Gérard Berry’s Home Page – 19/01/2018


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Collège de France

11 place Marcelin Berthelot

Tel. +33 1 44 27 10 19

Mail: gerard.berry@college-de-france.fr

Français :  Page personnelle au Collège de France 

English : Personal page at Collège de France


Nouveau livre : L'hyperpuissance de l'informatique : algorithmes, données, machines, réseaux. Editions Odile Jacob, octobre 2017.

Français : Professeur au Collège de France, chaire Algorithmes, machines et languages .

Résumé de carrière, version du 11/12/2014 (pdf)

Régent de Déformatique au Collège de ‘Pataphysique  : aller à la  page de mes publications et vidéos pataphysiques


English: Professor at Collège de France, chair Algorithms, Machines, and Languages

see  http://www.college-de-france.fr/site/en-gerard-berry/.

English dubbed videos and slides of all 2012-2013, 2013-2014, and 2014-2016 courses and seminars are available at the same address.


Past curriculum:

Ingénieur général des mines, detached to INRIA Sophia Antipolis until August 31st, 2012

Professor at Collège de France, 2009-2010,  annual chair  Informatique et sciences numériques   (Informatics and  Digital Sciences)

Professor at Collège de France, 2007-2008, annual chair  Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt  (Liliane Bettencourt Technology Innovation  Chair)

Member, Académie des sciences, Académie des technologies and Academia Europaea

President of the INRIA Evaluation Committeeuntil August 31st, 2012


1. Conference videos and slides. 2

1.1. In English. 2

1.2. En Français. 2

2. Scientific and Industrial Activities. 3

2.1. Recursive programs, lambda-calculus, and sequentiality. 3

2.2. Automata, real-time, and Esterelß 4

2.3. Circuit synthesis, causality, and verification. 4

2.4. Industrial development of Esterel 5

2.5. Courses at Collège de France. 5

2.6. Current research : Hop and HipHop for Web programming. 6

3. Carreer. 6

3.1. Positions. 6

3.2. Additional responsibilities. 6

3.3. Awards. 7

3.4. Invited Talks. 7

3.5. PhD supervision and examination. 7

4. Scientific Publications. 8

4.1. Books. 8

4.2. Theses. 8

4.3. Journal and Book Articles. 8

4.4. Conference Articles. 9

5. Publications ‘Pataphysiques. 11



1. Conference videos and slides (outside Collège de France courses)

1.1. In English

Dubbed videos of the 2012-2016 courses at Collège de France and of the associated seminars.

Video of the lecture "Reconciling Semantics, Implementation, and Users" at the Milner Symposium, Edinburgh, 15-18 April 2012.

Videos of the lectures and associated seminars of the series  Seven Keys to the Digital Future, Edinburgh, UK, September 23rd- October 6th (inspired from my courses at Collège de France and organized by Michael Fourman, whom I warmly thank).


0. Revealing Informatics (inaugural lecture)

1. Sequential and Parallel Models of Computation

2. Circuits and Systems on Chips

3. Finite States Systems

4. Synchronous Concurrency

5. Communication and Networking

6. Asynchronous Concurrency

7. Getting Rid of Bugs

Seminars :

1. Neuromorphic Computation for Vision by Yves Frégnac, UNIC / CNRS Gif-sur-Yvette, France

2. Brains in Silico, by Steve Furber, University of Manchester, UK

3. Molecular Programming, by Luca Cardelli, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK

4. Musical Synchrony, by Arshia Cont, IRCAM Paris

5. Robots that Learn, by Sethu Vijayakumar, University of Edinburgh, UK

6. Diffuse Systems, by Manuel Serrano, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France

7. Embracing Uncertainty, by Christopher M. Bishop, Microsoft Research Cambridge and University of Edinburgh, UK


Video and slides of the conference “The Evolution of the Synchronous Model” given in Autrans, France, Artist II Summer school, September 2008.

1.2. En Français

Nombreuses vidéos de conférences récentes, je ne tiens plus la liste, votre moteur de recherche les trouvera !

Vidéos des cours 2007-2008, 2009-2010 et  2012-2016 au Collège de France et des séminaires associés.

Vidéos du cycle de conférences "Et le monde devint numérique", Universcience, la Cité des sciences, Paris, mai-juin 2011

1.      Les racines scientifiques du monde numérique (18 mai 2011)

2.      La révolution numérique dans les sciences (25 mai 2011)

3.      A la chasse aux bugs, la maladie du certain (8 juin 2011)

Vidéo de l'entretien avec Claude Puech  "Les machines on-elles pris le pouvoir?", 2 mai 2012, organisation Universciences : http://www.universcience.tv/video-les-machines-ont-elles-pris-le-pouvoir--4808.html.

