E X P L O R E   T H E   F U N C T I O N A L   O R G A N I Z A T I O N   O F   H U M A N S

Master of Science in
Computational Biology and Biomedicine

Biomedical signal and image analysis
Modeling in neuroscience

Nice Sophia Antipolis University, France

The master is discontinued from 2017.

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"Modeling in Computational Biology and Biomedicine: A Multidisciplinary Endeavor"
Promotions 2016-2017, 2015-2016, 2014-2015, 2013-2014, 2012-2013, 2011-2012, 2010-2011, 2009-2010
» Class of » 2012/2013

2012/2013 program was sponsored by I3S, INRIA and the following project teams from INRIA Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée: ABS (Algorithms Biology Structure), Ariana (Earth observation and cartography, image processing) Asclepios (Medical Image Analysis, Biological Image Analysis, Computational Anatomy, Computational Physiology), Comore (Modelling and control of renewable resources), NeuroMathComp (Mathematical and Computational Neuroscience), Athena (Computational Brain Anatomical and Functional Imaging).

Brahim Belaoucha is algerian. He completed the Bachelor degree in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from the national Institute of E.E.Engineering, Algeria and the Master degree in advanced Systems & Robotics from the University of Pierre & Marie CURIE, France. Through his curriculum, he went through different courses that are math-related, like: PDE, numerical methods, and others. He had several internships, the majority of them are related to image processing, object tracking, human-machine interaction, Robot modeling, localization, and planning. He aims to open a new perspective, a field that combines robotics and modeling the Biological systems.
Internship supervised by Théo Papadopoulo and Maureen Clerc at INRIA Athena
In 2013, PhD at INRIA Athena with Théo Papadopoulo. The topic is: Using diffusion MR information to reconstruct networks of brain activations from MEG and EEG measurements.
Vladimir Gutov is from Kazakhstan and holds a Master’s degree in Mathematics. He completed his degree in Novosibirsk State University, Russia, at the Mechanics and Mathematics Department, majoring in Theoretical Cybernetics. He researched discrete optimal problems on data analysis and pattern recognition. The thesis was “Analysis a method of cluster analysis based on the logical and probabilistic models”.
Internship supervised by Eric Debreuve/Xavier Descombes (INRIA/I3S team Morpheme): Sujet Curve and tree classification using Support Vector Machines
In 2013. found a work in Moscow

Effrosyni Doutsi holds a Bachelor degree in Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics from University of Central Greece, Greece. Her research subject was the problem of "Fitting Protein Chains to Lattices" under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Euripidis Markou. This problem is related to the Protein Folding Problem. She did practical training for 2 months at NCSR Demokritos (Greece), working on a project of "Biological Sequence Alignment". She is interested in neuroscience and algorithmic analysis of computational structural biology.
In 2013, PhD at I3S with Marc Antonini. The topic is: Bio-inspired coding and decoding of natural images.
Nektaria Pappa has a graduate of Informatics and Telematics Department of Harokopion University of Athens, Greece (2011). Her Bachelor thesis was entitled "Management of electronic health record during the hospita!ization" . For a year, she was student in the postgraduate course ''Information Technologies ίπ Medicine and Biology" (specialization of Medical Informatics), at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. Furthermore, she was working as Java developer before coming there. Apart from that, she constantly try to stay informed through seminars and other events. She is well acquainted with Java, C, Matlab, HTML, JavaScript, php, Sql, Modsim and Prolog. If everything goes according to plan, she would like to pursue a Ph.D.
In 2013, works as engineer in Athens.
Saker Md. Sohel Rana is from Bangladesh. He completed both Bachelor and Master degrees in Mathematics from University of Dhaka. He did a master thesis on Chemostat models where he studied the local stability and persistence by qualitative analysis of differential equations. After his master degree, he served as a teaching faculty in mathematics at different institutions. He is interested to do research in Mathematical modeling of Biological system.
In 2013, joined at the university of Dhaka in the mathematics department in Bangladesh.
Laura Serron is a french student in engineering school in applied mathematics at Polytech'Nice. She studied Probabilities, optimization, PDE, Biology mathematics, numerical methods used to solve the system of equations, finite element and java/C++/matlab programming. She worked in the Athena team of Inria for 3 months. Her intership, directed by Maureen Clerc, was about different perturbation methods in PDE to model electric conductivity inhomogeneities.
Internship supervised by Maureen Clerc at INRIA Athena: Sujet Dealing with anisotropic conductivities in boundary element methods
In 2013, working as computing engineer for GeoAzur (CNRS) in Sophia Antipolis.
Master d'Informatique: Fondements et Ingénierie
Parcours de Biologie Computationnelle et Biomedecine
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