
[Fleche] Job Opportunities

[Fleche] Internships

[Fleche] PhD proposal 2008

[Fleche]Somes Slides

[Fleche]Current Projects

[Fleche] Past Projects


INRIA Sophia Antipolis
Batiment Fermat, F109
2004 Route des Lucioles
BP 93
06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex
Tel : (33-4) 4 92 38 50 01
Fax : (33-4) 4 92 38 76 44
Didier Parigot

Didier Parigot btn_liprofile_blue_80x15.gif


[Fleche]Current Research projects:

  • Service-Oriented Architecture for Programmable Overlay Network
  • STAMP (ANR programme blanc),Modelling dynamic landscapes with Spatial, Temporal and Multiscale Primitives, ANR 2007 Programme Blanc [CIRAD,INRA,CNRS,Paris Est]
    • Design of a Domain Specific Language for modelling processes in landscapes, in Ecological Modelling Journal, 2009, july. PDF
    • Developing a Service-Oriented Component Framework For a Landscape Modeling Language, Software Engineering and Applications, SEA 2009 Cambridge (MIT), Massachusetts, USA, [Fleche] November 2 - 4, 2009. PDF

[Fleche]Research interest: Programmable Overlay Network Programmable Overlay Network

[Java, OSGi, GWT; 13 000 lines]
[2008, 2009 first version]
[1 engineer]
[[Fleche] application of georefenced services]
  • Peer-to-Peer Distributed OSGi
  • Service-oriented Network Architecture (SONA)
  • Service-Oriented Computing (SOC)
  • Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
  • Peer-to-Peer computing (P2P)
  • Structured Overlay Networks (SON)
  • JXTA technologie (Virtual Pipes)
  • Social Network

[Fleche]Research interest: SmartTools Software Factory

Article:Domain-Driven Development: the SmartTools Software Factory
[DSL, Java, OSGi, XML, Eclipse; 100 000 lines]
[2000, 2002 first SOA version, 2007 Eclipse version]
[1 Phd, 4 engineers]
[[Fleche] version 1.6.2]
  • Object-oriented languages
  • Visitor Design Patterns
  • Aspect-Oriented programming (AOP)
  • Aspect-Oriented Compiler (AOP) [Moor1999]
  • Generative programming
  • Component programming
  • Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
  • Service-Oriented Computing (SOC)
  • XML technologies, DTD and Schema
  • language-based editors, XLST technologie
  • Domain-Specific Languages (DSL)
  • Unified Modeling Language (UML)
  • Model-Driven Architecture (MDA)
  • Software Factories

[Fleche]Research on Attribue Grammar: FNC-2 Attribute grammar system

Article : Attribute grammar paradigms---a high-level methodology in language implementation
[Olga, C; 70 000 lines]
[1986, 1989 first version] [7 Phd]
  • Attribute grammar system, design language (Olga language)
  • Dynamic attribute grammar
  • Incremental Attribute Evaluation
  • Parallel Attribute Evaluation
  • Deforestation, partial evaluation, transformation of functional programming
  • Lazy and lenient evaluation of functional programming
  • Grammar Flow Analysis, Data Flow Analysis
  • Polytypic programming, shapely types, Generic attribute grammar, Modular attribute grammar
  • Natural Semantic, Evolving Algebras
  • Tree Transducers, Primitive Recursive Scheme
  • Object-oriented languages, Chocolate language, Design Patterns (Visitor Patterns)
  • Parser, Abstract Tree Constructor (Atc language)
  • language-based editors, Pretty printer (Ppat language)
  • Compiler Construction, Cosy platform

[Fleche] Publication List

[Fleche] PhD Supervised [8].

[Fleche] Engineer Supervised [11].

[Fleche] MS Supervised [49].

[Fleche]PC Memberships

[Fleche]PhD Referees

  • Une approche de la transformation de modéles fondée sur les grammaires attribuée, May Dehayni, 2004.
  • Un modéle de spécification de haut niveau pour la transformation de données structurées, Nouhad Amaneddine, 2004.
  • Conception de modéles de familles de systémes temps réel, Patrick Tessier, 2005.
  • Motifs arborescents pour données semi-structurées XML: Compilation et Application, Julien-Laurent Carcenac, 2006.
  • Un modele génératif pour le développement de serveurs Internet, Gauthier Loyauté, 2008.
  • Mise en eouvre automatique de processus métier dans le domaine des architectures orientées services, Aurélien Moreau, 2009.

[Fleche]Cross Fertilization

[Fleche]R&D projects


[Fleche]Submission projects

  • [2002] ACI ROOF : une proposition pour ACI "Sécurité de l'informatique"
  • [2003] Projet RNTL Plate-Forme Modathéque: composants MDA (en soumission, appel 2003)
  • [2002] ARC SAM , Submission of "action de recherche coopérative" (ARC)
  • [2003] Projet RNTL, IntelliSurf (WebSémantique)
  • [2003] Action de R&D SYNTAX
  • [2003] Color COLOR : Protection dans les langages de programmation
  • [2004] Projet RNTL, XLUC (XLUC est un acronyme pour XML - Langages - UML - Contrats) (refused)
  • [2006] Projet RNTL, Application Electronique pour la cooperation dans l'architecture et le batiment
  • [2007] Projet RNTL, Application Electronique pour la cooperation dans l'architecture et le batiment
  • [2007] FP7-ICT STREP, Dynamic BPEL Engine in Support for Run-Time Adaptable and Extensible Service-Based e-Process


  • Master Degree in Computer Science, University of Orsay, June 1985.
  • Doctoral Thesis in Computer Science, University of Orsay, Mai 1988.
  • Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, le 27 novembre 2003
      Jury :
    • Paul Franchi-Zannettacci Université de NICE
    • Louis Feraud Université de Paul Sabatier rapport
    • Jacques Malenfant Université de Paris 6 rapport
    • Christian Queinnec Université de Paris 6 rapport
    • Daniel Dardailler Directeur du W3C Europe
    • Martin Jourdan MetaWare Technologies

[Fleche]Teaching activities

  • Tronc Commun d'Informatique à l'Ecole polytechnique pendans 10 ans
  • Majeur 2eme annee Informatique (avec Patrick Cousot)

  • Didier Parigot
    Last modified: Fri Jun 4 09:27:57 CEST 2010