Hélas disparue, je la recherche : vidéo de la conférence « Les inversions mentales de la révolution numérique » donnée à Sophia-Antipolis le 31 janvier 2011. Dite-moi  svp si vous l'avez !

Vidéo de la conférence La révolution numérique dans les sciences donnée dans le cadre du Colloque de rentrée du Collège de France, 14-15 octobre 2010.

Sur le site du Collège de France, les vidéos du cours 2009-2010 sont en format pdf sans les animations. Vous trouverez ici les transparents au format pps, qui préservent toutes les animations. Ils sont lisibles sous PowerPoint, OpenOffice, et d’autres lecteurs gratuits téléchargeables sur le Web


Leçon inaugurale du 19/11/2009 : Penser, modéliser et maîtriser le calcul 

Cours 1 du 25/11/2009 : Syntaxe, sémantique, calculabilité 

Cours 2 du 02/12/2009 : Le lambda-calcul : réductions, causalité et déterminisme

Cours 3 du 09/12/2009 : Sémantiques, information et points fixes

Cours 4 du 16/12/2009 : Automates et systèmes de transitions

Cours 5 du 06/01/2010 : Parallélisme asynchrone

Cours 6 du 13/01/2010 : Parallélisme synchrone et vibratoire

Cours 8 du 13/01/2010 : La nécessaire mais délicate coopération de modèles + Les questions


2. Scientific and Industrial Activities

My global research revolves around five fields: mathematical models of computation, associated programming and circuit description languages, implementation of compilers to hardware and software, usage of formal verification systems, and industrial applications.

2.1. Recursive programs, lambda-calculus, and sequentiality

My initial work (1973-1976) at Ecole des Mines de Paris and IRIA was about understanding how to revert the order of recursive computations, for instance by transforming the Fibonnacci recursive algorithm into the iterative one. I proved the optimality in time and space of Rice’s algorithms to compute the Ackerman function as defined by its classical program. In this study, I introduced the notion of a stable function that became fundamental for what followed.

With Jean-Jacques Lévy, I then studied minimal and optimal syntactic computations in recursive programs and in the lambda-calculus.  Afterwards, I switched to the full abstraction problem specified by Plotkin and Milner: build a semantical model of PCF (typed l-calculus + arithmetic + recursion) that exactly contains all functions that are definable by syntactic PCF terms. I first established the syntactic properties of stability and sequentiality of the lambda-calculus, which essentially show that it cannot express parallel computation. I then developed the stable model, which preserves stability in the semantics unlike the classical Scott Model. In 1977, I moved to the new Ecole des Mines site at Sophia-Antipolis. With Pierre-Louis Curien, I developed the sequential algorithm model, where functions are replaced by algorithms that can be presented in two dual ways: pairs of a stable function and a computation strategy, or programs in a simple kernel sequential programming language.  We showed that this model forms a cartesian closed category, hence an non-functional model of the lambda-calculus. With M. Devin and F. Montagnac, we then developed the CDS programming language based of this theory. The study of categories as models of the lambda-calculus was also at the root of the categorical abstract machine (CAM) that started the development of CAML.

2.2. Automata, real-time, and Esterel

In 1982, INRIA opened a new site in Sophia-Antipolis. I created a joint project between Ecole des Mines and INRIA with Gérard Boudol. At that time, I switched to automata theory and reactive / real-time programming. With Jean-Paul Rigault and Jean-Paul Marmorat, we gave the initial definition of the new Esterel synchronous programming language dedicated to embedded systems. In cooperation with  the Lustre teams of Nicolas Halbwachs and Paul Caspi and the Signal team of Albert Benveniste and Paul Le Guernic, we studied the associated synchronous model of concurrency. I essentially focused the theoretical study on the definition and usage of deterministic preemption structures in this model. With Laurent Cosserat, we developed the fisrt Esterel v1 compiler, soon followed by the Esterel v2 compiler developed with Philippe Couronné. Esterel v2 was based on the adpatation of a fast and beautiful algorithm developed by Ravi Sethi (then at Bell Labs) and myself to translate regular expressions into automata. We conducted industrial experiments at Bertin and Dassault Aviation, where we started a fruitful and longstanding cooperation with Emmanuel Ledinot. In 1986, we started the development of a much more efficient compiler called Esterel v3, based on decisive fundamental research results by Georges Gonthier. This compiler was then industrialized by the companies Cisi Ingéniérie and ILOG and used by several customers.

