Publications of year 1993
O. Monga and R. Horaud.
Vision par ordinateur, outils fondamentaux.
Editions Hermes (Traité des Nouvelles Technologies, série Informatique),
Août 1993.
André Guéziec.
Reconnaissance Automatique de Surfaces et Courbes Gauches. Application à l'Analyse d'Images Volumiques.
Thèse de sciences,
Université de Paris XI ORSAY,
Février 1993.
O. Monga.
Des images à la géométrie des objets.
Mémoire d'habilitation à diriger des Recherches,
Université de Paris XI (Orsay),
Janvier 1993.
Articles in journal, book chapters |
Laurent D. Cohen and Isaac Cohen.
Finite Element Methods for active contour models and balloons from 2-D to 3-D.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
November 1993.
G. Malandain,
G. Bertrand,
and N. Ayache.
Topological segmentation of discrete surfaces.
International Journal of Computer Vision,
N. Ayache.
Computer Vision Applied to 3D Medical Images: Results, Trends and Future Challenges.
In T. Kanade and R. Paul, editors, 6th Int. Symposium on Robotics Research.
Note: Available as INRIA Research Report 2050.
Chahab Nastar and Nicholas Ayache.
A New Physically Based Model for Efficient Tracking and Analysis of Deformations.
In Geometric Reasoning - from Perception to Action,
Lecture notes in computer science.
N. Ayache,
A. Guéziec,
and J.-P. Thirion.
Accurate and Robust Registration of 3D medical images using crest lines.
In 1st Asian Conference on Computer Vision, ACCV'93,
November 1993.
Note: Osaka, Japon.
Keyword(s): registration,
N. Ayache,
A. Guéziec,
J.-P. Thirion,
and A. Gourdon.
Evaluating 3D Registration of CT-Scan Images Using Crest Lines.
In Proceedings of SPIE'93, Mathematical Methods in Medical Imaging II,
volume 2035-06,
San Diego, California, USA,
pages 60-71,
July 14-15 1993.
Keyword(s): registration,
Isaac Cohen.
Nonlinear Variational Method for Optical Flow Computation.
In Proceedings of the 8th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis,
Tromso, Norway,
pages 523-530,
June 1993.
Laurent D. Cohen,
Eric Bardinet,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Reconstruction of Digital Terrain Model with a Lake.
In Proceedings of SPIE'93, Geometric Methods in Computer Vision,
San Diego, California, USA,
July 1993.
Note: Available as INRIA Research Report 1824, December 1992.
H. Delingette,
M. Hebert,
and K. Ikeuchi.
A Spherical Representation for the Recognition of Curved Objects.
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'93),
pages 103-112,
May 1993.
Keyword(s): conference,
H. Delingette,
M. Hébert,
and K. Ikeuchi.
A Spherical Representation for the recognition of curved objects.
In Image Understanding Workshop,
pages 547-838,
Keyword(s): workshop,
H. Delingette,
Y. Watanabe,
and Y. Suenaga.
Simplex based animation.
In N. Thalmann and D. Thalmann, editors,
Models and Techniques in Computer Animation (Computer Animation'93),
pages 13-28,
May 1993.
Keyword(s): conference,
André Guéziec.
Large Deformable Splines, Crest Lines and Matching.
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'93),
May 1993.
Keyword(s): registration,
A. Guéziec and N. Ayache.
Large Deformable Splines, Crest Lines and Matching.
In Proceedings of SPIE'93, Geometric Methods in Computer Vision II,
volume 2031-28,
San Diego, California, USA,
pages 316-327,
July 12-13 1993.
Keyword(s): registration,
A. Guéziec and N. Ayache.
New Developments On Geometric Hashing for Matching Curves.
In Proceedings of the conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
New York, USA,
June 1993.
I. L. Herlin.
Localiser et suivre les contours d'une cavité cardiaque dans une séquence d'images.
In Symposium échocardiographie et analyse d'images ventriculaires,
25--26 Mars 1993.
I. L. Herlin,
I. Cohen,
A. Verroust,
and H. Yahia.
Détection, localisation et modélisation de vortex dans les images satellites NOAA.
In Quatrièmes Journées ORASIS,
Mulhouse, France,
11--14 Octobre 1993.
GDR-PRC Communication Homme--Machine, Pôle Vision.
I. L. Herlin and G. Giraudon.
Use of temporal information in a segmentation algorithm of ultrasound images.
In Proceedings of the conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
New York, USA,
June 15-17 1993.
Keyword(s): ultrasound.
O. Monga and S. Benayoun.
Using differential geometry in $R ^4$ to extract typical surface features.
In Proceedings of the conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
New York, USA,
June 1993.
Chahab Nastar and Nicholas Ayache.
A Physically Based Analysis of Deformations in 3D Images.
In Proceedings of SPIE'93, Geometric Methods in Computer Vision II,
San Diego, California, USA,
July 1993.
Chahab Nastar and Nicholas Ayache.
