Nicolas Tsingos
REVES research project
INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
2004 route des Lucioles,
BP 93
F-06902 Sophia-Antipolis, FRANCE |
: (+33) 4 92 38 76 23
fax. : (+33) 4 92 38 76 43
email : Nicolas.Tsingos@sophia.inria.fr |
INRIA technology rocks next-gen game audio engine.
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or here !
Official Test Drive Unlimited Web Site.
I am currently coordinating the 2-year RNTL OPERA project
The project aims at developing novel perceptual optimization strategies for audio rendering.
I conducted my PhD research from 1995 to 1998
at iMAGIS/GRAVIR (in Grenoble,
France) under the supervision of Claude
Puech and Jean-Dominique
Gascuel. From 1999 to 2001 I was a member of the technical staff in the Visual
Communications Research Laboratory at Bell Laboratories/Lucent Technologies
(in Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA).
If you want to know a bit more about me
you can check my vitae information...
You can visit Bell Labs'
multimedia research dpt. Virtual Acoustics Pages...
or go directly to my
research-related links about interactive acoustics simulations and
computer graphics.
Get my LaTeX bibliography files about audio, acoustic
simulation and sound diffraction : sound.bib,
...and please do not forget that these
pages are always under construction !
Do not miss
"Sounds good to me !", a SIGGRAPH 2002 course on sound rendering by Tom Funkhouser (Princeton Univ.), Jean-Marc Jot (Creative) and myself.
Read a paper about my research in Computer Graphics World (August 2001 issue).
I worked with multimedia artist Paul Kaiser
on a piece called
Trace which was part of BAM's Next Wave Festival last Fall.
This project was part of the Lucent/BAM Arts in Multimedia Program .
If you are in New York City, do not miss Pedestrian the new public art project from Paul and collaborators.
I co-organised with Alan Chalmers, from Bristol University (UK),
the joint ACM SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS Campfire on Acoustic rendering for virtual environments .
It was held in May 2001 in Snowbird Utah, minutes from Salt Lake City.
Check here for more info !
Interests |
My current research interests are
focused on simulating virtual sound fields for interactive applications
and computer graphics rendering simulations. I am thus interested
in virtual acoustics but also in geometrical techniques used in
computer graphics for global illumination problems. |
PhD thesis
You can find here a version of
my PhD dissertation:
Simulating High Quality Dynamic Virtual
Sound Fields For Interactive Graphics Applications.
here for the abstract, citation info, download...
click here for the Adobe Acrobat .pdf
version (in FRENCH !!!!) |
Other interests |
I had previously made some research in
animation, implicit surface modeling, surface reconstruction,
a 3D lip model for virtual actors and multi-level representations.
You can check out my publication list for
more detailled information.
Selected recent
Paul Calamia, Ming C. Lin, Dinesh Manocha, Lauri Savioja, Nicolas Tsingos
Interactive Sound Rendering.
SIGGRAPH 2009 Course, Wed. August 5th | 8:30 AM - 12:15 PM | Auditorium C, check it out !
Nicolas Tsingos
Using programmable graphics hardware for auralization.
invited talk/paper at the EAA Symposium on Auralization, Espoo, Finland 2009.
Nicolas Tsingos
Pre-computing geometry-based reverberation effects for games.
35th AES Conference on Audio for Games, London, 2009.
click here for the pdf file
Cecile Picard, Nicolas Tsingos and François Faure
Retargetting Example Sounds to Interactive Physics-Driven Animations.
35th AES Conference on Audio for Games, London, 2009.
click here for the pdf file
Nicolas Tsingos
Simulation Sonore en Trois Dimensions.
Les cahiers de l'INRIA. La Recherche numero 426, Janvier 2009.
Cecile Picard, Nicolas Tsingos and François Faure
Audio Texture Synthesis for Complex Contact Interactions.
VRIPHYS'08, 2008.
click here for the pdf file
Matteo Dellepiane, Nico Pietroni, Nicolas Tsingos, Manuel Asselot and Roberto Scopigno
Reconstructing head models from photographs for individualized 3D-audio processing.
Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue - Proc. Pacific Graphics) 27(7) - 2008.
click here for the pdf file
Efstathios Stavrakis, Nicolas Tsingos and Paul Calamia .
Topological Sound Propagation with Reverberation Graphs .
Acta Acustica/Acustica - the Journal of the European Acoustics Association (EAA) - 2008 .
click here for the pdf file
Additional material
Nicolas Bonneel, George Drettakis, Nicolas Tsingos ,Isabelle Viaud-Delmon and Doug James.
Fast Modal Sounds with Scalable Frequency-Domain Synthesis .
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Conference Proceedings), Volume 27, Number 3 - August 2008.
click here for the publication page
Nicolas Tsingos
Perceptually-based auralization .
19th Intl. Congress on Acoustics (invited paper), Madrid, Sept. 2007.
click here for a pdf version (600 Kb)
Nicolas Tsingos, Carsten Dachsbacher, Sylvain Lefebvre and Matteo Dellepiane
Extending Geometrical Acoustics to Highly Detailed Architectural Environments .