2.3. Circuit synthesis, causality, and verification

In 1990, I joined Jean Vuillemin’s group at Digital Equipment as a part-time consultant. The group was developing the Perle FPGA-based machine and using it as a fast co-processor of Alpha-based workstations. It was pretty clear how to develop data-flow hardware designs, but much less clear how to develop complex control-intensive designs. EstereI seemed to be a good language to specify them. I created an efficient direct translation from Esterel to circuits, which was readily implemented in the new Esterel v4 compiler. This new approach also had a decisive impact on software applications of Esterel: generating a circuit simulator in C instead of an explicit finite state machine made it possible to scale up to any application size, completely avoiding the potential exponential code size blow-up of Esterel v3. It also lead to major progress in understanding causality issues in Esterel and relating them to constructive logic. With Tom Shiple, we could show that a combinational cyclic circuit is electrically stable for all delays if and only if its Boolean equations can always be solved by using only constructive propositional logic, i.e., by disallowing usage of the excluded-middle law X or not X = true. This lead to a new Esterel v5 compiler, soon followed by a modular version Esterel v6. I also collaborated with Jean Vuillemin and François Bourdoncle to define the Jazz circuit design language. A new and more general version of the theorem initially proved by Shiple and myself has been recently developed with Michael Mendler, using a novel continous time / discrete time temporal logic. The corresponding paper is available here


In 1999, I started cooperating with Michael Kishinevsky at Intel on extensions of Esterel to be able to define any kind of for-real synchronous circuits. This required the definition of deep extensions of the language to be able to support arbitrary data path and bit manipulation structures. We defined the new Esterel v7 language and studied how to compile it. The language is characterized by a smart arithmetic and bitvector type-checker that automatically ensures optimal sizing of intermediate variables in data paths.

2.4. Industrial development of Esterel

In January 2001, I joined the Esterel Technologies company created in2000, as its Chief Scientist. I directed the implementation of the Esterel v7 compiler (with A. Boulan, L. Arditi, M. Buchholtz, M. Perreaut, B. Pagano, and others). We solved many fundamental and technical problems needed for production usage: extending the language to support multiclock design; supporting a ECO-enabled flow (ECOs are late circuit mask patches necessary when it has become too expensive to recompile, re-place and re-route the circuit); ensuring safe translation to VHDL and Verilog that are not semantically well-defined languages; linking the compiler with the Esterel Studio graphical interface and with the Prover SL formal verification system; insterting of the tools within complete industrial flows, etc. The Esterel Studio complete design and verification environment has been used in production by ST Microelectronics and Texas Instruments and in research by Intel, Philips (which became NxP), ST Microelectronics, and Texas Instruments. It has also been widely distributed in Esterel Technologies’ academic program.


In 2003, Esterel Technologies acquired SCADE, the leading tool for synchronous avionics development, based on the Lustre Technology developed in Verimag, Grenoble, and used by major avionics companies such as Airbus. I participated in the development of the SCADE language and environment, and, in particular, of the new Scade 6 language that integrates the best of Lustre and Esterel. See www.esterel-technologies.com for more information.

2.5. Courses at Collège de France

 In 2007-2008, I have been selected by Collège de France to occupy the yearly chair  Technological Innovation Liliane Bettencourt (Chaire d'innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt), sponsored by the Bettencourt-Schueller Foundation. I decided to give a general audience computer science course called  How and Why the World Becomes Digital (Pourquoi et comment le monde devient numérique). The inaugural lecture analyzed why the digitization idea and the fantastic expansion of computers changed the world, and how this change will continue. It also explains the scientific background of this revolution. The inaugural lecture is  available as a book in French published by Fayard / Collège de France. It was followed by eight 2-hour video-recorded courses / seminar sessions in French (cours et séminaires), respectively on algorithms, circuits, programming languages, embedded systems, program verification, networks, images, cryptography, and a conclusion.  For each subject, I invited experts from research and industry to give the seminars. After the course, I organized a Colloquium on Informatics and Bioinformatics (Colloque Informatique et bio-informatique).


In 2009-2010, I was selected again by Collège de France to occupy the first year of the new yearly chair Informatics and Computational Sciences (Informatique et sciences numériques), created in partnership with Inria. I started by an inaugural lecture (leçon inaugurale) called Thinking about, modeling, and mastering computation (Penser, modéliser et maîtriser le calcul informatique), which is published as a book in French by Fayard / Collège de France. The inaugural lecture was followed by  eight 2-hours video-recorded courses / seminar sessions in French (cours et séminaires) about a general view of computability, the lambda-calculus and its semantic models, finite automata, models of concurrency, synchronous languages, and model cooperation.


In October 2010, under an invitation by Michael Fourman at University of Edinburg( Informatics Forum), I repeated some courses of the 2007-2008 and 2009-2010 years under the name Seven Keys to the Digital Future. Seven new seminars were given on this occasion, mostly by British scientists (videos available).


I now occupy the new permanent chair Algorithms, Machines, and Languages (Algorithmes, machines et langages), the first permanent chair in Informatics created by Collège de France.

