1. Coordination (INRIA)

6th month report (06/2010)☑

18th month report (06/2011)☑

30th month report (06/2012)☑


- Analyse physique par simulation numérique et modélisation de la turbulence de l'interaction transsonique autour de profils et d'ailes d'avion, Thesis dissertation, D1.1, M48, IMFT prepared by Fernando Grossi, to be defended on december 19th, 2013

- Implicit hybrid VMS models, Thesis dissertation, D1.2, M48, I3M prepared by Carine Moussaed, to be defended on december 18th, 2013

Adjoint-based mesh adaptation for hybrid models, Thesis dissertation, D1.3, M48, INRIA is replaced by

- Résolution d'écoulements instationnaires et adjoints, D1.3a, M38, INRIA thesis presented by Hubert Alcin on december 5th 2012,☑


- Adjoint-based mesh third order adaptation for flow models, Thesis dissertation, D1.3b, M48, INRIA prepared by Alexandre Carabias, to be defended on december 12th, 2013.

Synthesis of industrial cases, D1.4, M48, Lemma D1.4 "Synth\`ese des cas industriels".

Final synthetic report, D1.5, M48, INRIA ☑

2. Global preconditioning by coarse grids(I3M) ☑

Efficiency of MultiLevel, D2.1, M12, I3M (see synthesis, D2.3)☑

Efficiency of Deflation Preconditioner, D2.2, M12, Lemma/INRIA(see synthesis, D2.3)☑

D2.2a: "Algorithmes de Schwarz multi-niveau pour des applications au modèle de Navier-Stokes compressible"(july 2013).

Synthesis by leader, D2.3, M18, I3M ☑

D2.1-D2.2-D2.3 "Efficiency of two-level Schwarz Algorithm for in compressible and compressible flows".

3. Subdomain preconditioning(I3M) ☑

Renumbered ILU, D3.1, M18, I3M/INRIA D3.1 "Renumerotation de ILU".

Implicit anisotropic and RSM, D3.2, M18, IMFT/INRIA: replaced by more research on anisotropic models, delivrable D6.1.☑

Synthesis by leader, D3.3, M20, I3M D3.3-D4.2 "Efficiency of three-level Schwarz Algorithm".

4. Assembly of both preconditioners(INRIA) ☑

Specification of differentiable routines, D4.1,M6,INRIA D4.1-D5.2 "Une nouvelle formulation pour le calcul d'adjoint"(slides).

Assembly of preconditioners, D4.2,M24,I3M D3.3-D4.2 "Efficiency of three-level Schwarz Algorithm".

Synthesis by leader, D4.3,M24,INRIA: Synthesis in the article

5. Parallel differentiation(INRIA) ☑

Differentiation of first version, D5.1, M18, INRIA D5.1: Direct differentiation of first version, march 2012.

Reverse (adjoint) Differentiation of first version, D5.2, M24, INRIA D4.1-D5.2 "Une nouvelle formulation pour le calcul d'adjoint"(slides). D5.2a: Adjoint differentiation, march 2012.

Synthesis by leader, D5.3, M36, INRIA: Chapter 4 from H. Alcin's thesis. Differentiation Automatique et programmation parallele

6. Turbulence models(IMFT)

Anisotropic and RSM improvements, D6.1, M30, IMFT D6.1 "URANS/OES/DDES Tensorial eddy-viscosity modelling"

Improvement of unstructured models, D6.2, M30, I3M: ☑

D6.2 "A dynamic variational multiscale LES model for the simulation of bluff body flows on unstructured grids"

D6.2b " ECINADS-D6.2b: The impact of dynamic and variational multiscale LES modelling in hybrid calculations,march 2012"

D6.2c "Impact of dynamic SGS models in variational multiscale LES on unstructured grids : application to bluff body flows"(july 2013)

Synthesis by leader, D6.3, M33, IMFT : D6.3 "Synthèse sur les modèles de turbulence".

7. Assessments and applications(Lemma)

Specification of meshes and cases D7.1,M6,Lemma: ☑

- Academic cases: Lemma/I3M/INRIA:D7.1a D7.1a "Assessment of VMS-LES and hybrid RANS VMS-LES models".

- Industrial cases: Lemma : D7.1b D7.1b "Industrial test cases".

Static cases, mesh adaptation evaluation, D7.2, M40, INRIA/I3M: see the thesis of H. Alcin "Résolution d'écoulements instationnaires et adjoints".

Moving geometries, D7.3, M40, IMFT D7.3 "Moving Geometries".

Synthesis by leader, D7.4, M48, Lemma D7.4 "Industrial test cases".

Updated oct/01/2013.

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