19th Intl. Congress on Acoustics (invited paper), Madrid, Sept. 2007.
click here for a pdf version (400 Kb)
Nicolas Tsingos, Carsten Dachsbacher, Sylvain Lefebvre and Matteo Dellepiane
Instant Sound Scattering .
Rendering Techniques (Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering) , 2007.
click here for a pdf version (6 Mb)
click here
for the Divx demo (90 Mb)
Additional material
George Drettakis, Maria Roussou, Alex Reche, Nicolas Tsingos
Design and Evaluation of a Real-World Virtual Environment for Architecture and Urban Planning .
Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments, MIT Press, 2007.
Thomas Moeck, Nicolas Bonneel, Nicolas Tsingos, George Drettakis, Isabelle Viaud-Delmond and David Alloza
Progressive Perceptual Audio Rendering of Complex Scenes .
I3D, Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2007.
click here for a pdf version (6 Mb)
click here
for the Divx demo (40 Mb)
Arnault Nagle, Nicolas Tsingos, Guillaume Lemaitre and Aurelien Sollaud
On-the-fly Auditory Masking for Scalable VOIP Bridges .
30th AES Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Audio Environments, 2007.
click here for a pdf version (400 Kb)
listen to some results here
Emmanuel Gallo and Nicolas Tsingos
Extracting and Re-rendering Structured Auditory Scenes from Field Recordings .
30th AES Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Audio Environments, 2007.
click here for a pdf version (4 Mb)
see also "Intelligent Audio Environments", JAES 55(10), Oct. 2007, (2 Mb)
listen to some results here
Emmanuel Gallo, Nicolas Tsingos and Guillaume Lemaitre
3D-Audio Matting, Post-editing and Re-rendering from Field Recordings.
EURASIP JASP, special issue on Spatial Sound and Virtual Acoustics, 2007.
click here for a pdf version (700 Kb)
listen to some results here
Philippe Fuchs, Moustapha Hafez, Mohamed Benali Koudja, Jean-Paul Papin,
Nicolas Tsingos and Olivier Warusfel.
Traité de la Réalité Virtuelle.
Tome I. Chapitre 3 - Les sens de l’homme.
Presses de l’Ecole des Mines de Paris, 2006.
Nicolas Tsingos and Olivier Warusfel.
Traité de la Réalité Virtuelle.
Tome II. Chapitre 15 - Dispositifs et interfaces de restitution sonore spatiale.
Presses de l’Ecole des Mines de Paris, 2006.
Nicolas Tsingos and Olivier Warusfel.
Traité de la Réalité Virtuelle.
Tome III. Chapitre 4 - Modèles pour le rendu sonore.
Presses de l’Ecole des Mines de Paris, 2006.
Nicolas Tsingos.
Scalable Perceptual Mixing and Filtering of Audio Signals
using an Augmented Spectral Representation.
to appear at DAFX 2005 , Madrid, Spain, September 2005.
click here for a pdf version (320 Kb)
listen to some results here
Emmanuel Gallo, Guillaume Lemaitre and Nicolas Tsingos.
Prioritizing Signals for Selective Real-time Audio Processing.
ICAD 2005 , Limerick, Ireland, July 2005.
click here for a pdf version (800 Kb)
listen to some results here
Nicolas Tsingos.
Environnements Virtuels Sonorisés.
I-mag, magazine de l'association des anciens élèves de l'ENSIMAG, Numéro spécial Réalité Virtuelle, juin 2004.
click here for a pdf version (in french, 1Mb)
Emmanuel Gallo and Nicolas Tsingos.
Efficient 3D-audio processing with the GPU.
poster at GP2, ACM Workshop on General Purpose Computing on Graphics Processors , Los Angeles, August 2004.
click here for a pdf version (20 Kb)
project web page
Nicolas Tsingos, Emmanuel Gallo and George Drettakis.
Perceptual Audio Rendering of Complex Virtual Environments.
SIGGRAPH 2004, August 2004.
A revised and improved version of the tech-report below with an additional
pilot perceptual validation study.
click here for a pdf version (3.2 Mb)
click here
for the Divx demo (uncompressed CD quality audio, 230 Mb)
click here for the mp4 demo (compressed audio, 93 Mb, requires QuickTime player)
Nicolas Tsingos, Emmanuel Gallo and George Drettakis.
Breaking the 64 spatialized sources barrier.
Gamasutra Audio Resource Guide 2003, May 2003.
A paper about advanced voice management strategies for 3D game audio.
click here for a pdf version (1.73 Mb)
Nicolas Tsingos, Emmanuel Gallo and George Drettakis.
Perceptual Audio Rendering of Complex Virtual Environments.
INRIA technical report #4734, Feb. 2003.
click here
for a pdf version (300 Kb)
click here
for the Divx demo (50 Mb)
Visual design, modeling and animations by Yannick Bachelart,Frank Quercioli,
Paul Tumelaire, Florent Sacré and Jean-Yves Regnault. All audio premixing operations implemented on the GPU !