During year 2012-2013, I started by an inaugural lecture called The Informatics of time and events (L'informatique du temps et des événements), available as an electronic book here (livre électronique ici) and  as a book published in French by Fayard / Collège de France. The inaugural lecture was followed by a series of courses and seminars  (cours et séminaires) given with academic researchers and industrial engineers. I continued on the same topic with a 2013-2014 course and seminars series called Generalized Time: Multiple Clocks, Continuous Time and Discrete Time (Le temps élargi: horloges multiples, temps discret et temps continu).

My 2014 course cycle was about program verification. In 2014-2015, I gave a general course / seminar series calledd Proving Programs: Why? When? How? (Prouver les programmes : Pourquoi? Quand? Comment?). In 2015-2016, my course was dedicated to automated verification techniques and called Data Structures and Algorithms for Formal Verification (Structures de données et algorithmes pour la vérification formelle).  I also organized a Colloquium called Art and Sciences: new domains for Informatics (Colloque Arts et sciences : de nouveaux domaines pour l'informatique), with talks on Astronomy, Paleontology, Geophysics, Bioinformatics, Web Art, and Man/Machine musical co-improvisation, followed by a concert by the famous jazzman and improviser Bernard Lubat.

I was in sabbatical in 2016-2017. In 2017-2018, my course will be called Esterel de A à Z (Esterel from A to Z). Il will detail the design, semantics and implementation of the Esterel concurrent synchronous language. Esterel was created in 1983, became industrial at the end of the 1980's, and was developed from 2001 to 2009 by Esterel Technologies for hardware and critical software applications. Together with Listre is now one of the basis for the SCADE Suite product of Esterel Technologies, dedicated to safety-critical systems.

2.6. Current research

Hop and HipHop for Web programming

Since March 2009, I am a member of the Indes INRIA project dedicated to diffuse programming, i.e., the global programming of the set of computerized objects we now have at our disposal: computers, telephones, TVs, domestic appliances, etc. Safe programming of this network of devices will require tight cooperation between many sequential and parallel programming models. My own work is about understanding which models are needed where and how to make the models cooperate. We are currently developing HipHop.js, an Esterel-based orchestration language embedded into Manuel Serrano’s Hop.js language and system. Hop.js is a Javascript-based multitier language and system that replaces the previous Scheme-based Hop version. Hop.js is dedicated to the development of complex Web multitier applications integrates the server and client codes in a single program and makes code migration and client / servercommunication fully transparent. HipHop is used to orchestrate asynchronous activities launched by Hop, by providing a synchronous view and control of them. See the  papers Multi-tier programming in Hop (Communications of the ACM, August 2012, see also ACM Queue preliminary version) and Hop and HipHop : Multitier Web Orchestration  (proc. ICDCIT'2014 conf., Bubhaneswar)HipHop adds the possibility of orchestrating complex concurrent behaviors from with Hop. Compared to Esterel, it is a much more dynamic language, whose programs are Hop values that can be constructed on the fly and run by an interpreter that implements the constructive causality of Esterel. HipHop can be used both on the server and client side for maximal flexibility. The implementation and language reserach is performed with Colin Vidal, PhD student at Inria Sophia-Antipolis.

Formal verification of a compiler for Kernel Esterel

With Lionel Rieg, post-doc in my lab at Collège de France, we are developing a Coq-verified interpreter and compiler of Kernel Esterel (the central control primitives of the language), directly based on my book "The Semantics of Pute Esterel". The idea is to define and verify in Coq a chain of semantics leading from the language definition to an interpreter and a compiler to circuits: the logical behavioral semantics, the rewriting-based constructive semantics, the state-based constructive semantics, a new operational semantics leading directly to an interpreter, and the circuit semantics leading to a compiler to circuits. The interpreter and compiler codes will be extracted from the correctness proof. A nice outcome of this work should be to publish the correctness proofs that are missing in my current draft, in a way that verifying them will nor even require human refereeing. Lionel Rieg has introduced a new operational semantics that is very close to a circuit description and developed Coq proofs of all the transsformations that lead from the Constructive Semantics to this Operational Semantics, in passing by the State Constructive Semantics, this for reincarnation-free programs (reincarnation can be handled in a separate way, as explained in my Constructive Semantics book using reincarnation indices or in Olivier Tardieu's work with another reincarnation techniques).

