Publications of year 2003
N. Ayache and H. Delingette, editors.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Surgery Simulation and Soft Tissue Modeling,
volume 2673 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Juan-les-Pins, France,
June 2003.
Clément Forest.
Simulation de chirurgie par coelioscopie : contributions à l'étude de la découpe volumique, au retour d'effort et à la modélisation des vaisseaux sanguins.
PhD thesis,
École Polytechnique,
March 2003.
Sébastien Granger.
Une approche statistique multi-échelle au recalage rigide de surfaces : Application à l'implantologie dentaire.
Thèse de sciences,
Ecole des Mines de Paris,
April 2003.
Keyword(s): surface,
oriented points,
computer-guided surgery.
Alain Pitiot.
Segmentation automatique des structures cérébrales s'appuyant sur des connaissances explicites.
Thèse de sciences,
École des mines de Paris,
November 2003.
M. Sermesant.
Modèle électromécanique du coeur pour l'analyse d'image et la simulation (Electromechanical Model of the Heart for Image Analysis and Simulation).
PhD thesis,
Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis,
May 2003.
Jonathan Stoeckel.
Outils de classification pour l'aide au diagnostic : application à la maladie d'Alzheimer et à d'autres pathologies cérébrales.
Thèse de sciences,
Ecole des Mines de Paris,
March 2003.
Articles in journal, book chapters |
N. Ayache.
Epidaure: a Research Project in Medical Image Analysis, Simulation and Robotics at INRIA.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
October 2003.
Pierre-Yves Bondiau,
Grégoire Malandain,
Pierre Chauvel,
Frédérique Peyrade,
Adel Courdi,
Nicole Iborra,
Jean-Pierre Caujolle,
and Pierre Gastaud.
Automatic three-dimensional model for protontherapy of the eye: Preliminary results.
Medical Physics,
June 2003.
Pascal Cachier,
Eric Bardinet,
Didier Dormont,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Iconic Feature Based Nonrigid Registration: The PASHA Algorithm.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding,
Feb.-march 2003.
Note: Special Issue on Nonrigid Registration.
Keyword(s): registration,
similarity measures,
Olivier Clatz,
Hervé Delingette,
Eric Bardinet,
Didier Dormont,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Création d'un Modèle Biomécanique Spécifique du Cerveau par l'Analyse d'Images et son Application à la Neurochirurgie Stéréotaxique.
Mécanique et Industrie,
Note: Numéro spécial CFM 2003.
P Hellier,
C Barillot,
I Corouge,
B Gibaud,
G Le Goualher,
D L Collins,
A Evans,
G Malandain,
N Ayache,
G E Christensen,
and H J Johnson.
Retrospective evaluation of intersubject brain registration.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
September 2003.
Ferath Kherif,
Jean-Baptiste Poline,
Sébastien Meriaux,
Habib Benali,
Guillaume Flandin,
and Matthew Brett.
Group analysis in functional neuroimaging: selecting subjects using similarity measures.
December 2003.
Keyword(s): fMRI,
Group analysis,
Multivariate analysis,
Statistical analysis.
Pierre-Jean Lahaye,
Jean-Baptiste Poline,
Guillaume Flandin,
Silke Dodel,
and Line Garnero.
Functional connectivity: studying nonlinear, delayed interactions between BOLD signals.
October 2003.
Keyword(s): fMRI.
J. Montagnat,
M. Sermesant,
H. Delingette,
G. Malandain,
and N. Ayache.
Anisotropic filtering for model-based segmentation of 4D cylindrical echocardiographic images.
Pattern Recognition Letters,
February 2003.
Note: Special Issue on Ultrasonic Image Processing and Analysis.
Keyword(s): anisotropic diffusion,
medical images,
motion tracking.
Xavier Pennec,
Pascal Cachier,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Tracking Brain Deformations in Time-Sequences of 3D US Images.
Pattern Recognition Letters,
February 2003.
Note: Special Issue on Ultrasonic Image Processing and Analysis.
Keyword(s): registration,
motion tracking,
G. Picinbono,
H. Delingette,
and N. Ayache.
Non-Linear Anisotropic Elasticity for Real-Time Surgery Simulation.
