Publications of Jimena Costa
Jimena Costa.
Segmentation of Anatomical Structures of the Lower Abdomen using 3D Deformable Models.
PhD Thesis,
École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris,
March 2008.
Articles in journal, book chapters |
Olivier Commowick,
Vincent Arsigny,
Aurélie Isambert,
Jimena Costa,
Frédéric Dhermain,
François Bidault,
Pierre-Yves Bondiau,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Grégoire Malandain.
An efficient locally affine framework for the smooth registration of anatomical structures.
Medical Image Analysis,
August 2008.
Keyword(s): Algorithms,
anatomy & histology,
Diagnostic Imaging,
Image Processing Computer-Assisted,
Radiotherapy Planning Computer-Assisted,
Sensitivity and Specificity.
Jimena Costa,
Hervé Delingette,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Automatic Segmentation of the Bladder Using Deformable Models.
In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI'07),
Metro Washington DC, USA,
pages 904-907,
Jimena Costa,
Hervé Delingette,
Sébastien Novellas,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Automatic Segmentation of Bladder and Prostate Using Coupled 3D Deformable Models.
In Nicholas Ayache,
Sébastien Ourselin,
and Anthony Maeder, editors,
Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'07),
volume 4791 of LNCS,
Brisbane, Australia,
pages 252-260,
October 2007.
Olivier Commowick,
Vincent Arsigny,
Jimena Costa,
Nicholas Ayache,
and Grégoire Malandain.
An Efficient Locally Affine Framework for the Registration of Anatomical Structures.
In Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2006),
Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, Virginia, USA,
pages 478-481,
April 2006.
Keyword(s): Non-rigid registration,
Multi-affine registration,
Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
Polyaffine transformations,
Log-Euclidean metrics,
Sébastien Novellas,
Grégoire Malandain,
Jimena Costa,
Jean-Christophe Souplet,
Nicholas Ayache,
and P Chevallier.
Apport d'un algorithme de segmentation semi-automatique pour analyse des adénopathies médiastinales.
Journées Françaises de Radiologie,
October 2008.
Jimena Costa,
Hervé Delingette,
Jean-Christophe Diaz,
William Wibault,
and Ann Egelmeers.
Towards an automatic delineation of lower abdomen structures for conformational radiotherapy based on CT images.
Proceedings of the 44èmes Journées Scientifiques de la Société Française de Physique Médicale (SFPM),
June 2005.
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