Mahmoud El Chamie
INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Projet MAESTRO
2004 Route des Lucioles
B.P. 93
06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France
Office: L139
Email: shamieh(dot)m(at)gmail.com
Phone: +33 (0)4 9238 7184
Fax: +33 (0)4 9238 7971
Position |
Ph.D. student |
Organization |
Research unit |
Sophia Antipolis |
Theme |
Networks and Telecommunications |
Project-Team |
This website will not be updated after 31/12/2014. Please check my new website (here) or contact me by email at shamieh(dot)m(at)gmail.com
Engineering degree from the Lebanese University - Graduated in June 2010.
UBINET Masters from University of Nice Sophia Antipolis - Graduated in August 2011.
PhD at Maestro team, INRIA - Graduated in November 2014.
Research activities
The general topic of my thesis is "Optimization, Control, and Game Theory Problems in Consensus Protocols". My research interests include but are not limited to optimization problems concerned with spectral properties of graphs, average consensus, distributed optimization (gradient methods), game theory in optimal control, and clustering using random walks on large scale networks.
PhD Thesis
M. El Chamie,
"Optimization, Control, and Game Theoretical Problems in Consensus Protocols",
PhD dissertation, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, November 2014.
PDF Bibtex
Journal Papers
M. El Chamie,
G. Neglia,
and K. Avrachenkov,
"Distributed Weight Selection in Consensus Protocols by Schatten Norm Minimization",
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control as Technical Note, Vol. 60, No. 4, April 2015.
PDF Bibtex
[Shorter version of INRIA Research Report RR-8078.]
Conference Papers
M. El Chamie
and T. Başar,
"Optimal Strategies for Dynamic Weight Selection in Consensus Protocols in the Presence of an Adversary",
In proceedings of the 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control CDC 2014 (Los Angeles, California, Dec 15-17), pp.6, Dec 2014.
PDF Bibtex
M. El Chamie,
J. Liu,
and T. Başar,
"Design and Analysis of Distributed Averaging with Quantized Communication",
In proceedings of the 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control CDC 2014 (Los Angeles, California, Dec 15-17), pp.6, Dec 2014.
PDF Bibtex
M. El Chamie
and G. Neglia,
"Newton's Method for Constrained Norm Minimization and Its Application to Weighted Graph Problems",
In proceedings of the American Control Conference ACC 2014 (Portland, OR, United States, June 4-6), pp. 6, Jun. 2014.
(Best session presentation award - Presentation )
PDF Bibtex
K. Avrachenkov,
M. El Chamie,
and G. Neglia,
"Graph Clustering Based on Mixing Time of Random Walks",
In proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC 2014 (Sydney, Australia, June 10-14), pp. 6, Jun. 2014.
PDF Bibtex
L. Severini,
M. El Chamie,
and G. Neglia,
"Topology versus Link Strength for Information Dissemination in Networks",
In proceedings of ALGOTEL 2013 (Pornic, Loire-Atlantique, France, May 28-31), pp. 4, May 2013.
PDF Bibtex
M. El Chamie,
G. Neglia,
and K. Avrachenkov,
"Reducing Communication Overhead for Average Consensus",
In proceedings of IFIP Networking 2013 (Brooklyn, NY, USA, May 22-24), May 2013.
[Extended version of INRIA Research Report RR-8025.]
K. Avrachenkov,
M. El Chamie,
and G. Neglia,
"A local average consensus algorithm for wireless sensor networks",
In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Sytems and Workshops DCOSS 2011 (Barcelona, Spain June 27-29), pp. 6, Jun. 2011.
M. El Chamie
and T. Başar,
"Optimal Strategies for Dynamic Weight Selection in Consensus Protocols in the Presence of an Adversary",
Presented at the 16th ISDG Symposium (Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 9-12), July 2014. (abstract)
Technical Reports
M. El Chamie,
J. Liu,
and T. Başar,
"Design and Analysis of Distributed Averaging with Quantized Communication",
INRIA Research Report RR-8501, pp. 29, Mar. 2014.
PDF Bibtex
M. El Chamie,
G. Neglia,
and K. Avrachenkov,
"Distributed Weight Selection in Consensus Protocols by Schatten Norm Minimization",
INRIA Research Report RR-8078, pp. 23, Oct. 2012.
PDF Bibtex
M. El Chamie,
G. Neglia,
and K. Avrachenkov,
"Reducing Communication Overhead for Average Consensus",
INRIA Research Report RR-8025, pp. 22, Aug. 2012.
PDF Bibtex
Teaching Experience - University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (140 Hours)
Data Base (Licence 2 Informatique - Licence 3 MIAGE - 2012, 2013) (in french)
Networking (Licence 3 Informatique - Licence 3 MIAGE - 2013, 2014) (in french)
Internet and Networks (Master 1 International in Computer Science - 2013) (in english)
Probability and Statistics (Licence 3 MIAGE - 2014) (in french)
PHP Programming (Licence 1 Informatique - 2014) (in french)
Co-advisor of a PFE project of Master 2 UBINET - 2013
Advisor of a TER project of Master 1 IFI Informatique - 2014
Visitors (Since 01 July 2014)
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