Graphical Models,
September 2003.
Keyword(s): journal,
Maxime Sermesant,
Clément Forest,
Xavier Pennec,
Hervé Delingette,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Deformable biomechanical models: Application to 4D cardiac image analysis.
Medical Image Analysis,
December 2003.
J. Yelnik,
P. Damier,
S. Demeret,
D. Gervais,
E. Bardinet,
B.P. Bejjani,
C. Francois,
J.L. Houeto,
I. Arnule,
D. Dormont,
D. Galanaud,
B. Pidoux,
P. Cornu,
and Y. Agid.
Localization of stimulating electrodes in patients with Parkinson disease by using a three-dimensional atlas-magnetic resonance imaging coregistration method.
Journal of Neurosurgery,
July 2003.
J Annese,
A. Pitiot,
L.D. Dinov,
and A.W. Toga.
A myelo-architectonic method for the structural classification of cortical areas.
In Human Brain Mapping HBM'03,
Vincent Arsigny,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Polyrigid and Polyaffine Transformations: A New Class of Diffeomorphisms for Locally Rigid or Affine Registration.
In Randy E. Ellis and Terry M. Peters, editors,
Proc. of MICCAI'03, Part II,
volume 2879 of LNCS,
pages 829-837,
November 2003.
Note: MICCAI 2003 Best Student Award in Image Processing and Visualization. PMID: 15948656.
M.A. Audette,
H. Delingette,
A. Fuchs,
Y. Koseki,
and K. Chinzei.
A procedure for computing patient-specific anatomical models for finite element-based surgical simulation.
In Seventh Annual Conference of the International Society for Computer Aided Surgery (ISCAS'03),
London (UK),
June 2003.
C. Blondel,
G. Malandain,
R. Vaillant,
and N. Ayache.
4D deformation field of coronary arteries from monoplane rotational X-ray angiography.
In Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2003 Proceedings,
volume 1256 of ICS,
Londres, United Kingdom,
June 2003.
C. Blondel,
G. Malandain,
R. Vaillant,
F. Devernay,
È. Coste-Manière,
and N. Ayache.
4D Tomographic Representation of Coronary Arteries From One Rotational X-ray Sequence.
In Randy E. Ellis and Terry M. Peters, editors,
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI 2003),
volume 2878 of LNCS,
Montreal, Canada,
pages 416-423,
November 2003.
C. Blondel,
R. Vaillant,
G. Malandain,
and N. Ayache.
3D tomographic reconstruction of coronary arteries using a precomputed 4D motion field.
In Yves Bizais, editor,
Proceedings of the VIIth International Conference on Fully 3D Reconstruction In Radiology and Nuclear Medicine,
Saint-Malo, France,
July 2003.
P. Cathier and N. Ayache.
New Vector Field Regularization Techniques for Nonrigid Registration.
In J.C. Gee,
J.B. A. Maintz,
and M. W. Vannier, editors,
Second International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration WBIR'03,
volume 2717 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Philadelphia, PA, USA,
pages 1-10,
Keyword(s): registration,
Olivier Clatz,
Hervé Delingette,
Eric Bardinet,
Didier Dormont,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Détermination d'un modèle biomécanique du cerveau par l'analyse d'images : application à la maladie de Parkinson.
In Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM),
Olivier Clatz,
Hervé Delingette,
Eric Bardinet,
Didier Dormont,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Patient Specific Biomechanical Model of the Brain: Application to Parkinson's disease procedure.
In N. Ayache and H. Delingette, editors,
International Symposium on Surgery Simulation and Soft Tissue Modeling (IS4TM'03),
volume 2673 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Juan-les-Pins, France,
pages 321-331,
INRIA Sophia Antipolis,
J. Dauguet,
V. Frouin,
Y. Cointepas,
D. Hervé,
N. Ayache,
and P. Hantraye.
Robust segmentation of the thalamus using Kohonen algorithm from diffusion tensor image.
In Proc of Int. Soc. for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) 11th Scientific meeting,
T. Delzescaux,
J. Dauguet,
F. Condé,
R. Maroy,
and V. Frouin.
Using 3D Non Rigid FFD-Based Method to Register post mortem 3D Histological Data and in vivo MRI of a Baboon Brain.