Languages for computer music

Composing music performed together by instrumentists and computers interacting in real-time has become a standard for contemporary composers. Thanks to the Antescofo project headed by Arshia Cont, it has become possible to adapt in real-time the tempo of the electronic part to the way the humans play, instead of the contrary as was only possible before. Antescofo is snow used in concerts all over the world. The Antescofo listening machine detects all of (or most of) the events provoked by the instrumentists, and this detection may itself trigger electronic parts. With Arshia's team and the composers Philippe Manoury and Gilbert Nouno, among others, we are interested in defining new languages making it possible to write complex algorithmic scores for error-recovery and resynchronization strategies to recover from human or listening-engine mistakes and to smoothly deal with human-directed tempo variations. In his PhD thesis held in 1015, José Echeveste developed the current Antescofo language, which is inspired from synchronous languages such as Esterel. José is now post-doc in my lab, and we work in close contact with IRCAM. Note that Philippe Manoury is a Guest Professor at Collège de France on the yearly Artistic Creation Chair, with a course called The Invention of Music (L'invention de la musique).

3. Carreer

3.1. Positions

Since 09/2012 : Professor at  Collège de France, Chair Algorithmes, Machines et Langages  (Algorithms, Machines,  and Languages).

2009 - 2012 : Director of Research at INRIA Sophia Antipolis.

2009 - 2010 : Professor at Collège de France, Chaire informatique et sciences numériques 2009 / 2010

Course: Penser, modéliser et maîtriser le calcul (Thinking about, modeling, and mastering computation). On line videos of the lectures and seminars (in French).

2008 : Professor at Collège de France, Chaire d'Innovation technologique 2007 / 2008

Course: Pourquoi et comment le monde devient numérique (Why and How the World Becomes Digital). 

2001 - 2009 : Chief Scientist of Esterel Technologies.

1990 - 2001 : Regular consultant at Digital Equipment, Schneider Electric, Synopsys, Cadence Design Systems, and Intel.

1977 - 2001 : Director of Research at Ecole des Mines de Paris, Sophia Antipolis site. Co-head of a joint project with INRIA Sophia Antipolis.

1979 : Docteur d’Etat in Mathematics at Université Paris VII, option Computer Science.

1970 - 1977 : Researcher at Ecole des Mines de Paris, Paris site.

1970 : Entered Corps National des Ingénieurs des Mines.

1967 : Entered Ecole Polytechnique.

3.2. Additional responsibilities

2017- : Member of the Scientific Council of National Education (Conseil scientifique de l'Education nationale).

2016- : Member of the board of Institut Pasteur.

2016- : Member of the

2016- : Member of the Scientific Council of OPECST (Parliamentary Officice of Scientific and Technical Choices)

2016- : President of the Scientific Council of IRCAM.

2015- : Member of the Council of HCERES (Haut conseil de l'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur).

2014- : Member of the board of IRCAM (Institut de recherche et coordination acoustique / musique).

2014- : President of the Council of Education and Research of Ecole Polytechnique.

2012 - : President of the Scientific Council of ESIEE.

2011-2013 : Member of the Scientific Council of IRCAM.

2010-2013 : member of the Scientific Council of UPMC (Université Pierre et Marie Curie).

2010-2014 : Member of the board (conseil d’administration) of ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche).

2010 : President of the Scientific Council of the Computer Science Department at Ecole Normale Supérieure.

2005 - 2009 : Delegate of the Inter-Section of Applications at Académie des sciences.

3.3. Awards

2014 : Gold Medal of CNRS. Médaille d'or du CNRS. Discours prononcé lors de la réception.

2012 : Chevalier de l'Ordre de la Légion d'Honneur.

2008 : Chevalier de l'Ordre du mérite.

2005 : Great Prize of the EADS Foundation for applications of sciences to industry.

2005 : Member, Académie des technologies

2002 : Member, Académie des sciences.

2001 : Nominee, World Technology Awards.

1999 : Science and Defense award.

1994 : Chevalier de l'Ordre des palmes académiques.

1993 : Member, Academia Europaea

1990 : Monpetit Prize of Académie des sciences.

1979 : Bronze medal of C.N.R.S.

3.4. Invited Talks

Invited speaker for Seven Keys to the Digital Future, set of 8 lectures of Collège de France in English at Informatics Forum, University of Edinburgh, and the Royal Society of Edinburgh, October 2010, see Section 1.1. above.

Invited speaker in 39 international conferences or workshops :


