Publications of Loïc Le Folgoc


  1. Loïc Le Folgoc. Statistical learning for image-based personalization of cardiac models. Theses, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, November 2015. Keyword(s): Inverse problem, Cardiac motion tracking, Non-rigid registration, Structured sparse bayesian learning, Automatic relevance determination, MCMC, Problème inverse, Suivi de mouvement cardiaque, Recalage non-rigide, Modélisation bayésienne parcimonieuse structurée, Détermination automatique, MCMC. [bibtex-entry]

Articles in journal, book chapters

  1. Loïc Le Folgoc, Hervé Delingette, Antonio Criminisi, and Nicholas Ayache. Sparse Bayesian registration of medical images for self-tuning of parameters and spatially adaptive parametrization of displacements. Medical Image Analysis, 36:79 - 97, February 2017. Keyword(s): Cardiac Imaging, Automatic Relevance Determination, Bayesian modelling, Sparse, Registration. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Loïc Le Folgoc, Hervé Delingette, Antonio Criminisi, and Nicholas Ayache. Quantifying Registration Uncertainty with Sparse Bayesian Modelling. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, PP(99), December 2016. Keyword(s): MCMC, Uncertainty Quantification, Registration, Sparse Bayesian Learning, Reversible Jump, Automatic Relevance Determination. [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles

  1. Rocio Cabrera Lozoya, Jan Margeta, Loic Le Folgoc, Yuki Komatsu, Berte Benjamin, Jatin Relan, Hubert Cochet, Michel Haïssaguerre, Pierre Jais, Nicholas Ayache, and Maxime Sermesant. Confidence-based Training for Clinical Data Uncertainty in Image-based Prediction of Cardiac Ablation Targets. In bigMCV Workshop MICCAI 2014, Boston, United States, September 2014. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Sophie Giffard-Roisin, Stéphanie Marchesseau, Loic Le Folgoc, Hervé Delingette, and Maxime Sermesant. Evaluation of Personalised Canine Electromechanical Models. In O. Camara, T. Mansi, M. Pop, K. Rhode, M. Sermesant, and A. Young, editors, Proceedings of the 5th international STACOM workshop (Boston, September 18, 2014), number 8896 of 5th International Workshop, STACOM 2014, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2014, Boston, MA, USA, September 18, 2014, Revised Selected Papers, Boston, United States, pages 74-82, September 2014. Pop M., Springer. Keyword(s): Cardiac Modelling, Mechanical modeling, Modelling and Simulation, Personalised modelling, Personalized modeling, Cardiac electrical activity, Cardiac Modeling, Cardiac Electrophysiology modeling, Cardiac Electrophisiology, Modelisation cardiaque. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Loic Le Folgoc, Hervé Delingette, Antonio Criminisi, and Nicholas Ayache. Sparse Bayesian Registration. In Polina Golland, Nobuhiko Hata, Christian Barillot, Joachim Hornegger, and Robert Howe, editors, MICCAI - 17th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, volume 8673 of LNCS - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Boston, United States, pages 235-242, September 2014. Springer. Keyword(s): Sparse, Bayesian, Registration, Automatic Relevance Determination, MRI. [bibtex-entry]

  4. Loic Le Folgoc, Hervé Delingette, Antonio Criminisi, and Nicholas Ayache. Current-based 4D shape analysis for the mechanical personalization of heart models. In Proceedings of MCV Workshop at MICCAI 2012, LNCS, October 2012. Springer. [bibtex-entry]


  1. Loic Le Folgoc, Hervé Delingette, Antonio Criminisi, and Nicholas Ayache. Technical Appendix on Sparse Bayesian Regression. MICCAI - 17th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, September 2014. Note: Technical appendix to a MICCAI 2014 conference paper. Loïc Le Folgoc, Hervé Delingette, Antonio Criminisi, and Nicholas Ayache: Sparse Bayesian Registration. Keyword(s): Sparse, Bayesian, Regression, RVM. [bibtex-entry]



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Last modified: Sun Oct 20 00:30:04 2024
Author: epione-publi.

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