In Randy E. Ellis and Terry M. Peters, editors,
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI 2003),
volume 2879 of LNCS,
Montreal, Canada,
pages 965-966,
November 2003.
P. Fillard and G. Gerig.
Analysis Tool For Diffusion Tensor MR.
In Proc. of MICCAI'03, Part II,
volume 2879 of LNCS,
pages 967-968,
November 2003.
P. Fillard,
J. Gilmore,
W. Lin,
J. Piven,
and G. Gerig.
Quantitative Analysis of White Matter Fiber Properties along Geodesic Paths.
In Proc of MICCAI'03, Part I,
volume 2879 of LNCS,
pages 16-23,
November 2003.
Note: MICCAI'03 Award: Best Student Paper in Image Analysis.
Guillaume Flandin,
Will Penny,
Xavier Pennec,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Jean-Baptiste Poline.
A multisubject anatomo-functional parcellation of the brain.
In Tomas Paus,
Ed Bullmore,
and Jonathan D. Cohen, editors,
NeuroImage (HBM'03),
New York, USA,
Academic Press.
Keyword(s): fMRI.
Céline Fouard and Grégoire Malandain.
Systematized calculation of optimal coefficients of 3-D chamfer norms.
In Ingela Nyström,
Gabriella Sanniti di Baja,
and Stina Svensson, editors,
Proc. of DGCI'03,
number 2886 of LNCS,
Napoly, Italy,
pages 214-223,
November 2003.
Keyword(s): chamfer mask,
norm constraints anysotropic grid.
Miguel Angel González Ballester,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Generalized Image Models and Their Application as Statistical Models of Images.
In Randy E. Ellis and Terry M. Peters, editors,
Proc. of MICCAI'03,
volume 2879 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Montreal, Canada,
pages 150-157,
November 2003.
G. Hamarneh,
H. Delingette,
and M. Henkelman.
3D segmentation of mouse organs from MR images using deformable simplex mesh models.
In International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 11th Scientific Meeting (ISMRM'03),
Toronto (CA),
July 2003.
C. Kenwright,
E. Bardinet,
S.A. Hojjat,
G. Malandain,
N. Ayache,
and A.C.F. Colchester.
2D to 3D Refinement of Post Mortem Optical and MRI Co-Registration.
In Randy E. Ellis and Terry M. Peters, editors,
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI 2003),
volume 2879 of LNCS,
Montreal, Canada,
pages 935-944,
November 2003.
Pierre-Jean Lahaye,
Jean-Baptiste Poline,
Guillaume Flandin,
and Line Garnero.
Functional connectivity: studying non-linear, asynchronous interactions between BOLD signals.
In Tomas Paus,
Ed Bullmore,
and Jonathan D. Cohen, editors,
NeuroImage (HBM'03),
New York, USA,
Academic Press.
Keyword(s): fMRI.
M. G. Linguraru,
M. A. González Ballester,
and N. Ayache.
A Multiscale Feature Detector for Morphological Analysis of the Brain.
In Randy E. Ellis and Terry M. Peters, editors,
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention'03,
volume 2879 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Montreal, Canada,
pages 738-745,
November 2003.
G. Malandain and E. Bardinet.
Fusion of autoradiographies with an MR volume using 2-D and 3-D linear transformations.
In Chris Taylor and Alison Noble, editors,
Proceedings of Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI'03),
volume 2732 of LNCS,
pages 487-498,
Keyword(s): autoradiography,
Grégoire Malandain and Eric Bardinet.
Intensity compensation within series of images.
In Randy E. Ellis and Terry M. Peters, editors,
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI 2003),
volume 2879 of LNCS,
Montreal, Canada,
pages 41-49,
November 2003.
Stéphane Nicolau,
Alain Garcia,
Xavier Pennec,
Luc Soler,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Augmented Reality guided radio-frequency tumor ablation.
In Proceedings of Augmented and Virtual Reality Workshop (AVIR03),
pages 34-35,
Keyword(s): 3D/2D registration,
Augmented reality,
Stéphane Nicolau,
Alain Garcia,
Xavier Pennec,
Luc Soler,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Guidage de ponctions percutanées à l'aide d'un système de vision basé sur une méthode de recalage 3D/2D.