ICDCIT'2014 (Bhubaneshwar) WSS'2013 (Montreal), EMSOFT 2011 (Taipei), DCM 2010 (Edinburgh), LOLA 2010 (Edinburgh), Bits&Chips 2007 (Eindhoven), FMICS 2007 (Berlin), Ada Europe 2007 (Geneva), FDL 2006 (Darmstadt), CSR 2006 (St Petersburg), TACAS'2005 (Edinburgh), VLSI'2004 (Mumbai), ICCAD'2003 (San Jose), HLDVT'2002 (Cannes), SAME'2001 (Sophia Antipolis), CHARME'2001 (Edinburgh), FEMSYS'2001 (Munich), FST&TCS'2000 (New Delhi), ASE'2000 (Grenoble), CHARME'99 (Bad Herrenalb), CONCUR'98 (Nice), POPL'98 (San Diego), DSL'97 (Santa Barbara), CAV'97 (Haifa), CHDL'97 (Toledo), TACAS'97 (Twente), AMAST'96 (Munich), ICSC'95, (Bangkok), IWLS'95 (Lake Tahoe), MFPS'94 (Manhattan, Kansas), LICS'94 (Paris), POPL'94 (Portland), FSTTCS'93 (Bombay), REX'93 (Amsterdam), CONPAR'92 (Lyon), ESEC'91 (Milano), TAPSOFT'90 (Brighton), IFIP'89 (San Francisco), and STACS'86 (Paris).


Invited speaker for the Tata Consultancy Services Distinguished Lecture, 2006 (Pune, India).

Keynote speaker for the IBM Programming Languages Day, 2006 (Yorktownheigths, USA).

Invited speaker at the Kieburtz Symposium, 2003 (OGI Portland, USA).

G. Berry. Draft book, current version 3.0, Dec. 16th, 2002. 

Invited speaker at the first Milner Lecture, Edinburgh University, 1996.

Invited speaker at several summer schools : Marktoberdorf 1992 and 2008, Laser 2007, ArtistDesign 2008, and several schools in India, Malaysia, Thailand, etc.

3.5. PhD supervision and examination

Advisor of 17 PhD theses. President of the Jury of 11 PhD or Habilitation theses. Reviewer of 12 Habilitation theses and of 36 PhD theses, including 4 foreign theses. Jury member of 41 other PhD theses, including 4 foreign theses.

4. Scientific Publications

4.1. Books

Nouvel essai : La numérisation du monde: pourquoi? comment? Quelles perspectives pour les mondes agricoles et allimentaires ?

G. Berry. Les leçons inaugurales de l'ESA.

Nouveau livre : L'hyperpuissance de l'informatique : algorithmes, données, machines, réseaux.  

G. Berry. Editions Odile Jacob, octobre 2017.

Nouveal essai : La numérisation du monde : Pourquoi ? Comment ? Quelles perspectives pour les mondes agricoles et alimentaires ?

G. Berry. Les leçons inaugurales de l'ESA (Ecole supérieure d'agriculture), Angers, 2017.

L'informatique du temps et des événements 

G. Berry, leçon inaugurale au Collège de France, chaire Algorithmes, machines et langages. Fayard, collection Collège de France,  Oct. 2013. Disponible en livre électronique : http://books.openedition.org/cdf/3300.

The Informatics of Time and Events.
G. Berry, Inaugural lecture at Collège de France, chair Algorithms, Machines, and Languages. available as an electronic book, 2013.

Penser, modéliser et maîtriser le calcul informatique

G. Berry, leçon inaugurale au Collège de France, chaire Informatique et sciences numériques. Fayard, Collection Collège de France, Nov. 2009.

Pourquoi et comment le monde devient numérique

G. Berry, leçon inaugurale au Collège de France, chaire d'Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt Fayard, Collection Collège de France, Jan. 2008.

Compiling Esterel

D. Potop, S. Edwards, and G. Berry. Springer, 2007.

The Constructive Semantics of Pure Esterel 
G. Berry. Draft book, current version 3.0, Dec. 16th, 2002.

The Esterel Language Primer, version v5_91 

G. Berry. Current version Esterel v5_91, june 2000.

4.2. Thèses

Modèles complètement adéquats et stables des lambda-calculs typés

G.Berry. Thèse de Doctorat d'Etat, Université Paris VII (1979).

Calculs Ascendants des Programmes Récursifs.

G.Berry. Thèse de Troisième Cycle, Université Paris VII, 1976.

4.3. Journal and Book Articles

Nouveau : Vers une appoche algorithmique des sciences du vivant.

G. Berry. Dans le livre Sciences de la vie, sciences de l'information, ISTE Editions, septembre 2017.

Nouveau : Un géant de création et de simplicité

G. Berry. Dans le livre Lettes à Alan Turing, Jean-Marc Lévy Leblond, publié par Les éditions Thierry Marchaisse, 2016.

Nouveau : La cyber-sécurité, une question avant tout mathématico-informatique

G. Berry. Dans le livre  Cinq jeunes chercheurs d'avenir, Prix Le Monde de la recherche, Promesses de la science, Le Pommier, 2015.

Parler du temps, mais de façon formelle

G. Berry. Dans le livre Produire le temps, éditeur Hugues Vinet, éditions Hermann, 2014.

Multi-tier programming in Hop

M. Serrano and G. Berry, Communications of the ACM, vol. 5, no. 8 (August 2012). See also preliminary ACM Queue version

Constructive Boolean Circuits and the Exactness of Timed Ternary Simulation

M. Mendler, T. Shiple and G. Berry.  Formal Methods in System Design, Vol.40, No.3, pp. 283-329, Springer (2012). Available ontline at DOI 10.1007/s10703-012-0144-6.