Applications de modèles déformables physiques a l'analyse des images échocardiographiques.
In soumis au Symposium Echocardiographie et Analyse d'Images Ventriculaires,
Mars 1993.
Chahab Nastar and Nicholas Ayache.
Fast Segmentation, Tracking, and Analysis of Deformable Objects.
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'93),
May 1993.
Chahab Nastar and Nicholas Ayache.
Non-Rigid Motion Analysis in Medical Images: a Physically Based Approach.
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI'93),
Flagstaff, Arizona, USA,
June 1993.
Keyword(s): registration,
motion tracking.
Gérard Subsol,
Jean-Philippe Thirion,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Reconnaissance de modèles génériques à l'aide d'un réseau spatial de lignes actives. Application au traitement d'images médicales.
In Quatrièmes Journées ORASIS,
Mulhouse, France,
pages 174-177,
11--14 Octobre 1993.
GDR-PRC Communication Homme-Machine, Pôle Vision.
Laurent D. Cohen,
Eric Bardinet,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Surface Reconstruction using Active Contour Models.
Research report RR-1824,
February 1993.
Alexis Gourdon and Nicholas Ayache.
Registration of a curve on a surface using differential properties.
Research report RR-2145,
December 1993.
Keyword(s): registration,
Grégoire Malandain.
On topology in multidimensional discrete spaces.
Research report RR-2098,
2004 route des Lucioles BP 93, 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France,
November 1993.
G. Malandain and J.-M. Rocchisani.
Matching of 3-D medical images with a potential based method.
Research report RR-1890,
March 1993.
Keyword(s): registration,
Chahab Nastar.
Analytical Computation of the Free Vibration Modes: Application to Non Rigid Motion Analysis and Animation in 3-D Images.
Research report RR-1935,
June 1993.
Xavier Pennec.
Correctness and Robustness of 3D Rigid Matching with Bounded Sensor Error.
Research report RR-2111,
November 1993.
Keyword(s): registration,
J.-P. Thirion.
New Feature Points based on Geometric Invariants for 3D Image Registration.
Research report RR-1901,
April 1993.
Keyword(s): registration,
J.-P. Thirion and S. Benayoun.
Image Surface Extremal Points, new feature points for Image Registration.
Research report RR-2003,
July 1993.
Note: (submitted to IEEE TMI).
Keyword(s): registration,
J.-P. Thirion and A. Gourdon.
The 3D Marching Lines Algorithm : new results and proofs : part 1.
Research report RR-1881-1,
April 1993.
J.-P. Thirion and A. Gourdon.
The 3D Marching Lines Algorithm : new results and proofs : part 2.
Research report RR-1881-2,
April 1993.
Stéphane Cotin.
Découpe de Surfaces à l'aide d'un Système de Réalité Virtuelle.
Master's thesis,
Université de Nice, Sophia-Antipolis,
Note: D.E.A. Théorie et Applications de la Vision Artificielle.
Jérôme Declerck.
Approximation de déformations géométriques par des B-Splines.
rapport de stage de fin d'études,
École Centrale de Paris,
juin 1993.
S. Fernàndez-Vidal.
Mise en correspondance d'images médicales 3D.
Rapport de DEA,
Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis,
september 1993.
Note: (in french).
Sara Fernàndez-Vidal.
Recalage d'images médicales multidimensionnelles : une approche mécanique.
Rapport de D.E.A.,
Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis,
Note: D.E.A. Théorie et Applications de la Vision Artificielle.
Marta Fidrich.
Analyse Multi-échelle de Points Extrémaux.
rapport de stage de DEA,
Univ. Paris XI,
août 1993.
Donatas Kvedarauskas.
Recalage rigide d'images 3D basé sur l'utilisation des conditions de compatibilité. Recalage de surfaces en utilisant des points de la surface et des points extrémaux.
rapport de stage de D.E.A.,
Université Paris XI,
août 1993.
Xavier Pennec.
Traitement de l'erreur dans les méthodes de Hachage géométrique et d'Alignement, une étude théorique.
Rapport de DEA,
DEA Informatique, Mathématique et Applications, École Polytechnique, ENS Ulm,
July 1993.
Keyword(s): registration,
Jérôme Pignon.
Maillages Simplexes Volumiques. Application à la simulation de Muscles.
Master's thesis,
Université de Nice, Sophia-Antipolis,
Note: D.E.A. Théorie et Applications de la Vision Artificielle.
Hervé Delingette,
Jérôme Pignon,
Stéphane Cotin,
and Gérard Subsol.
Cranio-facial Surgery Modeling.
Audiovisual material produced by INRIA audiovisuel,
October 1993.
H. Delingette and H. Watanabe.
Simplex Mesh Modeling,
Note: Slides 11-13 selected at the ACM SIGGRAPH 93 Slides.
Keyword(s): video,
Chahab Nastar.
Non-rigid motion analysis in medical images.
Audiovisual material produced by INRIA audiovisuel,
June 1993.
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