Geometrical theory of Diffraction is an
extension of geometrical optics aimed at taking into account diffraction
light/sound propagating in the geometrical
shadow regions of an obstacle. We designed a system that can construct
and evaluate in real-time the contribution
of any hybrid reflection/diffraction path in a general 3D environment.
Visualizing the diffraction coefficient
The following picture shows the amplitude
of the diffraction coefficient computed using uniform GTD in the case
of a half-screen diffraction.
Building the diffraction paths
The following picture shows all hybrid
specular reflection/diffraction paths between a point source and
a point receiver. The highlighted edge
is the source of the diffraction.
A more complex example, showing all diffracting
edges visible from the receiver (in magenta)
either directly or through one specular
reflection and all hybrid diffracted/reflected path for 1 order of reflection
and 1 diffraction only !!!