Thomas Funkhouser, Nicolas Tsingos and Jean-Marc Jot.
Survey of Methods for Modeling Sound Propagation in Interactive Virtual Environment Systems.
accepted for publication in Presence, 2003.
click here
for a preliminary pdf version (1.4 Mb)
Thomas Funkhouser, Nicolas Tsingos, Ingrid Carlbom, Gary Elko, Mohan Sondhi, James E. West, Gopal Pingali, Patrick Min and Addy Ngan.
A Beam Tracing Method for Interactive Architectural Acoustics.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA), 115(2), pp. 739-756, February 2004.
click here
for a preliminary pdf version (300 Kb)
Thomas Funkhouser, Nicolas Tsingos, Ingrid Carlbom, Gary Elko, Mohan Sondhi and James West.
Modeling Sound Reflection and Diffraction in Architectural Environments with Beam Tracing.
(invited paper) Forum Acusticum, Sevilla, Spain, September, 2002.
click here
for a pdf version (1.2 Mb)
Nicolas Tsingos,Ingrid Carlbom, Gary Elko, Tom Funkhouser and Bob Kubli
Validation of Acoustical Simulations in the "Bell Labs Box".
IEEE CG&A, special issue on Virtual World, Real Sound, July-August 2002.
click here
for a pdf version (900 Kb)
Nicolas Tsingos.
A versatile software architecture for virtual audio simulations.
ICAD 2001.
click here
for a pdf version (177 Kb)
Nicolas Tsingos, Thomas Funkhouser, Addy Ngan and Ingrid Carlbom.
Modeling Acoustics in Virtual Environments Using the Uniform Theory of Diffraction.
click here for a demo movie (Quicktime 26Mb)
click here for an additional demo video (Divx 17Mb)
click here
for a pdf version (6 Mb)
Nicolas Tsingos.
Artifact-free asynchronous geometry-based audio rendering.
Bell Labs Technical Report #10009662-001204-08TM, November 2000.
ICASSP 2001.
click here
for a pdf version (180 Kb)
Nicolas Tsingos.
A Geometrical Approach to Modeling
Reflectance Functions of Diffracting Surfaces.
Bell Labs Technical Report #10009662-000802-04TM, March 2000.
click here
for a pdf version (460 Kb)
Nicolas Tsingos, Tom Funkhouser, Addy Ngan
& Ingrid Carlbom.
Geometrical Theory of Diffraction for
Modeling Acoustics in Virtual Environments.
Bell Labs Technical Report #10009662-000802-03TM, January 2000.
click here
for a pdf version (210 Kb)
Nicolas Tsingos & Jean-Dominique Gascuel.
ECHO & NarSYS - An acoustic modeler
and sound renderer.
ERCIM News no. 34, July 1998. Available
on-line at :
or click
here for a .pdf version (819 Kb)
Nicolas Tsingos & Jean-Dominique Gascuel.
A general model for the simulation
of room acoustics based on hierachical radiosity.
SIGGRAPH'97 technical sketch, August 1997.
here for an abstract, related results, citation info, download...
click here for a related unpublished tech report
(pdf format 1.3 Mb)
Nicolas Tsingos & Jean-Dominique Gascuel.
Fast rendering of sound occlusion and
diffraction effects
for virtual acoustic environments.
Preprint no. 4699 (P4-7), 104th AES convention,
May 1998.
here for an abstract, related results, citation info, download...
click here
for a pdf version (320 Kb)
Nicolas Tsingos & Jean-Dominique Gascuel
Soundtracks for computer animation
Sound rendering in dynamic environments
with occlusions.
Proceedings of Graphics Interface'97,
May 1997.
click here
for an abstract, related results, citation info, download...
click here
for a pdf version (350 Kb)
gallery and more...
Using Hierarchical Layered Depth Images
for Global Illumination.
I am currently developing a new hierarchical
representation for objects in the context of global illumination.
The model allows hierarchical access to
the visibility and radiometric information of any number of primitives
represented in a LDI. This representation
is used to speed-up ray-intersection tests and also carries
radiometric information in a manner similar
to a 'photon map'.
Hybrid Beam-Tracing/Monte Carlo Rendering
for Acoustics and Computer Graphics.
Click on the pictures for more details
on Beam Tracing for Acoustics, Geometrical Theory of Diffraction and Monte-Carlo
techniques in the context of interactive acoustics simulations and computer
I am currently working on a very high
quality acoustic simulation code, including fine band geometrical theory
of diffraction and early reflections treatment and accurate late reverberation
I am also working on a hybrid Beam-Tracing/Monte
Carlo technique for structured irradiance evaluation.
Simulating High Quality Dynamic Virtual
Sound Fields For Interactive Graphics Applications.
Click on the pictures below to get more
details on my PhD research...

models are property of the CSTB)
related links (unsorted)
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