In Actes du colloque Imagerie pour les sciences du vivant et de l'ingénieur (IMVIE03),
Keyword(s): 3D/2D registration,
Augmented reality,
Stéphane Nicolau,
Xavier Pennec,
Luc Soler,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Evaluation of a New 3D/2D Registration Criterion for Liver Radio-Frequencies Guided by Augmented Reality.
In N. Ayache and H. Delingette, editors,
International Symposium on Surgery Simulation and Soft Tissue Modeling (IS4TM'03),
volume 2673 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Juan-les-Pins, France,
pages 270-283,
INRIA Sophia Antipolis,
Keyword(s): 3D/2D registration,
Augmented reality,
Stéphane Nicolau,
Xavier Pennec,
Luc Soler,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Vision augmentée de structures anatomiques abdominales recalées par stéréoscopie.
In Actes du quatrième colloque francophone. Méthodes et Techniques Optiques pour l'Industrie,
volume 1,
pages 413-418,
R. R. Paulsen and K. B. Hilger.
Shape Modelling Using Markov Random Field Restoration of Point Correspondences.
In Information Processing in Medical Imaging,
Keyword(s): Markov Random Field,
Statistical Shape Model,
Thin Plate Spline.
A. Pitiot,
H. Delingette,
N. Ayache,
and P. M. Thompson.
Expert-Knowledge-Guided Segmentation System for Brain MRI.
In Randy E. Ellis and Terry M. Peters, editors,
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention MICCAI'03,
volume 2879 of LNCS,
pages 644-652,
November 2003.
A. Pitiot,
H. Delingette,
A. Toga,
and P. M. Thompson.
Learning Object Correspondences with the Observed Transport Shape Measure.
In Chris Taylor and J. A. Noble, editors,
Information Processing in Medical Imaging IPMI'03,
volume 2732 of LNCS,
pages 25-37,
July 2003.
A. Pitiot,
G. Malandain,
E. Bardinet,
and P. M. Thompson.
Piecewise Affine Registration of Biological Images.
In J.C. Gee,
J.B. A. Maintz,
and M. W. Vannier, editors,
Second International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration WBIR'03,
volume 2717 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Philadelphia, PA, USA,
pages 91-101,
Note: Also research report INRIA RR-4866.
Keyword(s): registration,
Alexis Roche,
Ferath Kherif,
Guillaume Flandin,
and Jean-Baptiste Poline.
Should fMRI data be analyzed using a single BOLD response model across regions?.
In Tomas Paus,
Ed Bullmore,
and Jonathan D. Cohen, editors,
NeuroImage (HBM'03),
New York, USA,
Academic Press.
Keyword(s): fMRI.
Maxime Sermesant,
Olivier Clatz,
Zhongze Li,
Stéphane Lanteri,
Hervé Delingette,
and Nicholas Ayache.
A Parallel Implementation of Non-Rigid Registration Using a Volumetric Biomechanical Model.
In J.C. Gee,
J.B. A. Maintz,
and M. W. Vannier, editors,
Second International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration WBIR'03,
volume 2717 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Philadelphia, PA, USA,
pages 398-407,
M. Sermesant,
O. Faris,
F. Evans,
E. McVeigh,
Yves Coudière,
H. Delingette,
and N. Ayache.
Preliminary validation using in vivo measures of a macroscopic electrical model of the heart.
In N. Ayache and H. Delingette, editors,
International Symposium on Surgery Simulation and Soft Tissue Modeling (IS4TM'03),
volume 2673 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Juan-les-Pins, France,
pages 230-243,
INRIA Sophia Antipolis,
Radu Stefanescu,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Grid Enabled Non-Rigid Registration with a Dense Transformation and A Priori Information.
In Randy E. Ellis and Terry M. Peters, editors,
Proc. of MICCAI'03, Part II,
volume 2879 of LNCS,
pages 804-811,
November 2003.
Radu Stefanescu,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Parallel non-rigid registration on a cluster of workstations.
In Sofie Norager, editor,
Proc. of HealthGrid'03,
January 2003.