Le temps élargi: horloges multiples, temps discret et temps continu, résumé des cours.   

G. Berry. In Cours et travaux du Collège de France, année 2013-2014. Collège de France, 2014.

Le temps et les événements en informatique, résumé des cours.   

G. Berry. In Cours et travaux du Collège de France, année 2012-2013. Collège de France, 2013.

Penser, modéliser et maîtriser le calcul informatique, résumé des cours

G. Berry. In Cours et travaux du Collège de France, année 2009-2010. Collège de France, 2010.

Pourquoi et comment le monde devient numérique, résumé des cours.

G. Berry. In Cours et travaux du Collège de France, année 2007-2008. Collège de France, 2008.

Synchronous Techniques for Hardware and Software Embedded Systems
G. Berry.  In NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - D: Information and Communication Security, vol. 22, Manfred Brot, Wassiou Sitou and Tony Hoare, Eds (2008).  

SCADE: Synchronous design and validation of embedded control software

G. Berry. In  Next Generation Design and Verification of Distributed Embedded Systems, S. Ramesh and P. Sampath Ed., Springer Verlag (2007).

Esterel: a Formal Method Applied to Avionic Software Development

G. Berry, A. Bouali, X. Fornari, E. Ledinot, E. Nassor, R. de Simone. Science of Computer Programming 36 (2000) 5-25.

An Implementation of Constructive Synchronous Constructive Programs in Polis

G. Berry, E. Sentovich. Formal Methods in Systems Design 17(2), October 2000, Kluwer Academic Publisher.

The Foundations of Esterel

G. Berry. In Proof, Language and Interaction: Essays in Honour of Robin Milner, G. Plotkin, C. Stirling and M. Tofte, editors, MIT Press, Foundations of Computing Series, 2000.

A Hardware Implementation of Pure Esterel

G. Berry. Sadhana, Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences, Indian Academy of Sciences, vol. 17, part 1 (1992) 95-130.

The Synchronous Programming Language ESTEREL: Design, Semantics, Implementation

G. Berry and G. Gonthier. Science of Computer Programming, vol. 19, no. 2 (1993) 87-152

Esterel on Hardware

G. Berry. Philosophical Transactions Royal Society of London A, vol. 339 (1992) 87-104.

The Chemical Abstract Machine

G. Berry and G. Boudol. Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 96 (1992) 217-248.

Incremental development of an HDLC entity in Esterel

G. Berry and G. Gonthier. Comp. Networks and ISDN Systems 22, (1991) 35-49.

The Synchronous Approach to Reactive and Real-Time Systems

A. Benveniste and G. Berry. Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 79, no. 9 (1991) 1270-1282.

Programmation synchrone des systèmes réactifs : le langage Esterel

G. Berry, Philippe Couronné et Georges Gonthier. Techniques et sciences informatiques, vol.6, n. 4 (1987) 305-316.

Synchronous Programming of Reactive Systems: the Esterel Language

G. Berry, Philippe Couronné, and Georges Gonthier. Technology and Science of Informatics, vol.6, n. 7 (1987) 513-523.

From Regular Expressions to Deterministic Automata

G. Berry and R. Sethi. Theoretical Computer Science 48 (1986) 117-126.

Full Abstraction for Sequential Languages: the State of the Art

G. Berry, P-L. Curien, and J-J. Lévy. In Algebraic Methods in Semantics, Cambridge University Press (1985) 89-132.

Theory and Practice of Sequential Algorithms: the Kernel of the Programming Language CDS

G. Berry and P-L. Curien. In Algebraic Methods in Semantics, Cambridge University Press (1985) 35-88.

Sequential Algorithms on Concrete Data Structures

G. Berry and P-L. Curien. Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 20 (1982) 265-321.

Minimal and Optimal Computations of Recursive Programs

G. Berry and J-J. Lévy. Journal of ACM, vol. 26, no. 1 (1979) 148-175.

Calculs ascendants du programme d'Ackermann : analyse du programme de J. Arsac

G. Berry. RAIRO Informatique théorique, vol. 110, n. 2  (1977).

Bottom-up Computations of Recursive Programs

G. Berry. RAIRO Informatique théorique, vol. 10, n. 3  (1976).

4.4. Conference Articles

Hop and HipHop : Multitier Web Orchestration 
G. Berry and M. Serrano. Proc ICDCIT'2014, Bubhaneswar, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes 8337 (2014).

