Publications of Alexis Gourdon
A. Gourdon.
Applications de la Géométrie Différentielle à l'Imagerie Médicale Multidimensionelle.
Thèse de sciences,
Université Paris XI-Orsay,
January 1995.
Articles in journal, book chapters |
J.-P. Thirion and A Gourdon.
Computing the Differential Characteristics of Isointensity Surfaces.
Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding,
March 1995.
Alexis Gourdon and Nicholas Ayache.
Recalage d'une courbe sur une surface en utilisant des propriétés différentielles.
In AFCET'94, 9ème Congrès Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle,
Janvier 1994.
N. Ayache,
A. Guéziec,
J.-P. Thirion,
and A. Gourdon.
Evaluating 3D Registration of CT-Scan Images Using Crest Lines.
In Proceedings of SPIE'93, Mathematical Methods in Medical Imaging II,
volume 2035-06,
San Diego, California, USA,
pages 60-71,
July 14-15 1993.
Keyword(s): registration,
J.-Ph. Thirion,
A. Gourdon,
O. Monga,
A. Guéziec,
and N. Ayache.
Automatic Registration of 3D Images Using Surface Curvature.
In 14th Ann. Int. Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medecine and Biology Society,
October 1992.
J.-Ph. Thirion,
A. Gourdon,
O. Monga,
A. Guéziec,
and N. Ayache.
Fully Automatic Registration of 3D cat-scan images using surface curvature.
In IEEE EMBS satellite symposium on 3D Advanced Image Processing in Medecine,
November 1992.
Alexis Gourdon and Nicholas Ayache.
Registration of a curve on a surface using differential properties.
Research report RR-2145,
December 1993.
Keyword(s): registration,
J.-P. Thirion and A. Gourdon.
The 3D Marching Lines Algorithm : new results and proofs : part 1.
Research report RR-1881-1,
April 1993.
J.-P. Thirion and A. Gourdon.
The 3D Marching Lines Algorithm : new results and proofs : part 2.
Research report RR-1881-2,
April 1993.
J.-Ph. Thirion and A. Gourdon.
The 3D Marching Lines Algorithm and Its Application to Crest Lines Extraction.
Research report RR-1672,
May 1992.
J.-P. Thirion,
N. Ayache,
O. Monga,
and A. Gourdon.
Device for processing Three-Dimensional Image Information with Extraction of Significant Lines.
US Patent, number 5499322,
March 1996.
J.-Ph. Thirion,
N. Ayache,
O. Monga,
and A. Gourdon.
Dispositif de traitement d'informations d'images tri-dimensionnelles avec extraction de lignes remarquables.
Brevet français, numéro 92 03900,
Mars 1992.
Note: En cours d'examen.
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