Publications of Stanley Durrleman
Dajiang Zhu,
Jingwen Yan,
Heng Huang,
Li Shen,
Paul M. Thompson,
Carl-Fredrik Westin,
Xavier Pennec,
Sarang Joshi,
Mads Nielsen,
Tom Fletcher,
Stanley Durrleman,
and Stefan Sommer.
Multimodal Brain Image Analysis and Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy,
volume 11846 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
October 2019.
Keyword(s): Approximation methods,
Artificial intelligence,
Biomedical imaging,
Statistical models,
Principal component analysis,
Neural networks,
Machine learning,
Imaging genetics,
Image segmentation,
Image registration,
Image reconstruction,
Image processing,
Image fusion,
Statistics of surfaces,
Computational anatomy.
Jorge M. Cardoso,
Tal Arbel,
Enzo Ferrante,
Xavier Pennec,
Dalca Adrian V.,
Sarah Parisot,
Sarang Joshi,
Nematollah K. Batmanghelich,
Aristeidis Sotiras,
Mads Nielsen,
Mert Sabuncu,
Fletcher Tom,
Li Shen,
Stanley Durrleman,
and Stefan Sommer.
Graphs in Biomedical Image Analysis, Computational Anatomy and Imaging Genetics,
volume 10551 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
September 2017.
Keyword(s): Data mining,
Face recognition,
Feature selection,
Image analysis,
Image processing,
Image reconstruction,
Learning systems,
Medical images,
Medical imaging,
Neural networks,
Pattern recognition,
Signal processing,
Computer vision,
Cluster analysis,
Clustering algorithms,
Artificial intelligence,
Bayesian networks,
Stanley Durrleman,
Thomas P. Fletcher,
Guido Gerig,
Marc Niethammer,
and Xavier Pennec, editors.
Spatio-temporal Image Analysis for Longitudinal and Time-Series Image Data,
volume 8682 of Lecture notes in computer science,
Cambridge, United States,
January 2015.
Springer International Publishing.
Thomas P.,
and Stefan, editors.
Proceedings of the fifth international workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy (MFCA 2015),
Munich, Germany,
August 2015.
Xavier Pennec,
Sarang Joshi,
Mads Nielsen,
Thomas P. Fletcher,
Stanley Durrleman,
and Stefan Sommer.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy - Geometrical and Statistical Methods for Biological Shape Variability Modeling (MFCA 2013), Nagoya, Japan.
August 2013.
Stanley Durrleman.
Statistical models of currents for measuring the variability of anatomical curves, surfaces and their evolution.
Thèse de sciences (PhD Thesis),
Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis,
March 2010.
Articles in journal, book chapters |
Wen Wei,
Emilie Poirion,
Benedetta Bodini,
Matteo Tonietto,
Stanley Durrleman,
Olivier Colliot,
Bruno Stankoff,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Predicting PET-derived Myelin Content from Multisequence MRI for Individual Longitudinal Analysis in Multiple Sclerosis.
December 2020.
Keyword(s): Conditional GANs,
Attention Mechanism,
PET Imaging,
Multisequence MRI,
Demyelination and Remyelination,
Deep Learning,
Multiple Sclerosis.
Claire Cury,
Stanley Durrleman,
David Cash,
Marco Lorenzi,
Jennifer M Nicholas,
Martina Bocchetta,
John C. van Swieten,
Barbara Borroni,
Daniela Galimberti,
Mario Masellis,
Maria Carmela Tartaglia,
James Rowe,
Caroline Graff,
Fabrizio Tagliavini,
Giovanni B. Frisoni,
Robert Laforce,
Elizabeth Finger,
Alexandre de Mendonça,
Sandro Sorbi,
Sébastien Ourselin,
Jonathan Rohrer,
Marc Modat,
Christin Andersson,
Silvana Archetti,
Andrea Arighi,
Luisa Benussi,
Sandra Black,
Maura Cosseddu,
Marie Fallstrm,
Carlos G. Ferreira,
Chiara Fenoglio,
Nick Fox,
Morris Freedman,
Giorgio Fumagalli,
Stefano Gazzina,
Robert Ghidoni,
Marina Grisoli,
Vesna Jelic,
Lize Jiskoot,
Ron Keren,
Gemma Lombardi,
Carolina Maruta,
Lieke Meeter,
Rick van Minkelen,
Benedetta Nacmias,
Linn Ijerstedt,
Alessandro Padovani,
Jessica Panman,
Michela Pievani,
Cristina Polito,
Enrico Premi,
Sara Prioni,
Rosa Rademakers,
Veronica Redaelli,
Ekaterina Rogaeva,
Giacomina Rossi,
Martin Rossor,
Elio Scarpini,
David Tang-Wai,
Hakan Thonberg,
Pietro Tiraboschi,
Ana Verdelho,
and Jason Warren.