HipHop: A Synchronous Reactive Extension for Hop 

G. Berry, C. Nicolas, and M. Serrano. Proc. PLASTIC'11 Workshop, Portland 2011.

An Esterel-based Formal Specification Methodology for Power Management Development

G. Dubost, S. Granier, and G. Berry. Proc SAME'07, Sophia-Antipolis, France, 2007.

Clocking Schemes in Esterel

L. Arditi, G. Berry, M. Kishinevsky, and M. Perreaut. Proc. Designing Correct Circuits DCC'06, Vienna, Austria.

Late Design Changes (ECOs) for Sequentially Optimized Esterel Designs

L. Arditi, G. Berry, and M. Kishinevsky. Proc. Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design (FMCAD'04), Austin, Texas, USA.

System Level Design and Verification using a Synchronous Language.

G. Berry, M. Kishinevsky, and S. Singh. Proc. ICCAD'03, San Jose.

Toplevel Validation of System on Chip.

G. Berry, A. Bouali, J. Dormoy, and L. Blanc. Proc. HLDVT'2001, Cannes.

Multiclock Esterel

G. Berry, E. Sentovich. Proc. CHARME'2001, Edinburgh, Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods, Springer-Verlag LNCS 2144.

Data Path Generation for Esterel Programs

A. Girault and G. Berry. Proc. International Symposium on Signals, Circuits, and Systems, Iasi, Roumanie (1999).

Esterel and Jazz, Two Synchronous Languages for Circuit Design

G. Berry. In Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1703 (1999)

Efficient Latch Optimization Using Incompatible Sets

E. Sentovich, H. Toma, and G. Berry. International Digital Automation Conference DAC'97, Anaheim, USA, 1997.

Latch Optimization in Circuits Generated from High-Level Descriptions

H. Toma, E. Sentovich, and G. Berry. Proc. International Conf. on Computer-Aided Design ICCAD'96.

Constructive Analysis of Cyclic Circuits

T. Shiple, G. Berry, and H. Touati. Proc. International Design and Testing Conference IDTC'96, Paris, France (1996).

Preemption in Concurrent Systems

G.Berry. Proc. FSTTCS'93, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science 761 (1993) 72-93.

Communicating Reactive Processes

G. Berry, S. Ramesh, and R. K. Shyamasundar. Proc. 20th ACM Conf. on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL), Charleston, Virginia (1993).

Optimized Controller Synthesis Using Esterel

G. Berry and H. Touati. Proc. Intl. Workshop on Logic Synthesis, Lake Tahoe, USA (1993).

The Chemical Abstract Machine

G. Berry and G. Boudol. Proc Principles of Programming Languages, ACM Press (1990)  81-94.

Real Time Programming: Special Purpose or General Purpose Languages

G. Berry. Information Processing 89, G.X. Ritter (Ed.), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., North-Holland (1989) 11-18.

Synchronous Programming of Reactive Systems: an Introduction to Esterel

In Programming of Future Generation Computers, K. Fuchi, M. Nivat (Editors), Elsevier (1988) 35-56.

The Synchronous Programming Language ESTEREL and its Mathematical Semantics

G. Berry and L. Cosserat. In Seminar on Concurrency, Springer-Verlag LNCS 197 (1984) 389-448.

ESTEREL: Towards a Synchronous and Semantically Sound High-Level Language for Real-Time Applications

G. Berry, S. Moisan, and J-P. Rigault. Proc. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, Arlington, Virginia, IEEE Catalog 83CH1941-4 (1983) 30-40.

Programming with Concrete Data Structures and Sequential Algorithms

G. Berry. Proc. ACM Conf. on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture, Wentworth-by-the-sea, USA (1981).

On the Definition of Lambda-calculus Models

G. Berry. Proc. Int. Coll. on Formalization of Programming Concepts, Peñiscola, Spain, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 107, Springer-Verlag (1981) 218-230.

A Survey of Some Syntactic Results in the Lambda-calculus

G. Berry and J-J. Lévy. Proc. Ann. Conf. on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Olomouc, Tchecoslovaquia, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 74, Springer-Verlag (1979).

Stable Models of Typed Lambda-calculi

G. Berry. Proc. 5th Coll. on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP), Lectures Notes in Computer Science 62, Springer-Verlag (1978) 72-89.

Séquentialité de l'évaluation formelle des Lambda-expressions

G. Berry. In Program Transformations, 3eme Colloque International sur la Programmation, DUNOD, Paris, B. Robinet ed. (1978) 67-80.

Program Equivalence and Canonical Forms in Stable Discrete Interpretations

G. Berry and B. Courcelle. Proc 3rd Coll. on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP), Edinburgh University Press (1976).

TIF, File Interrogation and Transfer System

G. Berry and P. Pietri. Proc. TIMS/ORSA Conference, Atlantic City (1972).