Geometric Features in Computer Vision.
In IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'96),
San Francisco, Cal, USA,
pages 484-491,
June 1996.
Note: Published in J. of Math. Imag. and Vision 9(1), July 1998, p. 49-67.
Keyword(s): geometry,
Riemannian geometry.
R. Rönngren,
M. Liljenstam,
J. Montagnat,
and R. Ayani.
Transparent Incremental State Saving in Time Warp Parallel Discrete Event Simulation.
In 10th Workshop on Parallel And Distributed Simulation,
May 1996.
G. Subsol,
J.-Ph. Thirion,
and N. Ayache.
A General Scheme for Automatically Building 3D Morphometric Anatomical Atlases: application to a Skull and a Brain Atlas.
In 16th L.A.S.R. Workshop Image Fusion And Shape Variability Techniques,
Leeds (UK),
pages 115-122,
July 1996.
Keyword(s): registration,
G. Subsol,
J.-Ph. Thirion,
and N. Ayache.
Application of an Automatically Built 3D Morphometric Brain Atlas: Study of Cerebral Ventricle Shape.
In K. H. Höhne, editor,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Hamburg (D),
September 1996.
Keyword(s): registration,
G. Subsol,
J.-Ph. Thirion,
and N. Ayache.
Some applications of an automatically built 3D morphometric skull atlas.
In H. Lemke,
K. Inamura,
A. Farman,
and F. Vannier, editors,
Computer Assisted Radiology,
Paris (France),
pages 339-344,
June 1996.
Keyword(s): atlas.
G. Subsol,
J.-Ph. Thirion,
and N. Ayache.
Une méthode générale pour construire automatiquement des atlas anatomiques morphométriques : application à un atlas du crâne.
In Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle,
volume 1,
pages 159-168,
January 1996.
Keyword(s): skull,
G. Subsol,
J.-P. Thirion,
and N. Ayache.
Une méthode générale pour construire automatiquement des atlas anatomiques morphométriques : application à un atlas du crâne.
In Actes du 10eme congrès en Reconnaissance des formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA'96),
Rennes (France),
January 1996.
Note: Accepté pour publication.[bibtex-entry]
J.-P. Thirion.
Non-Rigid Matching using Demons.
In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR'96,
San Francisco, California, USA,
June 1996.
Keyword(s): registration,
J.-P. Thirion,
G. Subsol,
and D. Dean.
Cross Validation of Three Inter-Patients Matching Methods.
In Visualization in Biomedical Computing, VBC'96,
Hamburg (D),
September 1996.
Keyword(s): registration,
J. West,
J.M. Fitzpatrick,
M.Y. Wang,
B.M. Dawant,
C.R. Maurer, Jr.,
R.M. Kessler,
R.J. Maciunas,
C. Barillot,
D. Lemoine,
A. Collignon,
F. Maes,
P. Suetens,
D. Vandermeulen,
P.A. van den Elsen,
P.F. Hemler,
S. Napel,
T.S. Sumanaweera,
B. Harkness,
D.L.G. Hill,
C. Studholme,
G. Malandain,
X. Pennec,
M.E. Noz,
G.Q. Maguire, Jr.,
M. Pollack,
C.A. Pelizzari,
R.A. Robb,
D. Hanson,
and R.P. Woods.
Comparison and evaluation of retrospective intermodality image registration techniques.
In Medical Imaging 1996: Image Processing,
volume 2710 of SPIE proceedings series,
Newport Beach, California, USA,
February 10-15 1996.
Keyword(s): registration,
E. Bardinet,
L.D. Cohen,
and N. Ayache.
Analyzing the deformation of the left ventricle of the heart with a parametric deformable model.
Research report RR-2797,
February 1996.
J. Declerck,
J. Feldmar,
and N. Ayache.
Definition of a 4D continuous polar transformation for the tracking and the analysis of LV motion.
Research report RR-3039,
November 1996.
Keyword(s): Matching,
J. Declerck,
J. Feldmar,
M.L. Goris,
and F. Betting.
Automatic Registration and Alignment on a Template of Cardiac Stress & Rest SPECT Images.
Research report RR-2770,
February 1996.
S. Fernández-Vidal and G. Malandain.
Squelettes euclidiens d'objets discrets n-dimensionnels.
Research report RR-2771,
2004 route des Lucioles BP 93, 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France,
janvier 1996.
Note: Published in Image and Vision Computing.
K. Krissian,
G. Malandain,
and N. Ayache.
Directional Anisotropic Diffusion applied to segmentation of vessels in 3D images.
Research report RR-3064,
Inria Sophia Antipolis,
2004 route des Lucioles BP 93 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex (France),
December 1996.
Xavier Pennec and Nicholas Ayache.
Randomness and Geometric Features in Computer Vision.
Research report RR-2820,
March 1996.
Note: Published in J. of Math. Imag. and Vision 9(1), July 1998, p. 49-67.
Keyword(s): geometry,
Riemannian geometry.
L. Robert and G. Malandain.
Fast Binary Image Processing Using Binary Decision Diagrams.
Research report RR-3001,
2004 route des Lucioles BP 93, 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France,
octobre 1996.
J.-P. Thirion,
N. Ayache,
O. Monga,
and A. Gourdon.
Device for processing Three-Dimensional Image Information with Extraction of Significant Lines.
US Patent, number 5499322,
March 1996.
P.-Y. Bondiau.
Reconstruction informatique du globe oculaire à partir des images scanner, IRM et du FO : utilisation pour le traitement des tumeurs oculaires.
Rapport de D.E.A.,
DEA de l'université de Toulouse III Paul Sabatier,
septembre 1996.
G. Calmon.
Détection et mesure de variation de volume de lésions cérébrales dans des images médicales 3D.
stage ingénieur de l'École des Mines de Paris,
École des Mines de Paris,
September 1996.
M. A. González Ballester.
Visualizador de Superficies Paramétricas con Texturas, Iluminación y Sombreado.
Degree Thesis,
Universitat Jaume I,
A. Guimond.
Constitution et exploration automatique de bases de données d'images médicales tridimentionnelles.
rapport de DEA,
université de Nice Sophia Antipolis,
June 1996.
K. Krissian.
Diffusion anisotrope d'images cérébrales 3D et segmentation matière blanche / matière grise.
Rapport de DEA,
université de Paris IX,
septembre 1996.
M.G. Linguraru.
Graphic Tools under XWindow for Image Segmentation.
BSc Thesis,
University of Coventry,
J. Montagnat.
Segmentation d'images médicales volumiques à l'aide de maillages déformables contraints.
Rapport de D.E.A.,
DEA de l'université d'Orsay et Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan,
September 1996.
N. Ayache,
E. Bardinet,
S. Benayoun,
H. Delingette,
G. Malandain,
S. Fernández-Vidal,
L. Soler,
J. Montagnat,
S. Cotin,
G. Subsol,
and J.-P. Thirion.
Analysis of medical images : Registration, Atlas, Motion.
Audiovisual material produced by INRIA audiovisuel,
Keyword(s): video,
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