Formalization Techniques for Asymptotic Reasoning in Classical Analysis,
R. Affeldt, C. Cohen and D. Rouhling.
In Journal of Formalized Reasoning 2018.
[bib |
A Formal Proof in Coq of a Control Function for the Inverted Pendulum,
D. Rouhling.
In the proceedings of CPP
[bib |
A Formal Proof in Coq of LaSalle's Invariance Principle, C. Cohen and
D. Rouhling.
In the proceedings of ITP 2017.
[bib |
A refinement-based approach to large scale reflection for algebra, C. Cohen
and D. Rouhling.
In the proceedings of JFLA 2017.
[bib |
Axiomatic constraint systems for proof search modulo theories, D. Rouhling,
M. Farooque, S. Graham-Lengrand, A. Mahboubi and J.-M. Notin.
In the proceedings of FroCoS 2015.
[bib |
Asymptotic Reasoning in Coq, at the Gallium
Formal Proofs for Control Theory and Robotics: A Case Study, at
the journées FastRelax
A Stability Proof for the Inverted Pendulum, at CPP
A formal proof in Coq of LaSalle's invariance principle, at ITP
A formal proof in Coq of LaSalle's invariance principle, at the journées
FastRelax 2017.
Refinement: a reflection on proofs and computations, at the SpecFun
Constraint systems for proof-search modulo a theory, at the journées LAC
Delayed instantiation of existential variables in presence of a theory, at
the PSATTT 2013
This is a temporary version.
The source code is spread across three repositories: CoqEAL, LaSalle and mathcomp-analysis.
A snapshot of the code presented in the manuscript is here.
January - June 2016: M2 internship.
Automatic refinements in Coq.
At Inria Sophia Antipolis -
Méditerranée, in the
MARELLE team, under the supervision of
Cyril Cohen.
[report |
Summer 2014: M1 internship.
Dependently typed lambda calculus with a lifting operator.
At the computer science and engineering
department of Chalmers University of
Technology, in Gothenburg, Sweden, under the
supervision of Thierry Coquand.
[report | (french)
Summer 2013: L3 internship.
Congruence closure and proof-search modulo a theory.
At the LIX laboratory, in the PSI
project, under the
supervision of Stéphane Graham-Lengrand and Assia Mahboubi.
[(french) report | (french)