Spatiotemporal analysis for detection of pre-symptomatic shape changes in neurodegenerative diseases: Initial application to the GENFI cohort.
March 2019.
Keyword(s): Clustering,
Spatiotemporal geodesic regression,
Parallel transport,
Computational anatomy,
Shape analysis.
Wen Wei,
Emilie Poirion,
Benedetta Bodini,
Stanley Durrleman,
Nicholas Ayache,
Bruno Stankoff,
and Olivier Colliot.
Predicting PET-derived Demyelination from Multimodal MRI using Sketcher-Refiner Adversarial Training for Multiple Sclerosis.
Medical Image Analysis,
December 2019.
Keyword(s): Multimodal MRI,
PET Imaging,
Adversarial Training,
Multiple Sclerosis.
Wen Wei,
Emilie Poirion,
Benedetta Bodini,
Stanley Durrleman,
Olivier Colliot,
Bruno Stankoff,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery MRI synthesis from multisequence MRI using three-dimensional fully convolutional networks for multiple sclerosis.
Journal of Medical Imaging,
February 2019.
Keyword(s): MR Images,
FLAIR Synthesis,
3D Fully Convolutional Networks,
Multiple Sclerosis,
Deep Learning.
Pietro Gori,
Olivier Colliot,
Linda Marrakchi Kacem,
Yulia Worbe,
Alexandre Routier,
Cyril Poupon,
Andreas Hartmann,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Stanley Durrleman.
Double diffeomorphism: combining morphometry and structural connectivity analysis.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
September 2018.
Keyword(s): Neural circuits,
Structural connectivity,
Pietro Gori,
Olivier Colliot,
Linda Marrakchi-Kacem,
Yulia Worbe,
Cyril Poupon,
Andreas Hartmann,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Stanley Durrleman.
A Bayesian Framework for Joint Morphometry of Surface and Curve meshes in Multi-Object Complexes.
Medical Image Analysis,
January 2017.
Keyword(s): complex,
fiber bundle,
multi - object.
Pietro Gori,
Olivier Colliot,
Linda Marrakchi-Kacem,
Yulia Worbe,
Fabrizio de Vico Fallani,
Mario Chavez,
Cyril Poupon,
Andreas Hartmann,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Stanley Durrleman.
Parsimonious Approximation of Streamline Trajectories in White Matter Fiber Bundles.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
Keyword(s): Index Terms-Diffusion weighted imaging,
Connectivity analysis,
Dimensionality reduction,
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
José Braga,
Guido Gerig,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Toward a Comprehensive Framework for the Spatiotemporal Statistical Analysis of Longitudinal Shape Data.
International Journal of Computer Vision,
May 2013.
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
Nicholas Ayache,
and José Braga.
Comparison of the endocranial ontogenies between chimpanzees and bonobos via temporal regression and spatiotemporal registration.
Journal of Human Evolution,
62(1):74 - 88,
ISSN: 0047-2484.
Keyword(s): Endocranium.
Stanley Durrleman,
Pierre Fillard,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Registration, Atlas Estimation and Variability Analysis of White Matter Fiber Bundles Modeled as Currents.
ISSN: 1053-8119.
Keyword(s): Computational Anatomy.
Tommaso Mansi,
Ingmar Voigt,
Benedetta Leonardi,
Xavier Pennec,
Stanley Durrleman,
Maxime Sermesant,
Hervé Delingette,
Andrew M. Taylor,
Younes Boudjemline,
Giacomo Pongiglione,
and Nicholas Ayache.
A Statistical Model for Quantification and Prediction of Cardiac Remodelling: Application to Tetralogy of Fallot.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
September 2011.
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Statistical Models on Sets of Curves and Surfaces based on Currents.
Medical Image Analysis,
October 2009.
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
Paul Thompson,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Inferring brain variability from diffeomorphic deformations of currents: an integrative approach.
Medical Image Analysis,
Wen Wei,
Emilie Poirion,
Benedetta Bodini,
Stanley Durrleman,
Nicholas Ayache,
Bruno Stankoff,
and Olivier Colliot.
Learning Myelin Content in Multiple Sclerosis from Multimodal MRI through Adversarial Training.