European Commission, DG Information Society.
Keyword(s): registration,
real time,
Jérôme Yelnik,
Eric Bardinet,
Didier Dormont,
Chantal François,
Dominique Tandé,
Karine Parain,
Grégoire Malandain,
Nicholas Ayache,
Etienne Hirsch,
and Yves Agid.
Delineation of the basal ganglia in MR images of patients by automatic registration of a multimodal atlas based on histological and MR data.
In NeuroImage (HBM'03),
New York, USA,
Keyword(s): fMRI.
Vincent Arsigny,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
A novel family of geometrical transformations: Polyrigid transformations. Application to the registration of histological slices.
Research report RR-4837,
Keyword(s): registration,
E. Bardinet and G. Malandain.
Fusion of autoradiographies with an MR volume using 2-D and 3-D linear transformations.
Research report RR-4791,
Keyword(s): autoradiography,
Céline Fouard and Grégoire Malandain.
Automatic calculation of chamfer mask coefficients for large masks and anisotropic images.
Research report RR-4792,
Keyword(s): image analysis,
chamfer distance,
norm constraint,
anisotropic lattice,
Farey triangulation.
Stéphane Nicolau,
Xavier Pennec,
Luc Soler,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Validation of a New 3D/2D Registration Criterion including Error Prediction. Application to Image Guided Radio-Frequency Ablation of the Liver Tumors.
Research report RR-4993,
Keyword(s): Augmented Reality,
3D/2D Registration,
Uncertainty Prediction,
Tumors Liver Radio-frequencies Ablation.
Alain Pitiot,
Eric Bardinet,
P. M. Thompson,
and G. Malandain.
Automated Piecewise Affine Registration of Biological Images.
Research report RR-4866,
July 2003.
Keyword(s): registration,
M. A. González Ballester and Y. Machida.
Parallel MR Imaging Using High-Precision Coil Sensitivity Map.
U.S. Patent Application, number 98G33339,
Alexis Roche,
Grégoire Malandain,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Xavier Pennec.
Electronic device for automatic registration of images.
US patent No US 6,539,127 B1, Mars 25, 2003,
March 2003.
Thibaut Bardyn.
Modèles biomécaniques déformables : introduction de méthodes algébriques pour le calcul de la déformation.
rapport de DEA,
DEA Mathématiques, Vision, Apprentissage, École Normale Supérieure Cachan,
Olivier Commowick.
Utilisation d'atlas anatomiques numériques pour la cancérologie.
rapport de DEA,
DEA Mathématiques, Vision, Apprentissage, École Normale Supérieure Cachan,
C. Bensa,
S. Chanalet,
G. Malandain,
C. Bertogliati,
P. Bedoucha,
M.N. Mauro,
M. Chatel,
and C. Lebrun.
Sclérose en plaques et troubles cognitifs mineurs.
Journées de Neurologie de Langue Française,
April 2003.
Note: Revue Neurologique, tome 159, page 2S63.
Keyword(s): multiple sclerosis.
C. Bensa,
S. Chanalet,
G. Malandain,
C. Bertogliatti,
P. Bedoucha,
M.N. Magnié,
M. Chatel,
and C. Lebrun.
Multiple sclerosis and mild cognitive impairment.
19th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS),
September 2003.
Note: Multiple Sclerosis, P545, pp S136.
Keyword(s): multiple sclerosis.
C. Lebrun,
D. Rey,
S. Chanalet,
N. Ayache,
M. Chatel,
and G. Malandain.
First validation experiments of a 3-D automatic algorithm based on a vector field analysis to detect and quantify volume variation of multiple sclerosis lesions.
19th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS),
September 2003.
Note: Multiple Sclerosis, P455, pp S112.
Keyword(s): multiple sclerosis.
C. Lebrun,
D. Rey,
S. Chanalet,
V. Bourg,
M. Chatel,
N. Ayache,
and G. Malandain.
Intérêt du recalage automatique des IRM cérébrales dans le suivi et la décision thérapeutique : application à la sclérose en plaques.
10èmes Journées Jean-Denis-Degos Thérapeutique et Neurologie,
December 2003.
Keyword(s): multiple sclerosis.
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