In MICCAI 2018 -- 21st International Conference On Medical Image Computing & Computer Assisted Intervention,
volume 11072,
Granada, Spain,
September 2018.
Wen Wei,
Emilie Poirion,
Benedetta Bodini,
Stanley Durrleman,
Olivier Colliot,
Bruno Stankoff,
and Nicholas Ayache.
FLAIR MR Image Synthesis By Using 3D Fully Convolutional Networks for Multiple Sclerosis.
In ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018 - Joint Annual Meeting,
Paris, France,
pages 1-6,
June 2018.
Pietro Gori,
Olivier Colliot,
Linda Marrakchi-Kacem,
Yulia Worbe,
Alexandre Routier,
Cyril Poupon,
Andreas Hartmann,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Stanley Durrleman.
Joint Morphometry of Fiber Tracts and Gray Matter structures using Double Diffeomorphisms.
In Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
volume 9123 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Isle of Skye, United Kingdom,
pages 275-287,
June 2015.
Keyword(s): diffeomorphism,
structural connectivity,
Pietro Gori,
Olivier Colliot,
Linda Marrakchi-Kacem,
Yulia Worbe,
Alexandre Routier,
Cyril Poupon,
Andreas Hartmann,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Stanley Durrleman.
Unified analysis of shape and structural connectivity of neural pathways.
In Organisation for Human Brain Mapping,
Honolulu, United States,
Pietro Gori,
Olivier Colliot,
Linda Marrakchi-Kacem,
Yulia Worbe,
Fabrizio de Vico Fallani,
Mario Chavez,
Sophie Lecomte,
Cyril Poupon,
Andreas Hartmann,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Stanley Durrleman.
A Prototype Representation to Approximate White Matter Bundles with Weighted Currents.
In MICCAI 2014 - 17th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention,
Boston, United States,
September 2014.
Pietro Gori,
Olivier Colliot,
Yulia Worbe,
Linda Marrakchi-Kacem,
Sophie Lecomte,
Cyril Poupon,
Andreas Hartmann,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Stanley Durrleman.
Bayesian Atlas Estimation for the Variability Analysis of Shape Complexes.
In MICCAI 2013 : Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention,
Nagoya, Japan,
pages 267-274,
September 2013.
Pietro Gori,
Olivier Colliot,
Yulia Worbe,
Linda Marrakchi-Kacem,
Sophie Lecomte,
Cyril Poupon,
Andreas Hartmann,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Stanley Durrleman.
Towards joint morphometry of white matter tracts and gray matter surfaces.
In Human Brain Mapping,
Seattle, United States,
Note: Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2013.
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
Nicholas Ayache,
and José Braga.
Comparison of the endocast growth of chimpanzees and bonobos via temporal regression and spatiotemporal registration.
In Miccai Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Image Analysis for Longitudinal and Time-Series Image Data,
Beijing, China,
September 2010.
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
Nicholas Ayache,
and José Braga.
Measuring the inter-species variability of endocast growth using shape regression and spatiotemporal registration.
In Abstracts of the 79-th annual meeting of the American Assoc. of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA), April 2010, Albuquerque,
pages 78-79,
V. Gorbunova,
Stanley Durrleman,
Pechin Lo,
Xavier Pennec,
and M. de Bruijne.
Lung CT registration combining intensity, curves and surfaces.
In Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging 2010 (ISBI'10),
pages 340-343,
Stanley Durrleman,
Pierre Fillard,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
and Nicholas Ayache.
A Statistical Model of White Matter Fiber Bundles based on Currents.
In Jerry L. Prince,
Dzung L. Pham,
and Kyle J. Myers, editors,
Proceedings of Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI'09),
volume 5636 of LNCS,
pages 114-125,
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
Guido Gerig,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Spatiotemporal Atlas Estimation for Developmental Delay Detection in Longitudinal Datasets.
In Guang-Zhong Yang,
David Hawkes,
Daniel Rueckert,
Alison Noble,
and Chris Taylor, editors,
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'09), Part I,
volume 5761 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
London, UK,
pages 297-304,
September 2009.
V. Gorbunova,
Stanley Durrleman,
P. Lo,
Xavier Pennec,
and M. de Bruijne.
Curve- and surface-based registration of lung CT images via currents.
In M. Brown,
M. de Bruijne,
B. van Ginneken,
A. Kiraly,
J.M. Kuhnigk,
C. Lorenz,
J.R. McClelland,
K. Mori,
A.P. Reeves,
and J. Reinhardt, editors,
Proc. of Second International Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis,
London United Kingdom,
pages 15-25,
Tommaso Mansi,
Stanley Durrleman,
Boris Bernhardt,
Maxime Sermesant,
Hervé Delingette,
Ingmar Voigt,
Philipp Lurz,
Andrew M Taylor,
Julie Blanc,
Younes Boudjemline,
Xavier Pennec,
and Nicholas Ayache.
A Statistical Model of Right Ventricle in Tetralogy of Fallot for Prediction of Remodelling and Therapy Planning.
In Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'09),
volume 5761 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
London, UK,
pages 214-221,
September 2009.
N. Toussaint,
S. Durrleman,
M. Sermesant,
S. Kozerke,
and P. Batchelor.
Error Assessment on myocardial fiber orientations from DTI measurements.
In Book of Abstracts, European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ESMRMB) 26th Annual Scientific Meeting,
volume 22,
Antalya, Turkey,
pages 59,
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
and Nicholas Ayache.
A Forward Model to Build Unbiased Atlases from Curves and Surfaces.
In X. Pennec and S. Joshi, editors,
Proc. of the International Workshop on the Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy (MFCA-2008),
September 2008.
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Sparse Approximation of Currents for Statistics on Curves and Surfaces.
In Dimitris Metaxas,
Leon Axel,
Gábor Székely,
and Gabor Fichtinger, editors,
Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Part II,
volume 5242 of LNCS,
New-York, USA,
pages 390-398,
September 2008.
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Measuring Brain Variability via Sulcal Lines Registration: a Diffeomorphic Approach.
In Nicholas Ayache,
Sébastien Ourselin,
and Anthony Maeder, editors,
Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI),
volume 4791 of LNCS,
Brisbane, Australia,
pages 675-682,
October 2007.
Xavier Pennec,
Curzio Basso,
Younes Boudjemline,
Stanley Durrleman,
Ender Konukoglu,
Tommaso Mansi,
Kristin McLeod,
Giacomo Pongiglione,
Matteo Santoro,
Maxime Sermesant,
Bertrand Stos,
Nicolas Toussaint,
and Gianluca Trocchio.
Third generation disease models: Image analysis tools, pediatric heart diseases, inflammatory diseases and brain tumors.
Deliverables D11.4,
European project Health-e-Child (IST-2004-027749),
April 2010.
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Guido Gerig,
Alain Trouvé,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Spatiotemporal Atlas Estimation for Developmental Delay Detection in Longitudinal Datasets.
Research report RR-6952,
Stanley Durrleman,
Xavier Pennec,
Alain Trouvé,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Sparse Approximation of Currents for Statistics on Curves and Surfaces.
Research report RR-6571,
June 2008.
Xavier Pennec,
Curzio Basso,
Younes Boudjemline,
Stanley Durrleman,
Ender Konukoglu,
Tommaso Mansi,
Giacomo Pongiglione,
Matteo Santoro,
Maxime Sermesant,
Bertrand Stos,
Nicolas Toussaint,
and Gianluca Trocchio.
First generation disease models: Image analysis tools, pediatric heart diseases, inflammatory diseases and brain tumors.
Deliverables D11.2,
European project Health-e-Child (IST-2004-027749),
June 2007.
Claire Cury,
Stanley Durrleman,
David M. Cash,
Marco Lorenzi,
Jennifer M Nicholas,
Martina Bocchetta,
John Cornelis van Swieten,
Barbara Borroni,
Daniela Galimberti,
Mario Masellis,
Maria Carmela Tartaglia,
James Rowe,
Caroline Graff,
Fabrizio Tagliavini,
Giovanni B. Frisoni,
Robert Laforce,
Elizabeth Finger,
Alexandre de Mendonça,
Sandro Sorbi,
Sébastien Ourselin,
Jonathan D Rohrer,
and Marc M Modat.
Spatiotemporal analysis for detection of pre-symptomatic shape changes in neurodegenerative diseases: applied to GENFI study.
Note: Working paper or preprint,
August 2018.
Keyword(s): LDDMM,
Frontotemporal Dementia,
Shape Analysis,
Spatio temporal analysis,
Kristin McLeod,
Tommaso Mansi,
Stanley Durrleman,
Maxime Sermesant,
and Xavier Pennec.
Statistical Analysis of the Anatomy: From Digital Patient to Digital Population.
First VPH Conference (VPH2010), Brussels),
September 2010.
Note: Abstract.
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